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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. Just now, Wavicle said:

    Repeatability is very important. People need to be encouraged to run these things multiple times so that there are people to team with to do them. Final fantasy 14 is very good at this, they give people reasons to run old content. And in general city of heroes is pretty good about giving people reasons to run old content too.

    Repeatability with a different alt is great. With the same alt, over and over again? No, that's not great, and it's not important at all. 
    The notion that people need to run and rerun the same story with the same character is "very important" is your opinion, and I don't see it the way you do. 

    It doesn't mean you're wrong, but it sure doesn't mean I'm wrong either. Just two different views. I don't enjoy doing the same task forces over and over on the same character. I'm hard pressed to repeat them with an alt. I'll do it for the badges, because I view them as the best part of the game. But when they determine that we'll run this stuff over and over until we get them, it can be annoying. 

    If you've ever gotten all the badges on a character, you may have a better idea of what I'm talking about.  

  2. So, I've looked over the list of new badges and the one question I have about the Aeon trial is this - if you satisfy the criteria for Relentless - would you automatically satisfy the criteria for the settings below that. 

    One thing CoH has always done, and never made any sense to me were these attempts to get people to repeat the content over and over and over and over again. 
    Granted, it seems that each difficulty is going to result in subtle differences - and I've only been through the default villainous setting as of yet. That said, it would be quite annoying to complete the strike force at the Relentless setting only to have repeat it at the lower difficulty settings because you wanted all the badges. 

    I completely get that nobody is putting a gun to anyone's head to pursue these badges. I'm just trying to get things to make sense. Seems like if you do it at the highest difficulty, that should award the lower difficulty badges as well. 


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  3. Not real sure I'm understanding your question, Snarky. 

    You can go for the isolator badge at level 15, once ouro opens up (beyond just getting to Ouro at level 1). 

    I don't think you'd need to re-do it infinitely. There are plenty of those "contaminated" in the map. And, while you're doing that, later in the arc, you'll have a good chance to take care of the Men in Black badge - for the Shivan defeats. 

  4. 41 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:

    So ... I guess I'm the only one playing from a standing desk then?


    Technically it's not even a desk.  Flat-packed shelving that happens to be the perfect height. 😄

    I can't speak for that, but I do sit balanced (most of the time) on a stability ball while I play. It's a strange thing, working the core while playing. It's not that hard, though, as my feet do touch the ground - but no back support, and if anything, I have to focus on not slouching. 

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  5. Oh yeah - the usual disclaimer - these are on Brainstorm (Test server) now. Doesn't mean they'll make it to "live". I suspect folks will have to spend some time on beta to try them out and give feedback. 

    If folks just want to hop over and take a quick look to see the set bonuses, that'd probably be a good thing. Some of them give decent boosts - like 4.5% s/l resist, 4.5% energy/neg energy resist (not the same sets), 6.25% recharge, and the like. I used snip & sketch for most of the screen shots, but was too lazy to take an actual screen shot with tool tip showing the actual bonuses for each set. 

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  6. Blaster ATOs should be in higher demand as well, due to the stone manipulation secondary. 
    Taunt category in the AH has been changed to "threat duration". 

    Also...looks like there's a few new IO sets: 
    In no particular order- 
    Hypersonic (one dropped for me on the Aeon SF) - set bonuses pictured. 
    Launch. (only for "Leaping", where as Springfoot and Unbounded Leap are in their own distinct category) 

    Ice Mistral's Torment ( set bonuses aren't great, but better than any of the other slow sets, imo) 









    So, it may behoove some of us to snag the slow recipes & such now, on the cheap. (other than ice mistral's torment, I don't see them going for very much) 



  7. On 11/5/2021 at 9:25 AM, fitzsimmons said:

    TLDR; but I play the game while wearing nothing but a sock on my right foot.  I guess some would consider that unusual.

    You're over-dressed. 
    If you were genuinely serious, you'd have the "dorm fridge" plugged in within arm's reach, and the microwave on top of it. Boxes of various pop-tarts and other convenient finger foods on top of that. Said fridge stocked with beverages of choice. 

    Oh, and you'd be sitting on a toilet with a cushioned seat. And a pillow on top of the toilet tank for when the dopamine rush fades away and you crash from insufficient caffeine, sugar & sleep. 

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  8. On 11/5/2021 at 8:37 AM, Carnifax said:

    Yup, that was it. Had Dimesional Warder but not Portal Jockey. 


    Dialogue must depend on Dimensional Warder, not Portal Jockey. 


    Edit : And done \o/


    That is precisely it. Null offers specifically Dimensional Warder progress, not Portal Jockey progress. 
    Guessing all you need now is some plaques. 

  9. I have no "one way" of playing this game. 

    Occasionally, I'll PL to 50, outfit the character with the best IOs I can think of, maybe do a market crash and run through enough iTrials to get it to t-4, then likely park it and never play it again. 

