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  1. As of today, this project has reached it's 5th year, and also curated 200 powersets! Words can't express how grateful I am to the contributors here who have helped make these two milestones possible! It's been a great journey getting to this point, and it's been wonderful seeing people still taking an interest in this project 5 years later! Even during times where I had to step away, it was amazing seeing people carry on supporting the thread, and still finding the potential for new powersets even after I struggled to find inspiration myself. 200 powersets is no small amount, and we couldn't have reached that number without the community here, whether people who have been here from the early days to newcomers who have stumbled onto it recently. It's been an interesting 5 years, and seeing even some small amount of the works here make it into the game has been an amazing feeling, whether it was purely coincidental or not! So what does this mean for the thread moving forward? Surely after all this time there's little else to be done? Those observant amongst you may have noticed that we're nearing a point where we might not be so reliant on recycling old assets moving forward, with new content really pushing the boundaries of the game engine, and overcoming certain coding obstacles once thought impassible. However, I think regardless of that, we're still likely to see new powersets using current assets as it's likely the more efficient option, but it could mean that we could see newer material introduced in future, which in turn means more that could potentially be used here! So, here's to the future! Thank you again everybody!
  2. So I've seen a lot of Mastermind powerset ideas recently, so I've been itching to try my hand at another. What I'd really like to see is an occult-themed powerset that featured humanoid henchmen instead of demons or zombies. Something I think we're missing in the Mastermind sphere is Cultists, with the Player leading them. This powerset uses a similar torch weapon to Luddite Torchbearers and Carnie Seneschals, which can be customized to have different colors, along with the colors of pet powers. Visually, these pets use alot of NPC costume parts borrowed from factions such as the Luddites and Shepherds so it's a little hard to visualize their appearance here, but it would use the assets available from those enemy groups to build unique outfits for the henchmen. Cultists - Fling Flames: Single Target ranged attack that uses the standard 'Wand Cast' animation to send out a projectile similar to 'Char' or 'Choking Powder' - Call Acolytes: Summons up to 3 Acolytes. Acolytes are equipped with a dagger and hand crossbow. Basic Powers: Dagger Stab (Melee Moderate Lethal), Hand Crossbow (Ranged Moderate Lethal) Equip Powers: Dagger Slash (Melee High Lethal), Aimed Shot (Ranged High Lethal) Upgrade Powers: Dagger Slice (Cone Moderate Lethal), Fire Bomb (AoE Moderate Fire DoT) - Spit Fire: Taken from the Seneschal Lore Pet, spitting a flame projectile at long range from the torch - Equip Cultists: First Upgrade for Henchmen, holds the torch aloft like the Mace Mastery summon animation - Fire Breath: A power taken from Luddites/Carnies, breathing fire in a cone from the held torch - Call Fanatics: Summon up to 2 Fanatics. They use crossbows with Archery/Trick Arrow powers Basic Powers: Brawl (Minor Smash), Aimed Shot (Ranged High Lethal), Blazing Arrow (Ranged High Lethal, Minor Fire Dot) Equip Powers: Weapon Butt (Melee Moderate Smash), Explosive Arrow (AoE Moderate Smash/Fire), Perfect Shot (Very High Lethal) Smoke Grenade (AoE -ToHit, -Per) Upgrade Powers: Oil Slick Arrow (AoE Knockdown, Special), Ranged Shot (Sniper, Extreme Lethal) - Brand: Strike an ally pet with your torch, dealing minor fire damage but increasing their Damage, Recharge, Recovery and Mez Protection. - Call Zealot: Summons a Zealot, who uses a torch like the player and counts as a Dominator. Melee powers use the torch as though it was a War Mace Basic Powers: Scorch (Melee Moderate Fire/Smash, Minor Fire DoT), Fling Flames (Ranged Moderate Fire DoT), Char (Ranged Hold, Minor Fire DoT) Equip Powers: Spit Fire (Ranged High Fire DoT), Bonfire (AoE Knockback, Minor Fire DoT), Cremate (Melee High Damage Fire) Upgrade Powers: Fire Breath (Cone Moderate Fire DoT), Cinders (AoE Hold), Incinerate (Melee High DoT Fire) - Upgrade Equipment: Second Upgrade for Henchmen, holds the torch aloft like the Mace Mastery summon animation
  3. Any ideas what animations and FX specifically? 🤔
  4. @LightMaster I like the ideas though this thread is a little more focused on the building blocks used to make the powers, not just the powers themselves. Do you have any thoughts on what sort of animations or visual effects could be used to construct these latest powersets? The idea behind this thread is recycling existing material after all, not so much the mechanical or numerical side of things.
