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Everything posted by CienFuegos

  1. u cannot resist gives becky double puppy eyes!
  2. sits by rooks feet eying the sundae
  3. No! you just think original...pulls fedor lip and three dots from cloning is revealed!
  4. as a demostration..puppeh and fedor start to tussel and BOOOOOM Fedor 17 and Puppeh 12 walk in
  5. well actually rook while you been away we been cloning folks im Puppeh 11 hes fedor 16 and thats becky 10 for some wierd reason are clones tussel and blow up
  6. Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkk@@!!!!!..pounces.....covers rook in shimmer
  7. puppy then pounces the fluffy kitty...mmm warm and furry
  8. ill fluffy her again.....runs puts becky in the washer then dryer
  9. noms the bacon chew toy happily..unfluffies ears
  10. two impressions from this 1. wow elm/vera finally have another alt 2. very impressive run in 8 mins 53 seconds how many times is it repeatable? or how many runs till it happened?
  11. Shoots fedor with a hand blaster Puppeh shot first! ..( stealing from famous line Han shot first) and back to war... preps the water balloon launcher at fedor
  12. Boba Fett? at least they explain how he got out of the stomach
  13. It’s good? I been watching cobra Kai
  14. Wierd no takers @Hugbert @rookery.
  15. let the great rookery war begin!....forms alliance with Becky
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