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Everything posted by ForeverLaxx

  1. The point that you seem to consistently miss is not that it's suddenly "complicated", but that it's another introduction of needless fluff to a set that never needed it and many oldschool EM players never wanted. The real kick to the nads is that you don't get to play the set how you want like you used to -- now you must play EM how the devs designed it to be played if you want to be anywhere close to optimal. You also give up that damage to utilize an AoE that many of us didn't ask for because we didn't want the set to suffer due to homogenization (and your single target suffers for it, which was the fear). No one is arguing that the set doesn't perform better than it used to. It's obvious the set is stronger on paper and in practice. Trouble is, it's not Energy Melee in feel anymore and that's where many of us have a problem.
  2. My original post on the discussion thread was literally just "revert the nerf to ET" and you guys still couldn't resist stuffing it with a gimmick and making the "unnerfed ET" conditional upon utilizing the gimmick? What's the deal with this gimmick obsession, anyway? We used to have sets that appealed to players who liked simplicity and straightforwardness and we had sets that appealed to the more calculated or strategic player via building stacks/combos... why are we changing old sets that had simplistic appeal as part of their reason to exist into something else? The people that wanted the set to be good again want the set to at least be close to how it used to be, not to be "updated" to this modern obsession with mini-games with choices forced upon you to even become functional. While I personally would never skip Total Focus because I like the animation due to being an old Energy/Energy Blaster main, forcing people to pick this power and lead with it in order for Energy Transfer to not stink is not what many of us wanted. Tying that same mechanic to the ability to Stun a boss is also really lame; why can't I Stun a boss while also getting hilarious burst damage on it? Why do I have to pick when I shouldn't? It's not like EM is built to do anything else. I can't say I'm a fan of the cone introduction, either. This is another change towards homogenization of powersets which I will never support. Tying it to the gimmick for MOAR AoE is also something that will probably never be used. By the time TF finishes animating, half the spawn is dead already and you're smacking the boss as EM anyhow so who cares about the chaff that's there to make your team feel useful? I don't mind an update/overhaul for Stun but I wish it was actually still Stun in function rather than something completely different. We just wanted Pizza, and instead you gave us your take on pizza made from a Chinese slaw topped with creme fraiche.
  3. This. Words only have the power you give them and it gets beyond silly to start erasing normal, everyday words simply because some people might associate a term with some specific personal trauma. Shock Therapy was a special case due to the overwhelmingly negative connotation associated with it, but "migraine"? Yeah, those suck (to put it lightly) but it's not exactly offensive or holds some long-standing ethically-dubious history. A power effect called Lobotomize would probably be changed but Migraine really shouldn't -- otherwise we just fall down a spiral of eggshells, trying desperately to not step on the million little shards in fear of upsetting some imagined person from the future. That's how you end up with a game with no flavor or relatability. To the powerset at hand, I can't say I'm a fan of putting knockback powers in a set with a -res aura. That's just negative synergy, though I suppose many sets suffer from this and it does help keep a set from being "pigeonholed" into always working the same way for every player. Still, I will never like sets with auras that affect enemies having knockback powers in them.
  4. Man, you just need to go out and buy the Nikon P900 and you'll see how flat the Earth is. The Nikon P900 is the perfect camera and the Nikon P900 will never let you down because the Nikon P900 is the true believer's camera of choice.
  5. And I'm pretty sure that was due to either ease of animation, or confusion to someone reviewing the animation in that the "super leap" was confused for flying and they just stuck with the idea since. I'd have to look it up to be sure, though.
  6. I like the idea that it's considered "lazy writing" when we have entire communities telling people to not take a travel power because they can just go buy a jetpack if they want one.
  7. In addition to this, there is a default command tied to one of the buttons that I suggest every MM change. For reference, you get 3 buttons to command all your pets at once (and smaller buttons above each pet's health bar if you want to command them individually). Those three main buttons are Attack, Follow, and Heel. Attack and Heel work like you'd expect in that one makes them aggressive and the other makes them totally passive. Follow, however, is the one I tell players to change if they want to use the default buttons and not custom macros. If you right-click Follow, you can see what the command does. Notice that it says Follow/Aggressive. This means that command will have your pets follow you around... until something gets in their aggro range, at which point they'll break off and start attacking things. This is no good for teaming in general. I always suggest changing the word Aggressive to Defensive. What that does is it causes your pet to ignore any enemy until it actively damages the pet or the MM first. Also, this is the easiest way to know you're in "Bodyguard Mode", as pets in Defensive stance are what counts for the damage redistribution. That's the only change I ever make to my MMs and it was the AT I played the most on villain-side Live. Why in the world the Devs thought an aggressive follow command would be desirable when Attack defaults to that with no targets around, especially considering Bodyguard is a thing, still confused me. Pretty sure I pointed that out in the Beta but I digress.
