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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. 2 hours ago, Blackjoy said:

    I can tell you from my own experience, yes, scrappers can reliably solo 4x8, but it's not trivial to achieve this.


    Definitely not trivial with scrappers.  In my (limited) experience with tanks, it's pretty trivial there.


    2 hours ago, Blackjoy said:

    That having been said, the toughest scrapper I've seen was a /Radiation Armor.   He did cycle Shadow Meld.  


    Most of my scrappers have at least one "oh noes!" button like Shadow Meld or Unleash Potential, but they don't necessarily need to be defense based (although defense is certainly the cheapest easiest mitigation), especially if your alt has little or no defense debuff resistance.

  2. I love that the voting was so close (3/4/5).  I can see the rationale for each choice (and don't get me wrong, I made one of each...).


    But it got me thinking, so here's a follow up to "Would you rather?"


    When making the choice between making a corruptor or a defender:


    - Always defender, they have better buff/debuff numbers (ramen)

    - Always corruptor, they have higher damage scalars (bulgaria)

    - Corruptor if the primary has a lot of DoT powers in order to take advantage of scourge (television)

    - Other specific reason, please describe (satellite)





  3. 6 hours ago, Hedgefund2 said:

    Those don't refresh from the same side.  You can cross sides to get a new charge of these temp powers and then you're done.  By that I mean do Skyway mayhem and get the rez, when it runs out run the Skyway safeguard and it will refresh, then that's it.


    So we don't get into a back-and-forth "yes it does/no it doesn't" I just ran Skyway mayhem on someone who had done it long ago (and therefore no time left on the power) and did not get it rewarded.


    6 hours ago, Arbegla said:


    Does rerunning the missions actually give you the temp power again? I thought it was a one and done kinda thing.


    Well I will be a monkey's uncle.  To be honest, I had just finally gotten around to unlocking the contact for safeguard/mayhem on demand and frankly I hadn't gotten around to re-upping any of the temps, and I hadn't seen anything in the wiki or City of Data (all hail Uberguy) that indicated there was any limit.  I will certainly look into this!

  4. I think there are two different questions here:  can scrappers solo +4/x8, and can scrappers serve as tanks (presumably in team play) for +4/x8?


    I mean, the answer is yes for both, but...


    I think just about anything can solo +4/x8 with a strong build and strong tactics, but it depends on how careful you want to be, how fast you can go and how much fun it is for you.  It's really tedious to do it unless you can keep your head above water for at least a few mobs in a row.  I think that if you are able to solo +4/x8 on any given scrapper, you probably have the skill set to do so on any other given scrapper.  Sure, some builds or sets will be better than others, but you're generally not going to just blindly run in and aggro a room full of boss carnies, for example, and hope to do well unless you are a lot better at this than I am!  


    In team play, I think a scrapper is a poor substitute for a tank because 1. a tank's survivability is so much higher than a scrapper's, while its damage is only marginally lower, and more importantly 2. a scrapper will have a very difficult time keeping aggro off of its teammates.  I think just about anything that is able to survive an alpha can tank so long as the whole team is on board with it and knows that's the deal, but for the most part people won't enjoy that they are getting much more attention from enemies than they do when there is good taunt aura management.




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  5. On 5/23/2023 at 1:49 PM, Mjolnerd said:

    Also, I thought I'd share this funny meme I found. Apropos of nothing, of course. Isn't it entertaining? I apologize for it being completely unrelated to the topic at hand.




    From my understanding, recipe bloggers tend to tell stories because it enables them to get more hit words in, which increases traffic driven in by search engines.  I find that annoying as well, but I get it.


    As for why *I* chose to tell that guide in story-form, well, probably for a few reasons.  First, there are, in fact, many guides out there already and why reinvent the wheel (although I did aggregate them in a guide of marking guides), and it's difficult to spoon feed someone when you have zero idea of what they already do or do not know.  Second, I am far more of a "teach a person to fish" kind of person rather than just do it for them.  Along the lines of this, if you just say "transform this to that and sell it at XXX" not only is that unsatisfying to me as a teacher, but the information becomes irrelevant the instant someone does it.  For that kind of guide, the tldr is "Trade in all your merits for converters at a merit vendor; post them all on the /AH at 5 inf."  Finally, I like telling stories!

  6. My basic attack chain for battle axe (usually scrappers) is Cleave, Swoop, Chop for ST and Cleave, Axe Cyclone, Pendulum for AoE (and those tend to be the only BA powers I take other than Build Up, although I'd understand Taunt on a tanker.)


