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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. I have now completed this a number of times with groups of folks that I would consider "better than average" and "average". 

    My experience with it was specifically for Master. I see no reason to do it for any other purpose, other than perhaps to farm for the defeat badges within. 

    The last mission is ...interesting...at least I think it's the last mission. It's rather like 3 small missions. You zone in and Becky's there (if you bothered to do the dialogue) and the building seems to be sideways. Very interesting look. Then we go through a blue portal - very small, tiny blue portal that if others didn't see it, I never would. It should be about 3 to 5x bigger than it is. We go through, and find some objects and then go through another portal, also very tiny...and I wouldn't see this one either, if I hadn't seen a teammate pop through it. 

    It's strange - I use my map, and I see none of my teammates are on the map with me. They've gone through the portal, I haven't, and it's a bit off-setting. Yet, on my team list, we're all still on the same map, effectively. Anyway, I go through the portal, we beat up a couple more AVs in this odd Mother Mayhem mind-space like place, and eventually go through another door, to the last part. 

    So, there are blue patches we have to avoid - if we're going for a badge. Avoid the blue stuff. Great. (yes, that's sarcasm) Fortunately, there's a different targeting mechanic..that I'm told is now currently glitched on occasion. Well, before shut down, patches hit that weren't perfect as well. 

    It's a solid story. It's interesting that on different difficulty levels, that npcs have different abilities to account for. I have died more from Brickernauts exploding than from any other NPC in the game, ever. I really wish the graphics for this were more visible on my system. Damned hard for me to see them. If I'm not on Discord, they'll get me 4 out of 5 times because I don't see them. 

    The best part is the first mission though. The tired scientist that's sleeping next to the glowing object that we have to take Becky to...after that, it's all downhill for enjoyment. 


  2. 12 hours ago, JnEricsonx said:

    My only other question is, as some have told me-is WAIT, because the prices for prebuilts, even the more middle of the road ones like what I'm looking at-are marked up too much due to the whole components/graphic cards situation.    I mean, is 1300 really that much higher than what it would be before all hell broke loose?  Or am I being told BS, and the price is pretty inline with what it would be?

    The thing about pre-made rigs and pricing is that it's entirely too easy to compare apples to oranges. One may have an SSD that's 1 TB, and the other may be an HDD that's 1/2 TB. 
    One might have Dimm ram, and another may have an entirely different type of ram. One may be upgradeable - as in, you could opt to increase your memory, upgrade to the next gen of CPUs, so many damn differences between one rig and the next. 

    My gut says, yeah, certain components, if you're buying them as an individual will be cheaper in a year or so. But the pre-made rigs...you're getting the cards (typically) at the manufacturer's suggest retail price. Over time, it's very rare for prices to go down. The manufacturers of these cards will undoubtedly look at sales and say, "Well, sales to non-crypto-currency miners has gone down, but we made 2x as much!"  (I have no idea if that's what the case actually is - that's just what I think they'll say, to justify an increase of their MSRP. 

    In short, for a pre-made rig, buy it now, maybe catch something on sale for the holiday. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


    I stand corrected, thank you!  I did not think that Running and Sprints would convert to Running, much like I wouldn't expect Damage Resistance to convert to Defense.  I made an assumption that was inaccurate.

    Now you see the purpose of my post in the first place. Per the AH - Running and Sprints are a different category than Running, yet they convert to each other, but they don't all slot in the same powers. A bit dizzying (for me) until you take a step back and have another look. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Jacktar said:

    But I am wondering if I just got lucky with the timer ( if there actually is one?) or if I forced them spawning by clearing the chamber mobs? (like when we open presents to spawn the Winter Lord!)

    I can't say with certainty - not a "Pigg Diver" by any stretch. 
    But, I spoke with @Voltor, who given his thorough affinity for all things badging, and he stated if you don't see them, clear the room of nearby mobs, back out of draw distance, and either log off, or wait a couple minutes, come back and see if anything changes. After 3-4 times clearing mobs, they're likely to appear. 

    So, I did just this, and was rewarded appropriately with the spawns I was looking for. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Troo said:

    @Ukase that is a sad number of convertors to have on hand. you're gonna get the carpal tunnel.


    (maybe there is a bit of crackdown on or removal of the guaranteed yellow2orange)


    My converter stash is like a gas tank on a '69 Plymouth Fury; if I don't have close to full, I feel like I'm gonna run out. I like to start each day off with 9999 on each farmer. 


    A level 30 character that started as a praetorian and still hasn't gone through the Rift to choose Hero or Villain. This is a "Crawl Team", where we endeavor to do all the gold side content. After running the two winter event missions in Pocket D, we opted to tackle the three Praetorian zone events. 

