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Posts posted by battlewraith

  1. 18 hours ago, leeper48 said:

    Just a little sanding. I’m running .2 layer height. I’ll try finer height settings first before getting another printer. 


    I use an automotive primer called Duplicolor primer filler. It's really good for filling in print lines. Spray the model and then you're sanding the primer to the level of the lines, rather than trying to sand down the ridges of the plastic.

  2. 9 hours ago, TalonGrayson said:

    The MSDS (material safety data sheet) for any given resin is usually available from their website. Every one I've read more or less sums up as "do not drink, wash your hands if you get it on your skin, if it's giving you problems breathing, get some fresh air". I compare it to petrol/gasoline in that both are nasty stuff, but when you use them appropriately, they're totally fine. These days I don't even wear a respirator or gloves when I'm handling resin, and my printer sits about 2' from my face at my desk.


    I'm not an expert on toxic materials and maybe the sources I'm looking at are dated (eg. there are non-toxic resin brands on the market). But a quick google search on resin will say that it is very toxic, should not be handled without gloves, needs proper ventilation, and is extremely damaging to the environment if not disposed of properly. Note that by toxic I don't mean "unpleasant to be around". I'm talking about damage to your skin, particles in your eyes and lungs, etc.

  3. I tried holding a pvp event a while back. Team captains, win or lose, would've received a custom sculpted and 3d printed bust of their character as a participation prize. Not something grabbed from the game assets, a custom sculpt done in ZBrush of their character. I did not get enough response to run the event.


    If you would be game, I would actually be interested in getting the 3 basic figures in the costume creator (huge, male, female) in OBJ. format to use as reference/base meshes for character sculpts. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Solarverse said:


    In all fairness, he did say that a lot of what happened was on him, I think his main issue is how people reacted to the things he has done...knowingly or unknowingly. And I agree with him. He's not perfect...nobody is. I don't think he believes otherwise. He did admit fault to his own mistakes and even understands that his logic may be flawed on some things. But that is not what it was all about. It was about how others behaved in response to the things he has done. I mean, when players are trying to find out where you live and post that information online for others to see, that puts your life at unnecessary risk. That is the kind of behavior that literally gets people killed. This is why I posted this, because people who behave in this way need to be held accountable.


    I'm honestly asking this: as someone didn't know anything about this incident or this person, what kind of response would you hope to get? 

    • Thanks 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Krimson said:

    Not really interested in a day where people spend it regurgitating someone else's thoughts that they found on the internet. There's enough parrots in the world already.


    Interesting hot take! While other people may be worried about posters flaming each other, your main concern is with originality. No parroting other people's ideas! Wonder what that would sound like--maybe a dementia ward?

  6. On 12/24/2021 at 3:05 AM, Feyspeaker said:

    This thread just comes across to me as a bunch of people trying to piss on successors despite their being no real reason too considering you can like both Homecoming CoH and the successors or just Homecoming if you so please. I genuinely do not get why we have to be so nasty towards the successors considering Homecoming is still a thing and I don't see the successors somehow taking it away anytime soon.


    I personally think the whole question is pointless as the successors are still running and are still having people working on them. I am not sure about Ship of Heroes or Valiance but I do know City of Titans team is made of volunteer CoH players and they are actively still working on the game.


    I agree. I understand the anger of people that donated to a successor project that has still not delivered. However, the people pissing on them are leaving out some key facts.


    Homecoming is here because of being stolen goods. The initial illicit server ran for years with people working on the code and running it. Then when word got out, coh fans lost their shit and harrassed the guy running that server into turning the code over. My understanding is that he then helped the new teams get going, who are now continuing to improve and update an existing game, not something they own or made from scratch.

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  7. The topic is vague to me. I'm not sure exactly what you're after.


    If the question is about what the Homecoming team can do, then I think it's actually "what makes for a healthy playerbase?"

    The answers are going to involve things like content updates, events, promotion, etc.


