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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. Hamidon's Enemy is supposedly a tip mission given automatically to villains when they ding 30. So, I've got a character, currently villain, but is level 50. 

    Do I have to roll a character on an alt account and have them get this mission and invite my alt? Find some other villain that's just turned 30 and ask for an invite - or is there a way to do these through ouroboros? I've looked, and I could be looking in the wrong place...


  2. 37 minutes ago, siolfir said:


    To address a couple of things brought up:


    I've deliberately wandered off into a different direction in a few cases - usually defeat alls - when I'm running my IO'd out Brute and the rest of the team can handle the spawns without me. Let's face it, running a Citadel at even con isn't all that hard, and splitting up just reduces the amount of time that it takes to clear the base(s), whether your attempting a speedrun or not. I also am one of those people that will run into the next spawn once the previous group is down to mop-up duty, although I'll hang around for the bosses and/or try to pull them along with me to the next spawn if I'm supposed to be the primary tank. And yes, I'm also well aware that there is an aggro cap, and I try to grab spillover from tanks that aren't, and try to pull multiple x8 spawns together - but I also expect characters to be able to handle a minion or two while I'm attacking the bosses and Lts to keep them on me.


    As for knockback... my rule is pretty simple: if I'm a melee and you knock something that's attacking me away, then I expect you to take care of it (and yourself). If I knock something away from you, I expect myself to take care of it. 


    Yeah, but it's a Synapse - that's not much of an exaggeration. And even the ones that start off wanting to kill everything on every map usually say "yes" when I ask if I can stealth to the objectives once you get to the part that you can stealth.


    I think you and I are on pretty much the same page. I have zero issues with everyone going off in their own direction if they can handles themselves. This is because I know ALL of my toons, even down to my emp defender, can handle themselves solo. 

    In many ways, I think the problem that a lot of people have with this wandering off solo is they need your ability to manage aggro where they are. Not everyone can handle themselves with a minion or two. 

    I listen on discord to some folks while we play, and I cannot fathom how they managed to level a character up. They seem helpless and clueless about the simplest of things. I just remind myself that a dozen years ago, I was a guy who had no idea what to slot. I thought that the "enhancements allowed" meant I was supposed to put one of each of those enhancements in the power. So every power got as many slots as needed to slot every allowed type of enhancement. While the savvy folks were slotting 1 acc, 4 damage, 2 recharge or similar, I was slotting 1 acc, 1 dam, 1 end redux, 1 rech, 1 slow, 1 range. 

    Then suddenly, about level 26, I have this new power that takes 8 different kinds of enhancements, but I could only fit 6 slots. I thought the game was broken! So, I try not to judge ignorance harshly. 

    Two things lead to disappointment in life: unrealistic expectations and/or unrealized expectations. Let's just do our best to define those before things start. 


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  3. The key element that is missing prior to 90% of all team wipes is communication. This game is not hard. The challenges stem from the players themselves. A level 16 tank with 4 travel powers comes to mind. A player that turns left while everyone else goes right. 

    It's never really quite clear to me why teams split when it's not a speed effort.  Someone got to the intersection first and chose a path. I suppose some have Reveal, others don't. Some are paying attention, others aren't. Ultimately, it's the people that make things harder than they have to be.  Without these people, the game would be so simple, nobody would play. It would be dull. 

    Embrace the suck of the PUG. It is through PUGs that friendships are made, sometimes through a baptism of fire, wasted time and debt. Of course, it is also through PUGs that we learn that some players are so inept that they can't even handle a blaster using kb to mitigate damage they would take if they couldn't use kb. See - if you're melee and you just read that, your heart started to race, because you hate players that use kb! (well, only some of you hate it, others just find it annoying/inconvenient)  Still, it's our ability to cope with these challenges that make the game more interesting. The other perspective suggests the player with the kb adapt and not use the kb, either through procs or different tactics.  

    People are different. Expect these kind of issues if your leader isn't communicating while the team is forming. It's not a guarantee that things will go roughly if they don't type out direction, but when expectations are laid out prior, most people can temper their own expectations and have more fun.  AND don't be afraid to drop from a tf before it starts if you don't feel right. But don't you dare drop once it starts. That's just bad form. I make notes on people who do this and refuse to team with them or let them participate in the stuff I lead. 


