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Milk Sheik

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Everything posted by Milk Sheik

  1. Got an emp def with 1634 badges. My 2 cents -- Healing Aura and Heal Other get a workout *all the time* even in endgame content. In Incarnate trials or Apex/Tin Mage there's always some non-tank who gets hit hard, and in Hami raids there's always some poor sap who ran out of EoE between mito dropping or forgot to click. Heal Other is *much* nicer than the Nature heal which can miss based on position, and with allies superspeeding around that's a serious concern. Resurrect could use a buff like an absorb shield. At the moment, there's no reason to give it more that 2 slots of 50+5 recharge IOs. An absorb shield would be great for survivability when the rezzed person is in the middle of a mob. Absorb Pain -- I've never needed it in its current form. Even when keeping a tank alive when he's tanking the buffed LR in the Ms. Liberty TF, I can keep flinging Heal Other with a ton of recharge and he'll stay up. If the damage is on a squishy in the middle of a monster wall in Hami, *any* heal isn't going to be fast enough to keep them alive. Reworking AP to be an AoE +absorb or something would be awesome. As for the need for a debuff... I play an emp/rad who slots Achilles Heel and Fury of the Gladiator, so I can dish out -20-40% res debuff even with rad blast's not-very-impressive damage numbers. Not sure what you'd modify to dish out more, since the theme is keeping toons alive rather than tearing enemies apart... maybe a base +dmg added to AB or Regen Aura or something. Modifying Regen Aura would be lovely for me, since it'd add a little oomph to the few powers that buff the empath.
  2. Same. Had my water/storm corruptor get all the Hellions, then went redside into Mercy to douse ~29 more fires on the buildings. Got the Fire Chief badge at 100 fires, but the progress bar never completed. It's stuck at 99, even if I defeat another Fire.
  3. Welcome aboard, Victory! @Athena Nike here from the old server on Live. I'm mostly on Torchbearer or Everlasting these days, but I can easily transfer toons if you want to team.
  4. Okay, I didn't know the draughts gave you a line to chase to the waypoints. That helps a lot.
  5. Holy carp, I didn't even read all the way down until now. New Architect Entertainment power pools are AWESOME. I can finally give my Skamander river god water powers in my Trojan War arc. Also, I am so happy that TinPex has made that tiny change from the portal to the helicopter for the Battle Maiden showdown. That always bugged me. Not psyched about Thunder Strike sucking up 18 instead of 10 points of end for my defender, but maybe the increased damage will be worth it.
  6. As an old Victory server player on Live, I'm delighted to hear that the players who have been off running the Vic server on their own could be combined into ours. Looking forward to seeing auld acquaintances.
  7. I never thought I'd see this day. Congratulations.
  8. AAAAAAAAAANGEL!!!! Do some TFs with meh! I got some lowbies on Excel, and can transfer more! @Athena Nike
  9. The Homecoming devs know what badgers want -- to replay every option until we get it right, and BIG ROUND NUMBERS!
  10. Agreed. Tonfas, to look like tonfas, would swing around in the hands more, and some of the moves like Thousand Cuts don't really feel like how tonfas are used. Sticks like Nightwing uses (or Black Widow when she uses shock sticks) are generally based in escrima/kali/arnis de mano, where a big blur of double attacks makes sense. For those complaining about the reskin since the DB set would still do lethal damage, Staff Fighting gets spear/naginata as an option even though it still does Smashing damage. This is like that but in reverse.
  11. So, you're looking for a very literal Battle of the Bands? I can get behind this, especially since all those trollers and doms with Symphony Control will need backup. The name Guitar Hero will, unfortunately, probably get generic'd.
  12. Just tried that on my stone/rad troller and at first I thought it didn't work, but then I read you've got to go to the Team window and click on Pets. Got it working now, thanks. Does it work for temp pets? Because it'd be sweet to see my Shivan's health too.