  5. @LightMaster you might like to check out this thread regarding spears/polearm melee, which also helped inspire the Polearm Melee powerset here!
  6. @megaericzero you could potentially use the swamp monster costume parts to make a custom NPC for the T3 pet 😀
  7. You might want to check out Carnival Masterminds by @ironjoe 😄
  8. @Megawatt I like the concepts! I would maybe consider what these powers look like. ie; what existing in-game stuff can be used to help visualize them (Arachnos, Mercenaries, other NPCs, etc)
  9. Sorry I didn't get around to this sooner, you might want to check out Ray Guns which makes use of the unique Resistance beam pistol attacks that exist in game!
  10. I like it! I never really considered opening this project up to VEATS, But this definitely has merit
  11. I made a thread a little while ago with some ideas, what I eventually landed on was using the Sentinel version, but swapping 'Blinding Powder' with an AoE toggle that also reduced ToHit.
  12. Following on with the Sonic/Symphony themes, perhaps there's merit to making them more distinct from one another? I already did the same with Psionic, Illusion and Pain powersets, so here's a few ideas for other 'Symphony' powersets. Symphonic Resonance - Dulcet Tones: New AoE Healing power, uses similar area FX as 'Impassioned Seranade' - Halting Dirge: Area power that slows down enemies and reduces their recharge, using a larger version of the 'Aria of Stasis' FX - Soothing Song: Stronger single target Heal power, using similar projectile FX to 'Impassioned Serenade' - Distracting Melody: AoE power that reduces Perception and ToHit, using similar projectile FX to 'Confounding Chant' - Harmonic Tuning: Ally mez protection power, uses similar FX to 'Hymn of Dissonance' - Discordant Tune: AoE debuff that reduces Recharge and Recovery, uses similar FX to 'Dreadful Discord' - Relaxing Ambience: PBAoE toggle that heals over time. Uses a larger scale version of the 'Reverberant' FX - Lulling Berceuse: AoE power that debuffs enemy Defense and may put then to Sleep. Uses similar FX to 'Enfeebling Lullaby' - Empowering Anthem: PBAoE power that buffs Damage, Recharge and Resistance. Uses similar area FX to 'Chords of Despair' Symphony Manipulation - Melodic Binding: Power taken from Symphony Control, working as the initial Immobilize power - Halting Dirge: Area power that slows down enemies and reduces their recharge, using a larger version of the 'Aria of Stasis' FX - Hymn of Dissonance: Power taken from Symphony Control, serving as a single target Hold power - Build Up: Standard Build Up power - Distracting Melody: AoE power that reduces Perception and ToHit, using similar projectile FX to 'Confounding Chant' - Rythmic Tempo: Toggle power that increases Recharge, Recovery and Heal over Time. Has a similar aura as 'Reverberant' - Discordant Tune: AoE debuff that reduces Recharge and ToHit, uses similar FX to 'Dreadful Discord' - Confounding Chant: Power taken from Symphony Control, functions as a cone Disorient ability - Chords of Despair: Power taken from Symphony Control, acting as the capstone AoE hold power
  13. This time around I'm going for a different take on some existing powersets, namely Psionic Melee and Symphony Control. Each of these powersets really stand out against the rest of the themes they belong to, with very little parallel between Symphony Control and Sonic Manipulation, or Psionic Melee and Mental Assault. This got me thinking, what would these powersets look like if they used the same visual assets and themes? And could they potentially coexist? Mental Melee - Grasp Thoughts: New power that uses the 'Concentration' fist FX and the 'Life Siphon' animation, dealing minor Psionic damage - Mind Probe: Power taken from Mental Manipulation/Psionic Assault, functioning as a stronger melee power - Psychic Scream: Power taken from Mental Manipulation/Psionic Assault, working as the cone damage attack - Telekinetic Thrust: Power taken from Mental Manipulation/Psionic Assault, functions