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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 15 hours ago, Samyrmancer said:

    Are all enhancements bought in the AH attuned? If not, how do you attune them? If you buy the formula, are they then not attuned?


    And attuned means they level with you, correct?

    In the AH, there are two categories for enhancements, attuned and ?can’t remember what the category is named? Crafted?  Anyway, the crafted and attuned categories are fungible.  That means if someone offers a level 30 steadfast protection at 5mm, you can buy it for 5mm at level 10, or you can buy the attuned version for 5mm.  You can also attune one yourself with a catalyst, but that’s a waste of money.


    Attuned level with you to the extent of the set’s level restrictions.  An attuned steadfast protection can be equipped at lvl 7 and will offer better benefits as you level until you hit 27, which maxes out the benefit.

  2. So far my personal record for in-set conversions is 56 rolls before getting the one I wanted.  I spent 168 converters getting what I wanted.


    That's a (80% ^ 56) or 0.0003741% chance.  Call it a one in 267,276 chance.


    I posted it at 50mm, just for the sake of principle.


    Sometimes, I'm a real dingbat.

  3. 22 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    One thing I hadn't considered is that by removing the sets I listed from the potential pool, I think it might lower the chance of landing in those particular categories. I'm going to have a look and see if I can come up with some numbers for that. 

    The quickest way is not always the most profitable, but it might be the most profitable per click.


    I used to have a marketing toon whose only job was to buy lvl 31 Serendipity and Gift of the Ancients.  If they converted to Reactive Defenses or Red Fortune, I’d sell them to another toon in blocks at lvl 41 to improve the odds of converting to LotG.


    I dont think the demand is deep enough any more to reach that deeply for supply, but I made lots of inf that way.

  4. On 9/25/2019 at 5:34 AM, Weylin said:


    After seeing the sheer efficiency of AE farming first hand, it's really hard to go back.

    Well, I guess it depends on what you are AE farming for.  If you are seeking rewards in terms of inf, or drops, or even merits, yeah, I can see that.


    I can even see AE farming for the sake of farming.  It’s mindlessly entertaining!  I made a thread about it.


    But at some point we no longer need rewards.  We have outfitted all our alts with purples and winter os.  There is nothing left to seek rewards for except for posting really big numbers.


    At that point, maybe you’ve won the game, if there is such a thing.

  5. 4 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    I already said I asked out of curiosity for discussion.  You had equated this to "rip offs" and being "wrong" and I was just curious where you draw the line?  Seems to me based on that criteria, anyone attending a Comic Con dressed up as a trademarked/copyrighted character is "ripping off" the owner too.  So I asked, do you consider cosplayers at conventions are breaking the law?

    Breaking the law?  Not for me to decide.  I don’t have relevant legal expertise there.  “Wrong” or “ripping off” intellectual property?  I hadn’t thought about it enough to have a strong opinion.  Relevant to my gameplay of CoX or HC’s wish to mitigate risk?  Not in the slightest.


    It’s no skin off my nose to see a character named “Steeve Roggers” dressed in red, white, and blue.  But if HC feels that poses a risk to the long term viability of this server, then I encourage their picking up the ban hammer faster than Captain America picked up Mjolnir.  Oops, spoiler alert.  Cmon people, we saw that coming!


    Im not sure what your objective here is but I suspect you are trying to set me up with a “LMAO, HYPOCRITE!!!1!”  Have at it.  I’ve repeatedly avowed that my opinion is irrelevant.  If your end game is to get me to say my opinion is wrong, then you’ve got a long tough slog ahead of you.

  6. 24 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    I don't disagree with anything you said and this is a great answer to a question I didn't ask.    Comic Cons today don't ban costumes, so are the people attending who craft their own costumes and cosplaying themselves as copyrighted characters breaking the law?

    I’ll tell you what.  If you can adequately explain what my answer to that question has to do with the price of tea in China, I may even proffer my irrelevant opinion.


    P.S.  The price of tea in China is TOO LOW!

  7. 26 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    Just a side question out of curiosity - do you consider people who make their own costumes to dress up for comic cons and run around professing to be Superman or Batman or Captain America are breaking the law?

    Sure, I'll bite.


    I think that if a con wanted to ban costumes for whatever reason, and you showed up at the door in costume, you should expect to be turned away.  Unless the costume ban in and of itself were deemed illegal.  I'm no constitutional lawyer, but you might have a hard time claiming that not being able to dress up like Deadpool is restricting your freedom of religion or free speech.


