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Everything posted by Ferrus_Xeno

  1. both are excellent ideas, I would prefer the first option of suppression of the FX under the power. The second would also be a plus, since there are many team powers that impact seeing your costume, and it would help being able to see/target when you are in a mob. I loose track of people/spawns when there a lot of powers going off (especially if the power color is set white).
  2. The problem, with a direct port is both pieces that you have mentioned have lace, or something like it. I just would like something that fixed the transition from chest to head when the player is not using the tights costume piece. I end up using the spiked collar as the top of the costume which also means I cannot use a different shoulder piece.
  3. I use it a lot on my female character, there is no male option for this though.
  4. Would it be possible to have a plain collar neck piece that is color-able, something along the line of the spiked collar without the spikes. The transition from the chest pieces to the plain tight face pieces can be jarring on costume and having something to delineate from the two sections would be great (see female lower face pieces for gunslinger and Victorian steampunk)
  5. I would love to see a boost to LBE damage, the power is fairly week now.
  6. Would it be possible to have a minimal FX option for the Leadership power pool: Assault Maneuvers Tactics I personally do not like the circling icons that appear when the powers are active.
  7. I am sorry if you took my comment as a generalization, it was not in any way meant as one. There was no mention of you or anyone else specifically, nor did I say "all PVPers". I was simply stating that I was repeatedly harassed, etc. by people that wanted to PVP and I had no desire. E.G. Constant IMs asking to PVP, to which I answer 'No thanks", then again, and again, each time stating No, then the "are you afraid", "coward', "pussy" etc. to the point of putting the offender(s) on ignore (which I really hate doing). As for the location, it was in PVE zones, not the arena or pocket D. The only time I visited a PVP zone was with my SG mates, or because I was sent there as part of a mish thread. I didn't even go get Shivan's and Nuke's because the the attitude I would see in the zones. The few times that I actually enjoyed PVP in CoX was with the SG that i was a member, and a few others on Pinn, that would not just gank you but try to help you figure out what was need for builds etc.
  8. While not in CoX, I did beta test DCUO which had the mechanic of 'hit a player with a power this turns on PVP'. This was a nightmare to deal with, the players who didn't give two craps about PVP would jump into a spawn in the PVE environment, and some PVPer would intentionally move into the way to get hit with an AOE... causing the flag to active on both characters, the PVPer would then attack the player who was fighting the spawn,killing them then running away to mess with someone else. It made it impossible to enjoy the game with these people. CoX PVP population from my perspective would do exactly the same thing if the game was open world PVP. I will note the devs. for DCUO fixed this quickly after MASSIVE complaints about this behavior. Currently DCUO has the ability to flag your character as PVP, while the PVPers enjoy this, a huge portion of the playerbase does not turn the flag on, so the PVPers always fight in the middle of the 'safehouses' which impact others enjoyment as well. Sorry I am there to fix equipment, sell, etc, not listen to the PVPer flight in front of the contact that I need to talk to. As for CoX (at least before shutdown) I lost count how many times I have been harassed and insulted by PVPers that want to 'test their PVP build' against my PVE build... yeah like that is even remotely a fair fight, then after the 5th or 6th decline the insults fly... No thank you.
  9. I think you should just get over the comment (the scumbag) instead of trying to pick a fight. We are all here to have fun in a game we love.
  10. Mods, please close this topic, it is no longer valid.
  11. DCUO has this feature, it makes some areas usually the 'safe houses' unbearable to be in due to the 2 maybe 3 people taking up half the room fighting. Lets not forget the bad-mouthing and attitude this brings as well.
  12. No thank you, PVP has never been liked in this game except by a VERY vocal minority. Like Apparition said, I would just avoid the zone completely.
  13. Thank you all for your advice, i will look into this more. I appreciate it!
  14. Hey all, I have been trying to build INF for my characters, I never seem to be able to get over the 100mil mark on any of them before I need to start using it for set IOs etc.. Any advice you can give me so I have a pool of resources for my characters? Couple of things: I suck at farming ( my builds are not strong enough), and I REALLY suck at the market. case in point, my current main is a SJ/WP scrapper. I have burned through 900 merits and have 400 remaining. I currently have less than 25 mil, and I haven't even started on the attack powers yet. My FFF blaster is even worse, I do have a A/TA blaster that is a little better off most of her powers are slotted with sets, and she has 45m right now (be less than 100 merits. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks FX
  15. While this is correct, I do not feel it is a good choice for my characters, IIRC the lightning powers from the MU epics are locked as red, this will not match the color selections I have made. Nor do I think that I should have to do a Patron arc to have this selection when if i want to take fire or ice I would not have to.
  16. I would like to see an Electric mastery set introduced to Melee ATs, something that can add a bit of range to an Electric/Electric character. What this would entail I wouldn't know. Maybe a ranged stun, a lightning bolt attack, a pet like Voltaic Sent (lesser version) and ball lighting. Any chance of this happening?
  17. First I would want to say Thank you for all the work the entire homecoming team has put into the game! Second: Shadow Maul (Tanker, Scrapper, Brute, Stalker) is now a much larger, faster cone that's actually capable of easily hitting multiple targets - especially on tanks! Arc increased from 45 to 120 degrees Recharge increased from 8 to 11 seconds Cast Time reduced from 3.07 to 2.35 seconds Damage lowered from scale 2.156 to 1.6184 DPS reduction is minor, it has only been lowered from scale 0.653 to scale 0.645 Target Cap increased from 10 to 16 for Tankers Target Cap increased from 5 to 10 for Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers Dark Melee was under-performing in the AoE department. The aim of this change is to increase the AoE potential of the set whilst having minimal impact on the single target potential. Are these change (mainly the arc to 120 degrees) going to propagate to blaster secondaries? As of now, for me at least, this is a must skip power on my dark blasters.
  18. Hey, can i get some advice. I have a SS/Shield brute (currently level 35) that constantly runs out of endurance when solo. The first mob uses a little less than 1/2 my bar, and the second wipes it out. Unless there is a boss... then there goes the entire bar. I have upgraded to lvl 35 IO's (not sets) in every slot, and still have issues. Anything else i can do? I was planning on taking conserve power with my next power choice.
  19. Thanks, the second reboot fixed whatever the issue was. I was in for a while
  20. I have been getting an error message. Once I click OK the path continues to load. Then Tequila crashes. HELP PLEASE!!!
  21. I would like to have the ability to match my head piece texture to the chest piece instead of everything being just tights. For example, if I am using one of the leather options for the chest piece, i should be able to have a leather mask piece as well.
  22. Hey, if you are needing a INF sink, you can send it my way... I can always use it.
  23. Still happening,
  24. My game controller still does not work correctly, nor can I remap the d-pad (which is where is the issues lies). This has been the case since the launch of the 64 bit client and the introduction of the option to select a controller. There was no issue prior to the 64 bit launch and there is no option on the Safe Mode selection, so for now I will still need to use the safe mode.
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