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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. At the risk of becoming a pariah - I see absolutely no need to mention anything about "talks with NC Soft". First - we've heard that song and dance for years, with absolutely zero evidence of such occurring. Not that something like that would be easily proven - but talk of NDA's is just silly. 

    The code is released into the wild. It's done, nothing NCSoft can do about it, except maybe legal whack-a-mole to every server that pops up every alternate Thursday. 

    What would be the point, anyway? We all know (or should know) that a company paid fair money to people to develop the code for this game. None of us should be playing it without giving the owners their due, despite our feelings for how they conduct business. And since the legal owners of the code pulled the plug, we're all basically software pirate opportunists. It doesn't matter if HC gets some operating license in the future or not. We'll still be able to play. It would be nice if they did - but discussing these potential happenings with a new player is totally pointless. 

    As for a new player being influenced by 1 out of 10 or 12 people saying "Don't get power set XXXX", that's not a real problem. That's someone taking advice from a player who feels strongly enough to express their dismay after a number of years. It may have, in fact, saved the player asking from making a horrible mistake. (Conversely, the mistake could be listening to this 1 person) Either way - they'll play something else. Perhaps, over time, they'll learn more about the game and realize that some folks aren't happy unless they're complaining about something and roll that blaster that dishes out KB with almost every attack and have the most fun they've ever had playing a character. 

    That said, if you play a Mind/Psionic Assault Dominator, I feel really sorry for you. They are the worst! Weakest character I've ever played. Got one with perma-dom, up to level 47 now, and I just can't bring myself to play it any more. It's horrible. I just don't get why they even made this AT when they're basically controllers that lack buffs. 

    See what I did there? 

    • Like 2
  2. Every time I see an error in a question answered, I send a tell to the person who initially asked the question with the correct answer. 

    If it's just an incomplete answer and I'm not terribly involved in a tf or something that requires my attention, I'll send them a tell suggesting that if they'd like to know more, simply ask me via tell or in the help channel. 

    By taking it to PMs, the one who made the mistake remains blissfully ignorant - but they're not getting chat-smacked by me in a public channel so no smack talk occurs. 

    • Like 2
  3. On 6/14/2019 at 12:20 PM, Adeon Hawkwood said:

    Another good options is the Nemesis War arc in Ouroborus. If you set it to -1x8 you get about 25 fake nemesis per run.

    Do you mean, "The Eternal Nemesis"?  Or "Nemesis Weather Control". 

    Depending on your character's build, the SSA out of Steel is likely the best bet, simply because you can do it at 50 and have access to the incarnate powers. (you can also reduce the difficulty setting while you're in the first mission and proceed to finish the SSA for 20 fairly quick merits, once you've gotten the badge for clobbering the fakes. ) 

  4. Oh - another thought! 

    SG Rename tokens for 10 Billion or so. 

    I've often read people looking for the cosmic tp macro - and thought - "Hey, I could make them a functional SG fairly quickly and just give it to them. Load it up with one set of each purple, Some PvP IOs, Each ATO set for each AT...a few loaded salvage racks." 

    But I'm fairly certain that even though folks might be willing to assume ownership of the base, loot it dry and then make their own with their own name...or not make their own and still ask for the tp macro...just makes the idea less than savory for me. 

    But if they could pick their own name, it'd likely be an effort that most folks would appreciate and use. 

    • Like 1
  5. Candidly, I would love a bank account in game. Instead of E-mails, we stash it in the "bank", accessible by any of our alts (under the same global). 

    Further - all balances would be public information so we can see who's struggling, who's not. And we are free to make deposits to any account anonymously - but no withdrawals by non-account holders. 

    Another fun thought  or two: 

    Pre-formed SG bases for 100 Billion inf. 

    Instant ATT, Mission TP and Team TP recharges for 100 Billion each. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/23/2020 at 4:53 PM, Pizzamurai said:

    The bigger question, as someone with serious alt-itis, is how do you guys make so much money? Like, 1 billion per week? Are you making it by like fire farming or are you playing the AH and stepping on a bunch of little guys to keep the prices up and your profits large or... selling yourself in pocket d?

    This section of the forum lays it out clearly. Several strategies. 

    Some will afk-farm with 2-3 accounts at the same time. Depending on the map, they may check in every 10-15 minutes, start another map, craft, convert, sell the drops. 

