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Everything posted by stealthnight

  1. It has plenty of attacks. Yes originally, I just wanted to see if I could build the fastest stone tank, but after leveling it and using it on some high-level TFs, I know it is viable.
  2. My attempt at a fast-moving granite tank. Since you can have Granite as low as Yin TF there is no issue with being defenseless. As granite is the main source of defense for this build it should always be used when fighting. Base Speed: 50.85 mph Granite Armor: 40.82 mph Granite + Rooted: 27.94 mph Little Samson - Tanker (Stone Armor - Battle Axe).mbd
  3. Shard: Everlasting Base Name: Eerie Defenders Base Code: MONSTER-25383 Globals of anyone who would like credit and comments: @Envious (Discord: Mascot16) Special considerations: A Dracula theme castle set in the Carpathian Mountains.
  4. Server/Shard: Everlasting Base Name: The Federation of Xzianthia Code: XZIANTHIA-16224 Builder Global In Game : @Envious Other players, either partner builders or owners: @x5 (Owner) Special considerations: set upon entering /VISSCALE 5
  5. Server/Shard: Everlasting Base Name: The Awokens Code: DICE-22078 Builder Global In Game : @Envious Other players, either partner builders or owners: @Antissip8 (Owner) Special considerations: Set up for D&D campaign, with secret locations and traps. Adventures travel from the dock and progress east to west.
  6. Del Luce Dynamics DELLUCE-23385 Shard: Everlasting Global in game> Owner: @Driiquar , Builder: @Envious Base is a Cyberpunk / Shadowrun theme that is home to a Praetorian Tech Company. Comments are welcome.
  7. The latest SG base built, Del Luce Dynamics on Everlasting. Base code: DELLUCE-23385. The SG is a Praetorian tech company working on primarily shielding and robotics, with some weaponry and cybernetics projects. The company is located on a small island between Skyway City and Steel Canyon. The environment theme is Cyberpunk/ Shadowrun, so the base can be set to light up at night. Every building on this base can be entered and is furnished for maximum Roleplaying. Nighttime in Del Luce Dynamics. The company's Research and developing building sits in the center and towers over the rest of the city. Small streets have many local businesses, vendors, pawn shops and the residential living area in the distance. Some shady if not questionable groups have also set up shop in the area. Spyder Byte Tech (Arachnos) and Crey Labs. The Dough Joe is a mandatory stop for the early workers, because tech runs on donuts and coffee. The city bank is sandwiched between the jail and hospital. So in case anything bad happens help is nearby. The seedy part of city also has an adult club and tattoo shop. There has been activity at the condemned Waste Management facility, wonder what's going on in there. On the safer side of the city the furniture store and travel agency are there for the island's residents. A sneak peek inside the highly secure Del Luce Dynamics' building. Once again thanks for check out the bases I work on, always fun to build something new and different.
  8. The latest SG base built, TEAM WEB on Everlasting. Base code: WEB-26787. The super group is an Inception themed base meant to confuse anyone who attempts to raid the base. So, in keeping with the idea, I have corrected the orientation of the pictures below, see and you can tell which ones are really at a 90'degree angle and which ones are at a 180'degree angle. (answers at the bottom) Good luck. (1) Upon enter the base, this is the view you are greeted with. (2) An upscale loft apartment building, nestled in the heart of the city. (3) The historical Museum is the cultural center of this city's rich linage. (4) The dock sits at the edge of the city park along the edge of the riverfront. (5) 83Mart is the one stop, shop and go convenience store, it's always open. (6) We-Be-Bed Motel offers a comfortable bed, luke-warm shower and an added bonus of free cable. (7) Business district at the center of the city houses the amenities every SG base needs. (8) The riverfront is sandwiched between the industrial areas of the city, as most of these factories make use of it for power or transportation. (9) The TEAM WEB base as seen from a distant camera shot. (10) Finally, the base as seen from the outside of the general area. So, the answers to the test: (1) 0' (2) 90' (3) 180' (4) 180' (5) 180' (6) 180' (7) 180' (8) 90' (9) 0' (10) 0'
  9. I made a D&D theme base for campaigning, if you would like to use it or get some inspiration feel free to check it out.