  13. Not sure how small, or they'd have done it already, but: * Pet health bar window for non-MM pets. Temps, troller pets, whatever. Just give me a bar I can target to follow or heal. Doesn't even need the MM "set to aggressive, passive, follow," etc. Just let me know if my pet is lost or dead in the middle of the flying, flashing powers (cough, MSR) so I can figure out if I should summon a new one. (EDIT -- never mind, found out this is already possible) * Purple VR set for Healing. Someone else mentioned for Fear & Threat, too. Sure. Spread the love. * +1 to the "costume change emote sticks between logins" EDIT: * Rebalancing the Merit Rewards for GMs. Basically, the ones that are more of a chore (Lusca, Seed of Hamidon) get slightly more than the standard ones (Jurassik, Kraken, Adamastor... why he's special, I don't know.) * Titan Weapons that include a less bells-and-whistles warhammer, a tetsubo/kanabo, a no-dachi, two-handed claymore or zwiehander, or whatever the Chinese term is for a huge honking sword, because they definitely had them. More historical Natural Hero, less anime fantasy hero -- those are covered. * A generic spear option for Staff Fighting. The current one looks like a naginata or glaive. Spear. Super basic. Every culture has one.
  14. Good to know. Last point I forgot to make -- this would probably have the side effect of buffing Regeneration as a power set, though of course other sets like Invuln, Fire and Willpower with self heals might benefit too.
  15. I feel like someone must have proposed this in the past, but a quick search didn't turn anything up. I'm not really sure why Very Rare sets and winter sets cover so many controller-friendly powers (Sleep, Confuse, Stun, Immobilize, etc.) and a good swath of offensive powers (Melee, Ranged, Ranged AoE, Melee AoE), but something as basic as Healing doesn't get to join the party. Maybe it's just because my main is an emp def, but the options to squeeze out the last drops of efficiency from Healing Aura and Heal Other feel like I'm a little shortchanged, even when I'm rolling in merits and inf. Obviously, this also goes for Absorb Pain, Radiant Aura in the rad set, O2 Boost, and melee AT self-heals that aren't accurate heals. So when I 6-slot a heal power and start stuffing it, these are my options as I see them at present: Option 1: Numina’s Convalescence. Except that only 5 of the Numinas really help. The unique gives a mild regen and end boost that I don't need because I've got a Healing Aura that is a million times better for Health, and the end boost isn't enough to matter; more pointedly, if I want the end boost, I'll stick it in an auto like Health anyway and throw another enhancement into Healing Aura like a Heal/Recharge D-Sync to try to maximize output. And if I'm doing that, the D-Syncs work better than some of the Numina's values anyway, so I'm only slotting 4 Numina's to score the 6% healing buff, and frankenslotting the last two. Option 2: Preventive Medicine. Again, only 5 of them increase the numbers. Though the bonus for all 6 is great (8.75% recharge if I remember right), it comes at the expense of actual recharge on the power, keeping it closer to 73% unless you dump in all the boosters you can (again, if I remember right). So, I don’t like this -- downtime on a healing power’s recharge is anathema to me, particularly if it’s a long recharge like Dull Pain. Usually when I take this option, the proc goes in Health, and then I frankenslot, usually with a recharge IO in spot #6. Option 3: Doctored Wounds. 6 slots gets heal and recharge up to 97.5%, end redux is good, great numbers, no procs... but its set bonuses are yellow so they aren't super optimal. This is what I've got in my Heal Other, since that +4% heal and +5% recharge are nice, but I'm missing out on that last 2% heal bonus from Numina. Option 4: Panacea. Again, super nice proc. Goes in Health so it's on all the time. Left with 5 in the main power, and the really good stuff only shows up in PVP, so… not optimal for a lot of players. I don't have a clear picture of what the set bonuses would be in a purple healing set; I'd hope for a big "all healing powers get a 6% boost" to be on par with Numina’s Convalescence (perhaps bumped to 8% due to being purple, or 5-6%, bumped higher if it’s a winter that gets catalyzed), but I'm not super picky. I'd hope they'd be slightly different than the usual purples’ 4% end discount (small potatoes if you’re a defender with Vigilance) and fire/cold resist just for some variety... and of course I’d be conscious of the limited utility of any regen buff if it goes in a self-healing power like Healing Aura, Radiant Aura, etc. (To be fair, if it were to be slotted in Reconstruction or Dull Pain, the regen rate buff would be welcome to all the melee types out there, but at the moment, my mind’s going to the support ATs who can spam heals). What say the masses? Yea or nay? Am I missing something?
