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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. On 8/9/2020 at 11:03 AM, d4verman said:

    If players can basically have their own SG and a base do they form coalitions still?

    Yes, they do. I don't know what the limit is, but it's reasonable. 

    There are still some super groups - Cosmic Council being one of them. They do pretty good work and have helped my alts get some of the more challenging badges. I think they're also the SG that put out the first "open" transport hub for anyone to use. 

    Like others have stated, I have my own base, and use it to go from zone to zone, to craft, or to buff (empowerment buff stations) as much as I do to stash salvage or inspirations. While I'm not really adverse to joining an SG...I have no idea how I'd manage without a ton of room to stash salvage and inspirations I'd want to use with an alt.  I could afford to buy what I needed, but when you just toss influence around like that, over time, the pile of inf you have becomes a smaller pile. Can't have that!

    I have one character in an sg that's not a solo group. But the character's already 50, and t-4'd out. So, no real need to stash stuff. Still annoys me that I have to log in a 2nd account to hand off catalysts, but them's the breaks. 

  2. Well, other examples would be Harvey Meylor's arc, Tina Mac, Maria Jenkin's to name a few. 

    But, in my post, if I didn't make the point, I feel stupid, because that was the point. While doing Ouro arcs - you're stuck finishing the darn thing, even if an opportunity for MoKeyes with a proven leader pops up that you'd like to participate in, unless you just quit the arc and lose all progress. Granted, this can happen on a short arc, but I'm okay redoing a few missions, but I don't want to redo 7 or 8. 

  3. So...I've got this character that has been going through all the ouro arcs. I would say about 75% -  the Praetorian and the lower level Redside arcs are about the right length. 3-5 missions, mostly. 

    We all know that when you start an arc, if you're solo, that's it - can't invite anyone else. Which is fine, I know that going in. But I think it would be nice if an arc like Sister Psyche's TF, or Posi's old school tf were cut in half for half the merits. My reason is because I can't tell you how many times I was in an ouro arc this week and there was an opportunity to go for some difficult badge. So, each time, I'd quit, lose progress and have to restart it at a later time. Crazy badges. 

    Anyway, that's my suggestion. Just the ones that are more than 8 missions. 

  4. On 8/4/2020 at 10:32 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

    On that note, if you are crafting lvl 30 recipes, you will need level 30 salvage which won’t drop on your lvl 50 farming.  I’d just buy them on the AH, but you can burn tickets for them as well if you REALLY don’t want to buy them on the AH.

    Granted, it's not on a challenge character, or I might be persuaded to take the time. But, imo, the time of buying the requisite lower level salvage (when dealing with a lot of recipes) it becomes tedious. 

    I do have an alt that only crafts/converts level 10 PvP recipes, and only keeps that salvage in inventory, simply repurchasing it in lots of 5 before they're needed. (I place the low-ball bid for 5 of everything, then proceed to use what's on hand, which was acquired through previous low-ball bids.)

    I suppose I could do that with a farmer that was doing tickets only....but, nah...I'm gonna stay out of the 30's. No sense stepping on someone else's hustle. For now, my methods have worked very well for me. 

  5. On 8/6/2020 at 7:27 PM, Neogumbercules said:

    What's the difference? 

    The difference seems to be which edition of the ATOs you get. 

    With each AT, there are two ATO sets. One came out a year earlier than the other, if memory serves. 
    With brutes, there's Brute's Fury, and Unrelenting Fury. The former comes from the hero/villain packs, the ones you got, the latter comes from the vig/rogue packs. 

  6. I know it's an old thread - but did we forget the OP was doing them with no temps, "master of" fashion? 

    I came here because I was on a team doing the MoLGTF last night, and we only had one Dom, who apparently got hami-hammered and died on us. Made me think about soloing it...and did a search for ideas, found this post. 

    I'm thinking my fire/fire/mace would have to do a respec to accomplish this, because he's got zero holds. 

    But -- wanted to pose this question: 

    Before mission, fill up on Super reds and EoE. 

    Gobble EoE, shoot out Blues. Gobble EoE when needed, use melee attacks on yellows. 

    Gobble EoE, cap damage with supers, and one shot the blue with my out of combat snipe. I took half of one's hp last night with build-up and no reds...thought, just maybe.,..if I'd had the supers, I could just one shot 'em, kill 'em before the others can heal it. 


    Seems plausible in theory...just don't know if it will work yet. 

  7. Sounds to me like a "Self-exemplar" by speaking with a notoriety contact could be the way to go. WIth the tiny bubble in our chat box, it makes them all but useless anyway, this might give them added purpose. 

