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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. My "main", both on live and here, is BS/Inv.  


    It works pretty much as you would expect.  Fair, but not great, damage.  Good overall protection, but a bit lacking at the high end without judicious use of sets and set bonuses.


    Divine Avalanche gets you lots of melee defense (and it stacks!) so either put it in your rotation or build up your melee defense elsewhere.  Katana gives you -def, and invincibility gives you +to hit, so once you start hitting someone you don't need to spend a lot of effort on additional +to hit or +accuracy bonuses.  Other than that, everything pretty much works as advertised.

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  2. 2 hours ago, tidge said:

    For players who don't have access to a -Resistance debuff, but desperately want one, Weaken Resolve (from the Force of Will pool) when slotted with nothing but Accuracy is IMO a pretty good choice... it is 100% of the time one of my picks when I want to go deep into that pool. Yes, it takes a power pick (as opposed to a slot for a %proc) but:

    • Weaken Resolve is a 15 second duration, as opposed to 10 seconds
    • The -Resistance is applied on hit, without relying on %proc chance
    • Allows other pieces to go into the slot that would have had the %-Resistance piece, blah blah blah fishcakes

    There are a couple of %damage procs that can also go into Weaken Resolve. I wouldn't necessarily recommend that option for all ATs, but if a build of mine is (A) going to take the power early and (B) an AT that typically does low damage against single targets, I will almost always try to slot the power for Accuracy plus at least one %damage piece. If nothing else, it then feels like I'm not completely sacrificing an attack to apply a debuff. Most builds end up with enough global +Recharge that this power's recharge time ends up being pretty close to the 15 second duration.


    My go to slotting for WR is a boosted accuracy and a AH -res.  You should be at 90% activation on the proc.  And yes it's a proc bomb (as I learned on my Passive Aggressor) but the activation time feels long enough that I probably don't use it as often as I should.

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  3. 1 hour ago, SableShrike said:

    Just wondering if anyone's done the math for this already; does the -Res proc outshine a damage proc versus AVs and GMs?

    This brings an additional question to mind.  There is AV resistance to various things, and there is purple patch resistance (being lower level, like a 50 v a 54).  I think I’ve got a handle on the former, but the description in the wiki on the latter is more vague.


    For example, is -damage resistance further resisted by +4, or is it simply a function of damage resistance regardless of relative level?

  4. As mentioned, your opponents matter a lot.  Any of the standard radio opponents at 50 are relatively harmless so long as you target the right enemies first; your biggest hurdle is probably overcoming lots and lots of -to hit.  But when you get big groups of enemies that (sometimes accidentally!) synergize it's much more about your technique than your build, in my opinion.

  5. I've got a DM/regen scrapper that can do it all, but don't have it in front of me.  My BS/regen brute is also monstrous, oddly enough.


    To echo some of Betty's points, differ from a few, and a few of my own:


    -- You're getting an extra heal from Siphon Life, so I don't see a problem in four slotting Unbreakable Guard.  You're not going to get a huge advantage from the toxic resist, but the 3.13% melee defense might well be worthwhile.

    -- Speaking of toxic resist, you can save a few slots by only 5 slotting your purple sets.  Drop the damage, boost the non-procs to +5.  You won't miss the toxic resist I promise.  I also usually only 5-slot Avalanche and Blistering Cold because AoE damage generally isn't of a high enough magnitude to be worrisome.

    -- Splitting the Brute's Fury set 3-3 lets you double up on the defense.  Defense is not your be-all end-all, especially with no debuff resistance, but it's nice to have.

    -- I'd target at least 75% slow resistance.  Swap in the winter's gift 20% resistance for the BotZ -kb piece.  You could split up the Avalanche or Blistering Cold sets, but I'd think more out of the box (3 slot Synapse Shock in MoG!)

    -- I'm not personally a fan of Cross Punch unless it's a full part of my chain, and the 50 degree angle never seems to work well enough for me, but to each their own.  +ff recharge is marvelous on a regen, but you're hard pressed to work it in with a DM.

    -- Regen already has 2 1/2 oh shit buttons in MoG, IH, and DP.  My scrapper currently also has Unleash Potential and Shadow Meld (which brutes don't get) and that's a little overkill.  However, Darkest Night with a couple of lvl 53 Enzymes will make you untouchable.

    -- I'm pretty sure I no longer bother with Quick Recovery (although, again, 3 slotting synapse Shock gets you more slow resist).  Unleash Potential is, to me, this incredible power that is up 1/4 of the time and lets you focus on regeneration or health or defense or all three.


    Have fun storming the castle!


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  6. I also try to avoid doubling up on a type in primary and secondary, but I'm generally always a fan of electric.  A lot of that has to do with end mod powers that I'm generally not going to slot for end mod, and I get to use musculature alpha.  Also Energy Manipulator:  chance to stun is a criminally underrated proc.

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  7. Dope stuff.  It's always nice to see this kind of rationale.  Uun says it well 


    31 minutes ago, Uun said:

    I see where you're going and don't have any disagreements with your decisions.


    On 7/2/2023 at 11:36 AM, tidge said:

    Level 1:        Time Crawl    
     (A) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Endurance
     (*) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Slow
     (*) Ice Mistral’s Torment - Chance for Damage (Cold)
     (*) Impeded Swiftness - Chance for Damage (Smashing)


    I tend to focus more on stats over set bonuses nowadays, so I might +5 lvl 50 PotT as well as +5 lvl 50 Tempered Readiness for whatever stats I'm looking for.  Usually that's A/R but I'm not wasting a D-sync Provocation on this!