    Some will buy a super pack for 10 million in stacks of 10 or 100. Open them, and simply sell all the ATOs for anywhere from 1 inf to 10M, depending on ATO and strategy (and competition in the AH for that ATO listing)

    I like the pvp IOs. The recipes are selling for...lately, 2-4 million, and at level 10, they cost less than 4k to craft, plus maybe 600k in total salvage to craft. Converters are cheap now, if you lack the merits to get them. Even at 100k per converter, if you use 15 converters per IO, you'd still make bank on the sale at 10m per. If you got a proc - 3% Def Glad, 5% res Shield Wall, Panacea +end/Hitpoints, you'll do even better. 

    When you bid on each recipe, looking for 5 of each at a certain price, and the next day you have over 80 of them to craft, convert and list...you can make billions very quickly.  Just depends on how often you want to check in with your marketing character. I made 5 billion this week just checking in a couple times a day. 

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  7. A few thoughts off the top of my head: 

    I say this having played a blaster more hours than any other AT by far. At least 1000 hours as an ice blaster, maybe 400 hours or so on a fire/fire/Mace blaster. 

    There are a number of ways to care and feed a fire blaster. I get that your focused on recharge and damage - but your build is using powers that in my experience, I don't use very much, if at all, in the higher levels. 

    5 slots of a purple set in the t-1 secondary, Ring of Fire. Yes, the recharge is nice - but you can better use those 4 slots somewhere else. You may not get the same recharge, but you certainly out going to be dishing out any great damage with that power, even if you could somehow cram 50 slots into it. 

    I've never been clear how to just stash a link to a build, so the below will have to suffice. 

    I would lose hot feet, and pick up vengeance to get another LotG mule in there, and slot up weave with three more Shield Walls, too - but I don't know how you play. I've never used Hot feet or bonfire - so they don't really suit me. But they may suit you well, so I didn't want to take them away from you. 

    I took out the KB proc from BotZ, and put the celerity from sprint into it. You'll get the kb protection from the fire shield (Glad armor 3 slot bonus)

    Your defense reeks. Even with my build, the defense reeks - that's why I've tried to boost your HP with the 5 pc of glad armor and 3 slot of shield wall. 

    Those chance to heal self from Power Transfer - they aren't unique, so the more of those you have, they can't hurt...much. Slots are precious. 

    Sadly, I've put off my morning rowing to do this and can't spend any more time on it. 


  8. On 5/26/2020 at 5:10 PM, Voltor said:

    make another alt and get em all again!


    Only this time with notes taken from the previous alts badge runs I can streamline the process a bit

    Sheer madness! 

    For me, when I got 'em all, I took a screenshot, then logged off and played something else. And I probably won't play that character again until another badge becomes available. 

  9. I have a cold/ice defender; I recall clearly being told to leave the trial and visit the tailor and select minimal fx because I was obscuring their costume. I told them I would never visit a tailor to do such a thing. I loathe seeing the tailor; not sure why. Just seems like a waste of time. 

    Come to think of it  - I don't think I've played that defender since! 

    Life is too short to be worried about buffs when most players (that aren't new) are already kitted out and don't need buffs anyway. I will go through all the buffs on lower level teams, though. That's when they're most needed, I believe. 

    That said, on an empath, I won't give clear mind to a scrapper or a tank, or any other AT with armor that protects against holds, immobs, etc. (except for specific enemies that have higher mag stuff, like Hami & the mitos) Now would I give ID to them, except in the aforementioned cases; but those without status protection will get them. 

    And...I'm not chasing anyone down to cast 'em. If you're not near, I assume you're doing fine and don't need 'em. 

    • Like 1
  10. Just to keep folks in the loop, I gave out 10 Billion in the past week. I will continue to do so, until I'm at a more reasonable 60 billion. 

    I've given some to an SG to bolster PvP efforts, some to global friends who seem to find people in need more often than I do. 

    • Like 1
  11. The things I have in my base: 

    Insp dispenser and storage. (Farmers make deposits, lowbies make withdrawals - third tier, team and supers only) 

    Empowerment buff station -  the tech one with three "prongs?" or three arms seems to have all the buffs the other two have, and allows for the three tiers of salvage to be used, so you really only need the one with the three "arms". 

    Portals & beacons to all zones - to include Praetorian and Villain side, along with hero side  - coop zones, as well as the Echo zones. 

    Rez /med bay 

    Trainer, tailor/facemaker, quartermaster

    Salvage racks

    Enhancement bins

    Multiple work benches, depending on the size of your membership base. 

