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About Delta

  • Birthday February 11

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  1. Here's a couple that I came across while doing missions on Redside: [NPC] Wing Talon Agent: Keep an eye out for anything strange. [NPC] Wing Talon Agent: Whatever, I'm not even on board for guarding this. [NPC] Wing Talon Agent: Longbow gets all the expensive funding, and what do we get? [NPC] Wing Talon Agent: Arrows. That's what we get. [NPC] Nebula Elite Assault: Take it all. We're going to make a statement here. [NPC] Nebula Elite Buckshot: Did I mention I had a bad back? (After attacking) [NPC] Nebula Elite Assault: My mom taught me never to share!
  2. During the Stop the Carnival Attack mission from Harvey Maylor: [NPC] Attendant: How many points for frightening that old guy? [NPC] Iron Strongman: Well, you nearly triggered a stroke. So, fifty.
  3. During the Get Nathan Crane's files from the Carnival of Shadows mission from Madeleine Casey: [NPC] Harlequin Fencer: Let's just find the files and get out of here. [NPC] Bronze Strongman: What am I, a bookkeeper? Look at this bod!
  4. At the beginning of the Check out the new dimension from Tina McIntyre: Spirit: You know what I miss? I miss enchiladas. Spirit: Stop it! I'm tired of hearing about things we can no longer have!
  5. The Homecoming Wiki page has a section that shows all of the Invention enhancements as well as their set bonuses. Here is the link: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Sets
  6. Managed to get Starbelle to level 31 after completing the Freaklympics and Ubelmann the Unknown story arcs. For the most part, it was a smooth ride. Energy Transfer hits like a truck, although I did have to be careful using it with the self damage. I did run into endurance issues, but getting Energize and Energy Drain has helped alleviate the issue. Overall a pretty good combination that I plan to continue to level up once the challenge ends.
  7. After a few days of playing, I managed to level up Starbelle (EM/EA Scrapper) to level 19. So far the combination has played well, although I did have a couple of close calls. Hope to get her to level 30 within a few more days.
  8. Roll 1: 32-37-91 (Kin/Sonic Defender) Roll 2: 26-76-36 (Radiation Blast/Kinetic Corruptor) Roll 3: 53-30-24 (Energy Melee/Energy Aura Scrapper) I'll probably pick Roll 3 as I been playing with a couple of support characters the last couple of months.
  9. Inside the University lab in Steel Canyon: [NPC] Lab Instructor: Well, you make a very convincing case, I must say. If I were, perhaps, a baboon.
  10. In Faultline: [NPC] Telemarketer: Well it's not just ANY vacuum cleaner, ma'am. Pah! Far from it. This uses aerodynamic technology, has LCD visuals and maintenance monitoring. It's a STEAL at three thousand dollars.
  11. While fighting some Arachnos soldiers in Faultline, I overheard one say the following: [NPC] Wolf Spider TacOps: They have a strip mall here. Did you see that? A STRIP MALL. I may very well throw up. I also heard the following as I continued exploring Faultline while badge hunting: [NPC] Mortificator: He came to me looking to lose some weight. So I chopped off his leg! [NPC] Mortificator: Oh man, that's a risky move, but he did hit his target weight. Not your fault, honestly. [NPC] Stunner Chief: Underneath all this metal, I'm a businessman. Now do right by me. [NPC] Wolf Spider Assault: Well, I won't be extorted by some metallic psychopath in makeup. If you think those strong-arm tactics are going to work, think again. Do you even KNOW who Lord Recluse is?
  12. I overheard this one during the Hypothermal Lab Results Tip mission as the Sky Raiders were dealing with Snakes: [NPC] Wing Raider: You know, I have a feeling this serum is NOT working correctly! I also came across this one while saving one of Paragon's aldermen during the Furtive Plea For Help Tip mission: [NPC] Wolf Spider Assault: I REALLY hate it when someone interrupts me in the middle of killing a hostage!
  13. A little late to the party, but wanted to take part in the challenge. Here were my three rolls: 1: 5-22-57 - Dark/Temporal Blaster 2: 89-38-33 - Energy/Fiery Armor Stalker 3: 42-82-94 - Time/Water Defender After ruling out the Stalker (the previous two Slot Machine Challenge picks were Stalkers), I decided to pick the Blaster. I'm not too familiar with Dark Blast and although I used Temporal in the past, it's been a while since I played a Blaster with that secondary. So far, I managed to complete the first arcs in Atlas Park and leveled up to level 6. Here is my blaster, Aeon Noir
  14. I came across this one after leaving a mission in Faultline: [NPC] Diseased Abomination: Did I frighten you? Oh good. Scared victims are so much more fun to work with.
  15. After finishing leveling up my Slot Machine Random Challenge character to level 50 (and incarnates), I decided to work on a challenge that I felt would be challenging to even those who have experience with the game. Called the Temporary Powers Challenge, there are a few rules to go by: 1. You can only damage opponents using temporary powers (i.e. Revolver, St. Louis Slammer, etc.). You can use the Origin power that your character receives at character creation. 2. If your character Primary/secondary has a build up/aim power, you can use it to help with accuracy or to give your temporary attacks more power. 3. You can use your secondary powers (or primary if using a Tanker) as long as they don't do damage to the enemy. 4. Any temporary powers that you get from missions are fair game (Warwolf Whistle, EMP Glove, etc.) You can add optional rules like Ironman rules, or no using the Action House, etic. to make it even more challenging. So far, I have made it to level 17 on my character, going with STJ/Nin Scrapper as Ninjutsu has several powers that aid my character (Stealth, Endurance Recovery and Heal specifically). It was a bit of a challenge early on, but after getting Seishinteki Kyoyo, my endurance problems were mostly solved. Have anyone else tried something similar and if so how was the experience?
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