Ok guys, now that we got Hami raiding going again I wanted to make sure everyone understood how they work.
There are 2 zones to fight Hami in. The 1st and main zone is The Hive. To get to the Hive, go through Founder's Falls to Eden, and through Eden to the Hive.
The 2nd zone is The Abyss. The Abyss can be reached via any Zone with a Smuggler's Sub in it. Independence Port, Peregrine Island, Grandeville.
Hami has to be spawned every time you want to fight him. To spawn Hami, once you have your league forming in your zone of choice, you'll want to have your Tanks start herding up the Giant Monsters and DPS them down. It can take anywhere from 5-50 GM's killed to spawn Hami.
IMPORTANT!!! Make sure while taking down the GM's you keep space in your Inspirations for Essence of the Earth (EOE) drops. EOE inspirations dramatically reduces damage from Hamidon and the Mitos for a short duration. You will want to keep these to yourself OR pass them around to the Tanks holding aggro.
Once you've killed enough GM's to spawn Hami you're going to gather up and prepare to launch the raid. First things first I'm going to cover the Teams that are required during the Hami Raid, as this will make it easier to understand further down the guide if I do this now.
This team is the team that handles keeping Hami taunted. It has the tank who will be taunting Hami, and the rest of the characters are usually healers/buffers. Empathy, Rad, Kinetic, Time, etc. The main focus for those supporting the Hami Tank is +regen +recharge +end recovery and heals. I listed Heals last because Hami blasts reduce the effectiveness of healing each time it hits you so eventually heals don't work. This is where the +regen comes in. The team CAN have a backup tank for emergencies, but this is typically not needed.
This team is comprised completely of Tanks and Brutes with TAUNT. Each one of these team members will be assigned a Yellow Mito to keep taunted during the raid. Once your assigned Mito has been killed by the Yellow Kill Team, you should help Yellow Kill take down the remaining Yellow Mitos.
To help target yellow mitos, aggro tanks can use this bind: /macro mito "target_name mitochondria antibodies"
This team is comprised of Brutes/Scrappers/Stalkers/Tanks who do MELEE DAMAGE. They will go around killing the Yellow Mitochondria 1 at a time. Once all Yellows are dead, Yellow Kill should move on to help Green Team.
This team is primarily comprised of Controllers and Dominators. In order to damage the Green Mitos, they have to be HELD first. Once held then they can be damaged.
Blue team is responsible for taking down the Blue Mitos. Blue team is primarily composed of Blasters and Corruptors and anyone with RANGED damage. Once all the Blue Mitos are taken down, Blue Team should move on to helping Green Team if they aren't finished yet.
Anyone who doesn't fit on one of the above teams and winds up in the overflow team (6th team) or in the 2nd League because the league filled up should assist based on their powers. If you're MELEE, help out Yellow Kill Team. If you're RANGED, help out Blue Team. If you have HOLDS, help out Green Team.
Now that we've covered the necessary teams, lets go over what should happen as you gather and prepare to take down Hami:
1. The Raid/League leader should be giving out instructions to everyone. This should include what to do during the raid, and also announcing who the team leaders are/who each team should be targeting through. I recommend using the REQUEST channel as the means of communication for this. I also recommend having raiders put the request channel in its own tab to make it easier to keep track. The Raid Leader should also make sure anyone who still needs EOE's speaks up at this time if they don't have any.
2. While the Raid leader is doing this, the leader of the Yellow Aggro team should also be handing out assignments to its Tanks to make sure they know which Mito they are tanking. Each Yellow Aggro Tank will Taunt 1 mito and keep them from attacking the rest of the raid members. The way I pass out Mito assignments is to number them from 1-6. #1 starts at the front left of Hami and wraps around clockwise ending at the mito at the front right of Hami which would be #6. Here is a screenshot to show you what I'm talking about.
3. Once all of the organization is done, the countdown should start. During this time buffs should start being dropped. At 60 seconds, start dropping single target buffs. At 40 seconds, start dropping AOE buffs. At 20 seconds you call for tanks to go to their targets. At this time, the Hami tank and their team plus the 6 yellow mito aggro tanks should go and start taunting. Each Tank should eat an EOE as well while moving to their targets. At 0 seconds, the call should go out for everyone to enter the goo. At this time, each team should start performing their respective jobs as outlined above.
As listed above, yellow kill, composed of characters dealing melee damage should work their way around the goo taking down yellow mitos. Blue Team should work their way around the goo taking down Blue mitos. And Green Team should work their way around the goo HOLDING and then killing Green Mitos.
Once this part of the raid is complete it's time to attack Hamidon. When attacking Hamidon he respawns Mitos at 75%, 50%, and 25% life. There are 2 paths here to winning so I'll go over each.
With a retreat raid, each time you see the Mitos respawn, everyone goes back to their original jobs. Yellow Aggro goes back to taunting their assigned mitos. Yellow Kill goes back to killing yellow mitos. Blue Team goes back to killing Blue mitos. Green Team goes back to holding and then killing green mitos.
Once all mitos are dead again, you'll go back to attacking Hami until he respawns mitos again. If you do this method all the way through, you'll kill the full set of mitos around Hami FOUR times. This is the long way.
There is a sub-option to this method as well referred to as the FULL RETREAT RAID. The full retreat raid differs in that instead of everyone going back to their assigned mito tasks, everyone exits the goo, regathers, rebuffs, and then heads back in.
There are 2 methods to the zerg raid. The FULL ZERG raid is this: You have the tanks still taunt Hami and the yellow mitos. Everyone else piles on Hamidon and attacks. For a FULL ZERG raid you want at least a league and a half. Anything less than this and you should be doing either a Zerg raid or a Retreat Raid. This is the method we'd like to get everyone proficient in. We run it this way 3 times a night on Excelsior. A few caveats to doing this. The Raid Leader will have to estimate based on the composition of their league if they feel like they have the damage to pull this off. They need to make sure everyone understands that this is a FULL ZERG raid and could end in failure if you don't have enough damage.
The Zerg raid method is this: You take down all the mitos the first time, and then you attack Hami full force until he dies, pushing through the 3 successive blooms of mitos.
If these are the kinds of raid your going for, this is what's recommended:
As the everyone gathers on Hami to attack, everyone who has pets (Mech pets, Masterminds, Incarnate pets, everything) should spawn them. Everyone should gather on Hami and attack him with full power. Don't just set an attack to auto. Go through your rotations. Fire your Judgements. Use your Lore pets. Damage enhancing buffs should be used. Incarnate buffs should be dropped. Once Hami hits around 50% health everyone should eat an EOE to help sustain them through any potential burst damage.
NOTE: As Hami gets below 10% health you may observe his health start to regen a little. It this happens it's a sign to double down and keep pushing. It means you're about to lose if you can't keep the damage up. The raid IS still recoverable at this point. If you haven't popped an EOE yet, this is the time to do so. If you can't push through the healing from the 3rd bloom of green mitos though you're loosing, and you end up with Hami in triple/quadruple bloom state. For reference, THIS is what you're dealing with if Hami triple blooms:
This is the fastest method, it's also the riskiest. But it CAN BE DONE. Especially as you get more and more people with Incarnate abilities. We do it every night on Excelsior.
Thanks for taking the time to read this guide, and please PASS IT AROUND!