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Original City of Heroes Team
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  1. I don't remember personally, so I can't contribute anything to that question unfortunately.
  2. Other than the build talk, how about the costume? Let's see it if you got it! 😄
  3. I remember when I first played CoH on my potato computer back then. These days I can set max for everything without issue 😆
  4. Regen will always have a special place in my heart as my first main was Katana/Regen. I've long since switched to DM/Inv for the incredible synergy the combo has.
  5. Tremor can be set to be a proc bomb if your build can fit it and the slots. As far as Hurl Boulder, for me that power gets regulated to set mule, if I even decide to take it. I do agree that it could use some extra oomph, and the mini impact explosion is a fun idea.
  6. I've been playing a Stone/Stone Scrapper with an Obsidian Mage theme and it has been a ton of fun. Would recommend to my fellow Scrappers 🪨👍
  7. This is a personal observation, but Rage is what makes Super Strength feel like it is Super Strength. If you "cottage rule" it into something else, it will feel like the set is missing something. It's one of the reasons why I don't particularly care for Dark Melee on Stalkers. Yes they all need to have Build Up as part of their kit, but to me I just don't feel like the set is complete. On my Scrapper practically have perma on Soul Drain (3 second gap), so the uptime with with Rage doesn't really make it unique. Soul Drain doesn't have any crash of any sort, but the low end is also lower than a regular Build Up with just 1 target. However, it does also make up for a higher cap, at 150% Damage and 30% ToHit when you're max mob farming.
  8. That flew out the window the moment Scrappers got Titan Weapons. One of those weapons is like 500lbs 💪😆
  9. Really, they should just give Scrappers everything. 😤
  10. The Diagmagnetic -ToHit debuff is one of my favorites for builds. Especially if you have a damage aura of some kind. Lets you focus on scrappin' rather than survivin'.
  11. Everquest? "SoW plz" "Train to zone!" 😁 Welcome to the City of Heroes! (and sometimes Villains) 🦸
  12. Before HC, I had an AR/Dev Blaster named The Pun-Issuer 😁
  13. There are some benefits. If you get hit with a Defense Debuff and go from 45% to 40%, you're now at 10% hit chance. If you're going from 50% to 45%, you're still at 5% hit chance. If your build can afford the buffer because of low to non-existent Defense Debuff Resists without sacrificing other parts of the build, I say why not? It will also help with Incarnate content, which has a higher softcap percentage.
  14. We're the masters of melee, the deadliest of duelers, the supreme sluggers! Super Strength fits right in for Scrappers. 💪 The HC team have kept the game fun and alive, and I trust that if they were to bring Super Strength to Scrappers that they'd know how to go about it. 😎
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