    The second one, in Imperial City requires us to clobber some Syndicate, take down 3 named bosses and then a final boss. At the completion of the event, some got the Takedown Artist badge, and some did not. The ones that got it were not Praetorian. The two that didn't were Praetorian. I had thought this was a Praetorian badge, but Hero/vig/rogue/villains could get it. 

    In any event, my character didn't get the badge, so I opted for No Reward, as the badge was the only reason to do it. 

    Seems like a bug to me. 



  7. Hmm...so the no-brainer conversion from Quickfoot to Celerity now has another potential outcome. So...beginning marketers may need a few more converters, but may also expect to make a few hundred inf more for there trouble..or not. Time will tell. 

    I wonder why they make Sprint, Swift & Hurdle so finicky as to not accept such things. 

  8. So...a little puzzled on this. This is more of a feedback than a suggestion. But, I'm not sure I get why this conversion can happen. 

    In the AH, there is a Running category that only has thrust. And a Running & Sprints category that has Quickfoot & Celerity. My farmer had a Quickfoot that converted within the Running category, which I didn't notice it didn't say "Running & Sprints". Prior to Thrust being intro'd, there were only Quickfoot & Celerity, so in my head, it's either in category or out. Never paid mind to what category that was. 

    Since I neglected to take a screenshot of the actual conversion, I just kept crafting, figuring it would show up again. Celerity into Thrust. (Yeah, I burned the converters when I would normally just convert the rare out of category to something worthwhile. But, for the sake of illustration, I did this) 

    Can we not just lump Thrust in with the other two on the AH? Or, if they are indeed two distinct categories (as in Thrust will slot into some running power that the other two would not)

    Is this as intended? Seems odd to me, but there's plenty of precedence for that. 



    • Thanks 1
  9. 15 hours ago, Techwright said:

    I do it all the time.  For CoH, I use it to check out new features, especially those with a bit of a time sink (I really wished I'd checked out the Dr. Q TF this way first!), or to get tips and tricks.  And there's the videos @Dacy puts out for base construction and to show off those wonderful base results.  For other games, it's often to evaluate whether I want to play, though in the case of a few I pick up, its to learn how to play when it proves more complex than I thought (looking at you, Empyrion 🤨 )

    Now, sometimes, I ask a question, not really seeking an answer, but a response comes up with something that DOES make sense to me - just a perspective I hadn't thought about. 

    It had never occurred to me to consider how other folks approach various in-game challenges in a video. I usually just come to the forums or just wing it. So, a player could actually stream a video of how any player might go from a level 1 new character and make their way to a billion influence in short order. I suppose some folks who prefer not to read such things might watch this, rather than read about it. 

    So, yeah, I can be quite obtuse, so well done, Techwright. I now change my position on this. Now, I can see why. Thanks. 

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  10. On 11/29/2021 at 11:37 AM, AboveTheChemist said:

    The spawns for Epidemiologist have already been added to the Abandoned Sewer Network map as part of the vidiotmap update for i27p3.


    On the map, Cortex and Grey Matter spawn at the easternmost spawn. Salamander and Newt are at the southwestern spawn, and Pathogen and Malady are at the northwestern spawn. I'd like to eventually add this to the wiki page for the Epidemiologist badge (which doesn't exist yet) but I've been wrapped up with updating other stuff.

    I wonder if anyone knows the spawn rate of these 3 pair of Vahz. On an alt, I found one pair, but the other two sites are vacant. I've logged in a few hundred feet away every 15 minutes, and so far no dice. Maybe next hour...

  11. 5 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    It's very real, take a look and broaden your views. 

    It would do absolutely nothing for me. A complete waste of my time. I'm sure if I had interest in it, it would have come across my radar by now. I mean, I shop for tires 18 months ago, and I still see the damn ads for them whenever I surf the web. I'm guessing the reason I had to play CoH to discover what Twitch was is because it's outside my areas of interest. I get no thrill in watching people do stuff when I could just as easily do it myself. An exception might be football, but I can't really easily do that myself. At least, not anymore. They'll get no clicks from me, nope! 

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  12. 11 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I'm going to wait until towards the end of the event before I decide what to do.  I'm already making inf hand over fist, but that's hardly the point any more.

    If you wait too long, I will buy them all! Just kidding. Did the math, and I would need like 100 trillion inf. Just not there yet, lol. Or whatever 10M *15,000,000 is. Something with a lot of damn zeroes. 14, I think. Not enough fingers and toes to get it accurately. 


  13. 9 hours ago, wjrasmussen said:

    I  thought streaming was against the rules..

    Used to be, but I think it was this past April when HC authorized it. They never did really say why..but it's allowed now. 