    But this has nothing to do with the fact that HC has the right to enforce violations of copyright infringement, and again, my opinion is irrelevant, since I'm not the one making decisions here.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    The problem with this position is that there is still no settled case that makes it clear whether making similar-looking characters in a game (it's impossible to make exact copies with the tools at hand) actually qualifies as copyright infringement.  Until it's tested in court, this remains a gray area, and claiming others are breaking the law without established precedent is rather inflammatory and unnecessary.


    Comparing them to murderers is just disgusting, on so many levels.

    Seems pretty dark charcoal to me, but what I think, and what you think, is irrelevant.  Personally, if people want to harass other people because they think the other person is breaking the law, that's kind of jerky.  But reporting them to the authorities?  Totally legit.  I also think that if you choose to rip off an existing character because it's not technically illegal, then you probably know that what you are doing is wrong.  But again, my thoughts are irrelevant other than establishing my position on things.


    HC can do whatever they want for whatever motive they want.  I believe that they want to keep things squeaky clean because they don't want to run any risk.  I'd do the same thing if I were the one assuming risk.  But maybe they're just lawful good (boring!)  Or maybe they get a kick out of cheesing people off.  Whatever, it's their ball.  


    And wow, dog fighting is ok but murder is disgusting?  Whatever!

    • Thanks 2
  9. The point is, copyright infringement is illegal.  It was illegal last week, and it is illegal today.  Maybe you don't think that is right or fair, but like dog fighting and murder, it is still illegal.  If you don't like it, get elected to a legislative position and change the laws if you can.


    HC didn't use to try to combat this illegal behavior.  Understandable, it's a big time and effort suck, and it obviously cheeses a lot of people off.  Today, they are trying to combat this illegal behavior, for their own reasons.  Also understandable, since they are the first ones in line for legal action.


    My view on this is if you intentionally committed copyright infringement, and I am going to presume that if you did so you did it knowing that it was illegal but not being enforced, prepare to lose your name or appearance.  If you don't like it, feel free to start your own server and shoulder the risk yourself.  But don't whine, "But, but, but I WANT IT!!!"  If you are legitimately concerned that your name or character MAY be in violation, I probably wouldn't worry about it.  If there is a risk of legal action, it would be over low hanging fruit rather than something esoteric.  But that is not legal advice; consult your lawyer.


    I don't think HC owes me anything.  Even if I am able to contribute in the very brief windows that contributions are open.  We are here playing, and posting on the forums, at their pleasure.  And if it all goes away tomorrow, I'll shrug and make my peace with it.  It's their ball, and they can take it and go home if they want.  Every single one of us has the ability to bring our own ball and start a new game if we want.

    • Like 1
  10. I’ve toyed with running +4/x8 right out of Outbreak.  (One could do it at level 1, but not having Rest is a little too masochistic for me.) Solo missions only.  No street sweeping unless that’s your mission.  Run it to 50.


    Actually, it’s just that first mission that’s a killer.  About once a week I try this on an illusion/poison controller and invariably give up after 15 minutes.  But I think that once I get that first level under my belt, I’ll roll.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, DR_Mechano said:

    Its actually already got a nickname, Tankermind. The idea is that Masterminds share HP with their pets when the pets are set to defense + Follow, thus bodyguard mode. You do all the things you normally do on a Mastermind, pick a defensive focused secondary like say traps with its FFG or Forcefields or a big debuff secondary like Dark or Rad but you actually take the AoE taunt power from the Presence pool and...there we go...you are now a Tankermind!

    Nonono, I don’t want to share HP!  I want to throw orcs into the maws of my enemies.  I don’t care if they live.  I figure it should be a recharge/defense secondary, maybe nature?  I don’t suppose any of the primaries summon faster than the others.

  12. 2 hours ago, DR_Mechano said:


    Also one lesson I learned is that todays top seller may be tomorrows flooded market. Be sure to keep an eye out on that. Unbreakable guard recently had the market flooded with IOs meaning they massively dropped in value until the cheap excess could be sold off and they've climbed back up. Certain Obliteration IOs have hundred and hundreds sitting on the market while other parts of the set have almost no supply.


    Intuitively, you would think that prices on Unbreakable Guard dropped because someone chose to offer a lot in the market, and people reacted by cutting their bids.  But I think that prices dropped because someone chose to offer a lot in the market at a really low price.  If that person had crafted a few hundred and offered them at a "historic demand" level, they probably would have sold them all, just maybe not in a day.


