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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. On 10/12/2021 at 7:56 AM, Sovera said:


    If you'll zoom in a bit you'll see that Maneuvers and Focused Accuracy (others too I guess) will have floating icons around you. FA shows reticules, Maneuvers has the little purple shields same as if we had eaten an inspiration.

    Ah...I play as zoomed out as I possibly can. I want to see what might be coming from any direction without having to turn my character. 

  2. So - here's a screenshot: 

    If you leveled up outside of AE with a non-defeat badge faction - like the CoT Behemoths, then you could conceivable hit 50 with 9 badges. 

    Each badge for hitting level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. 
    Each of the three gladiators: Nebula Elite Buckshot, (for reaching level 10) Button Man Gunner, (for reaching level 20) Fire Thorn Caster, (for reaching level 30)

    I don't see a path to get less than 9. 

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  3. I have no worries. I looked through my inventory in my email. I've plenty. I looked at the Winter prices on the AH...and I can literally see the downward pressure on prices from folks trying to unload the winters they have before they go on sale again, and the prices drop to the lower price range of 3-7m (just going off memory - I didn't keep close track) 
    I bought so many two years ago, that I gave away more than I opened last year. I know I gave my SG 400 packs just so I wouldn't have to open them. And I think they needed them to restock the base. 

    In any event, I monitor this character routinely. I just have to figure out a number of new characters, or start to increase how much each character carries. My concern is if I do that - then I can't really take anything out of email - ever - without opening the AH and making a bid on something safe to unload some inf - to grab a higher amount from email. 

    Or, just let the inf burn on the packs. Not like I'll miss the inf. 


  4. So, rather than make a new thread, figured I'd just post in this one. 

    I have run out of room in email for all my accounts. So, I've had to resort to stashing on characters - which is...well, annoying, as I don't want to just make an character called "Inf holder Number 23" etc. 
    So, I've been doing this: 



    So, this gives me about a month and a half to decide if I want to get winter packs again. 
    So...here's a thought...there are still over 3000 winter packs that someone bought and has opted to resell - obviously, for more than the 10M price that's coming in December (I assume). 
    My guess is that they're all selling for more than 24,500,000, doubling the profit for whomever these sellers are, even taking into account the AH fee. 

    But...honestly...that's a lot of packs to get sold within 42 days. I don't think they'll sell in time, but I could be wrong. At least not at the price they're at now. 

    Now, if anyone wants to unload those - these bids I have are current! And I have many, many more on my other accounts & characters as well. Feel free to take advantage and unload those packs that aren't selling. 

    But, I digress. The real purpose of my post is to wonder how the winter pack strategy changes now - seeing all the surplus packs. I suspect some of you aren't going to be buying any more packs...because you still have ....well, no idea for sure, but I suspect those 3k worth of packs are currently listed by only 10 or so individuals. Likely less. No real way for me to know...but it's always interesting to speculate. 

    I'm currently poised to buy 1200 packs at 10M...but I think that's too damn many. I don't want to open that many, lol. And I couldn't resell it with a clear conscious because I know a single winter O is worth more when catalyzed than the cost of a pack at full price. 

    So, where is the sweet spot? 10 of each Winter-O set in email? 12? 5? 25? A new character once a week, and I guess the most I'd want is 52...but I don't always use winter sets in a build. And certainly not entombs for any build, usually. The other items - amplifiers, merits - all quite useful. But I dunno...not sure the packs will be that useful this year to me. 

    Maybe I'll lower those bids to 5M and bid on 2x as many, and if they fill, I could live with that. 

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  5. 16 hours ago, Aurora_Girl said:

    In the time this post took, you could just...do the mission. 

    Of course I could. But other than the xp - which is mostly useless to me, as I'm after reward merits, there's no motivation to do it, other than to get it out of the way. 

    It is true that the psychic clockwork king awards the Emancipator badge - but other than my badge characters, it's a useless badge. Doesn't count towards any stat boosting accolades, so there's not much reason to pursue it. 

    And it doesn't make much sense to tackle Infernal before the arc from Maria Jenkins, because we just face him again towards the end of the arc. 


  6. On 8/17/2021 at 10:45 AM, srmalloy said:

    Take one of the missions they offer, then abandon it, and talk to them again. Repeat until you get the badge mission/story arc you're looking for.

    You can try this with Maria Jenkins, Tina MacIntyre - you name it - they will not start the story arc. They insist on side missions before the story arc. 

