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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 8 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    I have warned you.  The hunters are out there.  Wretched creatures.


    Here is a possible crossover...


    Vampire Hunter DD?

    Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain (2003) - Watch Online | FLIXANO


    Absolutely not.  Morally, there is no way I can support a movie with Richard Grieco in it.

    • Haha 3
  2. 23 minutes ago, lemming said:

    Yep.  Got nailed as well.   And at least one of the other one's did not get generic'd due to the name Barbie in their name, but not named in this thread.


    So, an earlier Rad/Rad Corrupter concept I was screwing around with is reborn; Schrodinger's Kitty.

    All sales of her action figure go to promoting science literacy.


    So, either we were reported by a player who read this thread but did not see the characters in game, or devs read this thread and pre-emptively generic-ed the names before anyone had a chance to report them.


    Very interesting.  How very interesting.

  3. Oddly enough I do not have an Electric/Dark Scrapper (yet) but if I did, I would certainly 6-slot both Lightning Clap and Oppressive Gloom.  Assuming both hit, you've got mag 4 stun and knockdown for everything in an eight foot radius, plus they get knocked down.  That's over ten seconds of safety.  You've got plenty of other spots to put FF +recharge.  


    If I were making a tanker like this, I'd probably consider not even worrying about melee defense and just looking at ranged defense.  My only question would be whether to slot Lightning Clap with 5 pieces of Stupefy (missing the proc) and SA proc (and Oppressive Gloom with 5 +5 pieces of Absolute Amazement (skipping Stun/End) and Triumphant insult proc), or with 5 +5 pieces of Absolute amazement (skipping Stun) and SA proc (and Oppressive Gloom with 5 pieces Stupefy and TI proc).  Or skip the TI proc and put in immobilze proc from Razzle Dazzle to stop wanderers.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Parabola said:

    Or Barbie has been added to a banned words list and you got caught in a sweep?


    Nerp, it is not banned since you can still make characters named Barbie.  Physicist Barbie, Sad Barbie, Nepotism Barbie, Conspiracy Barbie -- all available!

  5. 10 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


    Physicist Barbie was available on Excelsior.  *Was*.


    Well, that was a fast generic-ed name.


    My complaint is not that it was generic-ed.  My complaint is that it was generic-ed when no one could have possibly seen it, so clearly someone reported me from this post in the forum.


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  6. 15 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    A) Not everything animal-related is a furry.  Stop that, it's dumb.


    B) I had considered making a Barbenheimer toon, with like radiation powers colored pink, but never got round to it.  I'm sure that name's gone by now.


    Physicist Barbie was available on Excelsior.  *Was*.

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  7. Electric powers and dark powers go very well together, regardless of AT.


    One reason is that electric generally has end mod powers that you generally may not slot for end mod.  Dark powers generally have -to hit powers that you generally may not slot for - to hit.  Musculature alpha covers both of these, which is nice.


    another is that dark powers can be stun friendly, and electric powers can give you a very useful % for stun proc that stacks up stun mag.

    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Techwright said:

    I'm just confused why people are slotting these at levels 7-10.  Nowadays we outlevel so fast. I'm guessing they turn off XP gain for some reason?  Clearly a corner of Paragon City I don't frequent.  Y'all fighting in the monkey cage or something?


    I'll generally buy attuned Panacea +, Shield Wall +, Glad Armor + asap and slot them as close to 7 as I can.  Attuned PvP IOs are the way to go until you hit 47+, and then I swap them out for lvl 50 ones and +5 them.  It's a marginal return, but it's something.

    • Like 2
  9. Sounds like you have a good attitude about what you want and your expectations, so your future looks bright!


    I tend to focus on scrappers as the right combination for my goals.  I tend to work towards +4/x8 on all content at lvl 50.  However, I've found that +4 AVs are just too much of a pain for what it is worth, so in general if I know that a mission is going to have an AV or three, I'll dial it down a few plusses (or EB them if it is outside a TF).  That makes the minions/lts/bosses rather easy, but allows me to have a battle that is not overly tedious.

  10. 57 minutes ago, Hedgefund said:

    It "feels like" the display bug is worsening to me.  I hear fixing AH would require basically a full overhaul but I, for one, would be willing for an update (page) to be nothing but fixing AH holistically.


    I can't imagine this happening for two reasons.


    1.  It's an old game with (what seems to me) a gradually diminishing user base.  Is it worth the person-hours to the development team to develop and institute a spanking new system that may not be in use for that much longer, especially since there are kludgey workarounds?  But more importantly...


    2.  I don't think the powers-that-be are willing to take even the smallest chance that they break the current system and have to deal with the fallout of someone logging in five years from now and find they are missing that one set of Bombardment they had sitting in the /AH interface.  Even if there were a clearly stated plan and timeline, for example, for building an alternate /AH, allowing/requiring/mandating players to shift their items from one to the other, then sunsetting the old one, I feel pretty confident that mobs with poorly made pitchforks would storm the castle.  


    Don't see it happening!

