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Everything posted by drgantz

  1. Several people have told me that Kinetics is superior to Empathy. The only problem is that many Kin abilities only work around a radius. I've had many group members fall when I played a Kin, probably because they weren't within the radius. Since many Emp abilities are ranged, I think than Emp is better, at least in healing.
  2. Thank you everyone for your replies. You have shown me that SR is a good secondary for Katana.
  3. Someone told me that a toon shouldn't have more than 3 of an enhancement type. For example, attack powers should use 3 slots for dmg enhaments, and def powers should use 3 slots for def or res. For attacks, I usually use 1 acc, 3 dmg and 1 rech. Is this a good rule for most categories such as attack, def, heals etc?
  4. Since Kat has DA, is it overkill to use SR? Is a difference secondary better? I assume that I should avoid taking Weave from the Fighting Pool. This toon will be a Natural Scrapper, so I want a secondary that will appear to come from training. It will be PVE only, and will mostly group, with some soloing.
  5. Thank you, Snarky for your advice. I've decided to make a Dark/Dark Blaster. The thing that upset me was that there wasn't a Dark Epic Pool, but you mentioned Soul and I found that it is the same thing. Later, I will do the mission for that.
  6. I'm making a crow themed toon, so I want something that is black themed. Of course, I can color anything black. I tried Dark/Dark but thought that a Dark Miasma/Dark Defender would be better due to secondary effects. I just read in a different post that Dark Miasma isn't good at endgame. I already have a Fire/Fire blaster. I'm mostly thinking of Dark/Dark or Fire/Dark but am open to other suggestions including another Fire/Fire toon. I only PVE. I don't PVP and I mostly group. I also want something that will be good at endgame.
  7. I've also thought of DP/TM and have wondered if it is good or not.
  8. I know that this is frustrating but please be patient. Remember, that they aren't paid for this, and we should be happy that they are running this game for us. They probably have jobs and lives in addition to HC. I give a thumbs up to our devs and thank them for everything that they do!
  9. I plan to use either WP or SR for a Secondary because it will be Natural Origin. I plan to mostly group, and sometimes solo. PVE only.
  10. One thing that I like about Katana is that most attacks give a -Def debuff, while I believe only 1 DB attack debuffs. On the other hand, I see many Scrappers with DB and few with Katana.
  11. Thank you everyone. They were all good responses and were all practical and/or funny. Moohaha. The reason why I was thinking of /Ice and /Fire is that /Ice could be frozen milk and /fire looks similar to milk when colored white. I will probably choose /ice because it can slow down the baddies before they reach me.
  12. I'm trying to decide on a Secondary for a Water Blaster. This toon will be a cow, so powers will be colored white for milk. Since she will be a cow, she won't fly, even though I've considered adding wings and putting something in the background that this is a cow that flies (the background story will be humorous). I'm primarily thinking of Fire or Ice as a Secondary, but am open to other power sets. I don't plan to use devices because that will be outside character conception.
  13. I've noticed that I'm getting tip missions. My toon is a hero. Does it make a difference if my hero is Hero Alignment zero or ten? Also, what is vigilante?
  14. drgantz

    NA Secondary

    I'm primarily thinking of /Water or /Dark as an NA Secondary, but am willing to take any other suggestions. Of course, I plan to mostly group and only PVE
  15. I often see posts about Elec/Shield which say that it is awesome, but I rarely see posts about Elec/Elec. Is Elec/Elec good? Is it comparable to Elec/Shield? I mostly plan to group and do radios and TFs. I don't PVP at all.
  16. Many say that WP isn't good for Stalkers. Since WP is similar to Regen, I'm guessing that Regen isn't good for Stalkers either.
  17. According to the poll and many comments, EA is the big winner. Bio is second. My problem is that I like Natural Origin, and EA and Bio don't have invisible effects. I usually play SR for this reason. I've read many good things about SR Stalkers. I like WP on Scrappers, but I've read that it isn't good on Stalkers, and got Zero votes. I've thought of Ninj, but it has lesser def and more clickie than SR.
  18. I usually put 3-4 slots in Hover for defense. I recently read that Hover isn't very good for defense. Is Hover worth slotting?
  19. drgantz

    Natural Brute?

    I'm trying to make a Brute whose abilities come from training (no aliens). I'm primarily thinking of MA or StJ with WP. I'm willing to consider others. I primarily group, and do some soloing. I only PVE. I don't PVP.
  20. People often say that Elec Blaster isn't good because the Secondary Effects aren't practical. This morning, someone said in game chat that Elec works very well on Sent. He said that it has different attacks. Does Elec Sent do more damage than a Blaster? Does it give better End drain? Is it better because it is more surviveable?
  21. I'm trying an /SR with 3 slots in Health for regeneration. I haven't tried it for very long, so I don't know if it is good yet
  22. drgantz

    MA vs StJ

    I've read some posts that StJ is better because it is newer. I've also read posts that StJ is mostly good as a Stalker, but not so much as a Scrapper. There is a post in this forum comparing many Scrapper sets. Most of the charts rank MA above StJ. Of course, most of the testing was probably done in more controlled situations than regular playing, so it probably isn't that accurate. Which do you think is better?
  23. I'm surprised that you play DP since you hate melee, and it has many short range powers. I've seen many posts that DP goes best with a melee secondary.
  24. Someone told me that your choice of powersets doesn't matter much, because after you get Tier 4 in all Incarnate slots, you obliterate almost everything that you hit, and take very little damage. Do you agree with this? If this is true, are powerful IOs and ATOs not that important either?
  25. I've seen posts saying that a Blapper has the best dps, but does it have good defense? Does is need Tough and Weave from the Fighting pool? One example is DP/MC. I would assume that a Scrapper has better surviveablility.
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