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Everything posted by drgantz

  1. Thanks for the responses. I actually prefer it without the visible bow because I think it is a bit silly to carry a pair of guns and a bow, so I prefer a mostly invisible bow. I mostly took TA for the Eagle Eye and Gymnastics, while the arrows are just a good bonus.
  2. I got my DP/Ta Blaster to level 35 and noticed this changed and renamed Epic Power Pool set. I noticed that the Body Armor is changed. It now protects from most damage types while I think it previously just protected vs Smashing and Lethal. Since it is an auto ability, I assume that it gives less protection than a toggle ability. Are any other powers in this pool different? Previously, people said that it was the weakest Epic Pool and wasn't worth taking. Is it worth taking now?
  3. I would really like duck heads or bills. I see many people with duck names and I'm sure they would like this as well.
  4. We can do homages, but not clones. An example is in the early days of Live, I saw many Wolverine clones. They had names like Logan or Wolverene, and looked as much as possible like Wolverine with similar ablilities. Now, sometimes I will see a homage who looks similar to Wolvie with similar powers but has a different name such as Wild Claw. I had a character named Al Bundy. It got generic'd. Then, I made Touchdown Bundy. It lasted a while but finally got generic'd. Then I made Touchdown Hero and changed his background story to make him younger and a native of Paragon City instead of Chicago. The first was a clone and the last was a homage.
  5. One thing that surprises me is that I see many Stalkers with Willpower while that is one of the lower ranked secondaries.
  6. Do buffs for Wild Growth, Wild Bastion and Overgrowth work as an area or a group of people? For example, I'm playing an NA Def and my group is about to attack a group of baddies. Should I cast a buff right before we attack so that the buff will affect everyone before we go in, or should I wait for our attack and then walk near my group of allies and cast it so that they will all be within my radius for the duration (unless they move out)?
  7. Similar story with me. There is a name that I've used since the early days of MMOs in the late 1990s. When I tried to use it in Torchbearer, that name was taken. It wasn't taken on the other servers. I'm not sure why I chose Excelsior. It was possibly because I liked that server name.
  8. I've been keep track of the Server Pop over the last few days. Reunion and Indomitable have usually been around 500, Torchbearer and Everlasting have usually been around 900 and Excelsior has usually been 1200+. At the beginning, I believe Everlasting was higher than Torchbearer, but after the XP bonus, Torch became a little higher than Ever. I tried Indom for part of a day, but found it dull. People rarely chatted or started groups. Once in a while I would seen an announcement for DFB or Posi, but it was pretty rare. Another problem was that I wanted to try the Rikti invasions. SInce I started a new toon, I was too low. I would need to level up to go to the zones that had Rikti, but since there weren't many groups forming, levelling would be difficult.
  9. I see few comments about DP/TA. Some say that it is non-synergistic because DP is shorter range while TA is more long range. I think that it would be a good combo because Gymnastics and Eagle Eye would be good, and Glue Arrow and Oil Slick would be good and keeping the baddies at bay. What do you think?
  10. When I game, I prefer grouping for TFs because they give good exp and RM. I like Excelsior because there are plenty of groups for that. I would assume that the low pop servers don't have many groups. I'm sure that the Rikti invasions are fun, but they don't appear to offer much. I think that a good idea would be to have some Rikti missions that give RM or give some good loot drops from Rikti
  11. Thank you everyone. That is excellent advice so far. What are Cytos?
  12. The toon will be StJ/SR so will need a lot of End. This is why I will need Phys Perf. Since you say that SC can be a heal with Power Transfer, it might be a good idea.
  13. I'm trying to choose one of these as a prerequisite for Physical Perfection. I think that FA is useful, but has a high end cost. I'm sure that SC is useful as well. Are either of these especially useful?
  14. I also usually prefer original concepts. Most of mine are original and some are punny parodies. My Al Bundy homage is my only real homage, but since Al wasn't a superhero, I added a humorous backstory to make him one.
  15. I'll compare the differences here: Clone: Wolvarine Homage: Clawzerker Parody: Benvereen (made to look like Ben Vereen) Clone: Battman Homage: Night Avenger Parody: Fatman Clone: Dirtty Harrry Homage: Magnum Cop Parody: Nerdy Harry
  16. Does she look like a chicken?
  17. Do you have a favorite homage toon? What is its name, AT and powersets? Is there anything else interesting about that toon? You might guess from my profile pic that I have a homage to Al Bundy. He is a StJ/WP Brute. I originally named him Al Bundy, but that got generic'd. Then, I changed his name to Touchdown Bundy. That lasted about 2 years, and then got generic'd. I then changed his name to Touchdown Hero and changed his background story to make him younger and to live in Paragon City instead of Chicago. Here is his background story: I'm the greatest athlete, after all I played High School Football and scored 4 touchdowns in a single game, winning the 1996 Championship for Statesman High School. Unfortunately, my football career ended due to a career ending marriage. I married a lazy redhead, had two worthless kids and spent the rest of my life selling women's shoes. One day, I was hungry after work and I knew that my wife wasn't going to cook anything, so I stopped at a restaurant, hoping to get some food from the trash. After I walked in, a guy walked in with a gun and said this was a robbery. I didn't want to wait for the police, because then I would miss Hondo again. He then pointed his gun at my face. If someone puts something in my face it had better be food, so I brought out the Marines and Special Forces (my fists) and pummelled him into the ground. The restaurant then gave me a free meal and I was on the news. I realized that I could get used to this, so now I am a superhero.
  18. I'm trying to decide on a Secondary for my Emp and I thought that Elec could be a good one. If you put in some End Mods in, you can drain the enemy and replenish your own end. This can especially help if you have all 3 Leadership Toggles running.
  19. Thank you. DP/Pain Corr sounds like a good idea! I'll check it out!
  20. I was thinking of DP/Poison Corruptor, but I read one comment that Poison is good with Def, but not so good with Corr. I was thinking that Poison would be good since Doc was a dentist and would have access to various drugs. Does anyone thinking that DP/Poison would be good, or have other suggestions? Btw, I already have homages to Dirty Harry and Wyatt Earp, which are DP/Temp and DP/MC.
  21. I would like to give a big Thank You to all of our Devs and other volunteers. You all make this game great! All of you are awesome!
  22. I've often heard that Elec Blast is one of the lower ranked Blaster sets. A recent poll showed Elec to be the top Sent sets. I have a 50 Elec/Elec Blaster. I like it, but have to be careful because if I get close to drain end, I often die. I made an Elec Sent, and I can drain better. Of course, my Sent is still low level. I asked in the Sent forum which is better, and they all said Elec Sent. Do any of you think that Elec Blaster is better, or do you think that Sent is better? Btw, my Blaster is Elec/Elec/Elec while my Sent is Elec/Energy
  23. I assume that most choose Offensive. I've read about each and am surprised that some powers don't give Offensive bonuses, so I wonder if many choose Efficient or Defensive.
  24. Thank you all for your replies. I have a 50 Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster. Since this poll and this post, I've made an Elec/EA Sent. I'm liking it so far, but it is still low level. I've always liked draining End. One problem is that when I tried that using my blaster, I would often do Short Circuit, Power Sink, Die. Since Sent is more surviveable, I might be able to drain without the 3rd step.
  25. A recent poll ranked Elec Sent as the most popular Sent, while Elec Blaster was lower ranked. What is so great about Elec Sent?
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