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Crysta Clear

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Everything posted by Crysta Clear

  1. I think some documentation on exactly what the different opportunity types even do, mechanically, would be neat. I didn't even realize Defensive Opportunity refunded some endurance on every hit, just thought it was a tiny heal alone. And I'm not sure whether the -20% RES debuff is only part of Offensive Opportunity, or if both of them have the -20% RES and Offensive is just trading the heal (and apparently endurance) packet for a small extra damage packet.
  2. No it doesn't, as presumably, the current Ninja Run would be retained. Just we'd have extra "Prestige Sprint: Ninja" and "Prestige Sprint: Beast"
  3. Even the smallest hitbox pets clog doorways. Masterminds need a 0-cost toggle that can be activated to 'turn off' collision while in groups. That way, they can retain it for solo play or PvP or whatever, where bodyblocking enemies is a valid tactic, but remove it when it just hurts your party. I'm sorry, but your pets are not worth more damage than the three melee party members who can't get through the door.
  4. As it stands, only Masterminds can 'push' their own pets. Your party? Sorry, but your pets are walls to us. And it bugs me to no end.
  5. How about fixing the combat log strings for incoming healing / endurance first? Don't even need to add a new conditional, just delete the pronoun from it entirely. Log text does not need to be perfectly grammatically correct, it just needs to be concise. Every time my psion gal's Performance Shifter or Panacea procs tick, the incoming healing message misgenders her. I've had to turn off the incoming healing messages to avoid cringing myself to death every time I see it, but then my combat log doesn't show when other people heal me.
  6. Adding my vote for this, yes please! I love the Ninja Run animations and would love to make it my actual, in-build slotted travel power if possible! Attaching the animations to a new Prestige Sprint would be amazing!
  7. Weapons for the Katana powerset have a weird display bug where they don't appear at certain times, for anyone but the player of the character. While you will see your own katana just fine, all the time unless it's sheathed, just like any other weapon powerset. However, other players cannot see your sword unless you're animating at the time. When you're in idle stance with your sword out, other players just see your empty hands in katana stance! The sword appears for a split second while you're animating the drawing of the weapon, and it suddenly and instantly appears the moment you start to animate an attack or power, but once you return to idle stance, it is gone. The same bug existed on Resurgence forever, and they never could fix it, but maybe our lovely GMs here can? ^-^
  8. Hi! I was wondering, when we start to get new costume pieces, can attention be paid to this particular rapier? When the Harlequins wield it, some of their attacks have broadsword animations, so it probably makes the most sense to put it there! Thank you for your consideration! ^-^
  9. Blasters have always felt weird to me, because why does a squishy ranged class need a whole secondary set of melee powers? I'd much rather trade those out to be less squishy. XD
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