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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. I'm still learning to like Blasters. I'm comfortable blapping, but I have no end game experience, so I'm not sure if my tactics will work at that point. I think in a team situation they would, but then most builds and playstyles do work in a team. Right now, sub 20, I'm just softening them up at range and finishing them off with melee. I have learned not to rush in too soon though, we really cannot handle melee. I like this hero. He's got a Black Lightning style to him and I dig him. That's usually enough to keep me in for the long haul. Just have to play slower than my Brutes. I think though, for us newbs, it's the lack of knowing what power sets synergize well with each other. Up to 20 or so, I think they all work pretty well it's afterwards though when the holes become apparent. I have a Stalker, my first hero, with Psi/Regen and he's virtually unplayable where he's at (for me). Constantly endurance drained, like he's kneeling after ever fight, but now that I know more about Regen, Willpower, Bio, and Psi for that matter I wish I'd done him differently. So for now he's shelved and chalked up to a learning experience.
  2. Am I right to assume this is a military, special forces type hero? If so, instead of straight stealth, take a look at Infiltration within Concealment and see if that might feel more right for your hero. Its got enhanced jump and run with a stealth element. Gives a great hunter vibe, think Kraven-esque type prey stalking. Its stealth is strong enough that you won't be seen unless you run right up on a baddie. And it's all enhanceable. Some don't like Infiltration due to how it's defense is basically worthless, but I like its feel on certain heroes. Have fun out there!
  3. Ha! Well I was really hoping people would hop on here with advice. I was planning on piggybacking this thread for info as well. @Bacon Wranglerwhat did you end up doing with your blaster? I'm actually having an easier time with ele/ele than I do with dark/dark. I've embraced the blapper life and it seems to suit this build. I try not to melee with looies or bosses though, using my cage to hold them at bay, unless I think that melee with finish them, then I joust them. What level have you gotten to and what powers have you taken? Melee AOE is the stuff though. I'll LOS pull the mob around a corner to get them grouped up. Working pretty well. I haven't picked up hover, not sure I am. Thinking about taking Infiltration out of Concealment; it fits the character, in my mind, better. And I'm going teleport and Combat Teleport eventually. I've been a Black Lightning fan ever since I found a #1 issue at a flea market comic stand when I was a kid, and that's the inspiration behind this character. Any ways holler back and maybe a vet will have chimed in by then.
  4. I am not a vet, just a month in, but I can tell you, every vet has an opinion on which AT is this or that. And then there are the vets that will tell you the best is the one you play the best, but they all have great advice and are extremely helpful. I can tell you this much. 1. Don't buy store bought enhancements. Just use what drops for you and maybe craft one here and there until 22. Then start looking at recipes for IOs with stat bonuses. Craft level 25s and I'm told they are good til 50. 2. Brute all the way. I steamroll with them, but that's what I'm good at. 3. The AH is a mysterious beast that'll reward you as quick as it'll break ya. 4. Welcome! It's an absolute blast. Now maybe someone with some actual useful info will jump in here.... Have fun. Go hunt. Kill Skuls.
  5. Dude....lol....she's a keeper. Enjoying this thread... Concealment offers 100% Stealth at lvl 4, which is obtainable after about 10 mins of busting heads. Also, Ive learned to like Infiltration for melee. It offers, run, jump, and stealth that can be enhanced unlike the prestige stuff. Just a newb though, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
  6. *raises hands waves arms wildy* Me, me....right here.... Can't count how many times I've failed to tab every target in the mob before I rush into a boss or two, or a few looies.
  7. Figuring things out like that is what makes it fun for me. And yeah 50 is the goal and yeah the journey is fun, but with time or lack thereof being a factor, sometimes I just wanna go brain dead and level up.
  8. Welcome! I'm a fellow newb, only a month in, so I completely understand where you're at...it blew me away too. Very immersive and detailed. The character building, still finding new stuff....and the powers, haven't even scratched the surface. The customization... wait til you see all the vets in here with their heroes, some are friggin artists, my jaw still drops when I see some of them.