    Demand seems pretty consistent for a lot of standards.  I feel like the variability is mainly coming from where people are willing to sell.


    Of course, people can dump in the market as much as they want.  Have at it!  I craft a lot less than I used to and buy up the crafted IOs that people dump a lot more.

  13. 18 hours ago, PaxArcana said:



    No-one (who hasn't gone dead broke) settles when they think they can win.  They settle when they think there is too great a risk of losing.


    A settlement is a matter of "better to lose a little, than to lose everything ...!"

    Not to be pedantic, but this is patently untrue (see what I did?  use "patently" in a thread about copyright infringement!  I slay me).  People and corporations settle all the time, not because they think they cannot win, or even if their risk profile is unfavorable.  They settle when they determine that the cost of the lawsuit in terms of money, time, or intangibles is more than the cost of settlement.  There are entire professions that are dedicated to exacerbating this.


    What this has to do with your argument, I don't know.  I was just skimming this thread and wanted to point out that lawsuit settlement is rarely a binary we win/we lose issue.  In a more perfect world, I'd argue it should be.  But it ain't.

    • Like 1
  14. 13 hours ago, Samyrmancer said:


    I have been using generic IOs. I usually level to 50 with an xp buff set for double. I keep putting IOs in slots as I get them that are my level so I wind up with a bunch of 25s, some 30s, 40s, etc. I then get my sets at 50 and see how the character goes from there. I've heard of people getting sets earlier, but it seems a waste of money. Don't you then have to replace them at 50? While my characters definitely get maxed out before I'm done, they're usually just IOs until 50.

    One of the best things you can do with a leveling character, in my opinion, is use IO sets before 50.  If you are PLing, then it may be a waste of time, but never a waste of money.  And this is why I market on every alt.


    if you buy your enhancements  attuned in the AH, they will level up with you until/if you decide to replace them.  And you can buy enhancement unslotters for under 100k if you want to reuse them.  I buy a fresh set of kinetic combat for every melee attack on every melee alt, install them at level 17, and don’t worry about them again until I’m in my 30s.

  15. 22 hours ago, Samyrmancer said:



    PS: Made 40 today. Put another acc into every offensive skill. Every offensive skill now has 25-40 lvl IO 2 acc + 3 dam. Did an ITF and died about 10 times, way more than anyone else. Still have trouble with missing targets. I don't know what the problem is but it's really frustrating. Almost to 50 and char just doesn't seem to work.

    Oh yeah, that's yer problem.  You set this doll to "EVIL".


    Take out an acc or a damage and put an end reduction in there.  Try for full IO sets, like Kinetic Combat and Obliteration.  And as Hyperstrike says, get some +end proc in there as well.  You'll be right as rain in no time.

  16. As the OP, please allow me to inflict more of my opinion on you!


    When those who shan’t be named instituted PvP and AE respectively (was it in that order?  I think so.) my reaction was that of watching a leather jacket-clad dude water-ski over a shark pen.  “That’s it,” I said, “Now they are charging us to provide them with content!”  Ironically, today the ideal business plan involves charging people to provide us with their data.  But I digress.


    I don’t mind in the slightest if someone owns a farming toon.  I mind in the slightest if they bring their farming toon to a TF I am forming, since they were probably optimized for a different purpose.  And yes, I do inherently dislike the idea of PLing even though I now run double xp on new rolls.


    But really, all I care about is, if I am on a team with you, are you being a jerk?  There are dozens of times as many jerks as there are “AE babies” who have no idea how to get to Striga Isle.  If yes, either I will quit or I will boot you.  But how you got there is up to you.



  17. Hmm.  Mine is right about 30.


    1.  Your attacks are much more endurance hungry than your toggles, so I’d look there first.  My single target attacks at this point are 4-piece kinetic combat and a FF Proc. I usually have the rest after each fight or every other mob.

    2.  I feel like the damage is pretty good?  It doesn’t feel as strong as war mace or as weak as staff.  What annoys me is the occasional Knockback but it’s not common.

    3.  Hadn’t noticed accuracy problems but I’ll take him out for a spin later and look.

    4.  Yeah, I can see this happening.  It’s a slow hitting set.

  18. On 9/20/2019 at 9:06 PM, Sakai said:

    I was thinking...can we not boost a Hami O 3 times to make a 53?



    I don't know, but am not taking the chance that someone more enterprising than me finds out!  In other news, I moved my bids to Winter Packs.  Feel free to sell them back to me now, Nemesis!

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