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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. Yeah I fully understand that god mode is achievable, but the first group, me included, still have many miles to go before we can taste that ambrosia.
  2. Yeah I get that and you had success doing that...but the first bunch I was with can't say that. The lead didn't start out with LOS pulls but if we wiped a couple times then he would.
  3. Dump all white salv for 100, keep all yellow, and sell all orange for 400k. I vendor all enhancements.
  4. So, I'm an old school, mostly solo'er, but good as a group player. I started way back when Team Fortress was using the old Quake engine. It was my first real online team up, then came SWG, then WoW. I was always in a guild but also solo'd alot. Any who... When did people stop playing tactics on missions? Just kidding but seriously LOS pulls seem to be a foreign concept to some. Especially if we wipe a couple times and people still keep face pulling mobs or not letting them aggro on the LOS pull. It's like everyone is running DPS meters and are in competition with each other for top spot. I just wanna pull, kill, repeat til the last bad dude drops. Group one rage quit even after the leader plainly explained what he was doing then they'd just do whatever and we'd wipe and they blamed him. I hung in there he regrouped and the second bunch paid attention and were an awesome bunch. Honestly, we palyed like we'd always teamed up. The second group revitalized my faith in puggers. Training operators today, they are currently testing so....idle hands hop on forums and type.... Oh what is the XP bonus in groups? I didn't realize that was a thing but I popped 2 levels fairly quickly.
  5. Wait.....WHAT?! hahahaha So doing this...
  6. Just the one with the global or up to the 4 piece set? 10 regen and 9 acc is pretty tempting. My Rad secondary doesn't have any def powers, all resist. So Combat Jump let's me have LOTG, but that's all I got.
  7. Yeah, I'm with you on certain heroes have certain abilities. I like Infiltration on some but not all, same with flying and so forth.
  8. What is LOTG?
  9. Even indoors? I have a couple with flight but find it a tad difficult indoors.
  10. Is the Celerity:Stealth 100% stealth all the time? Or does it toggle with Sprint?
  11. Do you toggle it off during fights?
  12. Really any situation.... I like the feeling of the prestige and inflitration movements, it's very superhero-like, sprint feels slow, but then I don't have a hero fully built out either, so maybe with all those speed buffs it'd be different. I did notice that there were a bunch of prestige movements with different effects that can be enhanced but I've not used any of them. Are they just a flashier sprint? But as you said juat turn the movement off during fights eliminates the problem...just gotta remember to do that.
  13. Haha OK....yep a duh moment.... the prestige movements cost so much endurance that I don't like using them....BUT I leave them on during a fight. Ok, that makes more sense. I like Infiltration because we can lower the endurance cost to a point where it's not a factor, but I don't want Stealth on every hero. Would you leave Combat Jump on all the time? Also, if you enhance Swift (I beleive it's called) does that affect all movement speeds?
  14. For grounded heroes what do y'all use to move around in missions? Infiltration is cool but I don't always want the stealth, and the prestige stuff is not enhanceable, but works, just they also cost more end/sec. Do y'all just take Combat Jump and enhance sprint? Thanks!
  15. Patch notes are like build instructions....
  16. Have no shame in your game... I roll with 2xXP all daaaaay! So if you like farming farm and if you like roll'n slow, reading every single mission text, while streaming the Teletubbies with your pants around your ankles....you do you boo.
  17. Exactly how do these work? Like Miracle +recovery. I was told to plop it in Health and its a perma 15% recovery, but then what does the 120 second timer mean? And the others like Gambler and so forth... And Perfomance Shifter with a "chance on endurance" people talk like it's a big deal but I don't understand it. Thanks in advance!
  18. "Same thing we do everyday...."
  19. Yeah and I'm assuming when I see the exact same price listed multiple times it's sniper filling a blanket order at a low bid to flip them. I'm still figuring the market out but not knowing the value of things and the history sometimes being bugged and the volatility of its nature all makes for a tough beginning for a newb. What I converted yesterday netted me a small profit, but I figured out how the converts work so that was a huge win. Now I just gotta get a tad more efficient at it.
  20. I am new....but 6 merits an hour? At that rate you could rando build a new hero and just run the first story arcs in Atlas then mail, delete, and repeat and prob do better than 6 an hour. Everyone else's advise seems way better though... but if ya wanna stick to the 6 an hour thing...
  21. I was trying to do the whole make inf converting thing yesterday when I noticed a strange thing and then began looking deeper into it. Some recipes are selling for 3-4 times as much as the crafted enhancement, actually many were. This may have always been a thing but did the enhancement market take a dump or is there something special that happens if you craft certain enhancements over coverting to them? Like the Miracle +recovery, the recipe was showing 11-22 million but the actual enhancement was only 4mil or less. I tested it by throwing up a 4mil bid on the recipe and left it for 20 min and never got one, so definitely people are listing them higher than the enhancement even if the bid history is bugged. Also, suddenly the resist and defense enhancement recipes are off the chart, even for the mundane ones. But not even the cost of the Gambler enhancements justify the higher costs. Any thoughts? Or is this the newb in me shining bright again?
  22. Not exactly what I was implying. And I in no way know everything about Brute builds, that was just my observation as I had just ran SS/Inv to 22 very recently, but I've also ran 4 other Brutes to that level and beyond and none of them felt as slow or underpowered at the same point in progression.
  23. So 50 then? Lol
  24. From another newb's perspective.... I just ran this combo to 22, it felt like a slog. Constantly endurance drained and less "super strengthy" feeling than I'd hoped for. It did start to feel better at 20+ but personally I couldn't run on hard levels like I could with my other Brutes at that point. Also, I just use whatever enhancements drop with the prestige ones up to that level on my heroes, as has been advised by many. Maybe now that I'm about to gear him a little better it'll make things more smooth. But it wouldn't be the first one I've shelved.
  25. Is a Scrapper with Stealth a tad better than a Stalker with Hide?
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