    • Like 1
  11. The display bug is frustrating, in part because it is not necessarily consistent.  There are certain items that always show a false history.  There are certain items that show either a false history or a true history depending on the refresh.  There are certain items that periodically do one of the above, but that mostly are correct.  I'm not as involved as I once was, but I'm seeing more and more bugged displays in the "periodic" category.


    The difficult part is that sometimes, sometimes those displays can be correct!  In @Techwright's example, that display should not be correct based on how we think the AH process is supposed to work, so my assumption is that it's a display bug.  


    Given that display bugs aren't supposed to happen (and I've only noticed that the last 5 are wrong, not #bid or #offered, but I'm not willing to bet heavily on that), it's natural to wonder if there is some fundamental screw up in the entirety of the /AH.  Maybe but I've always found that it works as it is supposed to work.  I have always written off the display bugs as some sort of memory bleed or whatever, and given that we have so many more market slots is it possible that we've overwhelmed the capacity of the /AH database?  Dunno.


    • Thanks 1
  12. 18 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

      Stalker Placate is awful.  But -dam res placate is aces!

    Perhaps I should restate this.  I just don’t have experience with stalker placate because I never thought it would match well with my stalker style ( which is essentially the same as my toe-to-toe scrapper style).  So “awful” is only in comparison to a placate that adds unique -dam res.


    that said, I’ve started to work in Misdirection on some of my scrappers and as long as I can tolerate Stealth as a defense power, it definitely helps decrease defeat time.  So yeah, bringing it back around to scrappers!

  13. 13 hours ago, Uun said:

    If you're taking Elude as a panic button, Shadow Meld has no crash and can easily be up every 40 seconds. If you're already taking Moonbeam, there are no additional picks required.

    Gotcha.  On SR I’m generally going to have enough set bonii to soft cap without elude.  That said, sometimes I take a T9 just for the endurance kick!  (I’m looking at you Unstoppable)

  14. 2 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    And Stalker for Placate - These are not the robots you are looking for. 


    You know, I've never used Placate in many years of CoX.


    Until I realized that powers like Misdirection and Smoke Flash had built in -dam res.  Stalker Placate is awful.  But -dam res placate is aces!


    • Like 1
  15. 9 hours ago, Uun said:

    You could drop that and Melt Armor and take Weaken Resolve/Mighty Leap/Unleash Potential, or you could take Moonbeam and Shadow Meld.


    If going with Unleash Potential, I'd jam it as full of Heal/Recharge and End Mod/Recharge as you can.  I'm not sure I'd add Shadow Meld to an SR build.

    • Like 1
  16. A problem is that even when we are responding to a specific question, we never really know who our audience is (and as other people read and respond, it gets more muddled.)  You don't want to be the jerk who says, "Only me and my leet frenz can do this!"; nor do you want to be the jerk who says "Any dumbass can do this."  Because neither of those seems to be true to me.


    Let me give my personal context.  I apparently have 22 lvl 50 scrappers.  I generally am running at +3/x8 in the high 40s and make it +4 at lvl 50 unless I have a lot of accuracy bonuses in which case I do it earlier.  I'm pretty sure I've run every one of these at +4/x8 (no AV) through the Mender Ramiel arc and the Heather Townsend arc.  I don't generally run +4 AVs because I don't find it fun to beat on something for ten minutes and I have to afk from the game a lot.  That said, I run a lot of my scrappers through solo TFs.  


    None of them is completely invulnerable.  If I am fighting Council, I can easily zerg.  Most radio missions are like that as long as you know who your first targets should be (sapper, dark ring mistress).  When I am fighting Longbow, I would like to know if either of the bosses are radiation before I jump into the middle of a spawn, so maybe you snipe someone and make them come to you around the corner.  I think that's pretty basic.  If I'm getting bounced around by a few Singularities, well, first of all, I'm laughing like mad.   Then probably hitting a few inspirations.  My general strategy is to use inspirations if I need them, and convert to ones I need; I always forget about activating incarnates, and I think they are overkill, but the alpha and the interface are nice.  Destiny is so overpowered.


    I don't think I'm giving up anything in damage other than not putting in damage procs on top of 95% damage.  I also don't think I'm creeping along at a slow pace.  But on a scrapper I've found that layered mitigation is important.  There's the defense/resistance/healing triad, but I rely a lot on stun and knockdown as well.  Also, kill them first.


    You *can* run +4/x8 from level 1 to 50 on any character.  But that is so incredibly tedious that I don't recommend it.  But if you want to solo +4/x8 on a scrapper at lvl 50, and you know what you are doing, it's there.  It's not trivial and it's not unique.

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  17. On 7/5/2023 at 8:31 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

    I'd offer a different opinion in that I would keep oppressive gloom. You can use that plus Fault to quickly have a mag 4 stun on most mobs. That is a huge damage mitigation factor there as mag 4 is enough to stun bosses. I use this tactic to great effect on my DA/SS tanker (OP+ Hand Clap).


    *nods emphatically*

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