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  1. Looking for a good Katana/Invulnerable build for soloing. Any skippable powers? What power pools would you take? The classic Tough and Weave? Thanks!
  2. thank you so much, everyone!
  3. Invul I solo 90% of the time. I will run TFs, time permitting, but I plan on soloing the Gold Side and then switch over and run Mishs mostly with the occasional TF.
  4. I'm looking to roll a Katana/Invul Scrapper. I've dabbled with one but now I am ready to roll my official "second" main. However, I'm coming from the Blaster/Sentinel world, so I have limited experience with melee and up close combat. I was curious what are your tips for running a Katana for a former-ranged player? Any useful macros you use? Any playstyle tricks you have? As a former blaster and ranged-focus sentinel, I'm use to pulling, or using space to bombard with attacks, or running in to drop a blizzard AOE and running out. What are the equivalent Scrapper techniques? Looking forward to rolling a new AT, so any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. /macro will give you a generic GRAY button with two or three letters. IS there a way to get a different color generic macro? for example, a blue button with the letter FA in them? Thanks/
  6. Thank you for the advice. I did not appreciate the Vet level issue!!
  7. I just dinged 50 on my first Character (ice/ice/ice Sentinel) since live. (yea!) Now that I hit 50, should I turn of XP? I read somewhere that on Homecoming turning off XP at 50 no longer gives you double INF; is this still true? I ran a small test last night, and I turned XP off. I seemed to still earn Incarnate XP but did not appear to earn more INF but it was based on a limited sample size. If so, how do characters earn the uber-INF I hear about that comes after hitting 50? Is it just running TFs all the time? Thanks (and its nice to be in the 50 club again) And what are the first few things you do when you hit 50? I would love to hear...
  8. I received the inf, and thank you so much!!!!! I hope we can keep the string alive to help others on their way up...
  9. What would you choose... Inv? or WP? I'm looking to roll a new natural Katana Scrapper, and I am on the fence between Invulnerability vs Willpower (for thematic purposes). I come from the Blaster/Sentinel world and am looking to dive into a long term Katana scrapper for my next "main." I'm hooked on the Katana primary and have played around with some other Secondary powers on Alts, but I'm leaning towards Inv or WP for potential long term. By way of background, I mostly solo contact missions and looking to start out in the Going Rogue (I haven't done that content yet). What is your experience with Invulnerability? Willpower? Pros and Cons? Are there any skippable powers in either Secondary Sets? As for power pools, I presume Fighting (tough and weave) should be taken in the 14-20 levels, along with a travel and maybe leadership soon thereafter. Sound about right? Thank you in advance and look forward to running this new Alt.
  10. We all use Inspirations. (sometimes denoted as Insps on the Boards) Some may deny it, others chew them like tic-tacs. I’m in the latter category, and I thought I would share my top Inspirations hacks, tricks, and tips. First, if you have three of the same Inspirations, right click one and you can convert three Inspirations you do not need into an Inspiration you do need. For example, you can convert three accuracy Insps into a greenie and survive that much longer. I seriously did not know this existed until recently and it has been useful countless times since. Second, by default, when you press the F-keys it will consume the Inspirations in that column. It is great if you keep all your Inspirations organized and clean. But after a lengthy cave mish, your Inspirations could be jumbled. Plus, have you been in a battle and dying so fast, you couldn’t get your cursor to the Greenies at the top of the inventory? I have. To solve this problem, I set up a bind to my F1 key to eat Health Inspirations; my F2 key to eat Breathers, and my F3 key to eat Luck. The Inspirations are consumed regardless where they are in the inventory and as a bonus, it starts with the smallest inspiration and then consumes the bigger ones. For example: /bind F2 "inspexec_name Resurgence$$inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement$$inspexec_name Respite" Third, there are plenty of posts (For example here) describing macros and binds you can create to instantly convert your Inspirations to all of one kind. This is used mostly for Farmers converting all their Inspirations to Reds but you could set it up for whatever you like. Fourth, who has Rez’d back to life, stumbled around in that stupid daze, and then was killed again? I have slammed my keyboard many times over this. To prevent it, when you take your Awaken (the smallest Rez), also take a Break Free. It will release you from the stumbling around in a vulnerable state. Then you could run and recover. Of course, if you have a large Rez Insp, take that. Fifth, if you go to P2W Field Agent (the most common one is in Atlas Park), you can get for free the Inner Inspiration Power. This will give you a three random medium/large Inspirations every thirty minutes. (See here for more) Gameplay uses: As a new character with very little influence, you can make these and sell them at the Auction House for Influence. I usually save this for end of missions and when fighting EB/AV and I’ve used up all my Inspirations just to get there. I’ll hit this and many times it gives something that might help a small amount to get over the hump and take the big baddie down! WARNING: you have to have three open slots for this to work. If you only have one slot open, you only get one Medium/Large Insp. Sixth, at the P2W Field Agent, you can alter your inspiration drops for a fee. I believe you can omit a certain inspiration from dropping. For example, if you don’t want the Awaken to drop and you can get badges for foregoing Inspiration drops all together. Seventh (and my favorite). You can store inspirations in the Auction House and access them nearly everywhere. Here is how I do it: In chat, type /AH. This brings up Wentworth’s Auction House. Drag Inspirations from your Inventory onto the Stored Tab as if you are going to sell them. Then, do not sell them. You can store a ton of Inspirations here and access them nearly whenever. I have over 40 there right now. This is beneficial because you can store and swap out a lot Inspirations anywhere, except in a door mission. This is super useful. For example: If you are low in inspirations you do not need to roam the Zone for a contact. If you are hunting for XX Circle of Thorns in Steel Canyon and are low, you can just type /AH and drag over Green Inspirations into your inventory on the fly and continue the hunt. If you are about to enter a door Mission and realize you are low on an Inspiration, you do not need to race around and find some more. Type in /AH and click Get. If you are in a door Mission and getting your butt kicked, you can run back to the door, go outside, refill up from the Auction House (type /AH without actually going to Wentworths) and re-enter very quickly. As an alternative you can buy Inspirations at the Auction House and just leave them in the Bought Tab. I’ve done that too. You can access them just as above. Gameplay tip: when I am with a contact who will sell me Inspirations, I usually move over my Inspirations to the Auction House (via /AH command) and then buy a new set for whatever Mish I’m going on or even before I log out sometimes. Eighth, you can create a base (for free) and store up to a hundred Insps there, which you can then easily transfer to your alts. What are your Hacks, Tricks, and Tips?
  11. Thank you. It was under Options/Configurations and there you can alter. If you alter the minimum level, you can then change the enhancement level as referenced above. Thank you everyone!!!
  12. In Mids Reborn, can you change the level of the IO or SOs you put it into a power? For example, I put in a damage IO and it automatically puts it at a level 50. However, I'm not at level 50 and I wanted to see my stats at level 35. Is there a way to do this?
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