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  4. 1 hour ago, Voltor said:

    Thats why I left the map open. 🙂

    I don't want to think about how much time that saved me. I don't have the latest vidiotmap patch because of the game being downloaded in my documents folder; it's a mess. I should do a fresh install of the game, but I've no idea how long that could take with my internet. 


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  5. Let me just say this: I appreciated the accuracy of the Batman reference. Even with the screenshot, not knowing the WEB like I should, it took some time to find it, even knowing the loc. I'd get 2 out of 3 of the xyz close to correct, but was always off. Finally found it. 

  6. I really have to applaud the diligence of taking notes on what you're selling/buying, etc. I don't do that at all. 

    That said...here's my observations: Selling anything for 1million? That's just not worth the time. I want sales of at least $3M for each IO. So, I burn through a few more converters. But it's paid off for me. 

    Always take note of how many are on the auction block. There are people who played the market back when the HC CoH first came back, and prices were much higher. Numina's proc used to sell for a lot more than it does now, that's certain! I don't take notes, so I can't say, but pretty sure they were close to 8M inf. So, stands to reason that a percentage of ALL the typical money makers are for sale, but will likely never sell, because they're priced too high for today's market. 

    If there are less than 30 of the items for sale, you still have to look at the other IOs within the set. You don't want to be too greedy, or people will buy the cheaper IOs within the set and convert, leaving you without a sale. If they're all pretty low in inventory, you can probably afford to sell at a good price. One that's fair, not excessive. I think 4M for any damage resistance armor is about as high as you should go, but not as high as you could go, as an example. 

    Currently, LotG 7.5% seem to be dropping in price..for now. Whomever is selling them is either wanting to manipulate the price, or is just wanting super quick sales. I have a number of these for sale at what used to be the going price. I aim to wait out the cheap sellers, because the LotG 7.5% are simply worth the 7-8M price. They're so valuable in my mind, I really think they should be going for 10M, but the market disagrees. So, I price to sell in the 7-8M range. 

    If the market says they're not worth that much over the long haul, that's fine. I have characters that will level up and use them eventually, and I'll save inf instead of make it. 

    Interesting that you use level 31's, presumably to save on crafting costs. But, you have to be careful. Some recipes are going to be cheaper in converter costs by using level 41 recipes. Or level 10's. Etc. Some of you will immediately know what I'm talking about. I'm confident the rest of you will figure it out in due time. 

    Really, though, I love the diligence of taking notes, just wish I had been doing the same. 

  7. I have done Apex a number of times on my blasters. It's a hoot, and I rarely suffer defeat. Very rarely. I think Apex is one of those that you just need to run a number of times before you can appreciate the challenge/fun of it. 

    I credit the scrapper that solo'd it...I dunno if my brute could. Might be fun to find out! 
    That said, as a I play my blaster, super speeding about, ignoring the swords when BM runs away, and focusing only on the Champions/Mourning NPCs, I ask myself how miserable it must be to be melee in this part of the tf, and am thrilled to be on my blaster. 



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  8. 45 minutes ago, Mister Mass said:

    The new arcs are level 25-29, so they should be available through Ouro at that level band.  Look for the last arc in the band, since they are sorted by issue #, so the newest arcs would be last.

    You know - I never realized that's what those numbers represented. <head smack>

    • Haha 1
  9. My thoughts on this issue are simply that - my thoughts. 

    We're all different, with differing amounts of time to play, and with different knowledge about the game. So, I try not to assess people based on how they play. That said, there is a help channel. People ask questions about making more inf, and I tell them. Honestly, and openly. To me, making the influence is far more interesting than leveling the character. I really only play the character to create more opportunities to make more influence. And it's quite simple. So simple, that now, I'm playing the game, exploring new content because the influence just rolls in. I spend 30 minutes at most, just converting the drops I get into ones that are worth more to other players. 

