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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 5 hours ago, Duckbutler said:

    Just when you think you have a good handle on the game's mechanics, you learn something new

    When I hit 50:


    I add purple sets to my build.  If they are procs, I add them as attuned (because I prefer the look and it distinguishes them from the rest of the set).  Otherwise I slot them as lvl 50 and boost them to +5.


    I remove all PvP IOs that are not procs (which I have already added as attuned), and replace them with level 50 and boost them to +5.  Now my purples and PvPs are massively boosted and will give bonuses when I exemp lower.


    I use a catalyst on every ATO and Winter O I have slotted, which changes them to Superior.

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  2. 3 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    The AH won't process buy and sell orders for the same item on the same character.


    It will, but only if all the bids on that character are below all the offers on that character -- in that case they are all just legitimate bids and offers in the queue.


    It's when you have a bid that is equal to or higher than an offer on the same character that the queue gets circumvented and things go screwy.  Think of it this way:  if I could instantly sell inanimate carbon rods to myself at a loss, I'd get all the sales badges instantly!  But the devs hate badgers!  Darn!


    In practice, it's easy to play around with bids and offers on an item in order to try to get more information about the other bids and offers in the queue, but accidentally leave in bids that are higher than your offers.  Or at least it has been easy for me to make those accidents...


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  3. 51 minutes ago, tidge said:

    Generally I don't think they lend themselves to 'franken-slotting'

    For defense based builds, probably not.  But for most of my builds splitting the Scrappers Strike 3-3 helps my overall survival.  I don’t often slot the entire Critical Strikes either:  usually just the proc or the proc +2 pieces for accuracy.


    For pai melee, you ideally want crit strikes available for both Mass Levitate and for Greater Psi Blade, so I like to look for secondaries like Shiwld or Bio or Rad.  But given a choice, I’ll slot it in Mass Levitate and slot Greater Psi with Two purple damage procs (often 5- of Hecatomb).

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  4. Huh!  I never looked it up in City of Data (all hail Uberguy) before.  I love it on scrappers and that's the only place I've used it to date.


    Looks like the damage power is a 55 degree cone with 20 foot range (max 5 targets).  This is the power that accepts scrapper ATOs and ranged AoE, so this is where Critical Strikes proc and Annihilation -res procs activate.  Generally, I see Cric Strikes proc almost all the time.


    The control power has a 20% accuracy penalty, and is a targeted AoE with 20 foot range and 15 foot radius.  That's a lot more square footage than the damage power, and it affects up to ten targets.  +0.67 knockback to everyone, and a mag 2 stun with a 50% chance for mag 3 stun.  This is the power that accepts knockback and stun IOs, so this is where FF +recharge and Amazeballs chance for -to hit procs activate.  Generally, I see FF proc almost all the time.


    It may not be helping my dps, but on scrappers I'm mostly concerned with survival first, and this power is stellar for all kinds of mitigation.  If you can layer on another source of stun (I've never made a Stone/Dark Armor scrapper, yet...) you're golden.


    EDIT:  just made Absolutely Stunning on Excelsior, a beauty queen contestant who would do anything to win.  


  5. Just to be clear, because of the ease of switching between hero and villain (you visit Null the Gull, who is a seagull sitting atop a truck just on the red side of Pocket D), you can easily switch from hero to villain at level 35, fo to arbiter rein in grandville (standing just outside the big arachnos building), run a patron arc (which gives you a free respec), then go back to Null the Gull and go hero again.  Now you are blue but you have access to patron pools still.


    also, at 35 is when I go to RWZ and join vanguard.  It’s not much, but from then on you will get chances for Vanguard merits on defeating Rikti, even if they are not during vanguard missions.

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  6. I respec early and often, and maybe that repetition has made the process more enjoyable.  I'll make a build, play three missions, then respec again, play three more, then respec again.  I even wrote a guide!

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  7. I like it on my scrappers, but I see the point of people preferring radiation or preferring to play it on a brute.


    It shouldn't be that difficult to get many/most of your resistances to the 75% cap by the time you hit 50, but you are going to be way over 75% on energy, which just feels a little wasteful!  (Yes, it does help with your damage resistance debuff, but that should mostly be on the fringes.)  As a set, you are set on resistance and endurance recovery, but I'd like a little more help on the healing side, and on the defense side.  I find that in 50+ content at 4/8, my electric armors tend to get overwhelmed more than some of my others.

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  8. On 3/3/2024 at 6:08 PM, Shadowstorm06 said:

    This begs the question Yomo: which is your favorite? Or top 3? Haha


    I'd say from my chart, it's hard to go wrong with Bio, Radiation, or Ice as an armor.  After that, it's mainly up to what do you like looking at attack-wise.


