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About jkwak

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. yup, AVG flags the homecoming launcher and some files specific to that launcher and keeps deleting them if not whitelisted, oddly only the Homecoming launcher not other launchers, but other launchers arent recommended for Homecoming and could stop working for Homecoming any day
  2. YES ALL THE YES, for all i care they can use some heavy moded version of a preexisting zone which already exists. Grandvile migh work, replace the propaganda on the screens with advertisement, plaster the zone with even more advertisements and neo signs then a couple additional buildings copy pasted over from the other Praetorian zones and and i would be happy, its not what we would have gotten on live but its good enough for something people could put together in there freetime without pay. doubt that will ever happen but people can hope and wish
  3. while we are at it, Gold side TFs pre lvl 20, maybe even a Gold side alternative for DFB ... same badges different enemy groups, there are good alternatives in Praetoria i think
  4. nein kann man nicht, ist etwas traurig da viele der lokalisierungen immernoch in den dateien sind und einfach platz weg nehmen, zumindest der teil welcher lokal gespeichert ist. allerdings wurden viel inhalte nach der einstellung der lokalisierungen hinzugefügt, die würden so oder so unübersetzt bleiben -------- no you cant, it is a bit sad because many of the localisations are still in the files and just waste space, at least for the part stored locally, but much content was added after the localisation was removed, those would stay untranslated either way
  5. one year late but better late than never. you can just add the Homecoming launcher like any game which does not come with Steam/Epic or whatnot in to Playnite, by drag and droping the shortcut if you play with controller and cant navigate the launcher you can add a play action which would look like this "this is the install path of homecoming"\bin\win64\launchercli launch live -assetpath asset this wont update the game when you launch thru Playnite though, you could add another action for updating the game but you still wont see if an update is even needed, also Playnite goes right back on top of the game so its not really worth doing it this way, thats because of the way how Playnite detects if a game is running and Playnite asumes the Launchercli.exe is the game. if someone can make a Playnite Library plugin for the Homecoming Launcher that would solve such issues, but i doubt that would happen, Playnite is a super niche software and CoH is a bit niche it self doubt there isnt much overlap on people who play CoH, use playnite and can make a Playnite plugin. but then there are plugins for Minecraft launchers which are even more niche
  6. You can emulate it with some trickery while building it does not look as cool though
  7. Except slotting it and gaining bragging rights about having it slotted like that, sure it's not usefull to be slotted like that in combat but you can share a screenshot of it being slotted and show everyone how cool and unique your characters slotted enhancements are
  8. The chaotic nature of Gobbos meant that some ran away after or even befor, also I didn't get to great quality pics in general but I look if some pictures of the party are qualitative good and can be shared
  9. yeah Christmas is cool and all but the biggest Party of the year is TODAY come to the Goblin Award
  10. Reunion was left in Europe to throw players from there a bone when the other shards where moved to North America, i dont think they will merge Reunion in to another shard, it will probably another shard with low population that gets merged in to Reunion. although .... i play on Everlasting and i dont experience high latency or lag, not that it matters to much for this type of game
  11. December 6th, The Goblin Award 2024, this year its not just a CC, ITS A PARTY, we are in space, we have music, we give the greatest Goblin of 2024 a lot of shiny inf i got a lot of help to get this thing rolling so be there to show your love for the Goblin Kind or because you are a Goblin wanting to Party with other Goblins and to have a shot at becoming Goblin Of The Year 2024. Party starts at Decemeber 6th at 8PM EST The Costume Contest is at 10 PM EST
  12. i petition for the Rikit to call it a Nictus all you can eat buffet and invite the Council as well as the 5th Column
  13. i hope that the other GMs see it the same way, its a usefull rule but leaves way to much space for interpretation, i would hate to see GMs starting to kick crieers of clubs and such because in a broad sense, getting people to visit a club can be seen as "gain" and the usual locations those cryers are standing at, in the D near the baseportal, could be viewed "disruptive" by really strict interpretation of such a rule. Maybe such cases should have an exception explicitly stated in the rule, would make some people feel more comfortable about it.
  14. if we get more doors, like those elevator door above, can we get them as teleport portals that have the animation of using a door like you would see everywhere else outside bases?
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