  9. Still learning. I'm not sure how else to level efficiently. I've enjoyed some stories, and some radios have a funny premise and some of the rescue missions I pick simply because of the victim's name. But, how would you suggest soloing to 50? I've grouped a once for a long mission but as I'm still learning my contributions were limited and to be honest everyone else seemed to know so much more that I just felt like a tagalong, it was a whirlwind of go here, now here, take this portal, now this place.... Grouping for raidos was a more fun experience but I don't always have a set amount of play time and might need to bounce quick and can't do that with a group. Edit: Caves and sewers suck btw...
  10. *I am newb, so take that into account... But... I just did this as well, like literally last night. With a Black Lightning theme behind it and an old school funk R&B name. My plan, so far, and take this with a grain of salt is to boost Zapp (our snipe) to take out the heavy hitter from long range this often doesn't alert the minions. Then hit them with Ball Lightning (the AOE) a good hit should take them down pretty low. And them blap them into the ground with our melee. I got him to 10 last night when this idea came to me. Now will it work? Who knows, but it'll be fun trying. Might need Combat Teleport cause if the AOE does it's job, they could scatter too quickly to make the ambush efficient. Also keep in mind that I tend to play on relatively easy mode unless I'm on one of my Brutes. When you're rolling solo a death is less funny.
  11. Dude somehow this post needs to be made permanent or a link to it in IP infringement section of the rules. I'm new, month in, and in my first post people had me so worried about the IP infringement thing that I was frantically looking up info, and it's vague at best and some folks here want so dearly to protect the thing they love that they inadvertently become a little overzealous on the subject. And that could scare some new people off. But this explanation is perfect! It's very easy to pay homage to your favorite hero without duplicating them; and, as GM Crumpet points out, the rule is very forgiving. BTW, where is the "tattered shorts?!" I looked everywhere for them. My "Hulk" (not Hulk) currently looks like a very big surfer.
  12. My friend, it's always been a race, just one of self-fulfillment. No one is competing against you, in game or life, but still, we all run nonetheless.
  13. I felt it was only honest not to count the spot @Yomo Kimyatavery kindly gave me.
  14. Ok one last reply...cause I didn't see this one. The judge "dismissed the claim of infringement with prejudice." That means it can never be brought back to court. The following is not directed at you @Doc_Scorpion BUT PLEASE EVERYONE....PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES AND DO NOT IN ANY WAY, FORM OR FASHION, CREATE A HERO OF AN EXISTING IP. I AM IN NO WAY ADVOCATING THE USE OF ANY CLONE OF ANY IP IN EXISTENCE. Just please remember to have fun and don't take things so seriously. Ok now I'm done. Nothing but love for yuns.
  15. I'm glad you ignore me saying with pretty much every post "to abide by the rules of CoH." Take a step back and maybe not be so angry. But if not you do you boo. I've pretty much said all I plan to say on this subject, obviously it's a sensitive one....for some.
  16. Yeah....my newbness is on full display there.. Edit: And BTW, you know how much more creation time that's gonna add to my new heroes! Why oh why did you show me this?!
  17. Don't cherry-pick a quote to make a point. The entirety of that paragraph included the fact that just making a Claws hero put you within the narrow definition of an IP infringement based on how people here feel about it. And it's not just allowed in this case, it's default. I mean, sure we could all just not select Wolvey's claws and then make sure to never pick black hair or make the hero short and stocky. But.... Thanks to a link provided by @Clave Dark 5 I learned this today: "Commercial use is a required element of infringement under American trademark statutes." So "legally" you can put your Captain America clone, Capt. Paragon, on a coffee mug, you just can't sell'm. BUT, that's against the rules here, so don't.
  18. Touche my friend... Edit: Ok the "touche" stands but only because Disney is now the owner, and I don't trust them... but there's this.... "Marvel subsequently admitted[67] that some of the allegedly infringing characters cited in the complaint had been created by Marvel's own investigators. In March 2005, the court struck those exhibits from the complaint.[68] The court also dismissed with prejudice[69] some of Marvel's claims. The dismissed claims included all indirect trademark infringement counts, because Marvel had not pleaded commercial use of Marvel's marks by the game's players. Commercial use is a required element of infringement under American trademark statutes." Our created heroes, in 99.9% of cases, will not be for commercial use, so no infringement. But as I keep saying, rules are rules and we should abide.
