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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 7 minutes ago, Luminara said:

    Yes, that's right folks, we're back for another round of Whack-A-Spammer!  Join in and you could win a spam-free forum!  A chance to engage in friendly banter with a GM!  The respect and appreciation of your fellow forum members!  A deep and visceral satisfaction at seeing a scumbag spammer beaten down by the GMs!  And more!

    How do you play?  It's easy!  Simply hover your mouse pointer over the spammer's post, select Report Post in the window that pops up, click Spam and Report!  Fun for the whole family!


    This is a limited-time promotion, so play now!




    Are YOU even a live person?

  2. 10 hours ago, SirArion said:

    When I made the post I completely misunderstood respec. I thought it would let me change the powerset. I was already Ice/Ice.

    Using the advice here and a few posts I came up with this build and I'm 34 now. I am going slowly to try and enjoy the story the first time around, not even using the 2x XP boost. I wouldn't mind any suggestions to improve this in any way.


    Other than being a bit of a pain in the butt for a few minutes, respecs are a great way to try out stuff and decide what works at that point in time.  You will probably find that at later points in time, other things may work better.  There are a lot of ways to get the ability to respec, so that should never be the bottleneck.



  3. 14 minutes ago, Lockely said:

    This is all great info, but I can't help but laugh that it's literally is the point of his initial post where it feels like an overwhelming twelve hundred step program to funding a character initially. 


    You are correct, but again once anyone gets a character to 50, then that character can easily fund all subsequent characters with all kinds of goodies.


    The problem here is that they want to fund that initial character, whether that be with SOs or top of the line sets.  And I think that most people who have been on HC for awhile will tell you it's extremely easy to play a character on SOs only, or even to only slot what your enemies drop.  And that's solo.  On teams, it's pretty trivial to level all the way to 50 without having a single enhancement slotted.  You may laugh, but some people do that.


    I'm not saying that everyone has to suffer and play their first character out as a punishment build.  What I am saying is that if one doesn't want to do that, one needs to find a way to fund the enhancements they want (and I say want, not need).  Some of those ways take some work.  It's a lot less work than leveling solo from 1 to 50 using only what drops.  A lot less.


    Sometimes all you have to do is find someone to give you a wad of starting cash.

    • Like 5
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  4. On 1/13/2024 at 12:09 AM, Onlyasandwich said:


    The next step is making a character that I don't mind watching while it twirls in one place for five minutes 😄


    That's really all you need to know!


    I like staff a lot.  When I came to HC, it was a new power set to me, and I jumped right in.


    I think that as designed, it was a really good piece of work with respect to balance.  You get flexibility in the stances that help you with damage or safety or endurance, depending on your wants.  You get, in my opinion, the best defensive offensive power available in the entire game in Guarded Spin (maybe Ice Patch).  If you are playing with SOs, the damage is perhaps not as good as many other sets, but that was the tradeoff.  I think that in the HC environment, where there is no reason to NOT be IO'd to the gills, and where safety is irrelevant when compared to the almighty DPS, and where the concepts of tradeoffs and balance have gone the way of the dodo, people are gonna harp and wonder why in the world doesn't this set have as much damage as Energy Melee?


    I think it's great and you can make some really incredibly strong builds.  My wish list would be more weapon skins and maybe, maybe some alternative animations.

    • Like 2
  5. This economy is incredibly democratic.  Cheap and easy converters plus a little knowledge gets you whatever you want.  I mean that directly -- you can literally make whatever you want, although it's markedly easier to buy it with the proceeds from other things you make.


    But the fundamental issue, and this hasn't changed since Live, is that your very first character will almost certainly be a cash drain until it hits its 40s.  Once you have a character at 50, and if you want to play it at 50, you will generate an incredible amount of inf by vendoring the enhancements and recipes that drop.  Getting that first character past the scarcity challenge is awkward, but you, like everyone else, only have to do it once at most!

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 3
  6. This is an insignificant problem, but on any new character your default difficulty is +0/x0.  Would it be possible to change that default to x1?  It gives me the heebie-jeebies to see it at x0, because it makes me feel that x0 is either supposed to be nothing or infinitely difficult.  I've assumed that there is no difference between x0 and x1 in terms of difficulty.


