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Everything posted by ForeverLaxx

  1. Fair enough. I suppose with enough "one time" purchases, as a unit, they can affect inflation levels. Of course, I just sat in Pocket D for an hour messing with costumes/bios and never paid for that badge/power. I feel like I should be surprised people would pay influence for something they can get easily for free, but I'm not.
  2. I think it's pretty clear that something will have to change with regards to enhancement scaling while exemplar'd in light of the enhancement changes coming down the pipeline, but that'll be for @Captain Powerhouseto look in to at some future date. This is neither the thread nor the time to really discuss such a proposal, and only really exists due to the 60 foot range being the "sweet spot" for range SOs to bump it back up to 80. I personally believe that Electric Net Arrow and Ice Arrow don't have to "lose anything" to get their range back considering Tac Arrow is a fully ranged-based secondary and it's already being nerfed multiple times on top of the sweeping Control Magnitude nerfs all Blasters are getting hit with, but I also know that that ship is sailing and no amount of pointing out how poor the reasoning is will change it.
  3. Run a few TFs, buy converters with the merits, and sell them to the AH at "sell it now" prices and you'll get more than 10mil pretty easily. This is even the lazy, technically low-end way to amass influence and it's still adequate enough that I pretty much do it exclusively (I don't farm or "play the AH"). That said, a single, one-time purchase is less of an "Influence Sink" and more a "tax" if you want as many options as possible. I sincerely doubt a single purchase of 10 million is going to affect inflation in any significant way and suggesting that it would feels disingenuous to me. I get the theory (if all players pay for it, that's 30 quadrillion influence deleted!), but in practice I just don't see it as a proper influence sink; single purchases rarely work out that way in practice unless the price is exorbitant, and 10mil doesn't qualify. In any case though, 10mil isn't that hard to come by if you're using the AH for any amount of time. You're going to have a hard time justifying a reduction in price, particularly when you consider how many other options exist that cost nothing but time and get the job done just as well.
  4. And no one is really arguing against it. Blasters with lots of CC did too much damage too safely while stepping on the toes of Controllers/Dominators in this department. From what I can tell, no one really has a problem with the reduction of CC magnitude for blasters (though I'm sure they exist). Most of the people upset with Tac Arrow's changes have nothing to do with this. I don't use Hover on my A/TA Blaster because he's supposed to be a more "natural human" kind of deal and ascribes to whatever doctrine that justifies Batman being so nimble and mobile without any real powers. Agility/Gymnastics/Combat Jumping are how he gets around in combat and this change specifically ruins that character appeal. Poorly. The changes stink of spreadsheet homogenization for the sake of making everything the same. I could give a little if Tac Arrow had melee attacks, or melee-ranged powers, that people were ignoring... but it doesn't. It has nothing but ranged damage/CC, mobility, and battlefield control powers. It's like a solo, active, offensive version of Trick Arrow. Which, I'll remind you, that Trick Arrow's Net Arrow and Ice Arrow retain the 80 foot range. In comparison, the Psi secondary gets to keep it's 80ft range immobilize due to "increased range" being part of Psi's identity, yet Blaster Psi Blast is 80ft range while Defender Psi Blast (the one that set the precedent for increased range) is 100ft. On top of that, the Blaster Psi Secondary actually has powers that only work on enemies that are in melee range so the 80ft immobilize works against the set's design overall, yet it keeps the range because reasons? Unless you're a X/Psi Blaster, in which case, you get to keep blasting at your max 80ft range without a concern. The notion that Blasters with 80ft immobilizes were "too safe" don't seem to take account that it still exists due to the Psi Secondary and therefor is still a "problem" if you ascribe to this reasoning. You can't say that all Blasters have "too much range and had to be nerfed" when you can still do it with Mental Manipulation. Hell, the other Blaster secondaries actually got their ranged immobilizes buffed to 60, which runs counter to the "too safe" narrative you're trying to spin. And just because you agree with the poor justification doesn't mean those justifications are sound. All evidence suggests this change is a fix in search of a problem, and in my opinion, no one has adequately explained why Tac Arrow deserves to have its two primary damage powers' range reduced in light of the game's design and surrounding set comparisons. None.
