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Everything posted by drgantz

  1. drgantz

    MA Secondary

    I'm planning to make a MA Tanker. It will be Natural Origin, so I'm primarily thinking of SR or WP, but will listen to other suggestions. I wonder if SR would be overkill because of Storm Kick's def bonus. Maybe WP would be better for this reason. What do you think would be a good Natural MA Secondary?
  2. drgantz

    Dark Temporal

    Why didn't you like Dark/Dark? Was it too melee-ish?
  3. Thanks everyone for your advice. I put End Red IOs in 2 attack powers, and that seems to have fixed the end problem most of the time.
  4. There have been many posts about various new costume additions. I doubt there will be any new costume additions unless they are already in game somewhere, such as on an NPC.
  5. I think I read that a recent patch caused stealth powers to stack. My StJ/SR Stalker just reached lvl 47 and I'm running out of powers to choose that fit within character conception as a Natural Stalker. I was thinking of taking some Concealment Pool powers that might improve stealth.
  6. You might want to remove the last power you picked, but don't want a full respec. For a fee, you should be able to remove the most recent power pick. It might be that you realize that you made a mistake, but there is another good reason. You might want a Pool Power that fits character conception. An example is a melee character who wants a thrown weapon. You want to see if a power looks right. To my knowledge, you can't see what it looks like until you pick it. With this, you can pick it, then look at it in the costume editor, and remove it if you don't like it.
  7. I was playing an StJ/SR Stalker in the 40s and had trouble with end. Many of the baddies were Arachnos, which might be drainers. Others were Family, which I don't believe were drainers. I had to deactivate Tough and Weave, but still had end problems. I had to slow down attacks to avoid dropping my def toggles. I had Stamina 3 and Physical Perfection 3 slotted with End Mod SOs. I didn't have any End Red. I often wonder if a different Secondary might have been better. The toon is Natural Origin, so I want to stay within theme.
  8. Thank you everyone for your advice. All of your advice was excellent and helpful. After reading it all, I decided that Fire/Temp is best for my playstyle. I'm enjoying that toon so far.
  9. I play Excelsior because it has the largest population, which is better for grouping. I've noticed a lot of lag. Sometimes when I'm in an instance, lag gets so bad that I almost can't move. I wonder if Everlasting might be a better server because with less population, there might be less lag. Does anyone think that Everlasting is a better server?
  10. Thank you for your response. I also like ranged. I read your Fire/Temp build and it looks good. It is basically a build without the Temp melee attacks, which I like.
  11. For a while, I've been thinking about which is better for a Fire themed toon. I welcome any comments. Fire Manip has some AOEs which are ok. Both have a useful toggle. Fire Manip has a T9, Hot Feet, which I don't usually take. I don't think that it is very useful and I must be on the ground to use it, so I can't be a hover blaster. Temp Manip has a T9, Time Lord, which I think is great because it improves recharge. Now, I can use my Fire Blast abilities more often. I can now use Blaze, Blazing Bolt and Inferno more often which should be better than the dmg abilities from Fire Manip. What do you think?
  12. drgantz

    MA Ideas

    Thank you everyone for your responses. I wanted to make a Natural Stalker, who got all of his abiliities from training. I was planning on making an StJ/SR Stalker, but preferred the MA animations, so was thinking of this idea for an MA. After reading your responses, I decided to go with the StJ.
  13. drgantz

    MA Ideas

    I've read several posts in which people said not to play MA Stalkers, but I had some ideas. Since they don't get AOE, I was thinking that Cross Punch from the fighting pool might give a good AOE. I read in Homecoming Wiki that Eagle's Claw gets some bonuses for Stalker. I didn't understand it well. I believe that Stalkers get an AOE disorient when using Eagle's Claw. Does anyone think that an MA Stalker might be a good idea, or should I stick with StJ Stalker?
  14. Thank you for this post. For a while I was trying to decide on a Secondary for an NA Def. I used /Water for a while. After reading this, I'm going to use /Sonic.
  15. I've never forgotten a toon, but I have made the same AT and Powersets for different toons. I've done this because I couldn't decide on a name, costume, background story, or something else, so I made several.
  16. I'm thinking Spines/Bio, colored black.
  17. I mostly plan to group and only PVE. I know that Brutes get a Def bonuses with Storm Kick. In a different post, someone said that WP is one of the weaker sets on a Scrapper. I've also read several posts saying that Brutes got nerfed.
  18. I usually begin with either a backstory or a punny name, and then choose the powers. I try to make a good power combo, but always stay within character conception. I really hate it when someone chooses a power combo which has no conception but is simply to make the most powerful. One thing that really gets me is when someone makes a Natural MA with no backstory, but can fly.
  19. Thank you everyone for your replies. My toon will have a plant theme. I've read some good comments for both Sonic and Dark. Both are good thematically. I made two toons just to test them.
  20. I've read many posts about NA/Sonic so I'm guessing that it is the best. Are any of the other Secondaries as good? I'm thinking of Water or Dark. I mostly plan to group in TFs and other grouping activities. I only PVE. I don't PVP. The toon will have a nature theme, so I care about appearance.
  21. I think that it is unusual that Kat is S while BS is C. DB is A. I've read other posts that Kat is better than DB, but I don't understand why DB is so much better than BS.
  22. drgantz

    Why SR?

    I've read that Def is better for Scrappers while Res is better for Brutes and Tankers. I've seen several posts saying that SR is great for Tankers. Why is it so great, since it is Def?
  23. Are there any ATs in which BS is better than Kat?
  24. Martial Combat, the Blaster Secondary should have punch options instead of kicks, just like MA. Many people who choose DP want a cowboy theme, and punching would be good for that, and other themes.
  25. I mostly plan to group in TFs and other groups. I only PVE. I don't PVP.
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