  8. What @Omega-202 replied with here is pretty true in that a lot of times it comes down to a case-by-case basis. Also, keep in mind that Corruptors were originally a "villain only" AT and, like the other "villain only" ATs, all were built with the idea that they'd be soloists first and teammates second. Every villain AT's primary powerset (bar Dominators) is about dealing damage, and in the Dominator's case, their secondary is purely about dealing damage and is why I consider them more a Blaster than a Controller (seriously, roll up an Ice/Plant Blaster and tell me it doesn't feel like a Dominator instead). All the villain ATs were built with their inherent in mind while the heroes were retro-fitted with one that emphasised their more general role. Blasters even had to get theirs changed and I feel like Defenders went through some revisions as well, but I was a Blaster main back then and didn't pay much attention to the Defender. The Defender is the "stronger" force-multiplier and I don't think anyone is going to disagree with that, but that level of force multiplication comes at personal cost to the Defender itself. The Corruptor is more selfish and while it can force-multiply its own team to a lesser extent, it benefits from that multiplication while on a team just as much as it does when solo, and that's the real difference between them.
  9. It is, but it's thematic to the set. Characters with a super healing factor often have their "rise from death" moment and it's pretty iconic to the idea of regeneration as a superpower. The fact it's not the set's T9, like some other armor set's version of the power, makes it even better in that regard. It can stand to be a bit boring when it's not the capstone and fills a power fantasy slot, in my opinion. Numerically, with regards to SOs, I think most of the marks were where they should be. Resistance sets get similar values out the resistance that set most "cares about", with a bit of variance for the off-set stuff and clear holes in defenses that more or less make those sets "equal enough" when facing the right things. SR and Regen are probably just underperforming across the board at an SO level due to their damage-type agnostic behavior. I get that these sets trade a specific strength for being equally effective against any kind of damage, but their level of baseline effectiveness is likely too low for a Jack of all Trades since their highest points are in line with resistance-based set's lower points. Then again, SR can be harder to quantify, especially over only a series of 10 tests, due to the nature of defense and how RNG it can be. Regen is, unfortunately, in the boat of "if it can't kill me in 2 minutes it can't kill me at all" territory. That makes it hard to tune effectively and probably why it's in such a troubled state overall. It's probably underpowered without IH active *on purpose* just to force Regen players to die when other ATs might not in order to make Regen not the default best option for every scenario. If there's a way to fix that, well, that's what this thread is for.
  10. Mock it all you want; that's the metric they were using. It's also worth noting that, for a time, a single boss was supposed to pose as a threat to a solo character. His experiment in just raw survival time without actively defeating the mobs, was comprised of 1 boss, 1 LT, and 6 minions which is well over the line of what players see at the base +0/x1 difficulty the game is built on. That spawn would be considered "group" content. Keep in mind that "balanced for SOs" does not mean "all sets survive equally well under the same conditions". The fact SR and Regen were pretty similar in survival (outside of IH) while both are damage-type agnostic shows the balance might not have been very far off on paper. The others performed better because they had stronger tools to fight that specific type of enemy. If you threw fire damage at the Invuln or Negative damage at the Energy, their survival would likely start to look closer to SR's and Regen's values. Though, to me, that just says both SR and Regen need some kind of upward tuning pass. Ignoring SR Tanks, of course, as they have zero issues due to how defense works and their ease of getting to the softcap on SOs alone. Probably why SR tanks didn't originally exist, honestly.
  11. In my experience as a solo player, those "trash" mobs only seem to have Scourge kick in when they would have died from that attack or its followup regardless and ends up being a huge amount of overkill. I feel the complaint that Corruptors have "no inherent" against anything that isn't a boss or higher feels right from what I've seen. I'm not sure if Corruptors really "need" to get appreciative use out of their inherent against minions, though.
