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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. On 5/11/2023 at 12:27 PM, ThaliaTitus said:

    I have never had so much fun just buying and selling Ancient Aritfacts.  It is quite humerous with all the AH inventory available and seeing a Toon at level 2 or lower with a quick Million or two and with such little time investment.


    I'm not going to claim that the salvage section is the best part of the guide, but if you can buy and sell salvage at a profit, you can probably do it for everything else listed on the /AH!


    So, you are saying it tickles your funny bone?  

  2. On 5/11/2023 at 1:04 PM, tidge said:

    The only other cornball idea I have for slotting Life-Giving Spores is to drop a %Stun piece in from Energy Manipulator. The power itself can't be slotted for Accuracy, so I expect D-Syncs and more mundane Acc/EndMod pieces wouldn't help.. and the low magnitude Stun hardly seems worth it.


    I'd be surprised if this works, since I think there are different flags for endurance powers that affect allies v. those that affect enemies, but sometimes I'm surprised!  That said, for Endurance Mod powers that are designed to affect enemy mobs, this is a great proc in my book.  In and of itself, a 2PPM proc for an 8 second mag 2 stun is not useful.  But if you are able to match it with other stun powers, you're cooking with gas.  Boss stunning gas.

  3. 2 hours ago, carroto said:


    This is the conclusion I came to as well.  It was loads of fun seeing mobs get knocked down by Caltrops, I'm not denying that, but slots tend to be so tight on my builds that I can never justify it for the meager level of actual benefit they bring.


    To be honest, I tend more to the "loads of fun" aspect.  It's not like I'm getting paid to play this game.

    • Haha 1
  4. I made a Dark/Dark stalker long ago as a fear/fear experiment.


    HOs are your friend when it comes to the Cloaks.  I almost never 6-slot purples if all I get is toxic resist.  Split Assassin's Mark 3-3 and put the proc in an AoE.  Put Gaussian's proc in Build up and you won't need a recharge if you have Assassin's Mark proc in an AoE.  I'd put a lot more slots in your defenses than in your offenses.  I actually skipped Shadow Maul, but that may have been mostly in protest about changing the arc from 30 degrees to 120 degrees.  I generally get KB protection from 3-slotting Fury of the Gladiator and/or Gladiator's Armor and use the 20% slow protection proc.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, MoonSheep said:

    for future mishes, have you considered using a finding macro? i find it invaluable when looking for certain foe


    For reference, what do you use for a finding macro?  I usually use "/macro T targetname sapper" and it is quick and easy to edit the target name to something else.

  6. This has happened to me many, many times and every single time it was because I screwed up the name rules.  Too many ",".  Not enough "!".  Try something extremely similar and see if that passes muster.

  7. I'm at the point in my life when I realize that as much as I want to work with other people, it kind of depends on them if they want to work with anyone.


    @Diantane came on the scene hot and bothered.  We eventually accepted that.  He seems to be mostly hot and bothered.


    What would you do if your child, or husband, or best friend said to you "Nothing to look forward to"?  There are many answers to that, but not a single one is "bust their balls because I don't like what they do."

    • Thumbs Up 3
  8. On 5/3/2023 at 11:03 AM, Sarah_ said:

    Hello all!

    long time returnee. My “main” character used to be a tw/bio scrapper and I’ve heard it was nerfed to the bones. 
    I really love the /bio versatility but TW’s mechanics was always kind of annoying and rather horrible when having to play at lower level. Still I would still like to not reroll! So just a couple of questions:

    - How bad is TW now compared to other sets? (Source? What’s the best?)

    - Are there any very important changes from the last years I’ve missed? 
    (Fulcrum shift nerf? :)))
    thank you!


    Your "main" was extremely overpowered at the time.  If you chose your main because of that, well, you might want to choose another main.  Currently Axe Melee is pretty overpowered, if that helps.

  9. On 4/29/2023 at 12:28 PM, Siddha said:

    Hello everyone, thank you for all of your ideas.


