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Random Robot

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Random Robot last won the day on May 26 2023

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  1. I'd love to be able to quit my storage SG and join my friends' SG.
  2. Wouldn't have to be a Null thing, I'd be happy with a client-side graphics option. I don't care if other people see me as transparent or not 🙂
  3. Dark Mastery->Murky Cloud: No Fade or Pulse is still fading/pulsing
  4. 1000% this. Transparency is the bane of my coh existence.
  5. Wouldn't help for mothership raids but I'd love to see a p2w vendor for SG bases.
  6. We desperately need a Left Arm version of the Robotic Arm 1 and 3 categories. The models for the upper left arm already exist in the Robotic Arm 2 category.
  8. Non-unique names was the best thing Champions did, having it here would be a dream come true.
  9. It would be kind of a hacky solution but I wonder if you could have a clicky temp power available from the p2w vendor that added a single defeat's worth of debt to the player on a short cooldown? It would be quicker than Rudra committing multiple suicides at least.
  10. I was just thinking about this earlier. With an arsenal controller (or a domi that doesn't take arsenal assault) not firing bullets it would be great to have a weapon model that wasn't a "gun" per se but more of a tool. I'm not sure what form that would take however.
  11. Probably here? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/3-city-of-heroes/
  12. Generic animations/models open up tons more concept ideas, 100% in favour of generic options for things.
  13. That sounds like a cool power pool but I was thinking more that if I have to take an attack in order to unlock Tough and Weave I'd like a ranged option.
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