  12. Regen for Sentinels is great purely for one reason: it has an Absorb power. This helps offset alphas, which have always been Regen's weakness, and tics fast enough to provide a buffer against small bits of damage which lets your HP replenish underneath unmolested. Since the melee sets don't have this option, they're much weaker in comparison. That said, Moment of Glory is a great power in the set as it provides a tool that Regen doesn't already have in spades, which is something I think should be considered for other armor T9s as an example, though I think it could stand to have its recharge time lowered and maybe even its duration lowered a bit to compensate. Turn it more into a "moment" rather than something that lasts long enough to clear most of a room. I understand that might not be a popular opinion, though. MoG could also use an animation time reduction. Another problem with Regen stems from the player's focus of "requiring" a set to reach the defense softcap for end-game content, and that makes Regen the hardest and most expensive set in the game to achieve this due to it having no innate ways to get there without IO bonuses and pool powers. That might be worth the tradeoff considering how strong Regen is once you're unhittable (as noted by MoG), but it may be worth consideration somewhere. Lastly, and this is kinda minor, but the set just completely falls over to -Regen effects. I suppose that makes some amount of sense, but it really needs more -Regen resistance as it has nothing else to fall back on. Absorb helps counteract this (and is another reason why Sentinel Regen is considered the best version of the set), but it's not perfect. The click-heals are on too long of a timer usually in order to stave off -Regen effects, too. As an aside, I think it's unfair for a set called "Regeneration" to be worse at this effect than other sets during fights that matter, like when you're surrounded. Willpower being called "what Regeneration wishes it could be" is pretty cruel.
  13. Works just fine for my TW Scrapper. I'm going to bet this person thinks it's terrible because it might be harder to get capped Defense if you're using WP? I don't really know, honestly, as this is the first time I've heard of anyone saying WP was bad (excluding its use on Sentinels).
  14. I never join custom chat channels. I don't use Discord. I almost never group. I don't put anyone on ignore. I've ran into maybe 3 total people in the auto-join global chats who could have used a cold shower. One of them insisted on twisting my words and tried to get General to mount an assault on me for reasons I still don't understand. I'm sure a bunch of them still have me on ignore simply because that individual just kept shouting about how "ignorant" I was. The other two are what I call a "build Nazi" that belittles anyone for choosing any power that isn't the most optimal in world built around spamming AoEs, getting capped Defense, and maximizing global Recharge with IO builds. Those two are usually drowned out by everyone else though since most players are here to make their own character and not some cookie-cutter "totally the best at the stuff that matters" since nothing in this game is particularly hard to begin with. That said, there was one instance when I was in an MSR that refused to invite me to any teams (announced in Broadcast that I was looking for any empty spots, multiple times) until eventually I got a /tell asking me to leave the zone so others could get inside. By that point I was annoyed about it and stayed in anyway, teamless. I'm sure it made a few people upset, but I was already in the zone before they started announcing anything, asked to join, and got ignored until they wanted me to make room for other people, so... Beyond that? Everyone's been mostly great. The idea that our community is some massively toxic place that should be avoided just doesn't jive with my experience at all. A few annoyances, sure, but so unwelcoming that you'd actively tell people to find something else to play? I just don't see it. I'm more inclined to believe that people with that opinion are abrasive at the start and come off as overtly confrontational from the outset for some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy deal. They assume they're going to be kicked out, so they talk like it. I dunno... only thing that makes sense to me since I've always had the opinion that no one is important enough to be targeted by an entire server.
  15. Which makes it even more silly that people still yell at players using confuse powers.
  16. Always report a bug, no matter how "stable" you think it is at the time of finding it. Errant code is bad enough, but errant code isn't usually considered when new features are being added and can cause more problems down the line if left unaccounted for. No matter how "beneficial" a bug might be, it needs to be fixed so the game can be evaluated correctly. And yes, this even includes the old Rage bug.
  17. I'm not sure a "balance" around how a set performs with procs slotted should really be a benchmark.
  18. I'd overhaul the Inventions system, specifically set bonuses. I'm not a fan of how it turns everyone into tank-mages if they're so inclined and I would like to see the ATs get back some kind of identity unique to themselves that goes beyond the simple comparisons of being ranged vs being melee. The over-indulgence of +recharge and +defense and how constricting that can be on builds is too severe in my opinion.
  19. Not likely to be able to implement something like this due to how the game engine and interface works. In order to allow "charge up while button held" mechanics to work for clickers, they'd have to find a different way to move powers around since holding mouse click on a power is how you move them currently. As a personal aside, I pray they do not implement something like this. I detested the "charging" mechanic of abilities in Champions Online and would utterly loathe to see that show up here. It would completely disinterest me from the set entirely, even if it ended up being a literal "hold button to win the game" affair. And, as an addendum to previous post, I'll just add here that my desire to see Energy Melee return to its old title of "King of ST Burst" doesn't necessarily mean I want it to be the king of ST DPS. Being able to dump out a large salvo of ST damage is where I think the set should be, but likely not also the best at dishing out the most ST damage over time. I liked the "spikey" nature of the old ways.
