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  1. Isn't that just... a defender?
  2. Love this thread and have it set as a bookmark. Any chance of getting an update for 2025?
  3. It is. I guess my best bet is to just manually edit this file. Clunky but it should work!
  4. I can confirm that has always been clicked.
  5. I definitely have too many characters. But I'm sure that I'm not the only one! However, I think I hit some sort of weird soft cap. I'm around 129-130 characters now. I have a crapload of level 50s that I don't play (or very rarely play) so I typically move them a few pages back and just have the first 3 or 4 pages devoted to my current works in progress. Recently, I have started to have issues with doing this though. When I drag a character from page 1/slot 2 and drop him on an empty spot on page 6/slot 5, everything looks ok... until the next time I visit the character select screen. Then he's back on page 1/slot 2 as though I never moved him. Has anyone else run into this or have any suggestions? (other than "delete characters" which I have tried a couple of deletes on but I don't think that is overall the best approach)
  6. I'm well aware of that and did in fact post my feedback pre-changes (within a day that it was posted). I'm not a fan of Discord though (security/date concerns) and don't think it's an adequate replacement for forums so I wouldn't be an advocate for using that for anyone.
  7. And this would be the opposite for me -- going with a PUG means that I can't count on everyone having easy access to getting around now. Instead regularly looking for PUGs, I'll be expecting we'll see more requests for TFs with "TT mandatory" to try and make them less painful.
  8. I'm already hearing the griping in SG chat and in game. I don't think enough players actually use the forums and weighed in on this facet of the changes. If there were exploits with the original, it should have been removed promptly. Instead, it was left in place for over a year and during that time became a de facto feature of the game. And it was enjoyable and made certain activities less burdensome (the Numina multi-zone hunt X mission, for example). Perhaps if the LRT accolade was account-wide, it wouldn't have been such a bitter pill to swallow. The re-design of the game encourages alting but the new LRT system penalizes it. I have 70+ characters... I just looked at several of my 50s and they have NO destinations for LRT. I'm not a badger but in addition to the penalty of per-character LRT, I'm also now forced to become a badger multiple times over to achieve what was taken. I'm certainly not happy with this change and would be thrilled to roll it back even if that took the all of the other new things with it.
  9. I use NONE of the set's melee attacks. I'd prefer to keep things ranged, thanks. I want to play like a ranged ninja which is why I took this set. The 20% chance is for criticals which Blasters shouldn't even be getting. I'm feeling more like the archetype is being proliferated than the powers are. With as many changes as they've been making, I understand why they aren't producing more than a single secondary set (and a non-proliferated one at that)... they're simply spending a lot of effort on stuff that was fine before. I'm sure opinions may vary but yours has not swayed mine. The set was fine as it was and if the changes go through, I have a character I no longer want to play.
  10. Seems like a waste of development effort, to be honest. I don't know anyone who used store-bought enhancements for stuff other than their first character or for a couple of key powers for a rush-Posi. Don't get me wrong -- it's a cool idea and all. But anyone who regularly plays is going to tell people not to use TO/DO/SOs anyway.
  11. This can most easily be summed up as "you're taking away something you didn't mean to give us (but didn't instantly roll back) and replacing it with a shoeful of dog crap." Base Access/GM command changes - Please. Don't. Easily more than a couple of dozen times, I have done Positron 2 with folks either just returning to the game or those who have never played. We finish the first mission and then depart for Skyway. For the new/unaware folks, showing them a base macro and the teleporters is just a pleasure. Every single time the new person sees it, they exclaim how awesome it is and for returning players how they wished the Live game had had this. For me personally, being able to have a basically unlimited number of characters was the most awesomething about the revived game. But the current base access system is a close #2. Don't take that away unless you have something convenient and super easy to use to replace it. And that is certainly not the proposed system. New Accolade: Long Range Teleporter - Good move. This power sucked. I don't know how many people are going to care enough to get an exploration accolade but good luck to them. Supergroup Portal - Bad move. Make the price 1 million and give it a 5 minute CD and it's less awful but still nowhere near as nice as the current system. Team Transporter - If you're insisting on going live with the awful base access/command changes, then the price for TT should be dropped to 1 million and the CD to 5 minutes.
  12. Dark Melee changes - Shadow Maul is next to useless now (except for tankers). It's almost impossible to hit 5 as a scrapper or brute unless you're doing the "old werewolves in the dumpster" trick. However, any reduction like this would make an already weak power one that people actively recommend dropping. - Touch of Fear - I like the idea but when combined with DA's Cloak of Fear, this is going to be stupidly overpowered. There is no need to change it or to add damage to it. It's not broken and doesn't need to be fixed. Kinetics "All versions of the following powers have been converted from old pseudopet mechanics to new execute power mechanics" English, please? I have no idea what you're saying. Accolades - CD reduction to 10 minutes - frankly, this is awesome. With a 25 minute CD, I really didn't think there was a point in taking the time/effort to grind out accolades these days. But a 10 minute CD means I'll be running "kill ALL" Manticores for the PPs so I can get the Crey Pistol!
  13. Tac Arrow changes - Ice and EMP arrow magnitude reductions make those useless for my characters that have them. I don't believe these powers are now worth taking. Ninja Training changes - Shinobi changes... well, this particular power was the main reason I went with this powersset. These changes will make it far less unique and I would recommend against anyone making a blaster with this altered secondary. Will you be providing the ability to respec to completely change to a different powerset? That would be the only way to make this more palatable. Temporal Maniupulation changes - Time Stop's mag reduction makes this a useless power. - Time Shift's mag reduction makes this a useless power. Ultimately, it looks like the above changes as well as the other sets will serve to make the blaster secondaries less unique and less interesting. If that is Homecoming's goal, the devs are on the right track.
  14. We see crashes after Hamidon kills... about 1/4 to 1/3 of the league is kicked out and has to log back in. I hope this will fix that!
  15. This is what roped me in... I was told "no pressure but we'd sorta like to try and beat another group from the SG..." SCHWING! Citadel on challenge mode... Game on! And then I took my cheap ass to the P2W vendor and picked up Assemble The Team, Mission Transporters, and Team Transport. So... yeah, we won. Although the next TF duel we lost miserably due to some massive knockback from a PUG. Loads of fun though! As with any MMO, a good regular guild is the *key* to keeping people playing and interested far longer than they would otherwise. And for me, PDF sure seems to be that group.
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