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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 1 minute ago, Dragon Crush said:

    I think either you're misusing "influence sinks" or I'm misunderstanding what you're proposing. Influence sinks would be something that takes influence out of the player circulation (like buying insps/enhancements from vendors instead of players, or buying stuff off the P2W vendors). Collecting one hundred billion inf would be inf hording, where you just hold on to it instead of spending it. Unless you mean in total, you've had and spent 100,000,000,000 inf, in which case I think there might already be badges for that (though it might only count what is rewarded for defeating enemies/finishing missions, not anything you make off the market).

    I’m proposing spending 2bn (which then goes out of circulation, poof!) for 1/50th progress on a badge, so I am pretty sure I am using the term right!


    I do think that we have too much influence in the system, but it hasn’t proven a problem up to this point. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Darkir said:

    If you can control the wind, couldn't you control pockets or pathways for your arrows? 

    Then why does that darned tornado do its own thing?!?

  3. I realize this is a “first-world problem” in a lot of ways, but I’d love it if there were some large scale influence sinks in the game.  Nothing that would affect the average gamer. 


    Prestige used to serve this purpose, but I understand why that went the way of the dodo.


    Maybe a badge?  I for one would welcome a “Dr. Evil” badge for one hundred BILLION inf.  Or a trillion?


    Any other ideas?

    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, ThrillMill said:

    I think it could work well enough. I'd probably try to leverage the Sleeps to get up close and plat Time Bomb + Trip Mines. In groups, this might prove too slow/difficult. I think it'd be a fine solo'er tho. 

    I agree with this entirely.  The build would not be great on teams though, since your pace would be slower than most.

  5. Personally, I'm mostly out of the market.  At this point I just do it as a habit or to create supply when I see a need.  My carefully planned winter-o and purple marketers sit on huge supply, since when I have an alt who needs them, I just pick them up from the market rather than go through the hassle of emailing them.


    I'd suggest just buying converters when you need them for whatever character you need them for.  I try to keep 500-1000 converters on every character, and put in bids with spare slots when I log.  I mean, worst case scenario, you need 1000 converters right now, you can probably buy them instantly for 100k.  If you need 1000 converters right now, you can probably stomach the 20k/converter price for buy-it-now.  If you can't, that's when you dip into your merit supply!


    I highly doubt that email is safe for the long term, but I have a lot stored in there right now.  I have a few bank mules, but even so...

  6. 31 minutes ago, Abraxus said:

    I would think at minimum, you should warn teammates of this, so that they have the opportunity to go to Null the Gull to do this prior to launching into a TF, or mission, or Trial.  Otherwise, your play preferences are affecting their enjoyment of the game, and without fair warning, that's a bit unfair.  I'm sure most would be happy to accommodate, but if they are caught in this without warning, I could well understand their frustration.

    Yeah, for what it's worth, I'm with this opinion.  If you are soloing or it's your team?  Have at it.  You do you.


    When you put on your "teaming" hat you need to be a teammate.  I don't think it's a reasonable presumption that everyone else in the league should already have disabled this or should take 5 minutes to go to Null because you don't want to have to resummon your robots occasionally.  If I were playing a melee character and got taken out of range because you came too close to me and made me fly?  I'd be miffed too.  If I were the only one on the team with an issue, I'd probably figure out a way to coexist.  If there were 2-3 others who were also having a poor play experience?  I absolutely would have turned off group fly.  But I'm Lawful Good, yo; greatest good for the greatest number of people.


    Just my opinion.

    • Like 7
  7. On 9/27/2019 at 4:30 PM, Samyrmancer said:



    My concern with BA/SD is not that it stinks at 40 as much as whether it will be bad at 50 with 400M influence in enhancements. I do not farm and while I spend money on purple sets, I am not so rich that 100M is easy to get. 


    I recently made 50 on mine and it's great at 50.  I'm running around without an alpha doing content like Malta and Carnival at +3/+4 and having a grand old time!  Not fully IOed out yet (no purples, ATOs or winter os) but relatively nicely put together.  Soft capped at melee and ranged defense, close at AoE.  Resistance for s/l mid 60s, low 20s in just about everything else.  I even added Aid Self for a heal, which kind of felt necessary.


    My only issue is that lethal damage really feels inferior to smashing, so I feel like a war mace would be outperforming.  Running Malta content, for example, on a WM/WP brute or a WM/DA scrapper feels a lot faster.  

  8. I was initially leaning towards the two damage procs, and then the accuracy/slow from Impeded Swiftness and the accuracy/to hit debuff from Cloud Senses.  I'm running at +4 and maybe one of the reasons I'm not seeing the procs is because I'm missing a lot.  Again, I'll need to check the logs.  Also, there is a smidgen of resist damage for the set bonuses.


    I like the idea of stacking -recharge, but I imagine that any fight that would take long enough for that to come into play, i.e., AV or GM, would also involve massive reduce recharge resistance?

  9. 39 minutes ago, Bopper said:

    It's a fantastic proc power if you can avoid slotting it with recharge. Left alone, it will provide a 87% probability to proc a 3.5 PPM IO. The downside is the fact it takes forever to cast (~3sec). Also, it might he a bug, but it shows that it can take Slow IO sets on Mids Reborn. If that is true, then you can slot 2 damage procs, and 2 -rech debuff procs (also a recovery debuff and a tohit buff procs are available).

    It can take Slow sets in game.  I’ve only been running with it for and evening, but I haven’t noticed it proccing; when I get a chance I’ll check the logs.

  10. I recently respecced one of my brutes to add Aid Self, and I’m looking at Injection instead of Aid Other as a prerequisite.  I rarely/ever see this in posted builds.  


    It looks like it could be useful for procs, Cloud Senses, the Slow smashing damage, maybe some other to hit debuffs.


    Does anyone use this power on enemies and if so how would you slot it?  Assume up to 6 slots.



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