  10. The latest SG base built, Grayson's Dojo on Everlasting. Base code: DOJO-30364. The Hidden Mist is the home of the Grayson Dojo. Surrounded by obscuring fog and terrifying creatures only the brave and strong dare venture to find the legendary dojo. The ninjas that are trained here are said to be the strongest in the world, but their fealty comes at a high price. Many seeking the dojo have wandering weeks to no avail, and ultimately died in the swamp either from hypothermia or to a deadly creature lurking in the mist. The first sight of the dojo, you would think most students would be happy to see, but the easiest part of their journey is over. Upon entering the mist clears and the magic that protects this place can be felt in the air. The side buildings are where the students sleep, eat and pray. The main building is where the students train, fighting and practicing their physical skills. Once the students have proven themselves and become ninjas, they are dispatched around the land to handle difficult missions. Water falls from the mountain top to provide clean drinking water for the weary and thirsty pupils. A mediation garden sits in the corner of the dojo for those that wish to clear their minds of troubling thoughts. Between missions ninjas are allowed to utilize the pool for a bit of fun and recreation. It's hard to imagine a place this wonderous being hidden from the world, but like most treasures only a few ever lay eyes upon it.
  11. Entry Form: Global (in game): @Envious Forum Handle: Stealthnight Discord Handle (if applicable): Mascot#9000 Collaborators (if applicable): None Are you the owner or builder? Builder If not the owner, do you have the owner’s permission? Yes Owner’s global, if different from above: @Mage45 Builder’s global, if different from above: Base Name: Eerie Defenders Base Code: Monster-25383 Base Shard: Everlasting **Additional information you want us to know: There are many locations for 'player' monsters to occupy. dungeon, coffins, mad scientist lab, swamp, cemetery, altar, and balconies. This base was made to support the habitat of many different kinds of monsters. They are not necessary but can be incorporated.
  12. The latest SG base built, Beep Beep Central on Everlasting. Base code: TAXE-24775. ( Item count 19,033 ) In 2012, a crack transportation unit was sent to prison by the ESRB for a crime they didn’t commit. In 2019 these men and women promptly escaped from the maximum-security Ziggurat to the Paragon underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as taxis-for-hire. If you have a problem getting across the Hollows, if no one else can help you navigate the Shadow Shard and if you can find them. Maybe you can hire, The Taxi-Bots. The plan 'A' for Operation Big Ol' Taxi. Everything started out simple our handy man got to work with what scrap metal was lying around. Once the drive shaft and axles were assembled the frame was raised to make room for the wheels within the wheel wells. The seats, trunk and the engine compartments were framed in and attached to the base. A V12 engine was salvaged and lowered into the vehicle. Reinforced roll cage and built proof glass was installed for maximum defenses. A rust proof and mine proof paint job was applied to the large exterior of the newly formed transport. High visibility fog lights, custom shock absorbent seats and cup holders for the long trips are added as requested. Manual window adjusters in case the battery shorts, gauges to determine if something is wrong, and of course the fare meter because even the Taxibots have bills. Passengers ride in comfort in the back, the driver is protected from rogues and vigilantes by a glass barrier, just in case someone gets froggy. Pay no attention to the water all around, it's just for show.
  13. The latest SG base built, Kablooie on Everlasting. Base code: K-868. It is a repurposed mill building located in the New England region of the U.S. The SG is built on the banks of the Merrimack and Concord rivers. The main hub is a mid to late 19th century textile mill. With an older late 18th century Grist style mill in the background. The clock tower nearby was a staple in the mill workers daily lives, reminding them when it was time to start and stop working. The trains allowed the receiving of unprocessed goods to the mills, and the transportation of finished products to other parts of the country inland. The river in addition to providing waterpower to the mills allowed boats to move raw goods from the south, up north to be processed at the mills. The northeast was not a very good location to grow crops in the early 18th century, but the natural hilly terrain was very beautiful to behold.