    Without exception, Maria Jenkins is gonna have you clobber Infernal before the story arc, and Tina Mac will have you dispatch the Psychic Clockwork King before her arc. Every time, no matter what you do. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Hew said:


    It's not mind-boggling. You conflate players with a mindset of ioallthethings with casuals who either have never used them, don't know about them, or just don't care. 


    Assume everyone is a casual, and when you get someone on the team less casual, great.


    But do not make the mistake made here and expect players to use these kinds of tools because a. they are cheap, b. have an outsized effect, c. happen to be at the same vendor as 2xp.


    PUGs are common with non-"pro" casuals that are just in it for the cool Halloween event and (possibly) badges, though the badges being so easy are nice gravy.


    Team slogs of 10+ minutes because the team is, you know, a PUG made up of what people want to play and not tailored to killing 1 mob, is a horribly bad game design mistake. This isn't reichsman, where you know going in its gonna be a slog.

    Literacy is a pre-requisite when you visit the forums. It IS mind-boggling that players forget to use these items IF THEY EVER KNEW ABOUT THEM. My mind is still boggled. Can't you tell? I mean, I told you it was mind-boggling. Clearly, I meant it. And any dismissive response isn't going to make me less mind-boggled. 

    It's not like anyone forgets 2xp buff. They may forget to refresh it, but they don't forget to get it - if they know about it and intended to use it. 

    I do not "expect" anyone to do anything, but to play the way they like. I do, however, expect them to pay attention when an answer is given to their question. I also expect them to just gloss over, or ignore what I say if it's not helpful to them. I do not expect them to reply in such a way as to put words in my mouth. 

    The Whip in question is a monster, not an AV. They should probably just make it an AV instead. But - nobody is putting a gun to anyone's head saying they MUST make the pact with Devil Girl and convince two bored NPCs to eat candy. If it's too hard or too dull, too long - just don't do it. Or do it for the badge, vent and we'll all understand. But we will try to be helpful and suggest such things as envenomed daggers. They are cheap. 

    Now, the p2w selling them - that may not be common knowledge. And that's why we mention them. Over and over again, we mention them. 

    Did we mention envenomed daggers yet? They're real nifty for negating some of the regen monsters and AVs have. They're cheap and available at p2w. Everyone that knows about them and struggles with Monsters and AVs should get some! 

  8. One brute or tank coupled with one buff/debuff AT. That's all ya need. 

    I like a fire tank with burn on auto with a fire/rad or water/sonic corruptor. But - be advised - juggling multiple accounts on the same machine can result in the occasional glitch. 

    I've had it where I was on a tf - with my farmer account on the background...and suddenly, I couldn't target any bad guys. I'd tab through, and select them, but when I went to fire - the cursor would move to an ally, and I'd get a message "invalid target". And I wasn't confused. Had to close the other accounts to get controls to work properly. Re-start the alt account and things were normal. A strange thing, has happened maybe twice in the past couple of years. 

    Other issues are sound. Game sounds just no longer work on one account - but they work on another. No big deal. Close alt game, re-start, and it's all good. These are rare occurrences, but they happen. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Ironblade said:

    And anyone can buy Envenomed Daggers from the vendor.  One person spamming those makes a real difference on low level content when people don't have their 'good powers' yet.

    It is truly mind-boggling that players forget about these - if they ever knew that p2w had them for sale at an affordable price. I can't recall, but it's less than 100k for 30 of them. To me, it just seems like a simple thing to go to p2w after you come out of the creator - and unless it's a challenge/concept character, buy everything you can afford. 

    All my characters carry a set of 120 unless they're specifically created for a challenge/concept. 

  10. 13 hours ago, Wavicle said:

    I know this has gone in Suggestions before, which is why I'm not putting it there.

    I'm just wondering if anyone knows WHY there isn't a Minimal Effects version of the Leadership toggles that gets rid of the icons floating around you? They're really annoying.

    There must be something that can be done about this in your graphic settings, because almost all of my characters get Maneuvers, if not Assault as well - and I have no idea what graphic effect your talking about. I never see any effects on my characters, unless it's a Fire Shield or that blocky ice shield cast by a teammate. Have you tried reducing your graphic settings to performance or recommended? 

  11. Unfortunately, I know of only two approaches: 
    set to -1/1, and load up at p2w with summons, backup radios, buffs, etc. .. and just speed through everything as fast as you can. 


