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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I seem to recall in the old days someone had some luck with the King Tut-looking hat thing, coloring it all black. It wasn't perfect, but it "read" decently enough.
  2. Yep, you're the guy! And I saved my arcs to a flashdrive! That's good! But then I found out it was corrupted. That's bad! But then I dug out my old computer and found all the files were still on it! That's good! But the files also contain potassium benzoate. ... But that's good anyway! So anyway, I'll probably be loading them up sometime in the future. We'll see how badly the story is borked by the continuing AE bug where everyone speaks their first lines when you enter the map. Good to see you again though! Your reviews were always the best and most thoughtful. And isn't it crazy we're here playing again?
  3. Ha! I was right in your other thread, that is you! WB!
  4. I can't recall there was even too much on the old forums, but it's been a long time. I understand most of the old forums are on the wayback machine online though, so you might check them out there and see what turns up. The link to the proper wayback machine page is knocking around on these new forums, but I don't have it at my fingertips right now.
  5. I can't recall the name of someone who, quite rightly I will point out, used to give me glowing reviews, but your post sounds like him. Man, I really need to hunt down that empry stick I saved all my files to, and hope I saved my arcs so I can reload them. Then again, I'd probably feel the need to tinker with them after rereading them. And parts of MA are still broken just as they were at shut down.
  6. Has anyone yet suggested that shoulder kittens should be available for everybody, not just female toons? Because shoulder kittens should be available for everybody, not just female toons.
  7. As someone with a 13 tank running Titan Weapons, yeah, it's a rough starter. But I have so far three of my attacks and I'm already seeing a light at the end of the tunnel there. Being a tank, I'm mainly there to wave my hands in a mob's face to keep them distracted from the blaster in the corner anyway, so even if ithe set's a bit slow, the bigger the weapon the better the distraction, right? Plus when it does finally work out, I expect it's going to be a lot of fun.
  8. I've been wondering about this camera thing awhile too, like what the hotkey combo is to rotate a camera so my character is facing it. I used to know all this stuff I swear!
  9. Golly, that crazy gizmo really works! Thanks for the advice!
  10. How come I can't get anything uploaded to be my avatar here? I've tried some really small photos and whatever and keep getting told it's either too big (preposterous, as I just had one that's only 27 KB get rejected) or "not an avatar." OK, so what size will it take and what makes it an avatar or not?
  11. The servers were never down, that was a Nemesis plot.
  12. You're really not spending thst much to keep reslotting SOs or whatever as you -them. "Money" will flow freely for you in the game, finding and selling one nice recipe drop will probably fund your lifespan's SOs up to 50. But I'm also in no rush to start IOing out everything because I'm playing more casually.
  13. It's funny, because I think that about describes my old computer that a friend parted together (from scratch, new parts) shortly after the game shut down, specifically for gaming. I dunno, maybe my memory is shot (like my disk - ha!) or it was just close to death anyway. CoH played fine, but the disk was obviously struggling. Thanks so much for that info!
  14. So my old rig appears to be in the process of dying, and it is old, so I'm probably going to replace it. So what sort of system requirements do we need to run CoH comfortably, with good graphics? My old computer - I thought - should have been able to, but the disk runs (ran?) noticeably, noisily hard while I play and may have worn itself out. I believe this topic's been covered here before, but I couldn't find it. Thanks!
  15. I've run a couple of Bot MMs and found Dark to be pretty great for Tar Patch alone. Really, far as I know, Bot/Anything is a good combo. I tend to make choices for what fits my idea of the character, so maybe don't listen to me, but I don't think you can go far wrong with any of them.
  16. Well that's too bad, that really hampers your ability to tell a story. I mean, there are ways to write around such things, but it's restricting what can be done. Or maybe I just make my NPCs too talky.
  17. Thank you. Is there any kind of guide around for just the general things like these and other "nice to know" tidbits?
  18. Hopefully this is the right section to drop a list of questions into. 1) How do you PST someone, as in responding to a "team LFM, pst for invite" broadcast? 2) Where can one pick up ninja run? I used to have it appear all the time on new characters, but of course, no I don't. 3) Following up on that, how about that simple ranged blast that came from a big gear staff or a magic staff? 4) How do I add someone as a global frined based on just the @Name? How do I check to see if they're online, and if they are, send them a hello?
  19. Cool, thanks leese. I guess I can always load up the unfinished arc (I'm pretty sure I saved that too anyway) and see what happens. Once the move to Canada's been done anyway.
  20. So back in the day I wrote some AE stories and should still have their files around somewhere, so hey, I thought to myself, maybe I should load them up! But then I came up with a few questions about doing so. 1) Can one just somehow magically upload one of the old files? I can't imagine everyone's just retyped everything in again by hand like a barbarian or anything. How's this done? 2) I had an arc or two that I had to give up on late in the day as AE becamet buggier and buggier with every new patch; one such arc was brokened by how when a player first entered the map, every spawn with dialogue would spout it off, all at once there, instead of when the player got near them. Are all these bugs gone now? I'm sure I'll come up with more annoying questions later, or - worse yet - publish something. Thanks! for your consideration!
  21. Yeah, if all of us can play fine with the servers over there, you guys should be able to play fine when the servers are over here. I really see nothing to trouble yourselves over. Crisis averted! Worry is often just interest paid on debts that never come due.
  22. It's been so long I've forgotten how to do this: Back in the day, I created a button in my powers tray that, when clicked, would target the nearest foe, whoever was clostest to me. I recall this was simple enough to do but I have no memory of how to anymore, does anyone remember this? Thanks!
  23. I got in, without doing a thing. It so happens I was about to switch my net carrier from ComCast to Century Link, and when I did, bingo! I was thinking my next step was going to be to check the router settings, but I got caught up IRL and then knew my change-over was coming so I thought I'd wait and see. So the troubleshooting guide may need a note on routers (or ComCast for all I know). Thanks everyone for your help.
  24. I have mentioned twice I think that I'm running ESET home (a paid version at that). It handles the fire wall, threat protection etc. I've spent mucho time poking around in it trying to see if that's where the problem lies, white-listing Tequila, etc., up to and including turning it off and trying to connect. Still nothing.
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