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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. On this.... I'm new so take my observation with a grain of salt but I'm seeing the same when I post for sale. I'll post something and then the history will show stuff being bought for more than my post yet mine isn't sold. I'm wondering if there are glitches in the history.
  2. Dude.... I blew 30 converters yesterday trying to do just that. Epic fail on my part. I've read so many post about it but the jargen...might as well be Greek to me.
  3. That is a good idea....and I did not know that. Thanks!
  4. Brand new, bout 2 weeks in. Got one toon to 35 last night. My first impression of the market...overly complicated, but doable once I understood how it works. However, on Everlasting, I can't seem to keep my head above the water. If not for the occasional purple drop I'd be net zero. I'm assuming inf comes alot easier, as with most games, at max level. But what is it that you guys sell that nets you the 10s of millions? Until. I learned how the market worked I wasn't enjoying the game too terribly much as I couldn't even keep 1 guy up with enhancements.
  5. Wow was around waaaaay before 2019, and allows 50 toons and all can be on one server. Given the palyer base numbers I can easily imagine that there are way more names consumed on a heavily pop'd server like Dal. But I'm not here to argue....just gave my opinion and I stand by it.
  6. Only time I know of any name "releasing" was when they had server merging, and that's it. A friend of mine gave me his account a while back, it's been dormant for 10 years, all his toons were there. So..... Who knows maybe we're both right?
  7. Brand new to the game and enjoying every minute.... EDIT: Whoops! My guy is actually Energy/Radiation. Said I was brand new....and apparenty I can't delete this pointless post so...just ignore it. Not to hijack the thread but do you not have Partical Shield? I have it and it's great...at least at 35. I've enhanced it so that I can keep it on with barely a second between cycles and with extra HP and shield, and I haven't solo'd a run yet where the mobs can bring the shield down before it's CD has expired. My guy is Science Energy/Energy Energy/Radiation Brute. On another note, based on some forum reading I respec'd and tried to get Hasten's recharge down to 2 minutes and could not achieve it, only got to 3.5 min. Is 2 min still achievable? Thanks! And happy hunting!
  8. Folks I played WoW since vanilla on Dalaran, one of, if not the most, populated servers and that's a game that never purges names and I've always been able to find something original for new toons. I'm not down for a purge and I'm only 2 weeks vested, so basically brand new. BTW probably the best game I've played in a long while. Almost hate that I never played live and literally feel moderately guilty that such a quality game is free. Also, CoH always for way more flexibility in naming than WoW does. It ain't difficult...
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