    It cost me three global friends, them shutting down streaming. Three of my favorite folks don't play anymore because of that. And, while they know it's now allowed, they still haven't returned. This is what happens when you change stuff. Life in the big city and all that. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 12/9/2021 at 3:52 AM, Peacemoon said:

    Streamers are advertising the game and can bring in new players. So it is good for the community and Homecoming

    I keep hearing that...but I don't buy it. 
    I realize my thoughts aren't necessarily typical, but what kind of person goes to YouTube and searches for video games to watch? That just seems really, really strange. Or any other site for that matter? 

    Is it a case of, "gee, getting tired of this game. If only I could see what XYZ game is like." ? The answer doesn't really matter, of course. I guess someone is looking at that stuff. I just can't imagine why. The game is free, easy to download and set up. 

  15. 17 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    You don't really need to fight any AVs in Aeon for the Lycanthrope badge, IIRC.  Just get to Golden Roller, pummel him for a bit, go to 5th Column Dimension, damage the Dark Vampyri until they transform, kill the wolves, reset when done and do it again until badge obtained.  Should get it in 3-4 runs.  Then it's up to you if you want to continue the TF or just quit there.


    Oh, and you definitely want to set it to lowest level (Villainous, I think) for badging, unless you enjoy the challenges.

    Gotta get past Zoe and Frobe. I never saw Rivers, which I expected to see. 

    I had to reset for the cryo's about 4 times to get 50 of those. 
    Then I had to reset for the first ripple twice, because there's not as many Dark Vampyri as I initially thought. My first run, I'd started with 11, and only got 15. On my second go, It looked like there were more. Whether it was rng, or me being more observant, I can't say, but for anyone that considers doing Aeon over Kahn: 

    In Kahn, it's not really apparent while fighting with the entire mob around your fire tank which mobs transform. Not real sure they use the same transformation "protocol" that the Dark Vampyr do in Aeon. In Aeon, they transform when they're at about 10% HP, the last of their HP hits zero, and poof, a Warwolf emerges, also a boss. 
    In Kahn, you kill them, and then they spawn, it seemed to me. Hard to say. and hard to say which spawns do it. Like I'd remember that polysyllabic name or even how to spell it if I did remember. 

    In kahn, you still have to zip through Bad Penny and the rest of City Hall to get the door to the portal open so you can get to the 5th column. A couple of minutes. But, after each reset, you have to repeat all that again. 

    With Aeon, no question, the process is a bit more straightforward in my mind. But if I didn't need those other badges, Kahn would have definitely been the way to go. 
    But, I did get a lot of badges out of the way. Hard to say how long it would have taken, as I was afk for a lot of it, lunch, work, etc. 

  16. On 12/4/2021 at 8:46 AM, Zhym said:

    I'm really curious whether these three ran the Sister Solaris arc 100 times to get the Legatus badge.  If so...yikes.

    They did. And there are at least 3 others I know that are doing a trio run 10x a day until they get it. Me, I'm gonna wait. 


    • Like 1
  17. Briefly: 
    There are two "Pain Points" here: the AE ticket cap and the exchange rate of Incarnate threads to AE Tickets. 

    Below is just my perspective. 
    So, it's nothing really new, is it? Folks complaining that after they've made the t-4's they've wanted, they have surplus threads and wonder what to do with them
    Recently, an incarnate thread to AE ticket conversion is allowed. 

    Seriously? a 1 to 1 exchange rate? 

    Consider this: rare salvage has a max price of 1 million, but generally goes for at the cheapest, maybe 375k for a patient bidder, up to, well, 700k, if not a million. 

    One can get specific rare salvage from AE with tickets for 540 tickets. So....that'd be 540 threads for a rare salvage. 

    But, if I visit Luna, I can get Ultimates, which generally sell for 500k to 1 million at a cost of 30 threads. Even better, the super reds cost only 10 inf. Before these super insps were disabled in Master runs, they'd sell for 1 million, but sometimes a patient bidder could get them for 300-500k. Even at the price of 100k, that's 4.86M inf, less fees. I can buy a lot more incarnate salvage with 4.86M inf than I can with 540 tickets. It's the same math for reward rolls. 

    Isn't the idea of the conversion supposed to make it a decent conversion so folks will use it? 

    So, perhaps raise the thread cost of the inspirations to be in line with the AE conversion, or lower the conversion rate with the AE tickets. 

    OR - even better, take off that silly ticket cap off AE missions. It literally takes me only about 30 seconds to get to the ticket cap, where I get the bonus and any other tickets that would be earned are not, because I'm at the cap.  Maybe a minute if I'm distracted.  Take the cap off, and then I can earn a lot more tickets without having to stop a mission early and reset. 

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