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Posts posted by battlewraith

  1. 20 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Ummm, point of order, I suggested a while back that the emp to reward merit conversion should be removed when I was reminded that it existed, having never utilized it. They are listening. It's arguable that what they choose to listen to is highly subjective.

    That's actually even worse than if they didn't listen at all. They listen to someone completely unrelated to the issue.


    It's like coming out of your house one day and you have a ticket because the law changed and you parked your car facing the wrong direction. The law changed because legislators listened to feedback from somebody in a different city, who hasn't ever been to your neighborhood, and who doesn't own a car.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Astralock said:

    "Just lead how you want."  Sounds great, except that doesn't work out in practice.  Most people are inherently lazy and will always take the path of least resistance.  "Join the guy who is asking people to use strategy, or just join the guy who will let us spam Barrier so I don't have to think?  I know which one I'm joining!"


    Just form an sg for those elite, non-lazy few. Separate yourselves from "most people" and follow your dreams. 

    The path of least resistance in this case is asking the devs to nerf things to suit your needs.

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  3. 16 hours ago, DarionLeonidas said:

    Now, unless I’m very much mistaken — and I hope I am — they become completely useless.

    So, to return to my point, I’d like to understand how my use of Empyreans was do abusive as to warrant them losing a huge portion of their worth?

    As for the other reasons, given that Empyrean Merits cannot be converted, traded or sold, this perceived abuse was grossly unfair to other players… how?



    As other people have noted, they aren't completely worthless. I you were using them, like I was, as an additional source of income to outfit new characters--they are strongly devalued. There are things you can do, if you're willing to put up with the additional hassle, to convert them to inf. Is it worth it, I don't know.


    As for your main question--why was it necessary to penalize normal players over an outlier farming practice? There were vitriolic arguments on the forums about this issue for over a month. I never saw any concrete answer to your question. 

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  4. On 8/26/2022 at 4:42 AM, Retrobytz said:

    ...and it came up with this which to me looked like a scene from Steel Canyon. I'm not disappointed. :classic_happy:


    I was doing the Midjourney beta for a bit. I found out that you can use a pre-existing image as a base. Then there was a parameter called image weighting. The image weighting command tells the AI how faithfull to be to the source image. Anyway, I think it would be possible to take actual coh screenshots and use the software to render it and add detail in different styles.

  5. On 8/26/2022 at 3:11 PM, arcane said:

    In addition to being a precious resource for Incarnates, you are free to convert them into threads, convert those threads into Ultimates, and… you guessed it! Sell them on the market.


    If this option was on a par with the merit conversion, why wouldn't the people who were that target of the nerf simply continue to farm the emps and then do the thread--ultimate--sell on the market thing? If doing this conversion is roughly as valuable as the merit conversion was, then what was the point of the nerf? 


    If they aren't roughly equivalent, then this comment is completely disingenuous. Hey, you can still make money! (it just sucks compared to what you were making but we're gonna gloss that over).

  6. 2 hours ago, DarionLeonidas said:

    Can I ask the Devs why we can no longer exchange Empyrean Merits for Reward Merits?

    I'm just curious as to why you thought this change was warranted.


    The relevant post in the thread Greycat linked is this:


    Removing the conversion is to address a different though tangential issue - a set of circumstances that encourages a very particular type of abuse involving a cycle of deleting and re-creating characters to take advantage of the frontloaded and limited supply of Empyreans. Removing the conversion (mostly) isolates the benefits to things that are account-bound and limits its impact on the economy, making it not worthwhile in most cases. That's likely preferable to most people than removing or significantly reducing Incarnate progression through vet levels, even though they were tuned for a much smaller population and probably shouldn't have ever gone live in the state they're in today.


    In a nutshell, a certain number of players were farming emp merits by repetitively pling characters that would be deleted rather than enhanced and actually played. The dev solution was to take away the conversion from everyone. They added additional merit rewards to other content. If you don't want to run that other content, you're sol. If you weren't paying attention to the appropriate threads on the forums and have a big stockpile of emps you were going to convert later, you're sol. If you're a player who didn't use the conversion, you get thrown a bunch more merits for trials and whatnot. If you're a player who relied on the conversion to buy things, you lost a source of your income.

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  7. When they were looking to nerf stuff related to farming, they realized that the bonus from the double xp boosters was higher than intended. So they reduced it. Maybe that's the difference you're seeing.

    • Haha 1
  8. 11 hours ago, plainguy said:

    It is clear from other post on this forum, you are just looking to debate everything. 
    It is clear from your comments it has to fit some contrived notion that you have in your head on how a superhero game should be.. 
    that you responded to everything as you do shows there is something off with you.


