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Everything posted by Axis

  1. You have to do each option once. Fight, Let Go, Arrest, Return, and then a 5th time to Finish
  2. Axis


    Grab yourself a signature summon and some envenomed daggers and go to town. Dr. V is a pushover.
  3. Axis

    Loop Hero

    Nice write up, much clearer than my little summary.
  4. Axis

    Loop Hero

    It's not hard. Good story, so I recommend you read the dialog and clues.
  5. Axis


    Everything is working now. Thanks again!
  6. Axis


    That is the discord login. Appreciate everything you do for us.
  7. Axis


    The URL needs to be https://cityofbadgers.xeaon.org, but that works. The next problem is trying to login. If it's related to the dns change, I'm fine with waiting til tomorrow.
  8. Axis


    Hopefully it helps.
  9. Axis


    Does the client tool need to be updated, or is the bad gateway error related to the dns not being fully propagated?
  10. There are 2 badge tracking websites already running. Badger, by KeyboardKitsune at https://n15g.github.io/badger/ Details can be found in this thread: And City of Badgers, by xeaon at https://cityofbadgers.com/ Details can be found in this thread: AboveTheChemist helps maintain the data for both sites, so give him props too.
  11. Works now, Thanks!
  12. Thanks for this. I have run into an issue tho. After deleting a toon, you cannot add a new toon with the same name. One of my toons was reporting a ton of incorrect badges, so I deleted it, re-ran the bind, read the log file, it shows the matches in the client tool. Hit the publish button, got the completed message....and nothing. No "new" toon.
  13. Is there any way for us to delete characters? I have a ...few...that I've deleted and don't want to see in the list anymore.
  14. Xeaon's site... 99% automated
  15. That happens when the log file spans multiple dates...changes over at midnight. Just relog and rescan/detect/whatever the new badges.
  16. Any chance of linking badges to the HC wiki so you can see the contact, level range, how to get, etc?
  17. Axis

    Energized badge

    Something so simple...thanks Piyerus.
  18. Swiss draw basically comes down to whomever is in slot #2...regardless of winning, that's who gets the badge. It does take some time to get through a group of people, but it's not hard.
  19. I'll be happy to help with this. Swiss draw sucks, but isn't hard. I also have toons setup on my farming account to get all the weight badges if people need those too.
  20. Axis

    Energized badge

    Ran into this today. I got it on other toons before, with just the first one, but this toon, no badge. Can we get some clarification on what the requirements are?
  21. But spinning like a top with Spinning Strike or leaping in the air with Crushing Uppercut from Street Justice is ok.
  22. How about a sorting method where we pick the badge and it checks our toons to see who does/doesn't have it?
  23. Been a while since I actually used it, so I double checked on a few different builds. All lvl 50 with set IO builds. Fire/Fire Blaster - works. Ill/Kin Controller - works. Fire/Spines Brute - fails. "Invalid Import Data, Blame Sai! Error: Redirects.Inherents.Fury_Proc" So I tried with another brute. EM/EA Brute - fails. Same error message. Let's check other toons, see if we can find a pattern. Stone/SJ Tanker - fail - Blame Sai, Gauntlet_Proc Dark/Rad Controller - works. Plant/Pain Controller - sorta fails, but works. - Blame Sai. Error: Crafted_Malaises_Illusions_F, then everything shows up, except the some of IOs in the inherent powers. Psi/Shield Scrapper - fails, but works - Crafted_Apocalypse_D Peacebringer - fails - Peacebringer_Defensive.Luminous_Aura.Energy_Flight Sonic/Martial Blaster - fails, but works. Crafted_Endurance_Discount (which is odd, other builds have had this...Also, duplicates Reach for the limit, giving one of them at lvl 1, pushing Ki Push to lvl 2 which is another error. Greys out most IOs in the default slots, but not in Scream - lvl 1 power, or Ki Push, which it has as lvl 2) EM/Regen Stalker - fails, but works. Crafted_Endurance_Discount - doesn't have the IOs in some inherent powers. Mind/Psi Dominator - works Ill/Rad Controller - fails, but works. Crafted_Unbreakable_Guard_A - Another Strange one. That would be in Flash. In my Ill/Kin, it's in Blind, but doesn't error out. Demons/Cold Mastermind - fails, but works - Crafted_Panacea_A - Again, used in other builds without error. Psi/WP Sentinel - Fails. Multiple Superior_Sentinels_Ward, Epic.Sentinel_Psionic_Mastery.Mind_Probe Fire/Dark Corruptor - Works SR/Mace Tanker - Fails, Gauntlet_Proc Thugs/Thermal Mastermind - fails, but works - Crafted_Recharge (seriously?? EVERY build has that, why would it fail on this one?) Arachnos Widow - holy shit what a fail. Error: C:\COH\Axis\Builds\build.txt is an invalid file name. Gives an unhandled exception error, closes the program. ....I have more 50s, but I think that's enough. Checking a couple ATs that I don't have at 50... Arachnos Soldier - Error: C:\COH\Axis\Builds\build.txt is an invalid file name. Gives an unhandled exception error, closes the program. Warshade - fails. Warshade_Offensive.Umbral_Blast.Dark_Nova_Bolt Rad/Rad Sentinel - fails, but works - Error: Pool.Speed.Hasten (last power taken) Ok, so opening a /buildsave file mostly fails, depending on the build. But it works enough to get most builds a good starting point. Hopefully someone can take a look at this and see if it's fixable.
  24. Yes, there is. Go to FIle -> Open -> (your COH directory) -> (your account name) -> Builds -> build.txt (or something like that)
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