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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. I would think that there are plans for exactly those kinds of things. Anyone working so hard to make a future possible for the game, would also be making plans for that future. I sure would be, and these guys are a lot smarter than I am.
  2. Yeah, they want to hear the "clash" sounds when the blade impacts something. Only problem is that, the Master Replica versions weren't really designed for much impact. The glue holding the string LEDs in the blade in place, would start to crystallize over time, and they would break free, then go dark in the cases of repeated hits.
  3. The single one, in the small box, is Luke's green one from ROTJ. It is just what is referred to as the "V2" version of it. The one used mainly in the throne room scenes with the Emperor, and shown in close-up on his throne a couple of times. I preferred this version, because to me, it looked like something that Luke would have made from spare parts he found in Obi-Wan's hut on Tattoine, which would have not been all shiny and new looking. But, beaten-up, blasted by exposure to the harsh elements, old, but still functional. Anyway, that was the vision I had in my head when I had it customized to look like that. 😎
  4. I guess I look at it in the context of the Enhancement Diversification changes. We managed to survive a titanic change like that, so in context this one ain't so bad. As for the future, we are always attempting to foresee what's to come based on what we see today. But, I acknowledge that I don't have all the information necessary to form an intelligent opinion on where things could go in the future. There are things that the Devs know, which we don't, for the things coming down the road, and their vision for the long haul. I'd guess that a lot of that is tied up in the outcome of the deal with NCSoft, as it will have a ground-level up effect on everything to do with this server, and the game in general. But, they have earned a level of trust from me, based on what I've seen and heard so far. That trust extends to their judgement with regards to all things game related into an, as yet, unknown future. They know more, and will always know more than I do, and while I can like, or dislike what they do with regards to specific changes, or shifts in direction; I will always look at it in the context of someone evaluating the tip of an iceberg, knowing there is a whole lot more to it than what I can see. And, lets face it. Most of the dissatisfaction comes from veteran players, who knew what things were like before ED, and before the snip changes. The majority of the future of this game, if the deal succeeds, will be players who haven't yet even discovered this version of the game, let alone the sequels that could be spawned down the line if everything goes well.
  5. I think we are in agreement that it was a subject considered by the Devs just prior to, or shortly after Torchbearer came online. There were a variety of reasons they opted not to go there, and those reasons have likely not changed in the ensuing months, and probably won't be changed if the deal is successful. I suppose anything is possible, but I would consider it very unlikely.
  6. Not sure if this subject has been explored before, but I was curious what other free time pursuits folks around here have? For myself, Star Wars has always been one of my passions. To that end, I have an extensive collection of prints/wall hangings, ship models, and combat ready light sabers. Here is an example of a few of those sabers.
  7. You hit on something I had forgotten to mention. The old user database would have included more personal, and financial data than the current one does, since it was a pay subscription game for most of it's original run. I personally would not want to risk having that readily available for someone with the inclination, and necessary tools to harvest for nefarious purposes.
  8. And this without any real, active advertising that the game is back. It's all basically word of mouth, and a few articles in Massively, which not all gamers even read. Imagine when the game can come out of the shadows, shout from the rooftops that it is back, and that all are welcome in Paragon City once more! I think it has the potential to be big!
  9. I understand that much of the snipe changes were under development at the time of shut down, then some of it was implemented in the SCORE version of CoH, and this last change finished the process. It gave the ATs that use ranged attacks one more to add to their arsenal, which I personally like. But, we all know that any change will be viewed simultaneously as both savior, and bane, depending on one's personal use of things effected by said change. No change is going to please everyone across the board. Never in the history of gaming has that ever been true, so while I certainly understand that folks will have their problems with things, and expressing their displeasure will hopefully have the effect of giving the Devs perspective that they might have been unaware of; things will continue to change. Our best way forward, if we still love the game, and wish to continue to play, is to adapt, and find creative ways to integrate change into our play styles. I certainly don't think that anything that's been implemented should be a game-breaker for anyone. At least I hope not. If you stop to think about it, dealing with changes, both popular, and not, back in the days of live was something we did every few months for years. So, in that regard, it's very similar to the days we remember fondly, unpleasant/unwelcome changes included. So, I'm partying like it's the 00's all over again in CoH! That I find quite nostalgic, and comforting in a weird way.
