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Everything posted by Profit

  1. Didn't say they were at the top Brax, just on the list of farming 'issues'.
  2. *get's popcorn* LOL just wait until they nerf brutes as they slowly remove every tool for farming or the economy on this server. Don't think brutes aren't on the list of 'farming issues'.
  3. Yes?
  4. The problems of the market of yesteryear should be minimal as none of us are starting the market with billions of influence already on hand. That should naturally help keep inflation low. I know in the old days groups of marketeers would actively work to combat certain bad practices (ie if someone bought all of one set of salvage and reposted at triple price, and marketeers noticed, they would dump their salvage stores on the market at normal price to combat this tactic) and we need to get that going again. Having said that, Don't be Ebil. You can still make a profit selling numinas for 10 mil instead of 100 mil. Maybe we can agree on some goals for marketeers in this new age, something like, Keep prices reasonable, none of this winterlord baby sell the purple for 500 mil like we saw in the before time. Keep the market stocked. Help the less market savvy to get builds completed or get stuff sold. The market, and farming, are as much a part of this game as pvp/base building/AE writing/PVE missions/RP and deserve to be treated with the same respect as do the people enjoying these activities. As marketeers, it is our job to help insure the health and success of the economy, help players complete their new favorite build, and keep things reasonable. So don't be ebil.
  5. But no board concerning the market? Why is that? It's a valid part of the game experience.
  6. Ambushes, patrols and allies specifically. Thank you sir, so just mobs standing around in one spot is ok as I've been trying to say.
  7. GM_Jimmy as I have been called a fool by members of this 'community' for disagreeing about the AE nerf and that xp itself didn't actually need to be nerfed by members of this community whose only beliefs is 'farming bad', please elaborate on this As I have tried to tell people, the only server intensive thing in a AE farm is ambush farms and that is due to how the map/spawn points/spawns are loaded. But all I ever get told is that I'm stupid and all farming bad. So which is it, am I wrong or are ambush farms the only bad thing?
  8. @Profit Preparing the hami on excelsior. Come join us on the Justice Server Discord! https://discord.gg/8FmTPyc
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