    Make a night of each arc and create an event. If I were in your shoes, I'd put something in my SG's discord and see how many friends/fools would join me. This way, it's still boring and tedious, but at least there's a joke every so often. 


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  12. 1 hour ago, TalynDerre said:

    My suggestion would be to switch shards to Everlasting.  It's the RP server, which to me is always a plus, but more to the point it's a LOT more laid-back about running content.  I've been playing on Everlasting at least two days a week since it went live, and I can count on one hand the number of times somebody even commented on anyone else's build, let alone made any 'requirements.'

    A fair suggestion. The only issue is when someone is roleplaying a very annoying character! 

  13. 8 hours ago, Wavicle said:

    Attacks were almost always slotted with 5 or 6 damage.

    That statement is patently false. I was in issue 3. 
    I slotted one SO of every type allowed. It's true! I'm not saying that was a good way to go - definitely not. I just didn't know any better. I didn't know the forums even existed then. 
    It wasn't until ...I think it was snipe, on my elec/elec blaster (I really need to try and remake one of those) where all the allowed enhancements exceeded the number of slots. It was quite confusing. I thought the enhancements that were allowed HAD to be slotted. It never occurred to me to slot anything else. 

    A teammate once asked me how I was able to keep a mostly full endurance bar. I had an end reduction SO in every power I had just about. In some cases I didn't because I didn't have enough slots to slot that particular power yet. That was when they told me I needed to get to the forums and read and educate myself. 

    We can look at our teammate's powers, but we never had a clue what they actually had slotted. So making such a blanket statement is likely not precise. While it's true the vocal majority suggested such, there were a number of players who never did things like that. Some by design, and some out of ignorance. 

  14. 11 hours ago, BengalBilly said:

    This is literally the difference between soloing and playing with a team. It seems odd that I would have to explicitly tell you to play as a team, with the team, when you join a TEAM - and that going off SOLO is not playing as a team.

    And I agree - I think this type of attitude is what is turning people away from what was once a very cooperative and friendly game.

    It's a question of semantics here. If I am "on a team", there are different ways to contribute to the team without actively working side by side. 
    I see this routinely in this week's weekly Dr. Q. That damn tf has what...16 door missions. Some are kill all, some are just kill the boss & his men, and some are kill the boss & his men and some glowies. 

    In that tf, it would be just about a kickable offense if all 7 players followed me around a map instead of splitting off in different directions in pursuit of the mission objectives. That's a part of the reason that damn task force used to take 3-4 hours back then! 

    Going off to pursue one of the mission's objectives while another teammate pursues another is very much working together as a team. But, again, it's semantics. Look up the word teamwork. There's nothing that requires a player to be in the room with you to be working for the greater good of the team. 

    Of course, opinions will vary - and you're quite entitled to yours, and to feel the way you do about it. You're not wrong, you're just coming from a different perspective. That also means the rest of us aren't wrong either. Just understand that the playstyle you seek others to engage in is not the only way to satisfy "team" requirements. 

    There's nothing unfriendly about this type of play, either. But - try to realize that most of us that played before, we're likely to be between 35-50 years old. We've got family distractions, work, who knows what else that would occupy our time at a moment's notice. The days of us being able to give something our complete attention for hours is over for most of us - until we retire, if we even get that option. If I did a cooperative effort for each mission I had, I'd be hard pressed to get certain task forces done in an hour's game session. 

    There are times when your preferred style is perfectly fine with me. But there are other times when it is woefully slow, and not feasible due to time constraints. But that's just me. Clearly there are a handful (at least!) of folks who like this playstyle you like. Look for each other in game and enjoy. 

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  15. On 10/8/2021 at 2:27 PM, Icy Mike said:

    Here's what is probably yet another "I played 15 years ago and I don't understand what's going on" thread.


    The pace everyone is operating at is disheartening to me. I can't get around as fast as everyone... I don't know any of the acronyms... also a ton of this content and task forces are new to me. I feel like Captain America waking up.


    Does anyone else just play the game at a sub optimal pace? I'm laughing at the LFG chats with a long list of character build requirements to join a team. "Back in my day" we had to pull and herd to get through stuff... are there still strategies and teamwork required anywhere? Do I just need to give it time? Am I the only person that still actually runs around doing regular missions?