as a form of melee crowd control - Build Up: Standard Build Up power - Assassin's Psyche: Stalker unique power. Uses similar animation to Kinetic Melee's 'Assassin's Strike' / - Taunt/Placate: Standard aggro power - Dominant Will: Melee version of Will Domination, with similar FX and higher damage - Psychic Shockwave: Power taken from Mental Manipulation/Psionic Assault, fitting as a PBAoE attack (not available to Stalkers) - Scramble: Melee version of Scramble Thoughts, with similar FX and higher damage Sonic Control - White Noise: New Sleep power that uses similar FX to 'Sonic Siphon' - Echo Chamber: Power taken from Sonic Manipulation, fitting in as the Hold power of the set - Sonic Thrust: Power taken from Sonic Manipulation, serving as a unique single target repel - Noise Cancelation: New AoE power that debuffs enemy mez magnitude and damage, uses the 'Sonic Arrow' FX - Siren's Song: Power taken from Sonic Blast, functioning as a cone Sleep power - Sound Cannon: Power taken from Sonic Manipulation, functions as a cone Knockback/Stun power - Supershear: New AoE power that works like Earthquake, uses similar FX but without the stone object - Mass Chambers: PBAoE version of Echo Chamber - Echoes: Pet power that summons 3 floating motes with Sonic FX, using 'Shriek' as their primary attack
  14. Getting closer to the end of Spooktober so I wanna round out the Hellfire theme with the addition of Support and Armor powersets! There's still some material in the Demon Summoning powerset that could be used, so I plan to implement that here and finish the theme for Halloween! Hellfire Affinity - Abyssal Reconstruction: Power taken from Demon Summoning's 'Ember Demon', Healing allies in a PBAoE - Ember Shield: Power taken from Demon Summoning's 'Ember Demon', providing allies with Resistance to Smashing, Lethal, Fire and Cold - Abyssal Mending: Power taken from Demon Summoning's 'Ember Demon', Healing a single ally for a large amount - Hellfire Shield: New power that uses the same standard Aura visible on 'Hellfire Gargoyles'. Provides Resistance to Fire, Toxic, Energy and Negative - Demonic Warding: New power that uses the 'Naughty Halo' aura. Provides mez protection to a single ally. - Infernal Pact: New power that uses the same rising flame FX as 'Summon Demon' powers. Resurrects a single ally and boosts their damage and MaxHP temporarily - Torture: New power that uses the Smoldering aura FX on enemy target. Holds the target and deals minor Toxic DoT - Purgatory: New power that uses a large 'Ring of Fire' FX in an area. Enemies in the area are intangible - Penance: New power that uses the Hellfire Gargoyle's eye glow FX on self and target. Target suffers heavy debuff to damage, resistance and regeneration Hellfire Aura - Smoldering Shield: Personal version of 'Ember Shield', with similar FX and resistances - Hellfire Aura: Power taken from Demon Summoning's 'Hellfire Gargoyle', Creating a toggle PBAoE field that deals Toxic DoT to nearby enemies (Not available to Stalkers/Sentinels) - Been Through Hell: Autopower that increases MaxHP and minor resistance to Fire, Toxic and Negative (Sentinels split the MaxHP and Resistances into two different autopowers) - Abyssal Shield: Personal version of 'Hellfire Shield', with similar FX and resistances - Demonic Ward: Personal version of 'Demon Warding', with similar FX and protection - Abyssal Sustenance: New power that uses the same FX as 'Abyssal Reconstruction', Siphons health from nearby enemies and deals minor Toxic damage to them (Stalkers/Sentinels get a standard Self Heal) - Cloak of Terror: New power that uses the Hellfire Gargoyle eye glow FX, nearby enemies are Terrorized much like Cloak of Fear - Infernal Bargain: Personal version of 'Infernal Pact', with similar FX and effects - Demon Form: New power that uses the Ember Demon's default aura FX, granting the player a huge boost to Absorb, Damage and Recovery
  15. I did have a look around but seems all we have is a seagull 😅
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