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Crysta Clear

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Everything posted by Crysta Clear

  1. Maybe not, but people have been shitting on Forcefields a lot lately and it's not in as bad a place as you all seem to think. XD
  2. There's already a ton of pieces and long lists to scroll through. It's not difficult. Your concern is a non-issue.
  3. Forcefield has a self-buff. It's a PBAoE toggle for ~7% to all defenses. That is already enough to easily softcap a Corruptor with just that, pool powers, and very minimal sets.
  4. Yes please. I would love to be able to put the global defense procs from Gladiator's Armour and Steadfast Protection into Kuji-In Rin 😛
  5. Make an emote macro you can click to override it! ;stancevillain2 is always pretty.
  6. Right-click + drag rotates the camera and turns your character to face the way the camera is pointing. Middle-click + drag rotates the camera but leaves your character facing the direction they're already facing. Under default settings, pressing W will move your character forward relative to your character's facing -- if you've rotated the camera with middle-click, that will be somewhere off to the side of where you are looking -- and the camera doesn't swing to the back of your character when you do this, like it does in modern MMORPGs, so you end up with a misaligned movement axis as you try to manually move the camera to what you think is 'behind' you. If, however, you go in-game to Options -> Controls -> Mouse -> Free Camera Movement, and Enable that option, pressing W will move your character forward in relation to the camera's facing -- W will always move you in the direction you are looking. Combine that with A and D bound to Strafe Left / Right, rather than Turn Left / Right, and you have a proper control scheme wherein you always move in the direction you press relative to where you are looking, and you change where you are looking with the mouse. This will eliminate any need you may have to control the camera with the keyboard, including a centering key.
  7. That stance ends the moment you nudge a movement key, DocLiah. XD
  8. Yes please, I want Ghost Widow / Belladonna Vetrano hair! That style has physics and I love it! Also, that is a really awesome Gandalf in that screenshot. >_> Only thing I would do differently is use the Barbarian Sword, since I think it looks more like Glamdring!
  9. Tough has a Flex animation that is infinitely less silly-looking than the Donkey Kong chestbeating.
  10. I usually mouselook, and have my movement settings set to be always camera-relative. Whether I turn-mouselook with rightclick, or camera-only mouselook with middleclick, facing my camera to the side and pressing W moves me in the way my camera is facing.
  11. Don't the other incarnate slots shift your level too? Does it start working when you fill more than just your Alpha slot?
  12. Let Widows use the Claws weapon models please!
  13. Just invisible feet then, and nothing else? Players of ghost characters rejoice?
  14. This sounds awesome. The other option would be to make the whole text respond to mouse clicks and count as the name of the person who typed it, for purposes of context menus? That way it looks visually like narration, and you can even use it for emotes that don't start with your character name, but when you left- or right-click on any portion of the text, it will bring up the appropriate context menu with the name of the character who typed it. If that's possible...? [EDIT]: Or perhaps adding something that is otherwise a duplicate of /e in terms of function (so it will have nameless italics in your overhead chat bubble but name-prefixed italics in the chat window), but change just the name portion to a black text that blends in with the chat window background (when window opacity is set to 100%)? That way it is there, and hoverable/clickable as normal, but not immediately visible to a person reading it, which makes it as good as absent unless you need it to report/ignore a bad actor? Something like: [Narration - Crysta Clear] - My emote text here.
  15. I actually really like Detention Field as-is. If a group is sitting around to wait for one enemy, that's on them -- why not leave it there and move on to the next? It will add later but it's only one more enemy, so who really cares? From the point of view of a Corruptor with forcefields... I'm perfectly capable of watching for it and shooting it down when it shows up.
  16. Collision hurts roleplay more than helps it. I can't count how many times I've been sitting next to another character at a bar and chatting, only for someone to walk past us three feet away and shove us all off the barstools.
  17. The little App key between right CTRL and right ALT on some keyboards. It looks like a rectangle with some lines in it -- in default Windows configurations, it opens the context menu as if you had right-clicked on the element that has keyboard focus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menu_key
  18. Loading costume slots with Dual Pistols cannot load weapons, and you need to click that 'Costume Fix' radial button in order to load it. What that does is set them to a default weapon. Every time you go into the tailor with Dual Pistols, right before you confirm your changes, you need to check to make sure you have the weapon model you want. It was like that on Resurgence forever, and it's unlikely that a fix is incoming.
  19. Ah, okay. That makes sense. It makes me sad though, since it seemed like a neat power.
  20. It is not from a PvP zone mission, no. If it wasn't in-game, then why is it on Paragon Wiki? Was it something like the Experimentation, etc. pool powers, that were intended and half-finished but never made it in before sunset?
  21. The Phase Flight temporary power doesn't seem to be anywhere in the game on our servers. People apparently remember having it during live, but no~one I've spoken to can remember how to acquire it. Not even ParagonWiki seems to have any information about how or where to get this power: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Phase_Flight Would it be off-base to request that Phase Flight be added to the P2W vendors?
  22. These pools are still selectable with the 2.23 web installer in the first post, first link. The second link is nonfunctional, though I gather it's supposed to link to a specific post, it only links back to the first post. If you've made some other version buried in these eleven pages, it's not very visible. XD
  23. Might I suggest removing some of the pool power selections that don't exist? Experimentation, Utility Belt and Force of Will are not available in-game, and not likely to be made available any time soon. Fitness is selectable despite being Inherent.
  24. Combine this with the addition of a "Prestige Sprint: Ninja" and "Prestige Sprint: Beast" and it would be absolutely perfect.
  25. Yay for robots :> Though one thing -- when you say 'Dark,' do you mean 'Negative Energy?' 'Dark' is not a damage type XD
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