  10. Plus, with the changes that have taken place with the game itself, re-integrating the I-24 version of player databases would likely be a conversion nightmare, and the more changes that are made, the less likely that amount of effort would be worthwhile.
  11. So, if the negotiations with NCSoft are successful, and legitimacy allows for full-on advertising of the game's re-emergence, do you anticipate a large influx of new players? Games like WoW classic, KoTOR, and older games of this type certainly still have their strong followings. I wondered if anyone other than myself thought that same kind of thing could apply to CoH in the future? Especially in this world where super hero appeal has never been higher than it is right now. If so, what effects do you think it would have?
  12. I have been playing (the 7 year interruption not withstanding) since two weeks after it went live! So, I absolutely play! Though, you would not typically find me in any of the PvP areas, or arenas. PvE has always been my thing, and my "Abraxus" character, pictured in my forum avatar, is only Level 28, so he has not been around as much as a few of my other characters who are much higher in level. But, I'm around, so if ya see me, feel free to hit me up!
  13. There is likely no answer that will assuage your issues with this change, so I'm not going to attempt it. Suffice to say that there are going to be fans, and opponents of any changes made to the game, depending on how they are personally effected by it, and whether the effect is viewed as positive to their style of game play. Speaking personally, I have a variety of characters that have Snip in their powerset, and I am really liking these changes, but I didn't put a lot of time and effort into making it behave differently than default. So, it's understandable from that perspective. Just don't let it be the defining characteristic of the game, or be angry because you don't agree with it. Bottom line is, this is a game, and life is too short to be that intense about anything in a game, when there are so many more pressing "real-world" issues that surround all of us every day. 🙂
  14. Couple of places you can refer: Install Guide and Troubleshooting Guide
  15. Nobody said anything approaching that sentiment. However, there are servers out there that boast exactly the features the OP lamented were not a part of this implementation, and it seems more logical to utilize that option, rather than expecting the Homecoming version to match your memories, or expectations of what the game used to be. In truth, if it had never closed down, it's likely the experience would be far different even than the one we are currently experiencing, and the changes more far ranging. I'm not going to attempt to persuade anyone to stay, who is clearly unhappy with things as they are, so I simply pointed out that there were alternatives that catered to his exact specifications. No hard feelings intended. Just an earnest desire for as many people as possible to keep playing this game, even if they just aren't happy doing it here. I rather see someone play on another server, than stop playing altogether.
  16. Sounds like you are genuinely unhappy with the game as it exists here. There are alternative servers out there that might more closely match your particular preferences for the game.
  17. I believe Eastern Canada is what I understood.
  18. I absolutely would be. But, I know it can't be, and here's why. Historically, the Universe sees to it that those kinds of titanic things don't come with a nautical mile of me, or anyone I know. So, if history is any guide, we are entertaining a tantalizing indulgence of fantasy, and nothing more. But, wait....Hold the freakin' phone! I pined away for 7 years when CoH shut-down, and dreamed of playing it again, and here I am playing it!!! So, perhaps I just didn't recognize a change in fortune for what it was, and my life will be henceforth be filled with huge (positive) happenings! So, yeah! Why not! Welcome Rya...I mean Flea!
  19. Hmmm....not conclusive. How about this: Deadpool is __________!!! That should do it!
  20. 64-bit client is live, but still a choice on the Tequila menu. Some changes from Beta also went live, but not all of them. There is a list of what did go live in the patch notes here: Patch Notes August 22 and here: Patch Notes August 23
  21. Let's put him to the test. Aviator Gin is __________!!!
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