    "What makes for a healthy game community?"


    1. What community are you talking about?

    2. What is your criteria for saying it's healthy?

  8. The game engine is typically responsible for a variety of things--lighting, rendering, collision detection, simulating physics, etc. Game engines also generally have tool sets to help develop content for the game. So animation may be done in the engine, or produced in an animation package and brought over in a format that the game engine can use. Characters may be animated by canned animations that the game is cycling through (meaning the mesh is going through a series of deformations over time) or they may have skeletons in them that are actively deforming the mesh. I suspect the latter is the case with coh based on how enemies ragdoll when you knock them around--seems like collision physics being applied to a skeleton.


    Powers could involve some sort of modeling or they could be 2d animated sprites, or both.

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  9. The coh models are extremely simple. Making models of that quality should be fairly trivial for pretty much any current respectable polygonal modeling software. 

    The industry standard generic 3d file is OBJ, which was around before coh launched. If the coh engine can use obj (or other proprietary formats) then introducing new models should be easy. If coh uses some esoteric file type, then you would need a translation app to convert the file type. 


    I suspect the biggest hurdle would be pinning the new meshes to the existing skeletal animation system/patterns in a way that various moves still worked properly. Also adjusting costume pieces, weapons, etc. to the new shapes to avoid crazy clipping.

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  10. 57 minutes ago, Aurora_Girl said:

    If we are not expected to mock and ridicule those who stand in the public square and declare radioactive moon leeches are coming for our testicles, are we not Americans?

     Oh it's far worse than radioactive moon leeches. Far far worse. Someone in a video game forum (which is not the public square) said that a WP tank was bad at taking an alpha. How could I possibly walk away from that ignominy?



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  11. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    Probably so.


    But none of this gets to the root of the issue with GM Widower’s recommendation: if Diantane is freely allowed to spew his own garbage, why are we being admonished for responding in kind? Idk what you know about humans, but we get awfully hung up on issues of fairness from authorities.


    You can say “don’t respond” all you want, but, on the forum I briefly mentioned above, that moderation strategy led to significant departures by core members, because it was made abundantly clear to us that the troll was not to be admonished as we were; this was just a rigged game for them to exploit indefinitely while respondents racked up bullshit warnings that were, for good reason, not particularly respected.


    I think you're allowed to spew your own garbage. I think they just want people to keep things civil. That's what they keep calling for. Did Diantane personally attack you by posting things you think are false or don't agree with? "Responding in kind" seems to mean "you keep saying things I think are stupid so I'm going to ridicule you for it." That's not your place.


    I don't think you understand trolling. It isn't a rigged game. You and the troll are not playing a game together. You are not going to win an argument with the troll or shame them away with ridicule. The troll is having fun by mocking you and/or the community at large. They are making you the butt of their joke. The first and most obvious thing is the inability of people to simply walk away from a troll post. The troll wants attention and it's even better when people argue with moderators about their right to give the troll the attention they're seeking. 






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  12. Power leveling is probably keeping the game alive. The majority of the playerbase has played the game for years (or are maybe related somehow to such players--kids, etc.). They don't have the time or the interest in playing the traditional way. PLing allows people to fast forward to the content they enjoy, experiment with builds, get the resources they need in a reasonable amount of time, etc, Take away the farming and it would wither away.


    IMO challenge has never been a strong point for coh even before the development turned away from teamwork and started catering to soloists. That doesn't mean things weren't/aren't challenging to do. It's just that the difficult things all boil down to a formula that needs to be followed. Once the conditions are met that more or less static challenge becomes routine. The difficulty is getting the proper pieces in place from the get go.


    The strength of the game is in creativity and immersion. It allows you to really make you own character in a way that most games don't. It allows you to make stories and have an experience of the world that other games in my experience don't. The fact that it's a really easy game supports this. 