    Back on live, I started this game in issue 3. I didn't know what MMO stood for, and continued to play the game despite it being an MMO, not because of it. It was a much simpler time, because you'd get various enhancement drops, and if they were your origin, you could slot them, if they were something you could use. Very much unlike now with "Reward Merits, Emp Merits, Astral Merits, Transcendant Merits, Catalysts, Converters, Boosters, Unslotters, ATOs, Winter-Os, everything but Spaghetti-Os. 

    So, you're going to have some adjusting to do if you want to fit in with this newer style. Or, you'll have to be one of those who types more than most on the lfg when you describe what it is you're wanting to do and how you're wanting to do it. We just have so many more tools in our tool box that playing in the fashion of the trinity is just ...well, boring for some of us. 
    I say that not to be discouraging, but to give some perspective.

    The playstyle of people back then ...with the much vaunted @pickle having determined after scouring through combat logs that hamidon was held for a short time eventually turned into a strategy of having controllers (no such thing as Dominators back then) spamming holds on hamidon to beat him. Having never done one of these raids, I'd finally hit fifty and wanted to help hold hamidon with my blaster. I had two holds...freeze ray and bitter freeze ray. This is where I learned about things like magnitude. Controllers had a higher mag with their holds than a blaster did. I was summarily told to go kick rocks, as my blaster's holds weren't good enough, and I'd just add to the lag that everyone suffered from back then during a hamidon raid, despite most of us having a minimal costume with no capes. 
    Players back then would search high and low for "heals", "dps" and "tank".  That was literally all they'd want on their team. 
    "Blaster? Nah, we got two scrappers already. Kick rocks." 

    Is that the teamwork and strategy you're looking for? Having some punching bag herd a group up, while a blaster uses a nuke and an empath heals from a safe distance? 
    If you take just a little time and explore the many guides on these forums, you'll find this is still possible, and still done - but that many players who play blasters use the tools like Mids to create builds where a blaster can have as many Hitpoints as some scrappers, and deal out more damage with more defense. (not all, some. A very well built blaster can certainly out-survive a poorly made scrapper.) 
    Why should the Fire Tanks of issue 3 have all the fun? Why shouldn't the Dark/Dark Defender with a fast recharging nuke and super high defense play around in the same fashion as some tanks? It's not like it's hurting anyone. 


    I recognize that you're playing a game and you want fun. Just realize that your version of fun may not be everyone else's. I hope you find what you're looking for, a group of kindred spirits who will enjoy things the same way you would. But, I also want to encourage you to think outside of that tired box. There's countless hours of learning & fun to be had, and more than one way to play. The good news is - none of them are wrong, as long as you're enjoying yourself! 


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  16. 10 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Were you using the flight pool powers without choosing Fly, so you didn't get the free power after the change?

    Please bear in mind - my objection is based solely on ignorance. I never chose Evasive Maneuvers. It was given to me. I have no idea if the LotG that's in there now is actually doing anything, as I haven't played the character since that patch. I will get around to it some day. But when I read the description of EM, I don't see how it's going to take the place of Afterburner, with that time limit on the use of that free version of it. Particularly for this week with Dr. Q. being the weekly. I mean, I don't know what it does, how it affects my combat stats, or if I can even be in combat with it. My fault, as I haven't taken the time to read about it. To me, I often wish the devs would just leave well enough alone. I still haven't bothered to read all the way through those patch notes to see if I could get a glimmer of whose day they were trying to make or ruin. What was wrong with it the way it was? It worked fine. 

    But that's the gist of my objection. In order to now play my character with any confidence, I now have to read through the notes. Look at mids and see just precisely what using the power does to my combat stats. Then, I have to determine if it's actually a power I would ever use, see what type of IOs it would take. 
    The same issue with the Sorcery pool. I have a good half dozen characters who opted for Rune of Protection, so I didn't take barrier. So, now those characters all have a t-4 rebirth because with Rune, barrier is overkill. But with Rune being essentially only usable once in a too damn long of a time, it's now best used for a set mule or a safe t-9 to use in case of crazy circumstances that almost never happen to me when I play. So, it's got to go. Which means a respec for each of those characters. And since they're 50, there's a chance it may require two respecs just to take all the IOs out. 

    In short - these changes that so many of my fellow players clamor for - some of these changes ultimately require me to do work. I don't view a respec as game play. It's a necessary evil, and only as a last resort. In the same way some folks don't like to market, I don't like to do respecs. I'm okay poring over mids every so often, but not half a dozen times at the conclusion of a patch. Especially after I've already invested the time in mids on the character the first time. 

