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Felis Noctu

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Everything posted by Felis Noctu

  1. TL;DR: I think this is going to require a source code change, not a database change. It seems it isn't the effect values that are the problem but how they fit into the calculations. That does help immensely, thank you! After confirming my two screenshots with that, using that sheet is much easier. So unfortunately Procat's too tired to be able to process it right now. He made the changes and now the Movement totals are rounding to 2 places instead of 1, so that helps. However, the only thing I can imagine going on here is it's something internally, not the database. Given all the testing I've done so far with all different configurations of powers, the only thing that's consistent in the equation is that the SpeedFlying bonus is not doing the math it should. What usually throws me, at least at first, is Swift's value in-game. It's gotta be a display issue because all the other numbers are correct, but I always trip over it. Anyway! Yeah, I think this is going to require a source code change, not a database change. It seems it isn't the effect values that are the problem but how they fit into the calculations.
  2. I found the code for it and sent the changed line to him, he said about 20 minutes or so to finish up what he's doing. The display isn't the actual issue, but at least it gives us an idea of how far off things are.
  3. Oh there's absolutely a problem with it, but I'm assuming the actual issue is related. Hover when tested by itself is practically unnoticeable because the Movement totals round to one decimal place, but I'm sure that 1% is wrong as well. I asked Procat if he had the time to track down the rounding and open it up to at least 2 places for me, but I don't know when that'll happen, so I'm just doing my best for now.
  4. Well, Hover makes you lose 1% flight speed from your base, so you'll see a small decrease there. As for Fly I haven't actually compared numbers yet. I'm still trying to get Swift's values to a point where it's calculating similar to the game, that way I have a proper comparison.
  5. It's not Fly. It's not Hover. It's Swift. Swift is causing the miscalculation. I made a copy of Hover and removed all SpeedFly bonuses from it, just allowed it to enable flight mode, and checked the numbers again. Swift adds a full 8mph to flight speed when activated, despite only adding 13.65% SpeedFlying of 21.5mph (~2.9mph). This and more news at 11. EDIT: More news below. It isn't Swift specifically either, Mids itself is somehow miscalculating the SpeedFlying bonus, and it applies to everything that grants flight speed.
  6. The official repo is here: https://github.com/Crytilis/mids-reborn-hero-designer Our private changes haven't been published anywhere since we have no idea how stable they are, and they're mostly DB-editing convenience anyway. If/when we do release our own updates we'll stick the code up as well.
  7. The most recent code is found here: https://github.com/Crytilis/mids-reborn-hero-designer The one you found is the slightly older Pines edition I believe.
  8. Yeah, you're definitely on the right track there. In essence it's something to do with how Mids builds its calculations, whether it's the operational order or that it isn't allowing itself to go below/affect certain values (like the base value) or what. This is something I actually pointed out before, I forget if it was in the Mids discord or privately with Zed or what. It wasn't really work on fixing it so much as just scratching my head and making comparisons between in-game and Mids numbers to try and figure out where the math was going wrong, and the only conclusion I could come to was that in one way or another (like what you were doing) the flight speed debuff isn't being handled correctly. I'm poking around at it again right now to see if I can figure out what's going on, so hopefully I'll have something to show for it in a bit.
  9. There are options, but nothing strictly set in place yet. @Cipher has been working on a more "official" web-app planner for HC, but he has plenty of things to do so we don't really know how far along that is. @The Philotic Knight is also working on a build planner that's intended to have an online component, and he's got all of the sweet sexy datas, but it's only at interface construction right now MRBU won't make any significant updates to the UI in its current state (we have some minor changes to our private dev build that make it easier to find data, thanks to @Procat), BUT there's hesitant whispers on the wind that HC may possibly maybe no promises provide options for data access that would allow for making a planner that could effectively poke at the server directly to get information. If that does happen, we've discussed the possibility of starting a new planner ourselves that uses this mythical API in various ways. My general opinion on these matters is that there's no real logical reason to have multiple tools for the same purpose floating around when we could pool our resources and work together, but it's also nice to have safeties and backups just in case. If I were to pick one project at the moment my money would be on Cipher's simply due to it being built by someone on the HC team for HC. Another angle to consider though is that all of this work is being done with HC in mind. We don't know the future of CoH as a whole yet, and other servers out there are being left behind. Unfortunately, it's difficult to consider all of the changes out there, but I've tossed the idea around personally of taking a look at one or two other larger servers and maybe adding their stuff as well. Who knows?