  20. You wouldn't like my Energy/FF Corruptor then. No defensive shields at all, though I am slotting relevant AoE knockback powers with the KB - KD enhancement. I'm not totally monstrous.
  21. Most of what I see from there are people with complaints that get spammed with various versions of "get out" or they look up the player stats to attack their skill (or lack thereof) rather than the point at hand. Granted, I don't tend to venture into the balance feedback forum very often and the community is essentially fed up with Luke Smith's incompetence and the rest of Bungie's staff unwillingness to interact with their players on their own forum.
  22. I'm sure he doesn't think he is either, and to be frank, neither do I believe he's talking about literally everyone. I just take umbrage with the use of the terminology "roots" and the wide brush he decided to paint the community as a whole with as be busy-bodies or busy-bodies-of-the-future. I'm merely going by his own initial words which were both accusatory and aggressive towards this perceived group. The idea that they also hold this imaginary "majority narrative" didn't help matters though I think that may have been directed at the devs specifically as "costumes and names" were called out, which sort of suggests a lack of understanding of IP ownership and our technically illegal server's desire to not make unnecessary waves. If you don't intend to insult or belittle, then don't use insulting or belittling terms to describe a group of people. You could have simply replied directly to the person dictating how to play like @Bill Z Bubba did instead of taking the shotgun approach and accusing the entire community of being, essentially, gatekeepers. Trying to play the "woe is me" card is a bit unbecoming as well and tips your hand to the notion that you feel like a perpetual victim. Based on this post, I've decided that the main issue lies with your perception and your reaction to that perception causing otherwise neutral parties to become belligerent towards you as a defense against your accusations. I suggested as much earlier, but wasn't entirely sure until now. Your reaction to me saying that it's not really fair to call the whole community bossy since my, and most others' experiences don't match yours, is telling. In every post you've been defensive about your opinion, aggressive in its defense, accusatory towards the other party, and tried to cite this as "yet another example of not being wanted". It's as if you desire to create a self-fulfilling prophecy -- being just abrasive enough to get someone to be annoyed so you can feel justified in your misplaced disgust in what was originally a benign statement. I say these statements had to have benign in origin in most cases, because the legitimate "do things this way or you suck" types do not number high enough for you to be angry enough to say the whole community is tainted. In any case, as I'm sure you won't respond any further, and as I've lost interest in continuing myself due to the cyclical nature of one who's mind cannot be changed, I won't be responding further on this matter.
  23. It's lacking its old title of "King of ST Burst" and I think that should be brought back. Yes, I know the game is more AoE-centric now than it used to be but not every set needs to bring "sufficient" AoE for +4/x8 content. Return Energy Transfer back to it's former glory and that would go a long way to restoring this set's identity.
  24. Attributing emotion to my words is your own error. I'm merely reading your words and responding to them. If you didn't want to say the whole community is poisoned at the source, maybe choose different words? I don't. I just find your stance needlessly aggressive and accusatory for no reason and would rather people not get the impression that whole playerbase is full of extra-sensitive people and provided a counter viewpoint, one that also tends to be majority opinion despite your declaration otherwise. It's not to disparage your particular opinion or view, but merely show that it's not really indicative of anything as it's anecdotal and also doesn't jive with most others' experiences. For someone that seems to hate people who "tell others what to do" you sure like making sure others know how you feel about what they're supposedly doing. Have you thought that maybe, just maybe, your vitriolic response to "being told what to do" is why you see it everywhere? People tend to respond in kind, and even those trying to optimize someone's build aren't doing it out of control or malice and may only be getting aggressive when you start attacking them for trying to help.
  25. I've never given up on a character as I find more enjoyment in the concept than the numbers, though the closest I ever got was my Elec/Dev Blaster on Infinity. Though that had nothing to do with the character herself and everything to do with the playgroup she ran with. Apparently they all thought I was a girl and when it became clear I wasn't, everyone bailed and I had no one to talk to there anymore. Every time I'd get on that character, I'd just get depressed and play something else. These days that wouldn't bother me anymore since I solo 99% of the time anyhow and have the global channels to satiate the few times I crave being social. But still, I kept her around and still played her from time to time, just not for very long. I level so slowly anyway that I don't delete anyone and haven't felt the urge to.
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