    Pillar of Ice and Flame

    Power/energy & control as needed 

    If you routinely invite new folks to your SG - you may want to consider labeling things in such a way where it's clear what direction people should go, depending on their purpose there. 

    I have signs pointing towards Portals, Crafting, Training, Tailor, etc. 

    One SG I'm in has what I call the "Ego room", with the TFs, and the times it took to complete them, as well as Character Names and badge counts. (I think we're all at 1531, so it's a bit silly now, but when we were in the 1200s, it made more sense to see a leaderboard. ) 

  12. There used to be a program called "Blinkie Finder", that I'd love to have. Even with Reveal from p2w, sometimes, finding Dr. Calvin, or whomever can be pretty difficult. Sometimes, this is due to poor rendering on my end...I'd swear some of the NPCs don't appear unless you're fairly close to them. 

    Finding a specific boss in a mission isn't that bad, they tend to use dialog as a hint to where they are, but the npcs we need to rescue don't speak. I use a macro to target them, but even still, sometimes the Dr. Calvin mission takes me a full half hour. It gets to where I clear the map hoping the red triangles will lead me to him. 

    As for beacon labels, I wouldn't mind them, but I label the portals Low, Medium, High Level, Gold, Red, etc, so I pretty much know which portal to use. 

  13. On 6/2/2020 at 9:09 AM, loyalreader said:

    Sorry (not sorry) for threadjacking but... I have no idea how to buy hero and winter packs, and I've been playing since live. Can someone enlighten me? 

    I should be the one who's sorry. When I stated, "the smarter players", I should have stated something more like, "The more experienced" or "the more informed". 

    Not my intention to suggest anyone was lacking in intellectual ability. 

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Frostbiter said:

    I believe that it does matter. We're all real people (as far as I know) on the other side of these keyboards and how we treat and talk to each other has real effects in peoples lives.

    I completely understand people shouldn't be rude to each other. But - if I call someone stupid in game...it's completely meaningless and reflects more on my immaturity than the other person's intellect. It's not like I can sell that opinion for any money. It's not like I actually know the person in real life. The game is just a bunch of pixels. Completely meaningless. 

    If the opinion of some clown behind an avatar whom you've never met has an impact on your feelings, I'm really sorry about that - because they shouldn't. Why would anyone let the comments of a random stranger impact their day? That doesn't make sense to me. In person, sure, I can see that. They're people we probably deal with regularly. But in game? Nah. You just /gignore and the problem is solved. 

  15. Any four ATs/Powersets will suffice. Seriously. 

    But - here's where I think you're missing something. 

    Warburg Nukes. 

    Shivans from Bloody Bay

    HVAC (Heavy) from Vanguard Merits 

    Envenomed Dagger (from P2W) 

    Team Inspirations

    Not saying you NEED to have all of these, or any of these, but they can take an "almost got 'im" to "barely got 'im!".  

    The nukes are simply OP. 
    The Heavy will certainly do a LOT of damage. 
    The Shivan dishes out serious debuffs. 
    The Envenomed Dagger will drop the regen, practically flooring it. 

    Team inspirations are an incredible tool that most forget about. You have to be within 20 feet for them to work for teammates, but if you have an alt with surplus threads, they can be invaluable. Imagine the damage your HVAC will dish out with a Super Team Red! Enough of them, and they will trivialize the battle. 
    Heck - an Ultimate! A quick level shift can improve your defense, your accuracy and your damage output. 

    These are why team composition doesn't make much of a difference anymore. All these things have trivial costs or tasks to obtain. 

    And, if you're truly lazy but have 10M inf -- get yourself a Summon Pet from P2W. The extra DPS will certainly help. 

  16. The truth is ...it doesn't matter really what anyone says/writes to you in a forum or in player chat. They don't know you personally, so it's not a personal attack. Surely, there's time to spend doing something more meaningful, isn't there? 

    Some people aren't happy unless they are complaining about something - whether it be something HC added, or didn't add, that the player knew full well about before they even made their first character or, soon thereafter. 

    Some people have such low self-esteem, they can only go about their day unless they belittle someone else - whether it be cleverly worded or not. These people do us all a favor by letting us know they're not open to teaming with us. This is why the /gignore feature is a thing. Use it, and move forward in your day. 

  17. Anecdotally, I've "added Note" to certain players when teaming with them, and have also made notes on players who just say really inflammatory things in any channel, allowed or not. 

    But when I switch, I'll do the right click and I'll see it says "Edit Note", and I'll see the star rating, but I won't see the note that was made by an alt. 