    On 7/2/2023 at 11:36 AM, tidge said:

    Level 6:        Temporal Mending    
     (A) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance
     (*) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb
     (*) Preventive Medicine - Heal
     (*) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime
     (*) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime
     (*) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance


    For almost every healing power I use, I'll either use 6 piece PM or 5 piece 50+5 Panacea.  That decision generally comes down to whether I can spare the 6th slot or not (although finding two pieces of PM somewhere is always nice for the proc!)


    On 7/2/2023 at 11:36 AM, tidge said:

    Level 20:    Time Stop    
     (A) Gladiator's Net - Accuracy/Hold: Level 50+5
     (*) Gladiator's Net - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 50+5
     (*) Gladiator's Net - Chance for Damage (Lethal)
     (*) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Damage (Smashing)
     (*) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance for Damage (Psionic)
     (*) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance for Damage (Psionic)


    I'm all over the place when it comes to ST holds on non-hold ATs.  It's hard to pass up the extra stat value from +5ing the purple set rather than the pvp set.  This is why I love scrapper primary powers with a hold component, where I will slot the purple proc and +5 the A/R.


    On 7/2/2023 at 11:36 AM, tidge said:

    Level 28:    Slowed Response    
     (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Shield Breaker - Chance for Damage (Lethal)
     (*) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Damage (Negative Energy)


    It is a very minor thing, but I go with the Shield Breaker lvl 30+5 A/R over the AW lvl 50+5 A/E/R.  I prefer the recovery set bonus over the regeneration set bonus, and you get slightly more A/R (although no E).


    Yeah, I probably blow too much inf on boosters compared to what it actually gets me, but what else are you gonna spend inf on?!?

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  8. I actually like the concept of fury for brutes — the increase in damage when you are leveling up and running on it is noticeable and it adds a bit to a gotta smash em now mindset.


    at the high end, there’s not a lot to distinguish it though.  As mentioned, fury build’s basically instantly to 85%.

    I haven’t spent one second of time thinking about how people would exploit this, but I’d like a slower fury build over a wider range.  I think current fury Mac is ?+200?  Max that to 350 and have it take 60 seconds of fighting to get it to 200!

  9. 37 minutes ago, Nitekilla said:

    I am speaking of Attuned enhancements.  For example, all of the Numinas (except the proc one) were 1-2 million and now they are all 5-6 million.  Same with the defence attuned enhancements.


    hmm, looks like all the numina's can still be bought about 2mm, including the proc.  Patience is your friend!


    Also, Snarky's advice is more or less correct!

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  10. 36 minutes ago, Arbegla said:

    But why level 10? PvP IOs are already Attuned...

    Wait, its so you can slot it at level 7 isn't it? I answered my own question.... never mind. Ignore me.


    They were selling it.  It's a level 10 because that's the cheapest crafting cost so cheapest to make from recipe.  Whoever bought it almost certainly bought it as an attuned or as a 50.


    Also, PvPs can be attuned, but they are not all attuned.



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  11. 13 hours ago, InvaderStych said:

    YMMV: I'm not really a fan of putting ATO2 in an AoE as it means keeping the AoE in-chain when taking on an AV/Monster/Etc where single target attacks are more desirable. ML in particular has a sort of long activation time. ML is a great place for a FF: %+rech though if you've got the slotting room for it.


    Lately, I've been considering using Character Build 1/2 for general/ST.  Mostly considering, since who has time to re-outfit all those 50s?!  Mass Levitate is indeed a great place to put any proc that affects the user rather than the target!


    One thing I love, LOVE, about top tier attacks with a hold (or stun, or even immobilize) component is that you have so many options for top end frankenslotting.  If there is a purple set, it's going to have an A/R piece, and for hold you match it with the 4.5PPM damage proc for a set bonus of 4% recovery.  Here's an example with the A/R and proc from Unbreakable Constraint, the 1,2,4 pieces from superior Critical Strikes (I generally like to split that set for twice the defense bonus), and a lvl 53 D/E DSO.  





  12. 1 hour ago, Nitekilla said:

    All I know is that IO's that used to cost 1 million now cost 5 million.  I guess inflation is affecting City of Heros now.


    I can't think of what IOs you are speaking of.  Maybe it's a temporary lack of supply?  Tell me which IOs and if they are normally 1mm, I can't imagine it would cost me too much to make a bunch of them.


    For the most part, prices on uncommon/rare IOs have dropped over the past year and I'm hard pressed to think of any that have gained in price.


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  13. I have only one psi scrapper at 50, a Psi/Ice who is pretty amazing but I stopped playing once it got to 50.


    One thing I noticed about psi, and this may be good or bad depending on your personal viewpoint, is that once I got Mass Levitate everything changed, and it became all about Mass Levitate.  I have it slotted at endgame with the 1,5,6 of Superior Critical Strike, lvl 53 Nucleolus, Fury of the Glad -res proc, and FF +recharge.  Critical Strike and FF proc pretty much every time, and yes, following up with greater psi blade is pretty nuts.





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  14. I really should know this by now, but the kiosks that are all over blue side that give you character stats (like enemies defeated and times atop Atlas statue):


    Is there an equivalent red or gold side?  I do not believe so, but I figured I'd ask the community.  I do remember back in the day when they were leaderboards of a sort for defeats of particular enemies.



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