  10. That one's source is right in our face but the actual mystery persists. Keep in mind that the powers in Mids were pretty much imported directly from the game with very few changes. In essence, Mids was designed to emulate the powers system of the game to display the expected values to the user, and as such the powers have the same effects on them as they do in-game. If you look at both Fly and Hover in-game, you'll see a very odd series of effects, and they're two of very few powers that do something like this. See how they're doing this weird thing where they both add and remove flight speed? That's where the trouble seems to be for Mids. Fly isn't a problem. Fly adds more speed than it's removing, so Mids has no problem working with that. However, Hover is actually removing more than it adds, lowering you below your base flight speed. I have the suspicion that Mids is choking on this math for one reason or another and ends up producing an entirely different outcome. This sort of thing is why I'm strongly pushing for us to just drop the "mirror the game" mentality that's persisted up until this point and do a manual cleaning up of the database. While the game may need all of this information in order to do what's expected above, I feel like we can get the desired effect on our end without as much complication. Actually, tell you what. Usually I check out on weekends to do my own thing (I'm retired on disability, so modding projects and such are effectively my job at this point), but I'll take some time tomorrow to mess around with these and see if I can get them to play nice.
  11. That'll do it. I was scratching my head over that when Procat and I were looking at the basic server files that are floating around out there. Damage AT-modifier tables are negative numbers instead of positive, which was throwing me for a loop. Makes more sense now. Well, issues like Might of the Tanker and others will hopefully be handled when I do the enhancement pass. Mids was originally designed around importing the game's data as far as we can tell, but it had to have gone through some reformatting during the process. However that was originally handled, we no longer have access to the process. Them trying to emulate all the oddities the game operates under caused a number of implementation problems in the first place, combined with some odd choices that actually make working with Mids DB source more difficult than the game files themselves. That, along with HC adding new features that Mids doesn't currently understand, as well as needing to do things that aren't 100% faithful to the game files in order to fix certain bugs (did you know there's an "ignore import" flag for each power, probably for that reason?), means at this point there's no real reason to continue operating under the assumption that everything should perfectly mirror the game.
  12. And fixed. Not as complicated as it originally seemed. It was calling a GrantPower which was set to ignore buffs and enhancements, but you don't buff a GrantPower, you buff an Attribute. Applying the buff ignore to the granted power's effects resolved the problem. I couldn't tell you why a damage bonus was affecting a resistance bonus, but it's probably not worth losing sanity over. 😛 Release update! Major changes: - Electrical Affinity is now available for Controllers, Corruptors, Defenders, and Masterminds. Another review pass is due, so please feel free to report any issues! - Aegis proc's effect text was modified to actually resemble the bonus it provides. This will likely get overhauled in the future anyway, so it's a quick band-aid for readability. - Might of the Tanker (+Superior) changed to no longer be affected by buffs such as Musculature Alpha. As above, enhancements are likely to see a large overhaul in the future, and yes we know that you can't make Might's effect stack. We're working on that! It's a little trickier than you might think, but I believe I found a method that'll probably be included in the overhaul.
  13. So back to this one: Oddly enough, the damage bonus of Musculature is what's improving the damage resistance. I need to find my big stick. This deserves some extra serious poking!
  14. Try what Caulderone said. They key here is that the Mids Reborn folder, where you installed it in the first place, has two folders within it named "Data" and "Images". The MRBU release also has two folders named "Data" and "Images". First, make sure Mids (the program) is closed. Then, you want to copy the MRBU folders into your Mids install folder, where you'll be asked if you want to overwrite/replace some files. You'll say yes to everything. The next time you run Mids, you should have our updates.
  15. Bleeding Edge update! (2020-03-26) Major changes: - Electrical Affinity has been proliferated to Corruptor and Mastermind Known issues: - Defibrillate needs enhancement corrections for Controller, Corruptor, and Defender. Mastermind was already handled. This will be done in the next push later tonight.