    Sometimes, I'll make a challenge character. The challenge can be to "if defeated, get deleted", or it may be "make a billion by level 50". My latest challenge has been a combo of "If defeated, get deleted & only slot what drops. This is quite challenging, and I find myself really liking it, because I get super excited when something like a level 16 Kismet drops. Most of my characters either get seed money or are allowed to buy them if they can afford it (the 6% accuracy/ToHit) so, when these characters get a good drop, it's a great dopamine rush, even better than a Micro Hami-O or a purple recipe drop. Every time I make these, I have to remind myself the game can certainly be played without ATOs - but man, I sure do notice that I don't have 'em!  


    I've succeeded on the "if defeated, get deleted" challenge once, on an energy/fire blaster. The billion by 50 challenge, I tend to get the billion by level 7 or so. Too damned easy once you know how. The "Drop Challenge" - I've yet to succeed. I get to level 21 and things get quite difficult. The best I've done is reach level 23, I think. Or was it 26? I can't remember. It's still fun, but stopping once I get defeated...that kind of hurts. 

    Other times, I'll do a solo sewer run and start in Atlas Sewer and come out in Kings Row, or Boomtown. I never watch the map, so no telling where I'll come out. Then I'll level up, and head to Hollows, then after Hollows, I'll do kings row until level 15. Then to Faultline, then Striga, then Croatoa, then Bricks, Then RWZ, Then PI. 
    I'll also be aiming for the 4 passive accolades as soon as I can get them. 


    Sometimes I'll do a dfb or two - but they level so fast that I just lose interest in the character. I like to solo the early levels for some reason. Teams just make things too easy. Unless the team sucks, and that makes me want to /ragequit so I try not to team until the 20's or so. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:


    Thanks for all the replies on this. Boy, do I feel stoopid — I of course have a couple in my base. For some reason, DD's term threw me and I was wondering if I'd missed some essential base element. But I was just missing a few brain cells, apparently. 😛


    From what I remember of things you've written, you can afford to lose a few. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:

    I don't even want to know how many thousand calories that thing represents....

    Probably less than you think. It's just bread and sugar. Maybe 900 calories. Fine for once a week, but I'd try to eat in the morning, and maybe walk a little extra on the lunch break - if I ate such things. But, I do not. A large abdomen impedes the rowing stroke. I'd hate to have to splay my knees at the catch. 

  12. 11 hours ago, Diantane said:

    Doesn't matter if its and arc or radio, they go inside the mission the moment it's available (don't bother waiting for the team). And the moment the blue exit button appears, they are out of there running to the next mission. Doesn't matter if the team is fighting when the button appears. They are gone. I usually kick them from the team and they wonder why.


    Is there a badge for how many missions you do or how fast you can do them? If so I don't want it. Most veteran  players (those that have played a long time) will stay well beyond the blue button to finish clearing everything on the map for the XP.  That makes more sense.

    It makes sense to you. 
    It doesn't make sense to me. It is, in fact, unless an expressed desire by the team lead, or the team as a whole - a waste of time to remain in a mission once it's been completed. 

    There's no benefit beyond XP to remain in the mission. And if it's XP you want - the next mission has that, too. And guess what it also has - mission completion XP bonus. Reward merits, possibly, depending on what's being run. So, you do, in fact, get more xp per minute, more merits per minute by moving on to the next mission. 

    It's been brought up here on these forums multiple times. 

    We all play the game in a fashion that's fun for us. Find like-minded folks, no worries. Express your wishes prior to beginning, and those that don't want to do things the way that you do will be just fine leaving the team and letting you keep searching for like minded folks. 

    If you're not expressing how you want things done ahead of time, and you kick folks for not being a mind-reader, than you are the problem, not them. 

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  13. 12 hours ago, Greycat said:

    Seperate them from the ATs and you might as well just delete the ATs - after the *massive* rewrite needed to make the arcs generic.

    I would like to make a distinction here. I'm not talking about separating the arcs from the ATs. I'm suggesting that other ATs be able to do the arcs. That's not precluding the HEATs from doing the arcs. And I never suggested a generic re-write, either. It is a fair point you brought up - about the re-write, but I'm not suggesting they do that. There needs to be no editing. I'm simply suggesting they make the arc available to all ATs. 

    They've already made red/gold/blue available to all alignments via null the gull (aside from goldsiders who haven't reached level 20 yet). 

    But, clearly you're against it for the reasons you stated, and you're entitled to that opinion. But, the suggestion still remains. 

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  14. 20 hours ago, Greycat said:

    They are the storyline that makes the epic AT an epic AT.

    They are written, quite frequently, with the assumption that you are playing an epic.


    So, no, running it as a blaster would make no sense.  A tanker is not going to particularly care about the mechanics of quantum weaponry. The circle is not going to try to separate a Kheldian from its host in a non-Kheldian.


    Solid "no" from me.