    I wonder how the human torch would have felt if he could no longer flame-on, but maintained a fiery aura at all times. No more secret ID. No more fun with the ladies. "Sorry, Johnny, we had to make this change because it didn't make sense that you could just will those flames out by the force of your mind." 

    "No, Thor. You don't have your Uru hammer anymore. You just get this squirting flower on your lapel.  Oh, and a lapel. The kids will love it."

    Changing powers is just not a good idea for me - unless they are changed for the better. And, when I get around to it, I might figure out if these changes are for the better. But, life is busy and I haven't taken the time to determine if they are. That kind of time just isn't entertaining for me. It's like reading the instructions on how to assemble a table. Never put that table together before, but how different can it be from other tables I've assembled? So, just get to it. I can always read them later if I need to. 

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  17. On 10/5/2021 at 4:35 PM, Riverdusk said:

    I think it is just the fear that some major changes might change things so much that it ruins the original "feel" of the game in some way.  I doubt almost anyone is against well tested and well thought out changes that keep the original spirit of the game in mind.   I think the HC team generally balances that very well so far. 

    For me, any objections I have to changes are the ones that make me have to tab out, and revisit patch notes to make it clear to my thick noggin exactly what changed. 

    For example: the snipe change. I hated the first change. I don't like the second one either. There was nothing wrong with the way snipe was before they changed it. I had to revisit the patch notes to determine what happened to the damage, what my ToHit had to be to make it insta-cast, etc. I completely understand why we'd want to know that information. But I don't appreciate having to remind myself the first few days of these details. I have enough things swimming in my brain already. 

    That Tarnished Star Badge with the zillion pre-reqs? I completely appreciate the effort that went into the arc. But, as a badger, I didn't really appreciate having to redo the arc several times because some of the pre-reqs were story arcs that didn't have badges, so I had never done them the first time around. I completely understand the why - but I am a bit of a reluctant badger on new issues. But, when you have multiple characters with all the badges, and a new badge comes out - then one is inclined to feel like they need to get all the new badges on all the badge characters in their stable. Obviously, nobody makes us do this. We torture ourselves for reasons I'm still not clear on. I'm suffering for it now...4 characters that had already done House of Horrors now have to redo it, as well as a number of more current badge characters that I feel compelled to get the badge on. (Clearly it says more about me and my lack of sanity than anything else!) 

    I don't like new power sets or the idea of new ATs being introduced. Obviously, I'm in the minority. But, I'd rather see current sets get some attention. Why should a force field defender dish out such woefully poor damage. Why can't an empath buff themselves with clear mind and fort? The only buff they can give themselves are the two auras, regen and recovery. Doesn't seem sufficient to me. 

    It'd be nice to see the Sentinel's base damage boosted by about 150%. (I totally pulled that number from thin air) 

    But - by and large, the changes I hate the most are the ones that require me to respec my character. Like the one where afterburner was nerfed to Evasive Maneuvers. I have at least two characters that need a respec because of those changes. I have plenty of influence. I have the free respecs on those characters. What I don't have is the inclination to read about Evasive Maneuvers. Afterburner was simple. I understood it. And they changed it for their own reasons. I'd like it changed back, but I don't get my way. I just don't want to do the respec, because now that's hours of deliberation in mids that I'd rather not do. Or use someone else's build, but that makes me feel even worse. But that's just me. 

    New content that doesn't require a team is always okay with me. 
    New costumes? Fine by me, I'll probably never use 'em though. I think costumes are silly. I like the rng button and then modify from there. 

    But new powersets/ATs? At the expense of new content? No thank you. 

  18. The big nerf to fire tanks was the fear built into burn. The Devs stated that it made no real sense for a mob to keep trying to hit someone while they were on fire. So, those of us on fire tanks would enter our Dreck map comprised of about 45 groups of Tanks, each with a couple of boss tanks that would self-rez so we could burn 'em down again...and as soon as we dropped burn, they'd run away, despite being taunted. Some would fire at range when they could, others would just keep running until you caught them. 

    It was a pretty sad day for fire tanks, even those of us who could only farm a little bit with inspiration usage, or help from an emp flying overhead. Suddenly the one power we played and leveled our characters around had a useless power. So, a lot of folks just quit playing, as it was costing $15 a month back then. So, folks voted with their wallets. The Devs eventually got the message and took the fear out - but the damage had been done. 

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