  16. I'll take a look at that once I'm done proliferating Electrical Affinity to Masterminds. I just pushed a commit with Corruptors, so 3 down, 1 to go! I can tell you that most of the ATOs are all kinds of screwy. A lot of the fancier enhancements don't work at all, or only partially, or are affected by things they shouldn't be, etc. As far as I can tell at least part of that is due to how the functionalities were layered on top of each other. One of my big goals is to rework all of the special IOs to utilize the set bonus functionality for their special effects when appropriate, instead of the enhancement itself. Basically: - Enhancements were originally designed to only affect the power they're slotted into, and adding "global" effects to them, among other things, doesn't always work - Set bonuses were designed to be global by default, and so far every broken bonus I've tested when assigned to the set level has begun working I can't say that's what's going on here with Musculature, but it's definitely related to a lot of other bugs. I'll poke around at it.
  17. Hotfix Release (2020-03-26) (Discord Report) Pool > Experimentation > Experimental Injection is no longer restricted to Blaster Oops. My bad! Accidentally left some database experimentation stuff in, usually I replace the DB with the recent commit before going back to regular work. I must have gotten distracted.
  18. Bleeding Edge update! (2020-03-25) Major changes: - Electrical Affinity has been proliferated to Controller
  19. Hey. Hey. Hey guys. Hey. Guess what? Guess what we can do? Guess what our friendly neighborhood Procat fixed in the code and compiled us a new version for? Come on, guess! ... We can assign non-primary/secondary powersets to a specific AT now. Which means we can make dedicated pools for ATs (like Leadership for Tankers!), among other things. So if you guys are noticing any weird oddities like this, please report them to us! This also means that a near-future release of MRBU will include a replacement executable and DLL file, so be prepared for that!
  20. I believe that's part of the tanker AT-modifier changes. While primary/secondary/tertiary sets can have their values modified directly because they're assigned specifically to an AT (though it's sketchy because it means deviating from the game file values), pool powers are shared between all ATs and normally use the AT-modifier scales to adjust to who's using them. We have limited access to the AT-modifiers as that requires actually compiling Mids from the source code in order to effect changes there. Because of this, it's complicated to make pool powers consistent with changes at the AT-level. I actually contacted Faultline about it (who then got a hold of Powerhouse) due to Experimentation's Corrosive Vial having explicitly defined scales for each AT, something Mids can't easily do, rather than using the standard AT-modifiers. Thankfully that was temporary (which you can see the change in the beta patch notes). We actually came across a method recently that could in theory function as a workaround for that (don't quote me on that though, I've run into so many roadblocks with Mids' implementation that I'm already going bald from frustration), but it would be incredibly complex and, from a database perspective, wouldn't represent the original power in pretty much any way. An alternative is to just implement a second version of Leadership labeled specifically for tankers, but that's clunky and much less friendly for builds and future updates.
  21. That's likely something we'll hold off on changing for now and see what changes do occur. In other news, my intention today was to proliferate the Electrical Affinity set to the other ATs. In the process I stumbled upon a number of oddities, which lead to trying to figure out the difference between how "Special Case" and "GlobalChanceMod" are each implemented (answer: the former is hardcoded, but they can do basically the same things), which lead to inspiration for implementing scaling values for enhancements that use them, which lead to finding out that certain special enhancements are straight-up bugged and don't convey any effects at all, which lead to deep diving into why that may be the case and how to resolve it, which finally lead to determining that it's likely a bug in Mids itself and a possibility of a workaround that's going to result in a significant overhaul of the enhancement database... And now I'm looking at the clock, realizing that almost 11 hours have passed since I sat down to proliferate Electrical Affinity, and wondering how I managed to fall down this rabbit hole.
  22. Yes. They require Apparition is correct. MRBU requires the most recent version of Mids, which is currently As an aside, Apparition, you may like the FAQ I added. 😛 Awww, I wouldn't go far as to say dropped. Maybe fumbled a bit? Life, uhhh... finds a way. 😉 https://github.com/zethriller/MRB-Updates/issues/1 Congratulations on report #1! 😛 Also, fixed on my local, and will be uploaded later today.