    After messing with several combinations of AT's and powersets I eventually have come back to seeing if I can use psychic melee, even if just for fun.  Instead of using the fighting tree I was wondering if it made sense to augment to non psi-blade abilities with the force of will tree.  That way everything is Psychic/Smashing.  It looks good too.  I have my doubts about how good project will is because of it's animation time, but it's also fun for the same reason. Admittedly I don't have a heavy hitting single target attack without Greater Psi Blade.  I was thinking something like this - it plays fun running around on the test server but I know almost nothing about enhancements to go off of.  If anyone has any input or improvements I would appreciate it.


      Reveal hidden contents

    This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.7

    Level 49 Magic Scrapper
    Primary Power Set: Psionic Melee
    Secondary Power Set: Willpower
    Power Pool: Force of Will
    Power Pool: Presence
    Power Pool: Speed
    Ancillary Pool: Body Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1:    Mental Strike    
     (A) Empty

    Level 1:    High Pain Tolerance    
     (A) Empty

    Level 2:    Telekinetic Blow    
     (A) Empty

    Level 4:    Project Will    
     (A) Empty

    Level 6:    Mind Over Body    
     (A) Empty

    Level 8:    Fast Healing    
     (A) Empty

    Level 10:    Indomitable Will    
     (A) Empty

    Level 12:    Weaken Resolve    
     (A) Empty

    Level 14:    Wall of Force    
     (A) Empty

    Level 16:    Rise to the Challenge    
     (A) Empty

    Level 18:    Boggle    
     (A) Empty

    Level 20:    Quick Recovery    
     (A) Empty

    Level 22:    Confront    
     (A) Empty

    Level 24:    Heightened Senses    
     (A) Empty

    Level 26:    Mass Levitate    
     (A) Empty

    Level 28:    Resurgence    
     (A) Empty

    Level 30:    Strength of Will    
     (A) Empty

    Level 32:    Pacify    
     (A) Empty

    Level 35:    Provoke    
     (A) Empty

    Level 38:    Unrelenting    
     (A) Empty

    Level 41:    Unleash Potential    
     (A) Empty

    Level 44:    Conserve Power    
     (A) Empty

    Level 47:    Physical Perfection    
     (A) Empty

    Level 49:    Hasten    
     (A) Empty

    Level 1:    Brawl    
     (A) Empty

    Level 1:    Critical Hit    
    Level 1:    Sprint    
     (A) Empty

    Level 2:    Rest    
     (A) Empty

    Level 1:    Swift    
     (A) Empty

    Level 1:    Health    
     (A) Empty

    Level 1:    Hurdle    
     (A) Empty

    Level 1:    Stamina    
     (A) Empty








    It is currently an incredible pool.  Unleash Potential is maybe the most versatile power in the game.

  10. 52 minutes ago, JulioThom33_2 said:

    I'd like to second finishing Gadgetry and Utility Belt APPs. There needs to be a Tech-based APP that is as useful as something like Sorcery. I'd even be happy with a tech-reskin/rename of Sorcery. Some of those powers are very useful, but don't fit thematically with Science/Tech based heroes.


    It's a hole that was never fully filled.



    How about we cut Sorcery back from being so powerful?  Change recharge on Rune of Protection to 10 minutes.

  11. On 5/4/2023 at 3:26 PM, Nemu said:

    I wanna use whirlwind, I wanna storm blast, I wanna do something thematic.


    What rhymes with Storm? You guessed it Cyclone!

    What else does storm haz? Electricity

    What else? It's cold!


    So that's the theme - Storm/Elec/Cold mastery blaster with whirlwind.

    The only thing I see you are missing is “scents”.



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. One of the things that keeps me tuning in is guessing which perfectly satisfactory power set is going to get reworked and made into the new top tier because one of the devs likes it but it isn't nearly overpowered enough for their tastes.


    This is a long shot, but I'm taking Fire Control in the betting pool.  Let's add a 65% resistance debuff to Smoke and double damage from Imps!

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  13. 6 hours ago, Uun said:

    There doesn't appear to be an accuracy check.


    It is my understanding (which is certainly not infallible) that a few episodes back they added a hidden accuracy check on damage procs for powers that are auto-hit.  Non-damage procs should be auto-hit, which is one of the reasons I slot them over damage procs.


    1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    The power accepts accuracy and counts the value.  Is accuracy not checked?