  19. That's a really good idea! I mean all of mine would die straight away, but that's a great benchmark to shoot for. How many looies are in a mob of +2+8?
  20. XP-wise, when roll'n solo, could it be better to set the mission level to -1, team x2 with bosses? Or just have the level set at +1 or 2? I was thinking higher quantity, lower quality might yield more XP without making runs longer, and maybe less dangerous. Still working on my scrapper and blaster skills. And on bosses, I assume they have a higher chance of dropping better items?
  21. I think a little struggle and a few rethinks on strategy makes for a good run. Nobody likes endless wipes but they can be a good laugh. I just got Combat Teleport and was itching to give it a thorough test drive the other day....I'm still not sure how the elite boss saw me.
  22. Did a quick search but only found a post asking if there was some dance party in Pocket D. So what is it? Is it a super team thing, solo thing, or just a hangout spot? Missions....radios....?? I might just jump feet first and find out tonight but figured might as well ask.
  23. Yup! I was worried about inf at first like we all are (only a month in myself), and being I've always worked the market in past games, that was my first instinct here too, but this AH is a different beast. But after some great advice, here on these forums, and a few lucky drops of that aether stuff (3mil a pop), some orange salvage (400k a pop), and some recipes that only required yellow salvage that I then crafted and sold (5-6 mil each) I'm not so worried about cash flow. Also my only advice to my fellow newbs, don't blow your inf on vendor purchased enhancements. Even the common crafted, non-set enhancements (still don't know the jargen), are way better as they do not diminish as you level. I'm just leveling, playing, and having fun now...and straight up just sell what drops and am doing fine. I ain't no billionaire but I don't think ya have to be. Be stress free it's soooooo much more fun.
  24. CoH has the superior character creation for sure, but it's not like LotR nor any other fantasy IP characters are very distinguishing. Long ears, long blonde hair, bow and arrows and you've got, well pretty much any Elf in LotR. And then you name the toon Legolas and they'll be just as much an offense to the IP as anything CoH can produce. And CoH doesn't have any way to modify faces so it's just the outfit that sells the possible infringement, that, and maybe the name. Wolverine is the comic I read most often and have a real good idea of how Logan dressed in the 90s. Take into account that CoH provides me with exact duplicate of his unique claws. The Claws fighting style and stances are Wolvey all day long. Now add to that that Wolverine many times fought in street clothes, I mean, any Claws hero is within a razor's edge of an IP infringement based on how some here feel. Again though, rules are rules and everyone should abide. I'm not advocating for anyone to break the rules, but it won't ever be me that reports someone for how they're dressed. By comparison though, WoW profits millions with millions of subscribers, CoH is a nonprofit with 10s of thousands of players. Just saying, no one is coming for CoH, so we can prob dial it down a bit. And those numbers is not me taking a shot at Homecoming, I have no ill feeling towards WoW, but since I found CoH, I've not played a second of it.
  25. On WoW there was no shortage of hunters named Leggolass or any other variant nor were we lacking of Gnomes named after any one of the Hobbits. But as I said, I'll abide by the rules, I just think this concern is a tad overblown. But, as soooo many have pointed out, and something that I've learned, it's best not to pigeonhole your hero in name, makes for limits and limits are no fun. As an example I gave a hero the name "Pocket Giant" his physique was the big hulking body but his stature was as short as possible. But, not knowing powersets very well, I chose savage/bio, this did not work with a name that included giant, no matter how diminutive his size. Also, for me at least, flying for a giant is a no-go, another limiting factor. So renamed him. Same goes for an IP hero, Wolverine for instance can't fly, no super jump, and no speed, so to stay true to character he's not going to get around Paragon very quickly. Just my 2cents...
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