    It would be like taking an ouro mission, only at the notoriety contact in that zone. You go to Perez Park, they make you level 9 (or 10?) 
    You go to the hollows, and they make you level 8 or 10, or whatever it would be. Or you could simply tell the contact what level to exemp you to. 

    That said, I don't think I'd ever use it. Killing 1000 of anything...I think I want to be 50 and them to be level 8. If I had to actually work for those...not sure I would! 

  8. There's a mission in Tina Mac's arc, where you have to rescue Dr. ...Todd? Calvin? ...Anyway, I just make a target macro: /macro FIND targetcustomnext Dr. Calvin

    Then, as I stealth-speed around the map, I tap the macro button..doesn't take long. I right click and edit the same macro to target Chasers in LRSF, Demolitions in Underground Trial, Sorcerers when I'm hunting for them in Talos, and many other npcs. 

  9. Tempus Fugitive (hero)/ Destroyer of Worlds (Villain) is the name of a badge supposedly given for taking over enough pillboxes to earn 1000 "temporal points" for whatever side you're on in Recluse's Victory. I know I've done this at least three times, but I don't see the badge in the pvp subsection. It's an issue 25 badge, meaning HC brought it on, and I know I've gotten this badge on another character in the past year, so I don't think it's glitched. Yet, I don't have the badge, OR, I'm looking in PvP and it's an accolade or an achievement. 

    OR - since my character is a praetorian, it has a different name. But I have looked through my list of pvp badges and they all are for something else. 


    Anyone have any insight? 


  10. While the nav bar points to the wrong door - your map should reflect the accurate location. Threw me off for a minute too, but I remember this glitch from before the shut down. Just stretch out your map, and go to the way point there. (if you click on it, it will still point to the wrong door - just point your green arrow avatar on the map and proceed to the red star/asterisk location on the map. )

  11. There's a lot I am not getting about the pvp zones. My defense drops over 27%, just entering a pvp zone. I use a luck - supposed to increase my defense - if it does, I can't tell. I got one of the Super lucks, and my defense doesn't move from the measly 20% I had before I took it. 

    Is there no way to make the pvp zone behave like it does in pve when dealing with npcs? I get there was an attempt to do some kind of half-baked balancing between the ATs - but what's the point of inspirations if they provide no value? 

  12. 13 hours ago, Saikochoro said:

    You are correct. Central banks can manipulate the economy to certain degrees by using various methods. However, you are correct in that economic rules apply even when there isn’t a central bank to manipulate behaviors. 

    I like to think of it this way:


    Say a barter system was in place and there was no central bank. Let’s say potatoes are a commonly traded commodity.  Let’s also say there are 10 farmers who grow potatoes that are traded in a given community.  There will be some sort of equilibrium that is reached. The potatoes value will reflect the equilibrium of supply and demand and also the level of trust that the community in general has in the potato being universally desired. This will happen even without a government proclaiming potatoes legal tender And trades running through a banking system. 

    Now let’s say 10 new farmers come and start growing potatoes. All of a sudden there is double the amount of potatoes available in the bartering community. Do you think the value of a single potato will increase, decrease, or stay the same if there are no other changes? 

    It will decrease because there are more available.  It is human nature to devalue something when it becomes less scarce. People will start demanding 5 potatoes for  a 2x4 beam instead of 3 purely by knowing there are more potatoes in the system. It doesn’t even matter if the person holding the potatoes has more or less than they did before the new farmers showed up. It is a function of the overall supply of potatoes in the bartering community. All of this is done without a central bank. It is just human behavior that is reflected in economic principles. 

    I feel the need to add to this. It's not so much that there are more potatoes making them cheaper - it's that the new potato vendors are driving the price of potatoes downward because if they don't have some other competitive advantage, they won't sell any potatoes, as the people would have no reason to stop buying the potatoes from the vendors they already bought from. They call it competition, and it's good for a healthy economy. At least - that's what "they" say. 

  13. 17 hours ago, Saikochoro said:

     If we are going on buy now prices: When I bought purples before they fluctuated between 20-23m. Now I can consistently get them for 17-19m. ATO were 9-10m. Now I can get them for 7-8m. LOTG + rech were 6-8m. Now I can get them for 5-6m. I will give you that this global does seem to fluctuate depending on time of day though.  Performance shifter proc was 3-4m.  Now I can get it for 2-3m.  The global bonus PVP IOs (shield wall, gladiator armor, panacea) were all 12-15m. I can get them for 10-11m now. I was able buy converters for 70k before the nerf easily.  From what I have seen prices have dropped pretty much across the board.  I used to be able to sell sudden acceleration knockback to knockdown for 3-5m consistently. Now I convert past them because I can get them for 1.5 - 2m. The only thing I haven’t seen change much is miracle + recovery, which has stayed pretty much the same. This is also from a selling perspective as well. 