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  13. What you're describing to me is a marketplace. It's Amazon--where can I find the cheap goods I want, whenever I want them, with reviews of the vendors. It's not a community. The artists there were active on the coh forums back in the day posted art, gave feedback, did tutorials, ran contests, etc. I for one did at least a dozen free pieces before even offering commissions. So it really came across as a big FU to that idea of community when people starting promoting outside artists and their sales. Still does.


    Would people have saved up for more expensive commissions if the cheap stuff wasn't available? Who knows. I think the more relevant question is: are people going to buy a single well rendered piece when they can buy multiple lower quality cheap ones. I'm pretty sure the answer to that is no. At that point it becomes a race to the bottom. That's when your $15 quickie headshot is competing with somebody's $7 fullbody sketch. 


    I don't do commissions any more. 

  14. 1 hour ago, _Kai_ said:

    I guess we'll have to just disagree then, as I'm very sure that if there were no $25 options, the people who can afford $25 wouldn't magically buy $100 options, that's like saying if there were no Civics/Jettas people would just save up and buy Porsches when really they'd just give up on getting a car! But not going to derail this thread about NFTs any further 🙂



    I know right? It's like... I got $50 in my wallet. I can't buy a tv with that. And without some sort of magic I can't budget or save up for something like that. So I guess I'll never own a tv!


  15. 22 hours ago, _Kai_ said:

    As someone who posted a lot of those artists I'm sure(Jtran/Daos, MaHenBu, HugoHugo, Avionetca....probably a lot more...), I was always happy to share when artists I commissioned had sales going on, because people's budget for art and what they consider is 'worth it' is vastly different.  There are a number of wonderful CoH playing artists whose art I think is great, but that I will never be able to afford because of my own budget/guilt limit per piece of art, and it's unfair to say that lower quality lower cost artists 'destroyed the idea of getting any kind of reasonable rate' as most of the people that used them would never have been customers of the higher priced artists in the first place.



    It's not unfair to say that, it's the truth. I experienced it and tracked it myself. A lot of people want art, very few are willing to pay much for it. You flood a market with fast cheap work and that becomes the new normal. As an artist you can lower your prices, offer some shoddy low-price option, or just bow out. The majority will eventually bow out because hustling for peanuts eventually leads to health issues and is seldom financially viable. But in a global economy there's always going to be someone to replace them. An illustrator with years of experience and expensive equipment would do better financially to just go flip burgers than try to offer an "affordable" option to people who have grown used to paying close to nothing to begin with. But it's great for the consumer who doesn't want to feel guilty about paying much for something.

  16. Well, this strikes me as mild karma.


    Many years ago on live, there was a small but active art community  on the forums. It inspired me to start drawing again. There were several of us that did a lot of art for forum regulars, most of it free. This lead to brief period where people started to do more involved pieces, lots of people were getting commissions, etc. It was a really good scene. But then people started shopping around on other sites like DA. That's fine, of course, but they'd not only post the artwork on the forums--they'd advertise those artists and their sales and whatnot on the game forums. I wasn't the only one that was rather miffed that people who had no involvement in the game or the community and weren't paying a subscription fee were getting access to that space. It got worse when the artists from the Philippines started-- Taclobanon, Cric, John Becaro, etc. It pretty much destroyed the idea of getting any kind of reasonable rate for your work. That was the end of the golden age of commissions on the coh forums.


    It's probably the same guy. $12 quickie commissions are probably not enough to pay the bills any more and he's looking to monetize work he's already done.

  17. 1 hour ago, Triumphant said:

    @battlewraith  A reasonable question.  Don't know, though.  I'd have to see an actual prototype to judge.   Maybe someone who has done this (assuming that anyone has) can post a pic of the result? 


    There was a guy that was making ball joint dolls based on the game files. You can see examples in Wild Claw's thread. The majority of the information in a coh character design is in the textures. Printing out the meshes will give you, for example, a faceted approximation of the volume of the head. All of the specific detail of that character would need to be painted on those flat planes.


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