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  1. We have the options for run/sprint (which is cool as hell), so can we please get a similar one for flight since there's already different flight animations in the game? I know you can set them to key binds...but that is a huge pain in the butt and it sometimes doesn't work (at least for me).
  2. A full color palette for skin tones to match the costume palette. It would make creating monster design characters easier and would make blending texture seams easier.
  3. Have they been posted anywhere? I can't find them.
  4. I would love to have this for coats and jackets. We could finally put our SG emblems on the back of biker jackets and the like.
  5. Increase influence gain, lower enhancement costs, or both. Not having the INF to keep my enhancements up to snuff is something I don't miss about CoH.
  6. I'm all for increasing this. I always write up backstories for my characters to try and tie them into the game world as well as link them to members of my super group. I usually run out of space before I can even get to mentioning super group members. They could up the limit to 5K characters and I'd be happy with it. lol.
  7. What this guy said. I'd like to get my hands on a lot of the old mods that used to be around. I used to have a lot of them until an old hard drive crapped out about 3 years ago.
  8. I'm a former player from the Freedom server, and I re-rolled everything here on the Excelsior server. I've done a lot of random teaming for mission groups and a ton of DFB runs (enhancements aren't cheap and I need the influence, plus I'm helping with SG funding). I have yet to run into a single butthead on that server. Thus far, it's just been folks getting together and playing the game. I've been in groups where people had some disagreements, but someone not agreeing with you doesn't make them "toxic". Maybe I've just been lucky up to this point.
  9. Just asking if anyone knows of any good, step-by-step guides for learning and using the MA system? The tutorial missions in-game weren't very helpful, and there's still a lot of things that I can't figure out (or simply don't know) how to do.
  10. ED is cancer. Some powers only accept one type of enhancement (especially defensive powers tanks/melee rely on). ED nerfed these powers into oblivion, and ED was something that originally made me quit playing and move on to another game due to nobody wanting me in a team anymore. I got tired of being punished for having powers I needed to survive that only used one enhancement type. If we get punished for single type powers, why allow us to 6 slot them in the first place? Meanwhile, multi enhancement powers can still diversify and be useful with 6 full slots. ED also led to a lot of tanks being all but useless and having trouble finding teams in the lower to mid levels of the game. As a SS/INV tank back in the day, ED sucked. Before ED, I could get in teams all day long and my SG was always happy to have me tank because I got the job done. After ED, teams didn't need me because the big bug Kheldians could do a better job and I couldn't take the hits anymore. If they ever find a way to get rid of it, I won't miss it. I didn't like my defense potential being nerfed just because the developers decided to dial back returns on single enhancement abilities. If the devs allow me to 6 slot a damage resist power that only takes damage resist enhancements, I want the numbers I should be getting after investing the slots and the money into them. Any tank that isn't maximizing their defense potential isn't doing their job, and ED made it harder to do that job. I got tired of logging in just to sit on the yellow line looking for teams that didn't need me, so I canceled my sub and quit playing. This time around with Homecoming, I made a point to not main a tank just in case ED was still in play. If I want to play rather than sit on the sidelines or solo, I log in a healer. I'm glad that you guys like Enhancement Diversification, but it never did me any favors back in the day, and I absolutely hate the very thought of it.
  11. At least it isn't an isolated error only one of us is having. Which means there's a possibility that a lot of other people are also having issues. Hopefully they'll have things sorted out soon.
  12. I'm getting it also. The game was connecting and working fine a couple of hours ago.
  13. It just seems as thought the render distance is awfully short as it currently is. I mean, I can be in an office building instance and the desk on the other side of the room doesn't render until I'm about halfway through the room heading towards it. This is an absolute nightmare if you're using super jump on interior maps (the instant you leap, furniture just magically appears and blocks you since you couldn't see it ahead of time to avoid it). It currently feels like all of my characters are horribly near-sighted. Is there a way to adjust this in the options that I missed?
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