  14. The latest SG base built, Voidknights on Everlasting. Base code: VOID-27882. It is an Intergalactic Bounty Hunter SG built on an asteroid in deep space. This SG prides itself on finding and bringing to justice anyone who falls outside the jurisdiction of the hiring clients. The hanger bay holds the ships used by the bounty hunters as well as the repair facility and power generators. The space base's defense system designed to ensure no one attempts to break their comrades free. Command Center monitor and disseminates information to the bounty hunters wherever they are in the galaxy. The holding cells and cryogenic vault confine the bounties until they can be handed over for payment. Housing unit for the bounty hunters are basic military style bunks, nothing fancy. Food is provided by the on-board Hydroponic Garden. The cafeteria is simple in design and can feed many occupants throughout a normal 24-hour cycle.
  15. It has been stated before and hopefully being looked into, but it seems the new letters are missing the alpha channel or specular layer, for outdoor lighting. In base lighting they are fine, but outdoor lighting they are dimmer than the original lettering.
  16. I don't build bases for myself so my experience with the competition is a bit unique. All the bases I've built, and there are a lot, have been for other members of the CoH community that didn't have the skill/experience with the base editor that I do. I never charge for building these bases, I just asks for inspiration/theme from the base owner. The only thing I ask is that they use the base and don't let it sit on a dusty shelf somewhere. When I am done, the base owner is always overjoyed and that makes me happy. The base competition was never an end-state for me. I am sure everyone in the community has different reasons for base building, winning a competition was never one of them. The CRs decided to shine a light on a community that works behind closed doors and allow us to get a bit of recognition for our hard work. Regardless of whether or not you won as an individual, we as a community won, and that makes me happy.
  17. The latest SG base built, The Dawl House on Everlasting. Base code: DH-21953. It is an RP focused SG built in an Italian themed modern city. This SG community has been around for a long time, and the SG leader requested updates to the current base. "Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was this base."-someone old The Roman Colosseum sits in the center of the city. Gladiators are often found fighting to the excitement of the crowd. Sarto (tailor shop) is in the northwest of the city. There is a changing room inside for those who wish to use the outdoor swimming area. The hospital and bank are in the western part of the city. The market is in the southwest area and contains most of the amenities a functional base needs. The eastern side of the city is home to the many eateries that serve local cuisine. The Bistro and Caffe serve quick meals for those with limited time or just want to get something to go. Cotto is a formal restaurant experience requiring reservations and proper attire. In the northeast is the Therma which is a community bath house still in use and north is the Dawl House venue. The hot baths are a daily activity for many of the residents. There are also secluded areas for privacy. The Dawl House holds many of its events in the club to celebrate joyous occasions throughout the year. The "Weeping Lady" cemetery for those who wish to pay respects to those who have left us. The outskirt of the city has a serene feel to it, with the leaves slowly falling and the birds chirping in the light blue sky. Many of the old buildings have been incorporated into the modern city, preserving a bit of the past. A walk around this city would be a delight to the senses of anyone looking to get away from it all and unwind. The gondolas provide transportation to the other areas in Paragon city. "It's not fast, but it will get you there." As always thank you for spending a little of your time checking out my posts and remember, when in Rome. ((🍷, or ⚔️))
  18. The latest SG base built, The Awokens on Everlasting. Base code: DICE-22078. A table-top RPG Supergroup. Members can use the base as a landscape to run a fantasy campaign; having role-players act as NPCs. As the DM guides the party through an adventure, they can give out [inspiration] and [enhancement] as loot/rewards. Players can use the /roll (#) command to use dice. Gather your party and set out on an epic adventure. Your adventure begins as all good ones do; a weary band arriving by ship to an unknown land. A Gnome Village sits nestled between the hills of a fertile valley. I bet they are willing to welcome travelers for a short while. The picturesque view hides secrets waiting to be found. An Elven Temple sit on a lofty perch high above the valley. Surely it holds a trove of magical items. A hidden passage lies beneath the waterfall; who hides a secret passage behind a waterfall? The Human Castle sits high enough to watch for threats from the west and the dangers that lurk in the east. The underground Dwarven City holds the greatest forge in the land; able to forge mighty weapons from the most precious metals. The Haunted Woods that sits north of the Castle holds many dangers; both physical and magical. The Night Tower looms over a barren dark wasteland in the far east. Obviously, something evil resides here, or does it. This Volcano that can be seen from afar is the home of a very large Wyvern, a mother guarding its clutch and possibly other treasures. Recipe for adventure: 1) A fast-shooting archery blaster (Ranger) 2) A nature loving defender (Druid) 3) A battle axe raging brute (Barbarian) 4) And let's not forget the most important member of the party; the symphony controller (Bard) *Dungeon Master not included, ask parents for permission before embarking on any dangerous adventure.