  23. Unofficial updates are being moved to their own thread here: No reason to clutter the official thread with unofficial changes!
  24. 2020-June-01 This thread will reopen once we have beta content to work with. Currently we're reorganizing and centralizing the work of MRB and MRBU and working on functionality issues. Please use the official version of Mids' Reborn, as it includes all of our changes and more at this time! Mids' Reborn Unofficial Current MRBU Release Database Version: 20.2604 Latest Release: 2020-03-26 (1120pm PST) Why? Mids' is an awesome and incredibly useful program, but unfortunately its maintainers come and go. The current official dev team is indisposed for one reason or another, and while they do intend to return, Homecoming continues trucking forward with new updates and fresh content. Not only that, there's a number of lingering quirks and inconsistencies that could use some tender loving care. The devs have given so much to this community. It's time for the community to give a little back! Who? @Zed (Discord: Zed#7901) @Felis Noctu (Discord: Feles Noctis#9086) @Procat (Discord: Procat#3599) Crytilis/Metalios (Discord: Metalios#2673) When? Frequently! Zed and I are building lists that contain anything from major bugs and missing content to picking nits over tiny details, and whenever we have the time and the urge we poke around and tweak a few things. Even better, the more info all of you can feed us, the more things we have to pull from! Release will be updated when we have more polished content at a nonspecific time, generally after both Zed and I are done for the day. Bleeding Edge may be updated anywhere from once every few days to multiple times a day based on how much we're doing! But keep in mind it may not be as complete. Mondays are my cleanup day. Where? MRBU Download Release Build (latest release: 2020-03-26 1120pm) Github Repo + Download Bleeding Edge (last update: 2020-05-11) Issues Reporting on Github Mids' Reborn Hero Designer v2.6.0.7 (required) Homecoming Thread Mids' Discord Server https://discord.gg/pG5TCEg How? Release Builds Click Download Release Build Click first archive under "Assets" section of most recent release Open downloaded file Extract contents of "MRB-Updates-######" to Mids install folder, overwriting as prompted For a clean install, only extract the "Data" and "Images" folders Bleeding Edge Builds Easy Update Package: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YdloiX7aUNBB3gu3K0B4ozXfussXDUWm This includes a full version of Mids Reborn with MRBU client updates. Please see the Mids Reborn Homecoming Thread for any additional requirements. Expert Installation: Click Github Repo Master ZIP Open downloaded file Extract contents of "MRB-Updates-master" to Mids install folder, overwriting as prompted For a clean install, only extract the "Data" and "Images" folders What? MRBU Features Easy Bug/Error Reporting More of a Github feature than ours specifically, but Github has an Issues board that makes it easy to report and track bugs, features, and anything else we or you may need to know about. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on the forum thread, but issues reported on Github are likely to see a faster turnaround as they're much easier to keep track of! We've included a relatively simple reporting template that should fit most problems you may come across, Issues Reporting on Github Database Version Number The official Mids' DB version is 19.1021. MRBU is going to be formatting the version based on the Homecoming release our changes are majority-supporting. This means that, as of this writing, our DB supports Issue 26, Page 4, so the version number is 20.2604. When Page 5 releases, our DB number will only change once we're confident we have the majority of the update implemented. To help us we this... Homecoming Beta Server Previews Beta-specific changes and content will be added to Mids using the identifier "zn_" (new) or "zc_" (changed) before the name. This sorts the beta set to the bottom of its respective list, making them easy to find. Depending on whether this is NEW content or CHANGED content may affect your builds in different ways, which is explained in the FAQs below. FAQs Archived Patch Notes (see download package for recent changes)
  25. Boy I wish. That's something I want to revisit in the future, but previous attempts make me about 99% convinced that Mids can't forward stacking functionality from enhancements to powers. I won't go into detail here, but there's a number of things that would be fantastic to implement if only we could. The more Zed and I dig around, the more we believe that Mids needs a fairly substantial overhaul to clean out a web of hardcoded functions and values, overrides for those, large redundancies, and other spaghetti chaos that's built up over the years and multiple project managers. It can happen to any project. Hell, it usually does. 😛
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