    So I've adapted - 1 star - player has opinions which make it clear I wouldn't want to spend any amount of time with them, lest we spend it all debating, or worse, arguing. 
    2  stars - a new player who has much to learn before being trusted on a MoTF or MoIncarnate Trial, but worth teaming with for other things. 
    3 stars - really solid player, to be teamed with whenever convenient for both parties. 
    4 stars - Truly exceptional to the point where I feel carried along instead of the other way around. 
    5 starts - someone who I had high respect for back in live and continue to be amazed at in-game knowledge, skills & abilities. 

    • Like 1
  18. On 5/26/2020 at 5:28 PM, Troyusrex said:

    Because I've been dealing in Super Packs for the last 6+ months, I have a lot of odd stuff lying around. One of them is hundreds of Candy Canes. I went to the Elf and bought all the badges and temps powers. Now what? It looks like my only real option is Buying, crafting and selling Winter's Gift, which should give a smallish profit. I could get a respec recipe for 500 canes, but that seems like a bad deal since they cost 10X what Winter's gift costs while selling for about the same plus I have 53 sitting in Character Items (not to mention all the free ones I got).


    Any better ideas? Maybe just throw the canes on the market and take what I get? Do they get any more valuable during the winter event?

    I got as many winter's gifts as I could, then converted them all to Blessing of the Zephyr KB procs when they were selling routinely for 3m or more. Maybe 6 months ago? I got one yesterday for 1.8m, so those days are probably over. Still, given that rare salvage is now selling for a patient price of 425k or so, probably still worth it, unless the rng just despises you while converting. 

    They will get a little more valuable during the winter months. Newer players who don't read the forums, or don't visit them until it's too late will want those badges but lack the canes and feel like they're running out of time pursuing them. But they'll likely never sell for much. 

  19. 6 hours ago, Greycat said:

    MM, true, I was reading it more as "you'll need that for repeated runs." Then again, IK've also seen people just base (or other) teleport out of there.


    Of course, if you're going after the Igneous bosses badge, you can get at least one of *those* defeated per run, too. 🙂

    I've always done the Cavern of Transcendence trial set to -1/8, and bring a lot of phenomenal lucks. I think it took me 4 runs to get those igneous bosses. 


  20. 19 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    You don't even need reveal for this. (Depending on the character and level, I'm averaging between 7-12 minutes.)

    True enough - but if it's your first time, determining that you exit through that door to the left of the entrance (as you're trying to leave) - and what way to go from there, it's helpful. 

  21. Well, I say go for the goal. 

    A few tips: On Excelsior, some nights, if the raid leader is feeling spry, he'll run hami more than 4 times. Just depends on his mood, and if enough people stick around. 
    80 for the first run, 40 merits each additional run. No reason you can't expect 160 merits for the usual 3 runs x 3 days, 480 merits. If you really want to push the envelope, you can try for some raids on Torchbearer which run an hour earlier than Excelsior, where they do things (somehow) far more efficiently and quickly than Excelsior. Theoretically, you could get 960 merits in three days with just hami raids on those two servers. 

    Some SSA arcs are better than others, as far as efficiency goes. If you have Reveal power from p2w, you can do the first SSA out of Skyway (Theoden) in less than 10 minutes, running at 1/0. Possibly less than 5 minutes if you really try and become familiar with it.  Wavelength's SSA from Pandora's Box part 1 is also pretty quick; a little bit of travel between missions, but they're super easy. (Hero side assumption) 

    Apex/Tin, as mentioned are a fairly fast 80 merits, 40 each. On the right team, this will take longer to form than to actually complete. I've been on solid teams that have done this in less than 15 minutes (each) without any true effort to speed through them. I've also been on teams that did Apex in 9 minutes, and Tin in 11 minutes and change. But those teammates of mine often make specific builds just to speed through for the fastest time possible. 

    If you're really desperate - you can dual box one of the shard tfs, and simply have one alt email hero merits (50 reward merits at a time) to the alt that wants the 1500 merits. 

    If it were me - honestly - I wouldn't do any of those things. I'd buy winter packs and hero packs and open them until I had the 1500 merits, and then I'd catalyze the ATOs/Winter-Os and sell them until I recouped my influence. The actual recouping might take a few days - superior ATOs at the going prices don't sell that fast. Make them cheaper and they still don't sell that fast. The smarter players realize that they can buy their own winter packs. But, there's still plenty of lazier players who can't be bothered. 

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