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David Kane

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  1. I wanted to pop in here to say "Thank you" for making my 2023 fantastic. "How" you may ask? As well you may. By bringing back COH/COV/GR online. COH players are some of the best players online. Kind, courteous, helpful, and well downright team worthy. I had quite a row with NCSoft when the game was announced into being cancelled. I loved this game. And spent many an hour playing it. I fought tooth and nail with NCSoft on not to have COH closed. If they would have been honest with the players things may have gone a different way. According to statements Marvel was suing them as to their character creation. I do not what future COH may have as I have heard rumors of NCSoft considering a possibility of reacquiring the game though it would never be the same. I will donate and do my best to help out in any way I can. Please feel free to contact me Admins via my email. I have the original software still saved on an external hard drive. Also I have all of the issues of the COH comic book that was put out by MADCOW comics when the game was first underway though I have none of them scanned.. Anyone interested in these please feel free to contact me. Hopefully I did not just open up a can of worms. Here is to the players of COH/COV/GR. Cheers! I hope to see each and every one of you on New Years Eve in Pocket D. An event I used to love. I'll be there. (What happened to Cornelius?)
  2. I will be more than glad to donate what little money I can. My finances are very poor at the moment. But seeing this game back online after all these years has made me happier than you can imagine. That is worth a few dollars a month. I hope the future of this game continues. Count me in next month. Check, money order or cc. Just let me know. I had quite a battle with NcSoft before COH went offline. Enough that finished me with the Korean based organization. That is itself another story. Ill post some more in the forums on that and my joy at seeing this classic reinstated. I am a little surprised at myself for not checking sooner for the game. The COH/COV/GR community was always a good community. The players were some of the best gamers online. Polite, nice and really good team players. Enough said. Thank you again for making something special happen for my 2023. You need help just ask. Admins should have my email.
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