    Of all the committed naysayers you are likely to run across in this suggestion forum, he is the worst. Other people will argue about game mechanics, balance, etc. He's literally arguing his subjective take on themes and comic book genres. Even worse, after pages of debating requests there is still not a clear indication that he even understands those requests. Someone says "I want darkness effects with plant manipulation animations" and he blandly responds "just roll a plant manipulation character."  Asking the devs to create brand new animations for a set is fine with him. Simply asking them to repurpose animations that already exist from other sets is forbidden... for reasons that are locked away in his brain somewhere.

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  9. 6 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    If you want shield powers without actually having a shield, then you are making the case that it is an overpowered set.


    That doesn't make any sense at all. Powers are balanced according to objective traits: defense values, damage, resists, etc. You could even factor in something like animation times because that affects damage over time, attack chains, whatever. Whether or not visuals are annoying is not part of this consideration. What people find annoying is subjective. And making something look cooler might make a set more attractive to players but doesn't translate to it playing any better.

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  10. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    Just a hint, Mr. Battlewraith: if you follow people around and constantly harass, abuse, and smear them, it’s probably inevitable that they develop contempt for you.


    I don't follow you around. Look at your post count. You're always there in a discussion. And I respond to what people say here in these threads, not who they are as people of which I have no clues. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    Yes, there is some extent to which I am reactively trolling back at the original trolls, sure. Mostly because their constant abuse leaves me little choice. 

    Maybe you need to take your own advice. Adapt. Stop bitching about other people bitching.

    Personally, I see your posts in this thread in particular as schadenfreude. Gloating and waving away other people's concerns as insignificant.

    And yet you are taken aback when people respond negatively. Apparently so taken aback that you are compelled to troll. You have little choice but to pour gasoline on the fire.

    Not buying that line of reasoning, sorry.

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  12. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    Am I saying all this just to farm thumbs down emojis that I now cherish as a badge of honor ever since I realized they all come from the same 5 trolls? Maybe 🙂 


    If you're openly trolling people who actually care about this issue, you don't get to clutch your pearls and justify it by calling them trolls. Grow up. At least own what you're doing.

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  13. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    Let’s all remember once again that this great month of arguments and rage is no different than what happened when we lost… 30 seconds of Rune of Protection uptime. Turns out the sky never fell and that didn’t spark a mass exodus and neither will this. Actually, turns out the Sorcery pool is more popular than ever now.


    This is a false framing of the issue. It doesn't have to be mass exodus that happens all at once. It just has to feed the gradual decline in the playerbase over time.

    Is the active population larger or smaller in the time since the RoP nerf? It could be that a fairly large number of people left the game, in part, because of that change. We as players don't know. 


    • Like 5
  14. 59 minutes ago, Neiska said:


    Agree. Personally I could care less that they are removing the EMP to merit conversion. Just the suggested numbers of what farmers make in the AE was so inaccurate I found it offensive. 1 billion in 5 hours? WHILE leveling an alt? I wish I made that. Heck I wish I made half that. In reality I make about 1/4th of that.

    I think I make maybe 100 or 200 million inf by the time I'm done leveling a character. Part of the attraction of the farm is that failure is an option. I space out and forget to heal and die. The dog needs to go out. I get a phone call. etc. I can start and stop at will without inconveniencing any other people, which adds a lot of flexibility to when I can log in and work on a character. 


    In the imaginings of SwitchFade and arcane, people like me are evil figures that are mercilessly inflating the market and churning out perhaps hundreds (!) of roided out billion inf characters. 


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  15. 5 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    First, a straw man is not what you claim it is, what @arcane said was not a straw man because he did not make up a completely fictitious argument, assign it to someone then attack it; his supposition was an observation, which you COULD claim is fallacious and demand evidence, but it's not a straw man, sorry.


    Second, t's ok that you don't grasp economic function fully, but just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it doesn't exist and isn't true. The earth was spherical well before people believed that, true nonetheless. Res ipso loquitur, clearly the change speaks for itself in that a problem exists.


    Perhaps your posts get moderated because you have a penchant for needlessly insulting people? I mean, you could write all that stuff you just did, without the personal attacks, homeskillet.


    Or was the point to be vengeful?


    Straw man:

    1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.

    The misrepresented position is that people against this change are claiming that they won't be able to make money without emp conversions. That is not what people are saying and it is obviously not true--which makes it easier to malign the people against this nerf.


    Grasping economic function is irrelevant. You made the claim that farming always leads to inflation. There is no apparent inflation and there hasn't been for some time, despite farming being a constant. Your statement is simply false. 


    I don't claim to know why my posts got wiped. A couple of them didn't even make reference to other people. 


    "Or was the point to be vengeful?"


    Instead of passing off false dogmatic beliefs and ridiculously inflated farming numbers as reality, do more of this...um...dramatic character analysis. It will be fictional AND entertaining to read.