    That said, our own experiences are anecdotal. The devs have more information than we do I’m sure and they said that the nerf had the intended affect. 

    I agree completely with this. I have found the same price ranges myself. 

    One thing that I found interesting (yes, I digress), the number of LotG 7.5% on the AH has dropped from 900-1100 to about 300-600. There is one or more players gobbling these up at the 5m price point and relisting them for a higher price. It can't be that much higher, or they're being very patient with all the competition...I saw them over the course of the past two days fluctuate from 4.8m to 8m. 

    Obviously, it's a bit of speculation in my part that players are trying to drive the price point up with scarcity, but it will only ever work in the very short run, as too many people have access to converters. 

  14. Well...seeing as HC's "Good sellers" are generally Defense, resist, end mods and heals, at that 25-29 level range, they'd convert into a category with a lot of options for it to convert to that are uncommon and not good sellers. 

    Like in the resist category, there's the steadfast that we want...and converting from a low level resist IO can hit the jackpot, or hit any of the others several times before you get the good stuff. At level 50, the resist can be Aegis or Unbreakable from the uncommon one, Titanium Coating. 

    Doctored Wounds can become Numina or Preventative Medicine. 

    The Perf Shifters should have gone up in price with the introduction of the two new sets...cuz it's now that much harder to get one. But, the chance to heal sells pretty good, too. 

    So, I'll stick to level 50 silver rolls - which will be one out of every 6 maps. The other 5 will be standard drops to generate the salvage to craft the silver roll recipes. 

  15. So...I had a thought...and it's probably something many of you were already doing. But I guess I'm slow on the uptake. 


    I think I must be quite obtuse..as I just thought of this, and I suspect I've been doing it wrong all this time. 

    For a time, I would set my farmers in the #125 map, afk. Come back, reset. When salvage was close to full, I'd craft, convert, sell. 

    If you don't know, the 125 map is a 5 mission arc of the same thing. It's small. Takes 2 minutes if I actually paid attention and played the character as designed. AFK, will clear the map in about 10-15 minutes, awaiting patrols. 

    I always did these for standard rewards, never tickets. This way, I never pay for salvage. If I lack the rare to craft a drop, I just don't craft it. Sooner or later, the rares will drop. I've never run out of inventory room, as salvage stacks faster than recipes. 

    I never craft the common recipes, I just sell them to the AE vendor. 

    But - each mission of the 5 mission arc - I sometimes get a purple. Not usually, just sometimes. Maybe 1-2 a day if I'm going afk-farm all day. 
    Then I thought...what if I went tickets? Not even clearing the map, 60 seconds will earn max tickets. 1500 tickets, 75 tickets per uncommon. 

    That's 20 uncommon recipes per round, 100 per arc. It will easily burn 200 converters, just to get them to rares, (unless it's those bloody Targeted AoEs, Snipes, or PBAoE, or End Mod) 


    20 uncommons versus maybe (maybe not) a rare, a couple uncommons, or just 3-6 uncommons. Or maybe 6 uncommons and a pvp. Or a purple, too. Never know. There's a lot of variance. 

    If the salvage were already organized in my base (alphabetically) I think it would make more inf. than going standard rewards. 

    The one hitch is the time it takes to pluck the salvage from base inventory. With 80 recipes, that would take some time that I wouldn't have to take going the standard reward route. 

    Maybe just do this when character salvage inventory is close to full? 

  16. 7 hours ago, HelenCarnate said:

    Flipping.  If I wait a few days instead of crafting and selling every other day I can easily have over 200.  Would be nice to not have to move stuff over from the AH to my inventory several times. 

    I can understand that - but for me, it's like laundry. I HATE doing laundry. But I hate doing LOTS of laundry more than a load every couple of days. I'd sooner craft the dozen or so decent dropped recipes (vendor the commons), and convert and stash or sell them 2x a day than do that to 200 recipes. 

    I've got a 2nd badger working on creating inventions - so with my farmers on the other two accounts, this poor badge character has had to craft and convert about 60 recipes just in the past 3 hours. It's a chore. But, I make a lot of inf from it, so it's not that awful. 

    Wish I could make money doing my laundry...

  17. I have ...I really don't know, maybe 25-30 level 50+3, all t-4'd.  I can't stake my life on it - but odds are, many of them I'll never play again. But deleting them? I don't need the inf, nor the IOs within. Almost all of them are vet levels 12-18. I see no value in deleting them, when I could simply "Vet-PL" them for the emp merits to pass on to alts. But that's really not much fun. At least, not to me. 