    I'm looking at Caltrops from the Scrapper epic pool Weapon Mastery, and a pure accuracy IO or SO cannot be slotted.  You can, however, slot IOs that enhance accuracy as long as they also enhance one of the other core characteristics, like damage or recharge.

  14. I don't ever parse combat logs because, well, it's a huge pain in the butt and I just don't care that much.


    That said, my "optimal" slotting for Caltrops is 2x Superior Frozen Blast (A/D/R and R/proc) for the slow resist, 2x Ragnarok (D/R +5 and chance for knockdown proc) for the end recovery, 2x Annihilation (-res proc and D/R) for the extra endurance.  Accuracy doesn't count (unless you are putting in damage procs), but damage and recharge do.  Sometimes I slot for slow, but rarely.  In theory it rechecks for procs every ten seconds, or so I've been led to believe, but I'm mostly concerned with the initial placement and the flopping from the Ragnorak proc is evident.


    My minimum slotting would be the Ragnorak proc and the Annihilation proc.

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  15. It depends on the level of the set.  Air Burst is the only Ranged AoE set from level 10-19, so it will not give you the option to convert by set type.  If you are converting with attuned sets, even though there is no visible level, there is an internal level.  I'm not entirely clear on how the internal level changes, but it can reset randomly to any level in the range of the set.

  16. I'd think it would be two very different experiences, so run both!


    Both Staff and Electric in my opinion, are their best selves in Stalker form.  @BuiltDifferent5's post got me to pull out my Staff/Bio and damn that's a good build.


    Staff/Stone would be interesting, especially if you stayed in full stone costume!  Yes, Brimstone will help with damage.  My only issues with this build might be that Earth's Embrace is more of a +hp power than a heal, and that Geode gets broken down a lot more quickly than I might like when you are going all out.  I do like staff a lot though, and Guarded Spin helps a bit (although Stone is typed and Guarded is mostly useful in positional).  This might be a case though where you might miss Form of Soul or whichever one cuts endurance -- Stone Armor is a harsh endurance mistress until you get your build right.


    Electric/Shield is a fan favorite, but I think that's mostly due to double telenukes.  Historically, I don't love them, but nowadays I use macros to set up a telenuke on me, a telenuke on my target, or go traditional location.  It speeds things up a lot.  Not breaking Hide feels cheaty to me!  I love Chain Induction (use Kinetic Combat knockdown!)


    I wish you could pick Staff/Shield!  Although Electric/Stone...

    • Like 2
  17. As per your request in your message, here is my current build for my Staff/Bio stalker.  It's probably overbuilt, to be honest:



    • Thanks 1
  18. I love making themed SGs.  I probably would have gone different directions in defining War, Pestilence, etc., but +1 for the work!


    On 4/30/2023 at 12:58 PM, Rand0lk said:

    DEATH: Rad/Stone. If he only had a taunt aura, probably would be the most efficient out of all. But oh well. Damage out of the roof and a lot of survivability, sort of crossover between Enm/bio and Dm/SD. What I love the most are two dmg auras AND brimstone armor.


    I assume you mean "Death by endurance drain"!

  19. Between better knowledge of the mechanics of the game (all hail Uberguy) and the continuous tools given to us by the HC devs, I, for one, tend to take care of myself.  I carry wakies and breakies and if I screw up on a team I find it hard to believe anyone else would even notice. 

  20. I've played a lot of different powers in HC, but I tend to draw the line at playing things I don't enjoy the look or feel of.  Flipping animations, for example, or fire/ice swords.  I also have a bit of an issue with secondaries that make you translucent/invisible, because I generally try to make a costume that I like the look and feel of.  So as a result, I've done things like make Ice Melee characters without swords (very doable for a scrapper).


    The other day, I was playing a spines/electric brute and decided to pick up Ripper to see if I hated it as much as I remembered.  I did, but I also realized that when I was fighting big mobs, I really couldn't see my character anyway, so why get uptight about the animation.  And that got me thinking.


    Don't like fire swords?  Great, use a secondary where you won't have to look at them.  So I've decided to work on a Fire/Energy scrapper, killing two birds with one stone as I will maneuver an indistinct blob through the game.


    The problem, or course, is that I know very little about the Fire primary.  Enlighten me!

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