    The VEAT arcs just suck in general, and I'd say no there just to save others from having to be exposed to them.

    I understand this perspective. But...it's disappointing that the only way to be exposed to the content is by playing the VEAT or HEAT - both of which are not very much fun (for me) to play. And while you may find this content sucks - I have not reached the conclusion, as I've not done the arcs. My one warshade was on a crawl team, and we went through the usual paths - hollows, faultline, striga, croatoa, rwz. I could visit the content through ouro with this character - but the AT, while having interesting effects, it's annoying to play, having to make frequent use of macros and binds. Why should I subject myself to such things just for a story arc? 

    Candidly, none of the content in this game is going to make any critic stand up and take notice. It's designed for young teens, most of it. (in my estimation, anyway. Opinions will certainly vary) But, it would be more enjoyable to me if I could run through the content on my blaster, or corruptor, as opposed to these odd AT types that require multiple respecs because of the growing pains they have. 


  15. 5 minutes ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    While not a bad idea, those rezzes are once an hour (sometimes longer if the game feels mean, had it go on 1hr40m cooldown a few times for no good reason before).  If you have a case of chronic-floor-eating syndrome, backup awakens won't hurt.

    Any Karate Kid fans? (the movie)

    In this fine film, Mr. Miyagi says to Laruso - "Daniel-san, the best way to block hit - No be there!" 

    Back on live, before I knew that perma-debt was even a thing, I had it. I want to say it too me 870 hours to get my first 50. I want to say that - but it was really longer. A lot of that time difference between then and now is this version has xp at ..what, a 25% higher rate than live? And with p2w, even higher. But anyway, I digress. I used to die. Often. I'd carry the wakies in my tiny inspiration tray. 
    Then it occurred to me, maybe if I carried a few more greens and purples, I wouldn't need so many awakens. 
    I would likely have taken 50% longer to reach 50 if I hadn't figured out what defense was. Investing into tough and weave saved my skin a lot more than I would have ever thought possible. My first foray into the maths...I can't recommend it, it's quite tedious. But I can recommend the results of that investigation. Slot for defense. Or a boat load of recharge, so you're always clobbering. There's a balance between chaos and order, and when you find it - you rarely suffer defeat. 

    Not trying to dictate that this approach is for everyone. Some folks will be better served to just carry on, enjoy the game the way you are. But a few, just a few might consider carrying a few purples, mashing them before the boss engagements, and die a lot less. It's almost like cheating, except it's not. 

  16. Sunstorm, Shadowstar. 

    Currently, a warshade is assigned Shadowstar as a contact, and PB's get Sunstorm. (or do I have them mixed up? Don't think so) While my warshade can do Shadowstar's arcs through ouro, my non-warshade characters cannot. 

    I'm certain this is working as intended. My suggestion is to open these arcs to any AT. A warshade and a PB used to be a privilege to play; you had to be 50 to even make one. This is no longer the case. Stopped being the case sometime during live. Seems like since it's no longer a true privilege to play one (beyond just being able to play at all) the contacts should be open to any AT. 

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  17. I feel as if anecdotally, I'm a bit of an expert in this, as I literally use about 1000-3000 converters a day, at least, depending on the day. 

    I've had these types of conversion fits with Aegis - where the psi resist gets converted to end/recharge and back to psi resist 3 to 4 times before it will turn into one of the other 4. Sometimes, as many as 6 times. It happens. I don't write it down or anything. I just know it happens. But, it doesn't happen often enough for me to think the rng is broken. But that's just my experience with it. Similar experiences with Obliteration, where I'll be looking for the proc or the quad, and continue to get the dam or acc/recharge. 

    But, what happens to me far more often is I'll go from converting a rare hold, out of set and get an lotg 7.5%. So...that's fairly rare, but it does happen. 

    Both of these happen. And if I can live with the latter, seems like I should be able to live with the former. 

    I do think if they implemented an in-set cycle, where they don't repeat, the cost of the converter from a merit vendor should be much, much higher. Like 5 reward merits for 1 converter. 

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  18. On 10/28/2021 at 1:00 PM, kelika2 said:

    Also please note that the gattagofast types are generally the squatters who wait for the group to be almost full so they dont have to wait long to get started

    I will state emphatically and enthusiastically that this is me, almost every time - unless I have some crafting/converting to do while I wait. It's the one reason I'm able to stomach an MSR from time to time - because on Excelsior, Doc Proteus (I think that's his global - maybe it's just Proteus) will broadcast in lfg "X/48" so folks like me will know how much time we have to wrap up whatever it is we're doing. 

    The question is - why do you state this like it's some sort of negative characteristic? I suppose impatience could be perceived negatively by some. I prefer to think of it as simply being smarter than the folks that joined before I did. I got some other things done while they stood around and did ToT or whatever. (Which I have already done on 6 characters this season and that's quite enough, thanks) 

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