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Original City of Heroes Team
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Everything posted by bAss_ackwards

  1. There's a name I recognize, after all these years still rocking Claws/SR? πŸ˜‰ I guess don't fix what ain't broke, I'm still a big fan of DM/Inv. 🀣
  2. Of course I play the game. Why wouldn't I? 😎
  3. It still is! I remade my main from the live servers back in the day the moment I heard news a while back that Homecoming got the official license. Succubus Kali - Scrapper (Dark Melee - Invulnerability)-v006-Incarnate.mbd
  4. πŸ‘‹ CoH was a home for me since its beta. Played it for years and eventually got hired onto the Paragon Studios team, which then helped me kickstart my 10+ year career in the games industry. πŸ₯³ It means the world to me! I'm glad to be back Home. πŸŒ† Definitely seeing some names that I recognized from way back when. Been mostly lurking, but it is good to see both old and new faces here. πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ
  5. Would be nice if it had absorb like the Sentinel version. IO-ing it out for Def also helps greatly, as do Incarnate ablities. Will still be behind other sets, but can become more comfortable with more difficult content. Also wish it had higher -regen resist. It should be an absolute king at regen and keeping it that way, despite debuffs.
  6. Brawl is a very early game filler, and can be used as a set mule. Either of the Scrapper AT IOs will not be able to do anything for Brawl, and would put part of the attack chain using it at a lesser potential for damage output.
  7. I was running into a bug when I tried bow and dual pistols. I could only get one visible pistol (even when drawn) and one bow, or two pistols and one invisible bow (also when drawn). Good luck! πŸ˜†
  8. Regen is a good meme. Don't let anyone say otherwise. 😀 Immortal Engine - Scrapper (Katana - Regeneration) 02.mbd
  9. We had a sniper set that was documented. Something about a mechanic that involved getting a bead on the target. Not sure how complete the design was though.
  10. Yes but... have you heard of the rule of cool? 😎 As long as something is not so incredibly far behind the theme, etc. can make a character so much fun to play!
  11. Very welcome! Vengeance is there to push +Def further, but hopefully you're on a team where you won't have to use that often. Also being able to dive into crowds to get even more +Def and +Regen. Some decent +Res and +HP so you don't fold like a paper cup if something does go through (more like a double layered carboard cup!) Can probably get rid of Acrobatics once you get Clarion Core Epiphany, but it is nice to have as you level up to 50 and towards that Incarnate ability.
  12. I forgot to share it yesterday, but here you go today! πŸ˜… Sneak-Attack - Blaster (Archery - Ninja Training)-04.mbd
  13. Have a sneaking suspicion they would just turn it into Build Up. πŸ€”
  14. Sure I can share when I get home. Though my builds are not the norm. I like challenging myself to build durable characters. πŸ˜†
  15. Huh... never knew power boost affected +def toggles. Might need to update one of my builds. πŸ€”
  16. Maybe we're all confused at how its supposed to work.
  17. I think it is buggy at the moment. Right now I can have either one pistol, one bow, and one invisible pistol or two pistols and one invisible bow. I should make a character named Invisi-bow. πŸ˜‚
  18. TA/Nin is nice. The crits from out of stealth don't require any extra animation time, and from stealth you do extra damage. Helps make that Lethal damage go further.
  19. Shame there isn't a Pinnacle anymore. I went with Excelsior.
  20. Good to see you again! Is LL back together in an SG? I returned when the official license news hit. 🀩
  21. DM/Inv. It is an indestructble powerhouse that just doesn't quit! Regular self heal and -ToHit on everything from DM. Softcapped typed defenses which can get to 59% without Barrier, for Incarnate content. Capped S/L resists, and 30 to 50% for the rest, including Psi with the use of specific IOs. Perma capped HP. Taunt aura that gives you +ToHit. Can IO out to get perma (or near) Haste and Soul Drain. Endurance refill from DM.
  22. DM/Inv is a classic combo. Softcapped defenses, high resists, capped HP, and DM to help with frequent heals and -ToHit. For my build I have perma hasten, perma dull pain, and near enough perma soul drain. They really compliment each other well, and you can build quite the unstoppable powerhouse.
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