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Everything posted by Tanaxanth

  1. Anyone know of a good place to consistently get crey gamma tanks in good amounts for the Totally Radical badge?
  2. As the notes for todays have yet to be posted here for discussion... Fixed invention vanity pet recipe crafts from not counting for the crafting badges. Is this retroactive?
  3. Another great place for Toxic Tarantulas and Mu Guardians is Recluse's Victory near the red entrance
  4. I could and still can't remember if it is before or after the two warmachines
  5. I do as well, but I would rather be using something else for the fight with Marauder.
  6. There are three incarnate trials that need a small bit of tweaking with the ability to enter them. I am speaking of the underground trial, the Lambda Sector Trial & the Minds of Mayhem Trial. The lambda one is just when exiting the bunker the door must be closed for people to click on to be able to leave. This differs from when players enter the bunker, the door can be open or closed and it doesn't affect entry. In the underground when needing to use the spiral steps, the touch point is very small and can lead to bottlenecks for people trying to move forward. Finally the Minds of Mayhem Trial... the portals do not seem to always register when people are passing through them causing people to have trouble even entering the various phases of the trial. Clicking on them doesn't help, is there a way or in this instance am I just not understanding the mechanic of how to use them? Thank you for your time
  7. Jane's guide is awesome. I just reordered it a little to make it a circle for easier farming. Prisoner Bosses Helipad /thumbtack -209.9 118.4 -561.6 Powerline tower platform /thumbtack -1481.4 69.1 -391.2 Industrial area below pipes /thumbtack -1974.8 -96.0 -475.5 *Factory roof between stacks /thumbtack -2367.6 -15.3 -1157.2 Below bridge /thumbtack -3268.7 -64.0 -1491.1 *Below bridge /thumbtack -3519.2 -63.7 -984.7 underground Exit from lower area on left by factory ramp /thumbtack -3780.9 -64.0 -465.6 Lower area along pipe (after which fly through to next) /thumbtack -3759.8 -48.0 503.4 Stack of pallets /thumbtack -2940.4 -0.8 2591.4 Storage area under roof /thumbtack -1547.7 1.0 2374.0 Top of zig /thumbtack -2431.3 530.9 1152.7 Event /thumbtack -1112.0 0.0 1154.0
  8. Is there a mod or is it possible to have it show the NPC health as a percentage on a bar? or have the health bar broken up into segments? Like show when the npc is at 75, 50, 25 health...
  9. Simple rename suggestion, inside the base instead of facing the Security Team.. could it be changed to the Brute Squad? 🙂
  10. Where to get Igneous Bosses? The only arc I ever found them was one in Hollows
  11. More badges are ALWAYS NEEDED!!!! 😄 But like you said, I do like the idea of 1&2.
  12. Reunion (which has the lowest pop) beat Minotaur two days after Lab opened. Weekly does Hami and MSR. So the argument that a "full server" of people are needed to complete things seems weak.
  13. The Prison Break event is fun, if you start it and complete it. However there is a small issue if you come upon it partially done. The issue being if you come upon this, the Freakshow are no where near the area where this event is taking place, they roam far and wide, making it very difficult to finish this event and start your own. Especially if you are not the one who started it. If possible could the Freakshow be limited in where they can range or perhaps if after a set amount of time this event resets as a fail? Thank you.
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  14. This guide is great want to add to it with Unveiler Badge: Fake Nemesis - Best place to quickly get these is in Shard, Cascade Archipelago, specifically Tyrant's rock area. I was able to get around 40 of them in 60-90 min of farming by myself
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