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Original City of Heroes Team
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  1. There are some benefits. If you get hit with a Defense Debuff and go from 45% to 40%, you're now at 10% hit chance. If you're going from 50% to 45%, you're still at 5% hit chance. If your build can afford the buffer because of low to non-existent Defense Debuff Resists without sacrificing other parts of the build, I say why not? It will also help with Incarnate content, which has a higher softcap percentage.
  2. We're the masters of melee, the deadliest of duelers, the supreme sluggers! Super Strength fits right in for Scrappers. 💪 The HC team have kept the game fun and alive, and I trust that if they were to bring Super Strength to Scrappers that they'd know how to go about it. 😎
  3. Massive thanks to the Homecoming team for bringing back our city, and to all the players that help keep it running! I'm so happy that developement of the game continues and look forward to seeing what's coming in the future! superstrenghtforscrappers
  4. It has some utility to it, the -ToHit, and namely the (up to) 20% heal you can get to happen every 3 seconds kind of balances the lack of damage. That's just how Dark sets are usually. Trade some of the main component for utility, and the melee variant here is no different.
  5. Nope, but now I wanna make one after I finish leveling and kitting out my savage/shield scrapper. Inv in general is pretty solid. Can get perma capped HP, capped s/l resist and decent numbers for the other res, softcapped typed def (except psi/toxic). You'll be sturdy against most things, leaving you to focus on the savagery.
  6. You can use any image editor to cut diagonals of each character screenshot, and then line them up side by side. Give it a try yourself! 😄
  7. The Lethal Ladies were a solid group, loved playing with them and just chatting around! Being an AV tank on a Scrapper is pretty fun from time to time. 💪
  8. Heroes may grow old, but Legends never die. Good to see you again, old friend. 😎
  9. I sea what you did there.
  10. Many teams can also have hard or soft crowd controls as part of their regular attacks or as part of their deliberate mass control abilities, which can eliminate a lot of the "getting hit" part. Regardless of lower caps, I always prefer Scrapper because at any moment you can flip out and hit for double damage. 💥
  11. There's a name I recognize, after all these years still rocking Claws/SR? 😉 I guess don't fix what ain't broke, I'm still a big fan of DM/Inv. 🤣
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