  16. My son came up with a savage melee lizard called Velocirapper. I have the Retro Sci Fi bird-headed broadsword brute, Kylo Wren. Very recently I joined Everlasting's Owl Clan supergroup with the bird-headed stone tank, Owl's Moving Castle.
  17. Yeah, I use Shorts 3 as a substitute, but it's not quite the same thing. They don't cover the Onomichi Warrior boots (Samurai Tsubo Suneate?) in the same way. On a male toon, you can do Japanese pants and OMW and they'll cut off the armor shinguards so it looks like you're just wearing geta (sandals) under a hakama. The Shorts 3 will show you the shinguards, or the upper half of many boots, and that looks like you're wearing armor when I don't want it to. The female Sandals just aren't quite the same -- they come with socks that are ankle-high and look closer to flip-flops. To get geta on female toons, I have to do Chinese or Korean pants.
  18. Ignorant question -- is this also why female characters don't have the Japanese pants option? It seems strange to me that it works on male characters but there's no option for female.
  19. Did someone mention a broadsword/fire armor brute? Add a little Sorcery pool, and it works if you have an appropriate name...
  20. EDIT: The title of the post is a genuine question, and should not be interpreted as a complaint, which is why I changed it from "How difficult would it be to license an IP for AE?" I love me some COH and recognize that the dev team is doing some great stuff -- but I'm curious to see if this process could play out to everyone's benefit. To the topic! We know, generally, that Homecoming is unofficial, fan-run, and staying away from any big-name intellectual properties because nobody wants to get sued. So we can't make, say, a Star Wars AE adventure without filing off the serial numbers and genericizing it to be a space adventure with Beam Rifle and fire katanas or something similar. Talking to Disney or Hasbro or any of the big boys would likely require a licensing fee, company review, a legal department that says no anyway, and would generally be more trouble than it's worth. But... Might the indie tabletop RPG scene be a place where such synergy could work? Some of the lesser-known games have companies that run on a skeleton crew sympathetic to homebrew creators, and the fan-fiction non-canon, no-profit approach might be seen as a free advertising benefit rather than a hassle. Getting permission to craft an AE story that utilizes a CoH interpretation of their world might not be impossible. Hashing out an agreement might take months... but you know, I've spent months creating AE adventures before. The arc description would have to include "COPYRIGHT HELD BY X, USED WITH PERMISSION" or something similar to discourage amateur imitation and proliferation... but again... possible? TL: DR: I want my "Big Trouble In Little Rokugan" crossover. Anyone else?
  21. Wow. I haven't checked out this section of the boards before, I had no idea. Heraclea and I shared a love for Greek mythology, and I'm still coalitioned with the Amazon SG. I just assumed the player went to a different server or something. /em holdtorch
  22. I know, it's like rolling a 1st edition D&D character with straight 18s the first try. I can't believe it happened.
  23. It took a few ITFs, Katie WSTs, and I-trials, plus merit farming-turned-Hami-raiding-turned-AH-selling-turned-Prismatic-Aether-purchasing, but I got them all. Big shout-out to the back-to-back Aeon SFs that got me 2 threat/acc/recharges I cashed in to put me over the top. What a long, strange trip it's been.
  24. And here I thought the GM Difficulty post was going to be about standardizing Reward Merits for the amount of time it usually takes to take one down. How is it that Adamastor's worth 10 + 5 incarnate threads and Lusca's the standard 6?
  25. (raises hand in embarassment) I did. Misdirection on my defender. 1 slot of D-Sync, 1 slot of recharge +5.
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