    There's many different ways to make influence - but I don't think that's what the post is about - but about how we treat others. I get that. Nobody should be ridiculed for the way they play. That said, if I had a nickel for every player I ran into that was clueless about how to play their characters because they got power-leveled, I'd have a lot of nickels. This is the primary reason people chastise farmers, I think. It creates, in some cases (not all!) players that are so clueless about what they're doing, they don't even know that they don't know what they're doing. 

    Nothing forces me to team with them, of course. Until I find myself on a task force and they want to have fun, but have no idea how to actually pull with a ranged attack. It's a simple mechanic once you learn it - but you won't learn it sitting at a door in AE. And their incompetence makes what should be a simple thing into an ordeal. And they don't seem to want to learn when I try to suggest alternate strategies. Fine. 

    Using frost breath without positioning your character...well, I could go on, but I think the point is clear. The OP ran into someone who didn't have a full picture of what was really going on. And the OP didn't take advantage of free resources available. Like simply running the Sig story arc in Skyway for 20 merits, seeing a merit vendor and selling the converters for 85 to 90k each. 

    Then buy a pvp io recipe (level 10 to keep crafting costs low) and then go get some more merits, to get some more converters, craft that bad boy, convert it to a panacea, shield wall or glad armor, and keep the profits to either buy more recipes, or buy a couple of the IOs needed. 

  10. I wish I could say I'm at a loss for words. But, I'm not. 

    Why in the world would you take something that works just fine, and then, "fix it"? 

    Leave well enough alone. So what if a zillion people take hasten. Let 'em. If you don't want it, don't take it. 

    It would just be easier to say, "Let us take as many power pool choices as we want."  We'd see some odd characters, but nothing game breaking. 

    This fantastic game, which kept our hearts even while it was closed for most of us - and all most of you want to do is change it. That makes no sense to me at all. Leave it alone. 

    I get wanting different stories. I can almost wrap my head around wanting different costume options - although now there are more than I will ever try or even know about - but I will not, cannot understand why anyone wants to change things like powers and power pools, etc. 

    Still I don't have to understand. Just glad I get to play - and that people will think of various things like this. I don't like this idea, but the next one might be brilliant. 

    • Like 3
  11. On 9/8/2019 at 5:58 PM, HelenCarnate said:

    Outside of nukes, Ice has the highest damage ranged single target attack but its cast time is quite long.  Blaze is almost the same damage, but much of it is DoT however it does have a much faster cast time and with the recent snipe changes Blazing Bolt can also be worked into your single target chain.  Atomic and Energy have the highest single target Melee attack with Atomic getting the edge due to faster cast time.  With crazy amounts of recharge you could get an attack chain of Blaze, Blazing Bolt and Positronic Fist with Negatron Slam as filler for any gaps. That is what I use and can at times snag aggro from tanks and brutes if they do not have taunt on long fights. 

    I'm sorry - I do agree that ice has the highest ranged single target damage...but it's cast time is quite long? Are you talking about Bitter Ice Blast? Or something else? The ONLY long animation in ice is Bitter Freeze Ray. 

  12. Clearly, this wins my prize for the most confusing post today. 

    Am I supposed to alter my play style to conform with how other people play? I can see doing that for pursuit of a specific badge, perhaps, but not regularly. 

    At the same time, this situation you speak of is not unknown to me. I've felt this way on my tanks, my brutes and my scrappers. Ultimately, what occurs is the realization that in order for me to become a better tank, brute, or scrapper, I have to improve my level of play, not insist others conform or adapt to mine. 

    CoH is a blaster's world, baby. Adapt. 

    • Like 1
  13. 27 minutes ago, Big Lunk said:


    Huh, this actually made me think, most of my "hobbies", health and fitness(I was a PT), politics/sociology (University study), acting (I do tv background and bit parts) are linked to careers I've had.


    I suppose mycology, growing and studying mushrooms, mould and fungi, is my only actual hobby as I've never done it for money. They're just absolutely fascinating creatures.

    I'm planning a lichen terrarium next year once I get some nice samples collected. 


    I love the C2 model Cs, used to do a casual 10k every morning on one a few years back, but I can't stand the newer model Ds, the handle has too much give, blisters my fingers with heavy use. 