  5. There's a lot of space within the lore of Praetoria to build a potential AT from. The most obvious would be something Hamidon-related, which can be those who have "broken free" of the hive mind state or perhaps are still part of the swarm and working to undermine hero/villain efforts in other dimensions to facilitate another takeover. These can either be something similar to the VEATs with "specializations" that allow a character to branch (hah, puns) into one of multiple paths, depending on how the person wants to run it, or it can be something completely new that offers a play experience/combination we don't really have yet. Beyond that you've got the option to convert factions into something playable. Ghouls are probably the best from the faction bunch, especially considering Noble Savage exists to give them purpose and not just succumb to their feral instincts, though building a powerset around them that isn't just a Savage/Something Scrapper could be tricky. Talons might be next on that list, though most of them are just bow/sword users and off the top of my head I can't think of any reason why you'd be able to play as one considering their backstory. However, all of that is the obvious stuff. What I might like to see, besides the Devouring Earth-inspired direction, would be something related to Shadow Hunter and the shadow beasts. You could play as a Spirit Stalker that has gained it's free will back (or not), and is able to shapeshift into various animal and humanoid forms for different powers, kind of like the Kheldians.
  6. I would think the fact that "breaking this rule" hurt literally no one and was still weaker than standard movement powers would have been enough to keep them stacking while giving Shinobi the movement bonus, but hey. Apparently "nice change that hurts no one" isn't good enough by dev standards. I also see that Tac Arrow gets to retain its nerfs to its range, which means my A/TA Blaster just became a TA/A Defender.
  7. Factually incorrect. Some fit this formula, some are actually better DPA than certain Primary Blast T1s, and some are comparable if a tad lower. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, so why are you on a warpath to see all these (except Psi, for some reason) get locked to 60 feet? Because the devs made the change and you defer to their "wisdom"?
  8. So clear that Psy gets to continue doing it, despite having powers that want enemies to be close in order to function. I will never support this change, no matter how "clear" it must be for homogenization to be acceptable.
  9. What I don't get is that they leave the Psy secondary with "extended range" because Psy powers historically have more range than default, but Blaster Psy Blast is stuck with 80 range despite Defender Psy Blast being at 100 range. It's clear that Blasters are looked at differently when comparing like sets, so why can't they be looked at differently when comparing in-set? Tactical Arrow has zero reasons to go into Melee and is built to support a fully-ranged style. Yes, 60 is still ranged, but when you're entire playstyle is built around the original 80 range, having to hop back and forth to account for multiple, different ranges is a huge playstyle disruption. Dark Blast needs to be adjusted for this same reason, but that's another thread for another day. There's no reason for Tac Arrow to have its range reduced that isn't just a homogenization sweep. To drive that point home, all the other sets got their Immob increased from 50 to 60 to "match" each other, with no regard for what the set actually does or what kind of style it's trying to impart on the player. I will never support change for change's sake.
  10. I disagree with this to some extent. Some powers should be "skippable" on basis of playstyle and preference without suffering "too much" of a loss to efficiency. My reasoning for this is that part of the draw of CoH for me is the creation of character concepts that can still complete the same content everyone else can, while also making the character "my own", in a sense. The newer sets suffer from this in that most, or even all, of the powers are "required" to make it functional and this reduces the variance between different players running the same powersets. This can also make some sets woefully underpowered until they get their entire 9 power kit which also feels pretty bad. Sets that have "skippable" powers allows for greater individual player customization, both in-set and with Pool Powers. If I have to take 9, 8, or even sometimes 7 powers from a set before it actually works, that makes it somewhat of a failure in my eyes. That said, I never skipped TF. Even if it was slow, I liked the animation and it hit very hard. EM was always the ST Burst set and not taking TF reduced that too much for me.
  11. This can happen if you were in combat and turned on Ninja Run/Beast Run before you "left" combat (according to some sort of timer). You'd move at the increased speed, but do so with the standard run animation. I wonder if these two issues are related and can both get fixed.
  12. I always just used Team TP to carry my zombies around if I wanted them right next to me for a mob. As bad as it sounds, if I was in a group and someone complained I was yanking them around, I'd point them to the TP Prompt option to prevent it.
  13. This is really the one "teleport" fix I'm looking to see the most. I like a lot of what this TP pool revamp is doing, particularly in the realm of character concepts, but Wormhole (and now FS) not pulling high level bosses has always been a sticking point for me. If they're going to get into the grit of enemy teleport powers, this should be rectified if possible. That said, I'm perfectly fine with Teleport Target *not* working on higher ranked enemies. As an introductory and flexible power to the set it probably shouldn't let you isolate a boss from its spawn. Wormhole and FS really need to bring the bosses with the rest, though.