    Staff/Bio; Ice/Radiation; Battle Axe/Ice are solid top 3s, but I'll throw in Dark Melee/Regen and Broadsword/Invulnerability as outliers that I have a special spot in my heart for.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Mr. Apocalypse said:

    The best fix IMO,  would be to just remove origin requirements from DOs and just make them usable by all. That way the odds of having useful DO's increases

    I like this.  It’s basically bringing back training origin enhancements without having people scream about how useless they are.


    if you are learning to play, learn.  It’s not the devs responsibility to give you free access to powerful enhancements all the time.  Remember that SOs at level 2 are not your god given right.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sunsette said:

    When server population is low, new changes seem to make the AH more responsive. When server populations are medium to high, it is much worse. I think it is a scaling issue. 

    There is probably something to this.  I look at the example of hero/winter packs, which were in very short supply on Live but were prevalent in very large numbers here on HC.  The solution was, I believe, to put a governor on it to space out transactions and relieve pressure on the system.


    on the one hand, the overall /AH has far fewer individual users than live, and population at any given point in time is lower than live, so you would expect the system could handle the stress since it handled it on live.


    on the other hand, each of my characters has 150 to 200 market slots, versus about 20-30 on live, so was that decision by the HC devs short sighted?  If you “claim all” on the /AH it hangs it you have more than about 25 items.  Also, I think I recall that the /AH had its own server on Live, which I do not believe is the case on HC.  That may explain so many ghost last 5s, but I’m not an IT person.  I’m just a boxer dog swimming in a pool.

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  11. 16 minutes ago, Jacke said:

    Our only hope is these same, brave Devs venturing out into the Shite Storm of Bad Code to see what is possible and attempt what they can.  Not all of them return.  Some return, but...changed by the experience.


    I'm not a dev either, but if I were, my fear in mucking around with the /AH code and breaking it would be paramount.


    My suggestion on that would be that they build an entirely new /AH from scratch with solid database code without dismantling the current one.  Let them run concurrently for some time, get people to move items to the new one, then stop support for the legacy code.

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  12. A PUG is just like every group project you have ever had to work on in school or a work session.  The weakest link will often define the overall success, and a lot of the time one person will shoulder everything simply because they can't stand the idea of someone else effing it up and having their reputation burnished.


    However, who cares?!?  This is a simple game, and there is absolutely nothing at stake.  If you are running a MoTF or +4 difficulty for rewards, sure, take your time and recruit wisely.  Otherwise, who cares if someone hasn't made an optimized build, or are trying out a new build for the first time, or didn't realize that their immobilize power overrides knockdown, or a billion other things.  When I have time to team, I will build it myself and choose the content.  And I KNOW that if need be I can solo it by myself, so why get my knickers in a wad?  If other people are having fun and hopefully learning things, that's a win in my book.  However, I have no truck with griefers, and there are plenty of players out there who are classic dark triad personalities.

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  13. Since I've joined HC, I've noticed a few different varieties of display bugs, and they *tend* to focus on specific items.  I'm not sure if anyone has every complied a comprehensive list.


    Type 1:  The item alternates between two different price histories, only one of which is accurate for that item.  The other history may be for another item, but I sometimes see price points that I can't attach to any other particular item in the database.  These also get confusing, because if you put in a high bid on the item and you pay way too much for it because of the prices you see listed, now the true price history will have an outlier in it as well.


    Type 2:  The item's price history is more or less true, but with frequent outliers.  I don't know if those outliers are from other items or not.  In your picture, those sub-million prints might be for another item, like some random crafted IO, but if this were a Type 1 then than other IO would have had an 11mm print, and that might have been noticed.  Maybe.


    There are probably a few other types if I spend some time thinking about it.


    There are also variations on how often the displays bug.


    Type A:  Always

    Type B:  Periodically, but not seemingly predictably so.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Sszl said:

    Example this morning - order placed a few days ago, but after the AH maintenance - shouldn't my order for 1m have filled before those last 3?


    Thanks for any help.


    This specific item has always been affected by the display bug.  I will bet an astonishingly large amount of money that trades 1,2,3,5 never happened on this item on that date.

  15. I step out of Outbreak/Breakout and put my settings at +1/x1, bosses, AV (the last one I'll take back if it's too much, but it's generally doable).  Regardless of AT.


    Then I will up things as I see fit.  A reasonable progression is +1/x1 to +1/x3 to +2/x3 to +2/x5 to +3/x5 to +3/x8.  I'm almost always at +3/x8 in my 40s and usually wait for +4 until I ding 50, but not always.  

  16. On 3/1/2024 at 8:39 PM, Derek Icelord said:

    and I recall the Inf -> Prestige conversion rate was just atrocious


    If I recall correctly is was 2mm inf to 1 prestige, and I'm amazed I remember that, and I hope it's even accurate!


    EDIT:  oops, not even close, bud!

  17. Dopplegangers cheat.  Their powers are selected from your sets, and often are of higher levels than the "should" be.  But then again, when your level 24 exemps down to 12, they also have access to powers they shouldn't have.  I don't know the exact rules for dopplegangers, but this seems to be working as intended.

    • Moose 1
  18. On 2/29/2024 at 6:40 AM, Andreah said:

    We had a Crazy-88's chapter on Virtue, too.


    Sounds like that was the server after all!  

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