  19. The latest SG base built, Paragon Freedom Brigade on Everlasting. Base code: PFB-26859. During the 1960's the U.S. Government created a top-secret organization to prepare for a future zombie apocalypse. The Paragon Freedom Brigade was hidden away inside the last place anyone would suspect. Mount Rushmore a famous tourist attraction, but deep inside the mountain the undercover facility of scientist and superheroes worked to prevent a future virus outbreak. (1) Entrance to the secret facility is by way of an underground train that transports the members daily from the nearby town of Rushmore city. (2) Upon entering the facility, it seems deserted, as if there was an emergency and everyone fled. (3) The main laboratory area still contains supplies and equipment. There are kennels where the scientist conducted experiments on animals and the main-frame room is guarded by a red holographic protector. (4) The experimental translocation devices might have been used by the workers to flee, but it would have been a risky decision. (5) Above the lab is a lavish mansion. Seems out of place but could fool anyone that didn't know they were 50 feet below solid rock. (6) The bathroom and hallway are equally adorned with rich artwork and artifacts. It seems the government took very good care of its special employees. (7) The bathroom covered in gold plated ornaments and marble wall backsplash. Everything is clean and opulent. (8) The shipping and receiving area where supplies are brought into the underground facility without the knowledge of the general public. The third floor has an emergency stairwell that takes you out onto the top of Mount Rushmore. It should only be used in an extremely dire circumstance. From afar Mt Rushmore seems so unassuming but little does the public know what terrifying secrets are held within its bowels. Thank you for visiting; the park is always open, and remember it's okay to look, just don't look too deep.
  20. The latest SG base built, Paragon Times News Paper on Everlasting. No base code at this time. Bryant Towers, home of the Paragon Times, can be seen from anywhere in Steel Canyon. A beacon for media and information anyone who wants to be known in this city works here. Street view of Steel Canyon where the roads are paved with good intentions and naive dreams. If you are looking for a good story, it's out there just waiting to be found or made up. The ground level of Bryant Tower, the information desk is center surrounded by a meeting room, concession stand, and break area. The best reporters and writers have a desk on the ground floor. The second floor of the newspaper is made up of three levels, the first being where all the newbies and sidekick journalist reside. They are usually hoping for a byline but are just as happy to say they work here. The second level contains a plethora of book, documents and other written material for the new reporters/writers to use for researching stories. The third level is where the dark room is located, and camera equipment is stored. The newspaper's data center is also housed and maintained here. The staircase on the second floor ensures the young reporters stay healthy, because you can't chase a story if you don't move fast enough. The third floor is the company's R&R amenities. A changing/restroom, gym, sauna and swimming pool are located here for the employees to utilize, when not on the clock. Access to a balcony is also on this floor to allow fresh air and sunlight in. The local sushi bar that the newspaper reporters frequent for lunch or an early dinner. It's just two blocks over from the Paragon Times, cutting through the fountain park makes the walk ten minutes max and the food is worth it. Finally, the auto shop where the people who know get their information from. Who's going on a long trip? where? who just had an accident? Who's looking to get rid of a 'hot' vehicle? Joe knows. The top of the Paragon Times Newspaper building, where the air is crisp, and you can see everything that goes on in the city.
  21. Yes, it's on Indom. The base is owned by @TraumaTrain. He bought it in an RP realtor sale. The builder/designer of the base was @CR Easter Bunny if I remember correctly.
  22. The last SG base I built I used the SG symbols for the types of IO sets. I think Dacy did it first, which is where I got the idea. Left to right ATOs, Damage, Defense/Resist, Heal, Movement, Tohit, Debuff, Holds. Bottom row is just salvage lockers, 3 common, 2 uncommon and 1 rare.
  23. Need to switch out Ms. Liberty with Sister Psyche and see if anyone notices. 👀
  24. Congratz Dacy and Easter Bunny. Now about those base builder badges...
  25. Without a picture I'm not sure what 'pirate' ship you are referring to. I am not aware of any such ship in the builder inventory. It might just be the same base builder's patented build.
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