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About Octogenius

  • Birthday 01/21/1988

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  1. If there's going to be some expanded/duplicate slots, please allow us a second Detail 1 on heads, so we can do horns + glasses at long last. Or just make Face and Forehead separate slots
  2. The 'Savage' emote is pretty silly looking, but it ends in a stance that looks really good and would be nice to have as it's own stand-alone option separate from the Savage emote itself. I'd love to see this implemented as SavageStance or something like that? It fits a lot of characters and has a look to it that other stances just don't quite manage to hit.
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  3. New content on a regular basis. Content, here, meaning costume sets, new mission arcs at a variety of level ranges, zones, enemy groups, powersets and archetypes. Would also like to see Mission Architect updated because it feels really, really outdated and clumsy to use at this point. The interface takes forever to navigate and things pop open and closed in weird ways, making it hard to see what you have and haven't done. Some sort of out-of-game editor for it would be nice. Also the ability to use NPC costume parts on player characters. Or force 'invalid' costumes to load into the game. I know we can do stuff like use Titan Weapons melee weapons on Staff Fighting characters if the game would just let us force the costume settings instead of throwing the error message at us. There's more sliders, like the Arm Size one that also are functional and visible to other players when used but the game tries to reset whenever you log out. This stuff should be made usable, maybe in some sort of advanced costume editor mode?
  4. Any chance the Roleplayer tag color could be brightened or lightened up some? That purple shade is a bit dark and hard to read at times, something a little lighter or closer to a pastel would be more eye-friendly and pop better against the game's environments.
  5. I was going to ask this same question, I've got a character who's about to hit lv30 that I'd prefer to not reroll on another server, but I'd really like to move off of Torchbearer, especially if the RP community figures out where they wanna live. Is this coming?
  6. Hey! It's good to see so many familiar names. I was @KelpPlankton on virtue, and I go by Sea Lily now (or most likely @SeaLily in-game) Hoping to see a big RP community again once there's a permanent server to play on!
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