    I do think - why not delete them? I've little interest in playing the ice sentinel again. Nor the water/time corruptor. Both are sturdy, and somewhat enjoyable to play. But neither are going to gain any attention for DPS. I solo 95% of the time, and DPS is important. The buffs from the corr. pretty much only come into play during iTrials, when I team. 

    I've got tanks that have handled recluse with ease. Yet, I don't play them because tanking is dull and boring to me. Even with the changes, my tanks can't beat Siege as an EB, even with vast amounts of rage inspirations. But they're great for hami raids. It's about all they are good for. So, I'll keep 'em around. 

    I think often of how I would choose to reduce my characters, which ones I would delete... but I've got 1000 slots! I'll wait until I use 'em all up! 

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  18. After preventing a prison break, in the FF safeguard map, when I exit the Police Station, I fall in some mysterious depths below Founders - I can look up and see certain textures, and I take 1799 damage for my troubles. 

    It happened to me yesterday, didn't think much of it - but it happened again today, so figured I'd tell about it. 

    Since I'm in pursuit of badges, figured I'd see if this error would repeat - and it does. 

  19. Yeah, but what that kiosk doesn't show is the inf! That's the metric by which any ebil marketer is measured, isn't it? 

    I vendor salvage mostly. I just let 100's of inf blow away in the wind. 

    It's the millions I chase. 

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  20. 7 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Never without your permission!


    I hardly mind removing it from bar 2 on EVERY SINGLE new alt, since there are other adjustments I need to make as well.  But what really grinds my gears is that it takes up valuable real estate in the third column of the Manage screen.  Oh how I wish it'd go away...


    Like all those silly halloween costumes and other temps? Like my fire blaster is going to use Flame Thrower? (a temp I got from somewhere...) 

  21. Just now seeing this. 

    Other things to try: 
    Back on live, with an emp to assist, I used a level 52 natterling in FBZ. I have no recollection of how well or how fast this worked - it was a long time ago. 

    Recently, I used the very method you describe, a level 54 guide, However, before that, I had taken a lot of my IOs out of my build that resisted fire damage and would sit in the lava in the Alpha Unlock ouro arc that Mender Remiel gives when you ding 50. (The trap door mission)

    I had just finished using the first mission with all those avs to get the damage dealt badges, so it made sense to sit in the lava in mission 2 for a spell. The key was finding a balance in how much damage I could take and still regen enough to stay alive. It is much slower than the guide was, for sure, so only as a last resort. 



    Tonight, I saw this post again - and figured I'd see for myself. 

    The level 54 guide shot me with his crossbow once, then closed in for melee. 

     [11:15] Guide hits you with their Scimitar for 648.3 points of Lethal damage.
    [11:15] Guide hits you with their Scimitar for 479.74 points of Negative Energy damage.

    Just a radio mission in PI, there were three Guides, two in brown, one in a lighter color.  It's the brown robed ones I've always used. 


  22. 19 hours ago, Mister Mass said:

    I just want to note that I picked up all of these badges on Torchbearer in runs organized by @Spider - so I can vouch that her approach works.  I also want to applaud her on the hard work & cheerfulness in pulling this off.  That was a lot of cats to herd! 👍

    No question that Spider's posts were helpful. 

    The Pentad was straightforward enough. 

    The Swiss - ran into some glitch where after the first run was successful for a badge for the character in slot 2, the second run wouldn't initiate because it was stuck in some timer loop counting from 11 to 9, back to 11 seconds before it would start. 

    We all quit, logged off, back on, and it worked fine for the remaining rounds and didn't show up again. 


    It may be useful to know that patience is critical. 

    When I say "round", I should further state that there are 3 rounds per "run", or Swiss Draw Match. 
    The System takes some random choice (I guess) and pits 1 player against another in their own one on one duel. While this is happening, the system has pit two others against each other, until there's nobody else left. 
    We all knew going in that the person in slot 2 would get the badge - win or lose, but felt they should win just to be sure. It left some uncertainty as to what the other contestants who weren't facing the winner should do. Doesn't matter. 

    Exiting the map was a little fuzzy too. Once you lost, did we have to stick around until the system counted down to zero? No. Although, it being as glitchy as it is, those that faced the winner tended to wait until the system ported them out. There is a preconceptions that may or may not be accurate that if the winner leaves early, no badge. Given the headache that it is to get folks to do something so silly, why risk it? 

    The second round of a run - if you lost, you remained out of action - and some were a bit confused, thinking they would fight 3 rounds. Only if you win! If you lose the first round, you sit on the sidelines, patiently until the entire round is over. 


    To add some measure of comfort to those who've never done this but want the badge, follow Spider's pictures to the letter. It's quite simple if you realize the player in slot 2 will get the badge each run. And really try to remember to pick cage match. Finding someone in the Eden trial map often took longer than the fight itself! 


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