  14. This bothers me a bit as well. I know people say it has a big "untouchable" floater when you use it, but my experience using Detention Field (yes, I use it) says no one will stop attacking it anyway. DF even has a wholly unique bubble particle that, as far as I know, isn't shared with anything and people still hammer away at what's locked inside. Using the same graphic of Sonic Cage for this set's Hold effect is going to sow confusion from the few who are actually paying attention and should probably warrant some kind of tweak to either Cage or this power.
  15. This is the real "trick" about Trick Arrow. You have a lot of tools, and not all of them are needed all the time. It's just too busy if you're trying to throw down multiple patches, light the Oil, *and* get some regular blasts in there. When I played mine on Live, I just cycled what I used so that certain effects were present in every spawn (but they were coming from different powers). Glue + PGA for one group, Oil + Ignite for the next, Acid only on tough foes, etc. Just have to find that rhythm.
  16. One of the reasons I've always called it the "passing lane" and not the "fast lane" was because of this. I'm not even in a state that cares all that much about highway etiquette, but I never stay in the far lane unless I'm going around multiple people. Too many people use that lane for blatant speeding for me to want to be tailgated even if I'm already going over the limit myself.
  17. This is generally my view as well and I posted something similar back before this thread got necro'd. When someone posting about how all they experience is "toxic behavior" and are actively telling others to not join the community because of it while practically everyone else has no idea what they're talking about, I'm inclined to believe that the person in question is themself entering conversations/situations in a manner that gets people riled up. Usually this starts as backhanded/offhand comments directed at no one in particular when trying to get involved in a group or conversation. When you start on that foot, don't be surprised when everyone else follows it up with their own.
  18. As cool as this overall, being stuck in these special stance's idle animation all the time is weird. Is there any way to modify them so they can be toggled between being active only while moving, sorta like how Path auras can?
  19. It was always going to be removed. They said so a year ago. In fact, it would have been disabled last year but only recently did they discover an exploit that required pushing a fix through as soon as they could get a workable solution. You can technically still use the code as long as you're close to an SG portal so you can visit the "saved" bases you have in your macro.
  20. @Greycat Well the way it's worded, that doesn't look like a flavor addition. It even calls out how it's similar to the set's Storm Kick, which does have a Lethal damage DoT as part of its effect. I'm going to assume that's what it means.
  21. I wonder if it means that the damage is flagged as "lethal", and not that it's actually life-threatening? Like, it does Smashing damage on initial hit, followed by a Lethal damage DoT.
  22. Well, RIP my Archery Blaster's playstyle. Pure range support secondary that doesn't have the proper range isn't worth using when I could just play TA/A Defender instead. And since Gymnastics is no longer going to stack with CJ per the movement powers changes, it was probably out the door anyway.
  23. So the completely arbitrary change with movement powers that does nothing but reduce the player experience is being left in? Why?
  24. It's not even "avoiding" Slow ET anyway. The combined animation time for being forced to use TF first just means you get current Slow ET with a helping of TF's damage on top. And that assumes you never use ET until you TF in the first place. I'm not advocating for this particular change, but they essentially just removed Total Focus from the set entirely and rolled its damage and stun into current ET. That's how it feels to play right now and I hate it.
  25. What this change feels like to me is that it lowers the top end performance, raises the bottom-level (we're talking SOs) a bit with usability and QoL fixes, which may get more people to play the set. I don't like sets that are "allowed" to be completely bonkers if you're able to navigate the maze with zero mistakes, especially when performance is way worse if you can't do that. It seems to me that people upset that this makes the set weaker than it used to be are missing the point that that's part of the goal: it's being nerfed because it's too good currently while also getting a few QoL buffs to make it more attractive to a more casual player. Considering the set is still strong even after these changes, I don't see a problem. It still plays like it used to and there's no real change to any combat style or attack chain, barring what I read a few pages back about the addition of 0.1 animation time now makes an old chain basically unusable. Perhaps that was the intended goal of that change? I just know the set is apparently still strong and feels the same, so I don't know why people are upset beyond the loss of large damage numbers.
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