    Impressed by your stats though! 

    When doing "volume", I was told that I would develop callouses. I did, but I'd still blister up. I found that some weight-lifting gloves with 1/2 finger sleeves work great for absorbing the sweat and preventing blisters. For the really long rows, like 1/2 marathon, I use NexCare waterproof tape, the brown stuff. It's like a second skin and if it weren't 3.32 a roll (which lasts about 4 rowing sessions), I'd use it instead of the gloves. 

  14. Some of you are just ...puzzling with your expressed thoughts. You blame the farmer - because they make influence by playing their characters?

    Suppose....just suppose...they played actual content the same way, outside of AE. They'd still make influence by playing their characters. And guess what - all of you who play your characters can make that same influence. 


    The game does need something else to spend influence on, to absorb the humongous billions many of us have stashed on our alts, in our email and in bids on AH on things that don't exist in game. But to blame it on anything other than the game itself is just....puzzling. 

    • Like 1
  15. Posi 1 and 2 can be solo'd easily. 
    Synapse is still long, but also easily solo'd. 
    Penny Yin TF is super simple to solo.
    In fact, all the TFC task forces are simple to solo. In many cases, even easier to solo than doing it with a team. 


    Numina takes me about 40 minutes, solo. Posi 1,2, Yin about 20-25 minutes each. Synapse, with the kill alls (and my characters also needing gear smasher and running the first two missions at 0/8) still takes me about 2 hours. Manticore and Citadel are about an hour. 

    When I say solo, I mean nobody else is on my team - but I do use envenomed dagger against the avs, as well as a lot of large reds and purples. 
    And, the character that solos them is usually a brute or a scrapper, or my ill/rad controller. I also feel free to use a vanguard heavy if I have one. Or even a Werewolf or Katie Hannon temp power. Shivan's too.  

  16. The main "hobby" I partake in is rowing. My feet would get really sore from jogging and even walking when I was going 5 miles or more a day, so now I row. Yesterday I did 18k, broken up into two sessions - one, a real killer called "Death Row", where you set the rower up for one minute intervals with no rest. 
    The first minute, you chill; you aim for 150 meters. 
    The 2nd minute, you're still chilling, aiming for 160 meters. 

    You increase your target by 10 meters each minute. 

    By the 11th minute, you're aiming for 250m, which isn't that bad. Not a great amount of fun, but ...when you get to 15 minutes and are looking for 290 meters, this is when the actual workout begins. If you get to 16 minutes and go for 300 meters...then you can call yourself a hero. 

    I've gotten to 300 meters once...I usually stop at 290 because of the inability to take in enough oxygen. 

    Should you find access to a concept 2 rower and try this - what I was told was,  "Go hard. You won't die. [dramatic pause] You'll pass out first."


    And because the approximate distance of 4500m during this workout isn't really enough volume, I'll do a slow, steady state row in the afternoon of about 10-11k, to give myself 15 to 18k a day. (There's almost always a warm-up row before any anaerobic work gets done, about  2-3k)

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  17. While you're just beginning - here's some things I've done that have panned out well. 

    Over the weekend, it would seem there are players who simply haven't the patience, or the time to wait. So they pay more for various IOs. 

    Sudden Acceleration KB to KD for example. Over the weekend, they sell for over 3m, during the week, a little closer to 2m. 

    This is the same with Numina and Preventive Medicine "procs" as well. (I call all the chance for this, that and the other procs, because it's just easy for me) 

    The LotG is simply a stable IO...almost anyone will get 5 of these, if they have the powers to slot them in. They are in such demand that people will select powers they won't even use much, if at all, just to slot them. 

    So, all of that to say this: try stashing a couple of each 10 or so IOs in your base. List them on Friday. Check your sales either later Friday Pm or Sat. AM. I suspect your prices will have been met. Don't get greedy, but aim for just 10% above what they sold for on, say Tuesday. 

    Some players will be wise and creep their bids up in small increments of 100-10k inf if they want it "now", but some just place bids in increments of millions. 