  16. 2 hours ago, arcane said:

    I agree that Switch’s numbers are a little “off” for the average 1 farmer / 1 alt setup aiming for the average fully purpled / boosted build; you need a teeny bit longer.


    But it’s all sort of beside the point. The point is: we know for a fact that you can fund billion-inf builds on dozens, perhaps hundreds, of alts with only income from one farmer. So the folks who have explicitly refused to do normal content, AH, or just about anything but farming… are being disingenuous when they suggest they won’t be able to make money without the empyrean merit conversion.


    Who are the people that are claiming that? I haven't seen anyone who farms in any capacity saying that they won't be able to make inf without this conversion. This is a distortion of the actual complaint, which is that the nerfing of emps as a resource will result in people farming more or having to do more of the content that they don't find enjoyable.

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  17. 4 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    The cognitive dissonance that @arcane spoke of is when farmers, who can generate currency orders of magnitude greater than any other way of playing, are also the ones complaining that they need the conversion to make more currency, because... Can't afford stuffs.


    Which is a strawman. I already responded to that comment but it didn't go over well and the mods cut several comments from this thread.


    I don't think dedicated farmers/afk farmers/etc. are complaining about this change. They can afford whatever they want, as can the people who routinely make a killing on the market. So this supposed contradiction is an unlikely speculation to begin with.


    Speaking for myself, I like to make a new character, get it to 50, get it enhanced, and then run TFs or trials or whatever. Farming is a means to an end. I don't do it for fun and I don't look to grind a huge stockpile of resources (and I don't have any afk farmers). I do it as much as necessary to get the new character ready. The nice thing about the emp conversions is that they lessened the amount of time that I would need to spend farming to set a new character up and I would get them incidentally while doing non-farm content. All this nerf does is make people like me have to spend more time farming to make up for the deficit.


    4 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    And, marketing might move currency around, but it actually causes deflation and lowers equilibrium price. Farming does not, it always causes inflation and an average increase in the equilibrium price of a basket of goods.


    And this just seems like straight up bullshit. The trend of farming emps through power leveling disposable characters may be recent (which I doubt), but the merit conversion and farming in general has been around for as long as the server has. If farming always causes inflation--where the hell is it? I'm not seeing major inflation anywhere. Other people have pointed this out as well.


    4 hours ago, SwitchFade said:

    Like I said, I favor letting the conversion remain, at a rate of 1 emp per 48 hour limit, so everyone can "play their way," which is often a thinly veiled attempt to justify taking advantage of something that DOES cause detriment for the collective, for selfish reasons.


    Yeah nothing's more selfish than playing the game the way you enjoy and hypothetically putting some aspect of the market at risk of something. You can feel the tension, as if this inflationary boogyman was about to jump out at any moment. But it is real nice of your lordship to suggest that people impacted by this nerf get tossed a bone every couple of days so that they can "play their way." What a pillar of the community.

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  18. 9 hours ago, Crasical said:


    The titan weapon greatsword is literally called 'Razor Sword'.


    There's also Excalibur, and several forms of energy sword, all of which do lethal damage when another set uses it. 


    It's not the literal definition of the weapon in the powerset name, it's not the damage type, and it's not based on any historical factors as to the use of weapons. Hence my summation that it's purely based on vibes. Rename Dual Blades to Dual Weapons if it makes adding some blunt options more palatable, why not. 


    First of all, razor blades are sharp and are indeed designed to cut things. That titan greatsword would sure as hell cut things.


    Fighting sticks in Filipino martial arts are a proxy for swords. Styles vary somewhat, but double stick motions are exactly the same as sword movements. If you are training properly, you employ the weapon with proper edge alignment, even though the stick doesn't have an edge per se. Furthermore, if you're striking properly the tip of the stick will cut. A typical training method involves cutting through the layers of a banana tree.


    I agree that the ingame logic is purely based on vibes. 

  19. 5 hours ago, Rudra said:

    Lets do a quick comparison.


    How about another quick comparison:


    OP complaining about MMs not getting updates: 7 posts.

    Rudra arguing with OP and other posters: 34 posts.


    If you didn't feel the need to argue the crap out of other people's suggestions (mostly because they don't suit your preferences) this conversation probably would've gone somewhere else. Most likely it would've sunk off the page, with no need for locking.

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  20. 1 hour ago, tidge said:


    There already exist rewards that only come from PVP, and I have not observed any outcry from players that this is unfair.

    Because those rewards didn't get added in conjunction with them being removed from some other aspect of the game. Also you must've been oblivious to the history of pvp in this game: the inclusion of badges in pvp zones in order to lure players in there was very unpopular with a lot of people. 

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