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Everything posted by Myrmidon

  1. Just tell me that you gave this exploit to the Devs.
  2. Very well. @Powerhouse, grant us a four-second reprise from toggle drops, so that we can deal with the enemy easier. Just tell us what is required for the sacrifice and it will be so.
  3. More offerings tend to appease the gods, so do as you will, my horned headed friend.
  4. Kheldian toggle suppression is what we want more than the rest of this entire patch, however, we are willing to entertain your theories.
  5. After some adjustment, I believe that I have this comparison in-hand (since you aren’t going to do it, stat master😁). Stay tuned.
  6. @Powerhouse, we offer prayers and supplications so that these ideas don’t ruin Toggle Suppression/Suspension. If the timer can be decreased, many will rejoice, however, please do not pull this feature for the sake of our poor Kheldians that have suffered without this since Issue Two.
  7. Or, just go with no AE Experience/Rewards for anything except Devs Choice content. Does farming non-AE missions grant the same level of rewards? That might be something that could provide useful testing data.
  8. While @AustinSmith and I were testing Defender Sonic Attack, I took the liberty of also testing Toggle Suspension with Repel (Knockdown). While it worked perfectly, eight seconds is a llllooonnnggg time to wait for that toggle to begin working again. I believe that the Suspension number might have to come down a tad.
  9. That could be a later reward addition, as I’m certain there will be more added over time.
  10. This. If the names really matter to you, then you will make the effort to keep them.
  11. I advocate only a single five-tray of Inspirations, however, I doubt we would ever see that. Fair enough. It was tested as much as could be with the players available, so a wider testing pool will hopefully pick up any more discrepancies.
  12. Don’t forget that everything in the game (except AE in this current test) also grants you Veteran levels, so it’s not like they channeled everyone into Incarnate content and gave people a “too bad, so sad” option. Besides, this isn’t really about farming, it’s about reward/time ratio, which AE eclipses everything else in the game by a wide margin in that respect. Now, if people move out of AE and into the rest of the content, I’m sure there are metrics there that could help change this.
  13. Because the game is balanced around SOs, they were more the priority along with how the lower levels might be impacted by this change. I tested that and there was no difference. As far as the high-end builds go, there’s always that pesky inspiration tray that everyone except @America's Angelforgets about.
  14. I remember that testing, when both Invulnerability and Energy Aura melted like ice cream on a hot summer day while Proc Monster Willpower just laughed. Those mean ole Arachnos.😂 And that player even adapted both of those builds to compensate even before they received the Psi/Toxic buffs, so I really don’t think the sky is falling just yet.😉
  15. You mean, something like Hardmode content? I wonder if we will ever get something like that. Oh, wait…
  16. Now. It truly is accessible by everyone. However, should everyone have access?
  17. I agree wholeheartedly that max level should be a challenge rather than a joke, however, that was a perfect opportunity to use the quiet Batman voice when he first meets Gordon, so I took it.😁
  18. Name, rank, serial number. You can’t take the sky from me.
  19. Well, we have [redacted], which goes hand-in-hand with [redacted]. Then, there is [redacted].
  20. Synapse is Devs gift to lower levels. A player can pick up four to five levels in that boring-ass Taskforce, although, grabbing double XP is a must.
  21. You can always join my teams. By the time I reach Numina, it is the last one needed for Taskforce Commander and I’ll run the entire hunt phase solo if needs be to finish it. Go ahead and get your nails done, along with a full spa treatment while I work.😉
  22. Then, there is my way. I make a Mids build for a character (sometimes two or three builds, since we have the option), give it the full IO build compliment and take it to 50 (without using AE). I have five pages of 50s (with every AT at level cap) and only really run my main on Tanker Tuesday most days (with a Proc Monster build). Perhaps my “endgame” should be writing up a back story for all of them. We will see what that sixth page brings.
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