    I stash about 10 out of every 100 drops after I've crafted. This didn't start out to be a strategy, but a way for my main badge toon to make more sales for badge purposes. Turns out if made me a bit more inf by waiting on the weekends. 

    Oh, and I don't think I've ever bought low demand IOs for the purpose of converting, unless you count PvP IOs. And that's just because I can't bring myself to pay 10 million for any IO.  (somehow I can bring myself to pay 25 million for a winterpack...but the merits in those generally put me ahead.) 

    I'd sooner pay 4-5 million for something less popular like a glad strike recipe, and burn 10-30 converters to make the glad armor 3% def IO and the other 2 popular ones, than fork over 9-11 million.  And the crazy thing is I can afford to pay a lot more, I'm just cheap! 

    I find it best to just convert the drops I get. The converters from reward merits are what I use, or from Winter packs, so I don't really spend money, other than on crafting and AH list fees. 

    Last count I've got 15 billion or so. 

  18. Well, it's Monday now...and I've no idea if you've gotten the answer. If not - what server are you on? Perhaps, inviting someone else may help. If it's Excelsior or Torchbearer, maybe I could help - I've done his arcs with several characters. 

    His first arc is always via Dr. Sheridan, in between the hospital and the Crey's gate in Brickstown. 

    What's the title of the mission? 

  19. So, years ago, when the game shut down, I'd asked myself if there were any reason to keep CoH on my computer. Eventually, I deleted it. 

    Some time later, Codewalker (possibly with the help of others) came up with Paragon Chat and Tequila was the launcher used for that. So, I ended up reinstalling the game - but for whatever reason, the installation wasn't neat and tidy, creating a CoH folder, it just all dumped into my documents folder, of all places. 

    I'm able to play the game, I have the issue 23 version of Vidiotmaps - but since I've already got all the exploration badges on my badge toon, I'm not sure a fresh install is worth the time it would take - until I read about various tools used to aid in the creating new characters on Justin server for testing. I don't think they'll work because I don't have any folders from downloading Paragon Chat. (and that's been years now, it may have been a link to something else that downloaded the game for paragon chat to work.) 

    I even have old copies of CoH, CoV and Going Rogue. I suspect using them would be pointless, and I'd have to just use the HC manifest and wait until it's done. 

    Obviously, download times would vary from system to system, and with internet speeds being different - but can someone give me a ball-park guess as to how long it would take? An hour? 6 hours? 3 days? 


  20. 13 hours ago, Foxfyre said:

    With that being said....we don't wait till 10pm EST anymore, even though that's the "official" start time.  We usually start once the zone fills and nobody else can enter.

    I led 2 back to back raids last night, with a scheduled start time of 10pm Eastern. I think it was the previous night, I couldn't get in to the first run, despite being 30 minutes early. Last night, I had planned to lead three - but with the zone caps, (fewer people) it takes longer to clobber GMs and get Hami to spawn. That seems to be the biggest time sink - having to kill GMs for the EoE. 

    I don't mind saying - standing on that big rock waiting for the league to form isn't my idea of time well spent. We only have so many hours of play time! But- there is an element of fun reading the teasing and jokes in broadcast. 

    I used /search to check the hive population at 8:30pm Eastern - a full 90 minutes before scheduled start time - almost 10 people! Then I rechecked maybe 20 minutes later - and almost 30!

    So, how would things have played out if the leader doesn't get into hive 1? I don't know. Guess I'd have had to wait for folks to get to hive 2...and not sure if that would've been a waiting game or not. Could be someone else would've stepped up for Hive 1, while I'm in Hive 2 waiting for a league to fill. As I mentioned - I don't like waiting. So, I entered at 9pm Eastern. The league filled at 9:28pm by my watch. 

    I share these thoughts to give folks my thought process as to why a scheduled start time simply means "a latest start time" for me. 

    If I'm scheduled to lead, it's my intent to begin when the league fills, as I see no reason to wait for the schedule start time, when it's clear nobody else can enter the zone. If there's a reason to sit around with a full league in a capped zone...I dunno what it is. 

    If someone has a better way, I'm open to suggestions. 

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