    Thank you.

    • Thumbs Down 2
  7. 13 hours ago, Ridiculous Girl said:

    yeah, i saw, and it is super impressive. but it was also a compilation from an unstated number of characters and a farmer. i would like to see their main crafter sales. i am just a happy crafter, feeding my free range alts. 🙂

    Don’t really have a main crafter, but I think my top was about 55k and a dozen or so north of 20k, for enhancements.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Earth Dragon said:

    Prestige is a good metric for some things because you get it from however you want to play the game.


    It is a general marker of how much impact those associated with that base have had on the landscape.  Unlike Influence, how much you've gained never goes down.  And unlike experience, how much you can gain isn't limited.


    It provides for progression, long term goals, and allows the "group" to accomplish these things, not just the individual.


    Why not just start every character at level 50?


    Why not just give everyone unlimited access to every Enhancement, Recipe, and anything else they want on their character during creation?


    Why not just click on the TF contact and get the rewards without playing it if you don't want to bother, have too small of a group, or don't have the time?


    Why is group accomplishment something that has to be burned at the stake?

    clearly you are a recent addition to our player base.  Welcome!   HC members have fought this battle dozens of times, and generally “give everyone everything “ has triumphed.  Even if prestige were only a number, I believe that enough people would grief that their number was too low, through no fault of their own, mind you.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. On 1/24/2024 at 2:19 AM, American Decoy said:


    According to garmmarhow.com, If you speak British English, use “Levelling”. If you speak American English, use “Leveling”.

    I would have thought the British English version would have had a “u” or two in there somewhere.

    • Haha 2
  10. 21 hours ago, meyerwolf406 said:

    my storage in private SG is getting full and was wondering is there a way one of my ALT char can make a second SG and coalide with private one so that i can start filling it with items i buy or get for later builds? The question is is there a way to grant access to my ALT coalision sg so they can access both enhancment tables in both SG?



    For the most part, if I have what I need on another character, I buy it from the /AH and I sell it to the /AH.  Sometimes to myself, mostly to others, mostly at a profit, sometimes at a loss.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  11. Ice Melee tends to be more about control than some other sets, so gives you a modicum of defensive protection.  I like it best on scrapper and stalker because I think brute and tanker have enough protection and I'm going for damage!


    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 19 hours ago, punahou said:

    Ive read that DM is terrbile for AE, and I really like the ninjutsu def set feel.


    1. is AE super important-- especially for solo play? 

       a.  yes-- I want an OP build that can handle all content that doenst have to rely on grouping all the time.


    2.  i wouldnt mind psionic, but, again im reading that too many mobs are ultra resistant to it.

    3.  Other sets I like the look of are 

    --- Street Justice, Savage, and martial arts, Kinetic-- of which...... bad ae im reading, ad in re to savage, im reading its best on brute and not good on savage

    Too bad brute cant take ninjutsu =(

    ---I dont like SS, Rad. Electric either, and while fire is a good concept-- Im not a fan of the  Fire Sword thing.



    4.  Id consider shield  IF I could hide the shield lol like you can with Bio armor graphics.


    any help is much appreciated, as ive been logging in make all kinda toons, then reading that build with good AE are too essential.


    thank you




    This is kind of a trope at this point, but literally everything is viable.  Knowledge of combat mechanics (like line of sight, how defense or debuffs work) is the most important thing; then knowledge of IO sets and how to make strong builds; then specific power sets is last, in my opinion.  Some sets will synergize better than others, but absolutely everything works.  So that said, 100% go for the look and feel that you enjoy.  AoE damage is kind of the meta right now, but even if you were purely single damage you'd mow pretty quickly through most challenges and do really well in some.


    There are a lot more graphics options than there were in Live, so keep that in mind as well.  I hear you on the elemental swords and generally I just skip powers that I don't like the looks of.  That said, HC has offered up a lot of graphics options that make things more palatable.


    For me, I dislike DM mostly out of spite, since I think they effed up with the changes to Shadow Maul and they power creeped the hell out of the set.  I don't love Nijitsu because I think defense is too easy in this game, I don't like powers that hide my costume, and I don't like click powers for my mez protection.  That said, they are both great sets, I've played them to 50 to great success, and I had a helluva good time doing so.


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