    I also put a FF +recharge in both Axe Cyclone and Pendulum, and I think you will find that the +100% recharge (not stackable, sadly) is up a lot.  A LOT.


    This may or may not be a seamless attack chain depending on a lot of factors, but I usually don't mind if there are gaps, since then I usually use some other power as a filler.


    Gash will probably get you slightly better ST DPS, but I usually skip it unless there aren't enough other powers I want!



  7. 9 hours ago, Starcadian said:

    Attuned versions of Air Burst and Exploit Weakness still not converting to their respective categories. Hopefully a fix will happen.


    As previously discussed, an attuned IO has an internal level that does not show.  If you craft a level 10 Air Burst or Exploit Weakness, you cannot convert them by category because at level 10 they are the only set IN the category, so that makes sense.


    Now, if you attune your level 10 with a catalyst, even though it is now attuned, it still has an internal level of 10, so it still cannot convert by category.  However, it appears that when you convert an attuned IO, it resets the internal unseen level to a random level in the new set range.  A few minutes ago, I crafted a level 10 Air Burst and tried to convert by category.  You cannot, of course, because there is no other set in category at level 10.  Then I attuned it, and I still could not convert by category because it is still level 10 and there still is no other set in category at level 10.


    However, I converted it by rarity and got a Quickfoot.  I know that the internal level has changed for the simple reason that Quickfoot is not available at level 10.  If I converted it again and got back an Air Burst, that Air Burst may or may not be convertible by category depending on whether or not its internal level is 20 or higher.


    So I don't know exactly when the level changes, but it does.


  8. I dislike the initial suggestion of seeding HOs and/or DSOs at a given price, especially one that is so artificially low.  I dislike this because it in no way improves my personal playing experience and the only way I can see that it is improving anyone else's experience is that they want a given thing, but not at THAT price.  Someone's judgment on what the appropriate price is nothing but an opinion.  I wouldn't mind if all level 50s were seeded at 2bn, because much like rare salvage being seeded at 1mm, I'm generally able to get what I need for a lower price, and if I can't then I will save up for it.  So that's one opinion of mine.


    I dislike the follow-on suggestion of making HOs convertible as well.  This is mainly because I've been told that making them that way would prohibit slotting more than one in any given set -- that would make my experience worse.  This is partly because this would advantage anyone who has accumulated huge stores of "worthless" HOs who then convert them and crater the prices of the high end items.  And again, I feel that people are saying "Oh, I really want that, yes I do.  But not at that price!  That's too much because I don't want to pay that much." And that's fine, but I don't see that as a good enough reason.  So that's another opinion of mine.


    As several have said, there are plenty of alternatives to HOs.  Some are even better, but you can only slot one in a build.  Mostly I use HOs because there is nothing else to spend inf on.


    At the end of the day, I think that there already is too much stuff on the /AH for a dwindling player base.  But it will not shock me when or if all enhancements become free because that's what one or more of the devs want.

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  9. On 5/28/2023 at 7:50 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

    Dull pain I'll either 5 (using +5'd panacea) or 6 (using preventative medicine) slots.



    I'd like to echo this -- if I only have room for three slots then I'll use 3x heal/recharge DSOs.


    The base recovery of PP is half that of stamina, so generally you are best off with the Perf Shifter proc and to put any additional enhancements in Stamina instead.

  10. The debuffs I like to inflict:


    * -damage.  I *think* this is not resistible and does not get scaled down from level differences.

    * -damage resistance.  Even when resisted, more bang for the buck than adding more damage.

    * -to hit.  This gets pretty resisted, but I'm not going to say no to additional not-getting-hittedness.


    The debuffs I protect myself from:


    * -speed/recharge.  100% resistance is great, but I'm generally happy with 65%+.

    * -to hit.  I will often pick up an epic pool power to prevent to hit debuffs.


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  11. Over the years, I have seen a lot of posts about "Should I make an X/Y character as AT1 or AT2?"  And sure, you can make a poll or search out past posts on the AT1 and AT2 forums, but now that we have new reactions, why not keep it in one thread?


    Let me start by asking:


    Would you rather mostly solo level to 50 (ideally +4/x8 by 50, but whatever you want to handle -- I'm not sure I can handle +4/x8 on non-melee characters!):


    Defender Trick Arrow/DP (if so, please react "ramen")

    Corruptor DP/Trick Arrow (if so, please react "television")

    Blaster DP/Tactical Arrow (if so, please react "satellite")




    If you wish to give your reasoning please do, but it's not necessary.  And I know, I know, of course "it depends" but I'm asking you, yes you, which one you would choose.


    And, of course, if you have a similar question, please ask it and set your reaction choices!


    Happy hunting!


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