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Everything posted by drgantz

  1. I like this idea. I have a Water Blaster with Leviathan Epic Pool, and I think that a Hand shot Bile Spray would be more thematic.
  2. drgantz

    Using Invuln

    I finally found City of Data. It wasn't working for me, but I found a different link and now it works. Anyway, I can't find the Def penalty on it. I'm guessing that it was removed, so things should be good now. Thanks for your help.
  3. drgantz

    Using Invuln

    Thank you for your reply. I read your comments and read a page about Invuln. Most looks good, but my one problem is that Unyielding is the only power that grants res against status effects, but it gives -5% def. I don't like this because my toon is supposed to be StJ who can gets all abilities from natural training, and can defend well. I've used SR but didn't like it since it provided def and nothing else. Right now, I'm using EA. I like it, but don't like its appearance. I might still take Inv, since it still appears good and has invis power effects.
  4. drgantz

    Using Invuln

    I'm thinking of making an StJ/Invuln Stalker but I have some questions. I've read some comments that Inv is good. Since it is mostly Res, I wonder if that is good. I would assume that it is a bad End guzzler. Would I need a lot of End Red? Would triple slotting Stamina with End Mod be enough? Is it better than other secondaries, such as SR? Some things that I didn't like are that it doesn't have an End regain ability, and its only heal has a long CD
  5. drgantz

    Best MA AT

    Thank you everyone for your comments. They were all very helpful. In a different post, someone said that Brutes are better because of the +Def on Storm Kick. I'm glad to see that Scrappers are awesome as well.
  6. drgantz

    Best MA AT

    I've been playing MA/EA Scrapper for a while, but wonder if a different AT might be better, since Brute and Tanker have a Def bonus on SK. I've been thinking of remaking it into a MA/EA Brute or MA/WP Tanker. Is MA especially good for a certain AT?
  7. I'm trying to decide on a Dark/Dark Melee. I'm mostly thinking of Brute and Tanker, but Scrapper and Stalker are ok as well. I mostly group in TFs, Radios and other group stuff. PVE only. I was thinking that Tanker might be better because it would have a larger AOE radius
  8. Thanks. I know what they are, I just didn't know the abbreviation
  9. Since Brutes don't crit, then Eagle's Claw would also be at a disadvantage since EC gives a crit bonus. Also, I know that ATOs are, but I don't do what APP or PPP are.
  10. Thank you everyone for your advice. It was all very useful. I've decided to keep my MA/EA Scrapper as is, and not reroll to a Brute.
  11. I know that this has been discussed many times, but I want to give my perspective. To my knowledge, the only advantage that a Scrapper has is critical hits. This makes it better at the beginning of a fight. It isn't long before a Brute's Fury increases the damage to exceed a crit. When I start a new toon, I do the Matthew Habashy arc. Near the end is a room full of force doors. I usually destroy the doors because there is a badge for destroying 100 doors. For most toons, it takes around 12 hits to destroy a door, give or take a few. When playing my StJ/WP Brute, it took around 6 hits to destroy the door. There aren't many fights before that room, so I can only do so much to build up Fury. Please feel free to agree or disagree with me.
  12. Thank you for that link. It was awesome and answered all my questions.
  13. Someone told me that if an enemy has zero end, then an electric blast would get a dmg bonus when hitting him. I've never found anything that confirms this. Is this true? Does Elec have any other bonuses?
  14. I thought that ATOs were put on the AH by admins, so they should have the same price. Last week, I bought several at 6M each. This week, I've bid on several different types and ATs but they were around 8M-11M each.
  15. Thank you everyone. I read several websites and they didn't have Power Crash. I guess it was added later. After reading this, I checked the character builder and Power Crash was there.
  16. I've read many times that MA is a weak powerset for Stalker. Most comments that I've read say that it is because they lose the AOE. I've also read that EM is one of the strongest powersets for Stalker, but it also loses its AOE. I assume that I'm missing something.
  17. I've noticed that several people mentioned Scrappers, Stalkers and Tankers. Are they good for Brutes?
  18. Which ATs are good or bad for using ATOs? From previous comments, I get the impression that melee ATs make excellent use of ATOs while ranged and defensive ATs don't use them as well.
  19. TFs often lasted 5 hours or longer. This was very annoying. Sometimes a person would join a TF group, quit shortly after starting and then appear shortly before the end to get the badge. I hated these scumbags. There were certain mission lines which were needed to a badge. People often missed this, and later often a lot of infl for someone to invite him on that mission. I would make a toon, do the mission line and then wait for someone to offer the money.
  20. drgantz

    DP Corr

    Temporal has a toggle. Does Time have a toggle as well?
  21. drgantz

    DP Corr

    I made a DP Corr and Blaster. I clicked on the info tab of each dmg power. The Corr had higher dmg numbers. The best example was the Dual Wield power. I believe the Blaster listed it as Light, while the Corr listed it as Superior. The Blaster had 40 dmg while the Corr had 54 dmg. This was in a non-combat situation, and neither had any working enhancements. By that, I mean that the Corr had some, but they were too low level to be working.
  22. drgantz

    DP Corr

    I just played DP Blaster and Corr to lvl 19. Neither has enhancements, but the Corr has equal or greater dmg with each attack. My main reason for this post is that I'm trying to decide on a good secondary for my DP Corr. I want something with good debuffs.
  23. Thank you for helping, and no, I haven't bought the ATO set yet. I've looked at it on the AH, but don't have a lot of time now. I will get it later.
  24. Thanks. Do I need an Unslotter to add a Catalyst after the ATO has been slotted?
  25. Thanks to all of you for your help. This may be a dumb question, but I thought that everything in the AH was put there by players. Are items such as Super Packs and ATOs put there by the admins?
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